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Blackpill How can Muslimcels cope with the fact that Muhammad was a white chad?



Oct 7, 2019
"Who amongst you is Muhammad?" At that time the Prophet was sitting amongst us (his companions) leaning on his arm. We replied, "This white man reclining on his arm."
"He said: Yes, he had a white handsome face."

Jfl imagine being some arabcel getting rejected by females left and right in favor of white Chad's, and then you go home to pray towards a white Chad :feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah:
Sandcels GTFIH :feelskek:
legit its in al-Bukhari. It also talked about how he had abs I think.
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There was another hadith either in Muslim or Bukhari where it was stated that he is tall as well and Abu Bakr was slightly short.

Sandcels getting mogged by their own prophet.

Just realized all muslims give their respect 5 times a day to a white chad.
Never read up on him I only care about Jesus tbh
"White" in this translation means light skin, he was still a sand nigger. He wasn't a tall beautiful Northern European man.
"White" in this translation means light skin, he was still a sand nigger. He wasn't a tall beautiful Northern European man.
Your coping buddy boyo, Muhammad probably looked like this:

Why else do you think he was able to attract so many followers and take over arabia?
muhammad was a chad who swam in prime teen pussy if he wasn't slaughtering people his entire life.

he was described as being white / light skin with a red beard.
Your coping buddy boyo, Muhammad probably looked like this:

Why else do you think he was able to attract so many followers and take over arabia?
Jesus is depicted as a white Chad and now Muhammad is a white Chad too.

Proof that JBWmaxxing worked even two thousand years ago.
"Who amongst you is Muhammad?" At that time the Prophet was sitting amongst us (his companions) leaning on his arm. We replied, "This white man reclining on his arm."
"He said: Yes, he had a white handsome face."

Jfl imagine being some arabcel getting rejected by females left and right in favor of white Chad's, and then you go home to pray towards a white Chad :feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah:
i read that in the quaran too stupid. the vid explainer went on to say that he was light skin arabic, not european “white” retard
"White" in this translation means light skin, he was still a sand nigger. He wasn't a tall beautiful Northern European man.
Jesus is depicted as a white Chad and now Muhammad is a white Chad too.

Proof that JBWmaxxing worked even two thousand years ago.
jesus has 3 wives in mormonism
Your coping buddy boyo, Muhammad probably looked like this:

Why else do you think he was able to attract so many followers and take over arabia?
Yes, because people from the Arabian peninsula look like that.
Never read up on him I only care about Jesus tbh
Don’t believe the medieval propaganda. Ironically Jesus looked like an Arab. Have you actually seen Levant native Jews who have not been interbreeding with Europeans for thousands of years? They look like this:
Don’t believe the medieval propaganda. Ironically Jesus looked like an Arab. Have you actually seen Levant native Jews who have not been interbreeding with Europeans for thousands of years? They look like this:
View attachment 239340
theres no proof jesus looked like this
over for them
Don’t believe the medieval propaganda. Ironically Jesus looked like an Arab. Have you actually seen Levant native Jews who have not been interbreeding with Europeans for thousands of years? They look like this:
View attachment 239340
cope Jesus was gigachad tier. no way he would be as famous as he is if he was a sandcel manlet
"Who amongst you is Muhammad?" At that time the Prophet was sitting amongst us (his companions) leaning on his arm. We replied, "This white man reclining on his arm."
"He said: Yes, he had a white handsome face."

Jfl imagine being some arabcel getting rejected by females left and right in favor of white Chad's, and then you go home to pray towards a white Chad :feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah:

Muhammad also had red-hair according to the Quaran.
@MuslimCell @RREEEEEEEEE :lul: :lul: :lul:
Muhammad was married to thirteen women, including eleven at one time. He relegated them to either consecutive days or (according to some accounts) all in one night. He had sex with a 9-year-old girl and married his adopted son's wife . On top of that, Muhammad had a multitude of slave girls and concubines with whom he had sex .

- "The Prophet used to visit all his wives in a round, during the day and night and they were eleven in number." I asked Anas, 'Had the Prophet the strength for it?' Anas replied, 'We used to say that the Prophet was given the strength of thirty men.'
we wasn't a chad actually , but a gigaChad of his time .

it's FUCKING BRUTAL , while me and his followers are getting Zero pussy instead only disgust from females
Muhammad also had red-hair according to the Quaran.
He dyed his beard red. A lot of old Muslimcels dye their beards red, too. And as people already pointed out Muhammad had light Arab skin, which would mean light brown, not white.
... ‘Uthmaan ibn ‘Abdallah ibn Moohib said: "I entered upon Umm Salamah and she brought out to us one of the hairs of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) which was dyed".
(Narrated by al-Bukhari, 5558.)
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He dyed his beard red. A lot of old muslimcels dye their beards red, too. And as people already pointed out Muhammad had light Arab skin, which would mean light brown, not white.
... ‘Uthmaan ibn ‘Abdallah ibn Moohib said: "I entered upon Umm Salamah and she brought out to us one of the hairs of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) which was dyed".
(Narrated by al-Bukhari, 5558.)

I stand corrected.
He dyed his beard red. A lot of old Muslimcels dye their beards red, too. And as people already pointed out Muhammad had light Arab skin, which would mean light brown, not white.
... ‘Uthmaan ibn ‘Abdallah ibn Moohib said: "I entered upon Umm Salamah and she brought out to us one of the hairs of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) which was dyed".
(Narrated by al-Bukhari, 5558.)
How did they die their hair back then?
A lot of Arabs have white skin, you retard. Even curries have white skin. Imagine being this low IQ. Not to mention there are European Islamic people as well; not only reverts but also those that were Islamic for centuries, such as Bosnians, Chechens, et cetera. Also, no Islamic person "prays" to Muhammad (peace be upon him). I bet islamophobes are just as clueless as you are. Ignorance breeds hate. Why is this forum so low IQ?
A lot of Arabs have white skin, you retard. Even curries have white skin. Imagine being this low IQ. Not to mention there are European Islamic people as well; not only reverts but also those that were Islamic for centuries, such as Bosnians, Chechens, et cetera. Also, no Islamic person "prays" to Muhammad (peace be upon him). I bet islamophobes are just as clueless as you are. Ignorance breeds hate. Why is this forum so low IQ?

Nordicism states that Muhammad was a Nordic specimen you low IQ monster.
How did they die their hair back then?
They used red henna (a plant), which was widespread in the Arabian Peninsula. It is also used in the Indian Peninsula as well.
And this entire time I thought Islam as based, when it turns out it's the most cucked religion
I'm pretty sure "white" in this context just means pale or light skin. there are a lot of arabs who look like that. they were never considered "white" in the European context though. Crusaders, Victorian imperialists, Nazis and whores on Tinder would all agree that Muhammad was not white if they met him.
It's over for MuslimCels :cryfeels:
Delusional religionfags always have an excuse.
>n-no bro they meant he's brown, not white broooo

You don't know this. I wouldn't be surprised at all if he looked European, was tall and strong. This halo would have allowed him to dominate arab manlets and have arab women crave his dick. It's why he was so successful.
There was another hadith either in Muslim or Bukhari where it was stated that he is tall as well and Abu Bakr was slightly short.
legit its in al-Bukhari. It also talked about how he had abs I think.

:feelsgah: :feelsgah: :feelsgah: :feelsgah: :feelsgah: :feelsgah:

Fuck you couldn’t make it up.

Tall handsome guy with abs becomes a prophet, founds religion and conquers vast swathes of land, and 1/4 of the world population worships him.

Like Genghis Khan he probably fucked every single toilet that came within 10 feet of him (not rape, fuck, consensually, because they worshipped his 10 inch chad meat pole).
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theres no proof jesus looked like this
Obviously they cannot predict the exact dimensions of his face - but they can do genetic testing on the bodies of Jews from Galilee from the era Jesus was born and accurately measure the average height / skin tone and build a likely phenotype based on that. That is what this image is based on. Jesus as a fair haired Aryan man with an aquiline nose is a European medieval invention. There was no one native to the 1st Levant who looked like that. It is a total lie and fabrication, hardly any Christians know that. I find it pretty hilarious so many Americans get triggered when they find out Jesus wasn’t white.
Fair skin, blue eyes are a recessive gene, they need to be constantly bred into a population to survive. I’m not sure if you’re using this in response to my post about Jesus but I will tell you this, modern Iranians carry this same genetic allele and this is what they look like:

one cave 2,500 years before the life of Jesus does not account for the genetic makeup of people living during his time, Ashkenazi Jews have majority European DNA now and their ancestors were displaced from Judea only 2,000 year’s ago (500 less than the population you have cited.) in order for those genetic traits to have survived into the time of Jesus there would have to have been far more constant waves of migration from the Near East, of which there was absolutely none. In fact, it is known that after the Bronze Age collapse 3,200 years ago western migration to the area was hardly seen again and there were multiple waves of migration from the East and South which would have dramatically altered the genetic makeup of the area. The Romans described the people of the Levant when they conquered the area, they were professed to have dark curly hair and swarthy skin.
cope Jesus was gigachad tier. no way he would be as famous as he is if he was a sandcel manlet
Jesus wasn’t as popular as you’d think during his own lifetime (the Romans didn’t even make a record of him and they documented many religious leaders / uprisings of the time). Christianity only picked up as a major religion in the centuries after Jesus death after it reverted from a subsect of Judaism practiced by an exiled diaspora in Antioch and other Greek colonial cities to a conversion based religion that accepted Gentiles as well as just Jews.
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Obviously they cannot predict the exact dimensions of his face - but they can do genetic testing on the bodies of Jews from Galilee from the era Jesus was born and accurately measure the average height / skin tone and build a likely phenotype based on that. That is what this image is based on. Jesus as a fair haired Aryan man with an aquiline nose is a European medieval invention. There was no one native to the 1st Levant who looked like that. It is a total lie and fabrication, hardly any Christians know that. I find it pretty hilarious so many Americans get triggered when they find out Jesus wasn’t white.
i know he was levantine not nordic tier, but probably not some caveman built nigga. how could he develop such a following he did during his life looking like that. Also i grew up being told jesus was african by my family which i also knew wasnt based in any truth
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i know he was levantine not nordic tier, but not some caveman built nigga. how could he develop such a following he did during his life
Here are some well known cult leaders:


Cults attract strange people and misfits, I’m sure being attractive increases your ability to draw people in as a cult leader but there have been many exceptions throughout the last century alone.

Things weren’t always as bad as they are today, I imagine 2,000 years ago there was even less emphasis on such superficial things.

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