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Hypocrisy "How dare women have physical standards!"



May 2, 2018
This is what foids and soys commonly say, ironically, when the looks blackpill and halo/failo effects are displayed in some meme or whatever.

1) women's standards on average are much higher than men's, and often such standards are way above the own woman's looks level; yes, you have the right of only wanting gigachad as some average/ugly woman, but you should understand that it's unsustainable to pursue such preference, Chad statistically won't commit and it invariably results in harem societies.

The solution to inceldom and many other societal problems of modernity is enforced monogamy, and in this system, an average foid would rarely get a gigachad husband.

2) the problem IMO is not so much the expression of the preference, but the gaslighting of ugly men (it's not your looks! It's your personality!"), hypocrisy ("harassment is bad!"; "oh but it's Chad so I liked it and won't report"), etc.

Just be honest about it. "Yes, I only want to have sex with extremely attractive men, you're an incel because you're ugly as most women do have fairly high looks standards".

3) modern western societies are so keen on protecting and giving compensations to so-called "minorities" ("group X earns 99 cents on every group Z's dollar, we must give them compensations!!!!"), so the utter ignoring of ugly people, particularly ugly men, which are BEYOND ANY SHADOW OF A DOUBT A MUCH, MUCH MORE DISADVANTAGED GROUP THAN ANY SO-CALLED MINORITY, makes the whole thing unjust and hypocritical.
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Nice post, they want to eat the cake and have it too, they want to have high standards but not be judged about it and still be seen as a non shallow, picky and deluded person
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Fuck women and their standards
Nice post, they want to eat the cake and have it too, they want to have high standards but not be judged about it and still be seeing as a non shallow, picky and deluded person
Nice post, they want to eat the cake and have it too, they want to have high standards but not be judged about it and still be seen as a non shallow, picky and deluded person
Exactly. You summed up the core of the question. They want to be as shallow, unjust and selfish as humanly possible but not be considered that.

Ive been saying this for years. Existing as an ugly male is a disability. Governments should have tax exemptions, social programs (from courses of learning how to socialize and special work places to free prostitution services) and invest in fighting against discrimination against us (like any other disabled minority, they get free propaganda and we get the opposite).
Also, there are more and more incels statistically speaking in every country, so we are becoming a real voting force. I think we incels should start trying to make clear to everybody what we expect from our politicians if they want our vote. And its not that hard, just including incels among the many other officially oppressed minorities so we can get the advantages we rightly deserve.

Btw, i hope your doing ok man.
Here's the thing, I'm tired of pretending foids are entitled to choose their partners in the first place. That's too much social capital in the hands of simpletons. I'd rather trust nuclear warheads to little children.
Here's the thing, I'm tired of pretending foids are entitled to choose their partners in the first place. That's too much social capital in the hands of simpletons. I'd rather trust nuclear warheads to little children.
I agree with you. I'd be a lot parents if father were the ones choosing the husbands for their daughters.

I said they had the right of wanting, because this wouldn't be able to be changed anyway. Only with a profound cultural reform, sometimes not even it.
Ive been saying this for years. Existing as an ugly male is a disability. Governments should have tax exemptions, social programs (from courses of learning how to socialize and special work places to free prostitution services) and invest in fighting against discrimination against us (like any other disabled minority, they get free propaganda and we get the opposite).
Also, there are more and more incels statistically speaking in every country, so we are becoming a real voting force. I think we incels should start trying to make clear to everybody what we expect from our politicians if they want our vote. And its not that hard, just including incels among the many other officially oppressed minorities so we can get the advantages we rightly deserve.
In Brazil some politicians have started talking about that. Let's hope it really results in some measure being taken about it. You're from Spain so you can probably read this without much problem:

Preconceito contra os feios ganha nome e pode ser alvo até de proteção legal
(Fonte: Folha de SP, por João Pereira Coutinho, 5jul2021)
“As muito feias que me perdoem”, escreveu Vinicius de Moraes, “mas a beleza é fundamental”. Anos atrás, esses versos eram pacíficos, embora cruéis. Hoje? Revelam um “preconceito” que, além de cruel, talvez mereça uma correção. Que o mesmo é dizer: uma mudança de conduta e, quem sabe, uma proteção legal.
Porque o preconceito tem nome: “lookism”. Desconhecia o termo, confesso, mas David Brooks explicou tudo no jornal The New York Times.
Segundo o colunista, “lookism” significa valorizar em excesso os belos e, sobretudo, discriminar contra os feios. Não apenas em matéria sentimental; em todas as áreas da vida, do ensino à carreira profissional, sem esquecer as sentenças da Justiça.
São vários os estudos que apontam para a mesma conclusão: os mais belos são sempre beneficiados nas notas escolares, nas promoções, nos salários, até nas penas de prisão. Os feios, pelo contrário, são injustamente punidos por suas feições.
Moral da história? É preciso mudar de atitude, aconselha Brooks, e tratar do preconceito contra os feios como mais um preconceito intolerável. Apesar de tudo, o colunista não recomenda cotas para feios. Faz bem. Até porque é difícil imaginar como seriam essas cotas.
Para começar, seria necessário estabelecer o que se entende por feiura humana e, depois, era preciso aplicar esse critério a eventuais candidatos que se reconhecessem como feios. Tarefa espinhosa. Será que a inteligência artificial poderia dar uma ajuda?
Imagino o cenário: o candidato apresenta-se para uma entrevista de emprego, a máquina analisa as suas feições e a empresa informa que, segundo a escala de Quasimodo, ele atinge 68% de hediondez. É, portanto, elegível para a cota respectiva. O candidato, feliz por ter sido declarado horrendo (“eu sempre soube que esse rosto me levaria longe!”), agradece e aceita o trabalho.
Enquanto esse futuro não chega, mudar de atitude seria um bom começo. Mas também aqui o meu ceticismo impera: Brooks confunde boas maneiras (com os feios) e naturais inclinações (pelos belos), como se fossem a mesma coisa.
Não são. Ofender ou prejudicar alguém porque é feio constitui uma grosseria abominável; nenhuma sociedade civilizada sobrevive se deixar o superego sem freio.
Coisa distinta é ter uma inclinação natural por aquilo que é belo, mesmo sabendo que a palavra “natural” não se ajusta às modas do tempo. Se tudo que existe é uma construção social, então a beleza dependerá sempre dos critérios reinantes em particulares sociedades —e, mais especificamente, das relações de poder que se estabelecem entre os seus membros.
Longe de mim contestar o relativismo de certos gostos. Anos atrás, em almoço de família, lembro-me de chocar os presentes com a afirmação vigorosa de que Wallis Simpson era um tesão de mulher. O rei Eduardo 8º fez muitíssimo bem em trocar o trono por ela.
Mas eu falo de beleza, não de gosto (ou desejo). Eu falo do que é objetivo, não subjetivo. E a beleza, como ensinava Kant, é aquilo que agrada imediatamente, sem precisar de nenhum conceito.

Btw, i hope your doing ok man.
Doing better than average tbw. How about you? Teaching a lot of blackpilled nihilist philosophy to attractive Spanish JBs?
I believe its mixture of hollywood disney brainwashing and foids own realisation of self worth.
She knows she is a worthless hole and so to compensate tht and to boost her ego she feels she is entitled and deserves to be with a chad.
Women avoid their looks match and go for model looking men.
Why can't cucks admit that women aren't perfect?

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