Let me explain this in the most simple way I can. FEMALES CANNOT HAVE AUTISM. They have a similar not yet named diagnosis that is SIMILAR to autism in males but ISN'T THE SAME THING
You can skip this part if you don't want to read:
Not only is there an entire wikipedia article dedicated to this I can still explain why it isn't autism. First of all I need to anwer your question, why are there so few female autists? Let's ASSUME that females CAN have autism. Females that lie about having autism also have a very unique ability that males with autism doesn't. It's called masking. Masking means simply that a female can blend in with the rest of society by observing societal norms and behaving normally, most cases this is done automatically. So many females don't realise themselves that they have """autism""" and therefor don't go to get it diagnosed. THIS IS ONE OF THE REASONS FEMALES CANT HAVE AUTISM, MEN CANNOT MASK. Why can't men mask? Because autism is a disability in the brain, you can't just magically get rid of a disability by "learning" how society works.
This next point is personal but maybe some of you spergs can also relate. Autists have a really easy time spotting and knowing when other people have autism, there is no word for this I just the call it the spergdar. This is mostly because autists are very logical and we also know what to look for since we are ourselves autistic. I have always been right when I have talked to others that they are autistic, I have even predicted that someone wasn't autistic even though everyone around them told them that they did. This have not applied to "autistic" females. THEY SHARE ZERO SYMPTOMS TO MALES. Most people says this is because they "mask" their symptoms but again MALES CANNOT MASK, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR MEN TO MASK THEIR AUTISM.
The brains of some women with autism more closely resemble those of typical men than those of typical women.
Then we have this. As we know autism changes how the brain works. It's a disability. Females and Males however changes in different ways, hmm thats weird. In ADHD for example they do not change differently according to gender, but in autism they do. If you dont wanna read the article it simply states females with "autism" are more like neurotypical males in brain structure, so autism in females makes you a tomboy basically.
Why does it change differently, quite simple. Autism is known for making people more cold emotionally and more logical, this is not true in females though, actually it's quite the opposite, they are known for being more emotional and less logical. Why? When you have autism as a male your logical part of the brain gets bigger and more complex while your emotional gets smaller and less complex, this simply is just reversed in females.
But why are females still diagnosed with autism? It's too late. They have already stated a long time ago that females can have autism and they can't go and reverse it now that they have gaslit an entire generation of women into thinking they can have it. Also women complain ALL THE TIME that females are "under diagnosed" (Geez I wonder why that is) so big psychology just tells all the psychologist that they should just give out random diagnosis to any women that feel even the slighest autism.
ALSO WOMEN LIE AND WANT ATTENTION. They see autism as a funny quirky thing and not the life long disability that it is. They want attention and validation.
I am sick and tired of explaining this everytime someone mentions female autism since its so fucking easy to prove with just a LITTLE bit of research. Fuck you for wasting my time