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how bad is my life going to get after 18?

guys be completely honest. I will turn 19 in october and I am terrified for it. I want to know what to expect as life continues to get worse and worse for me.
Im 19 and its identical to 18, fear 20.
I don't have any friends and I think I will continue to college but it won't be a normal school. I've been in special education for a year now.
Shouldve just went to an incel class tbh.
Big mistake i did, i met pretty many "friends" at a christian meeting, even though im not christian, it was catholic meeting.
He is literally a midget in Sweden. @XtremeMax are you ethnic? Gtfo of there asap. If the mogging doesn’t kill you, the stares will
I'm from sweden and white but I can't move yet
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it can be easier if you become neet
LDAR and gaming :feelsYall:

4chan pepe
@VideoGameCoper take this one bro
What is a ubermensch country
Übermensch was a term first theorized by Nietzsche, but then was picked up by the NSDAP for their racial views.

It ties in with Herrenvolk which basically stated Nordic-pheno Germanics(Anglos, Germans, Dutch, and Scandinavians such as Swedes). What's ironic, is that this would exclude many Germans, even Hitler, who are more Alpinid racially.
I'm white but I can't move yet
Where would you go? I hear that place is a Globohomo hellhole

Thing is, as Whites we really have nowhere to go.
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Try to socialise, get a driving license, get friends, talk to girls, do some sport and try to get a well payed job. Things will be shitty from here but you're young you can still try to improve things and get some nice situation
I would like incel friends irl who wouldn't be mean to me
Honestly, im assuming ur swedish.
(I can speak fluently)
Theres houses in the north, and some south, with big yards, 2 level houses
100-200 tusen kronor. If you do it right, you can live with minimal expenses, have a big yard, with animals, etc. A cozy life.
Even hunt for food, be healthier than most people.
He is literally a midget in Sweden. @XtremeMax are you ethnic? Gtfo of there asap. If the mogging doesn’t kill you, the stares will
He's White but I'm not sure is a Native Swede/Scandinavian.

In fact, I'd say being a non-Nordic White there would be far worse than an Ethnic. Sweden has long been a globohomo hellhole where non-white immigrants are known to be low-inhib thugmaxxers, look at this:

“It is very serious,” PM Ulf Kristensen said, after 30 officers were found compromised through “strategically selected” sexual relationships, leading to at least four deaths in gang-ridden Sweden.

I hear Swedecucks don't really see other Europeans/Whites as the same as them & are quite discriminatory towards them, whilst allowing Abdul & Jamal to do this to their "country"

Regardless, he needs to leave that place: Mogging is too hard especially at his height, and it's very unsafe & low-trust.
Mine is worse at 24 than it was at 18, it doesn't get better unless you're a normie.
He's White but I'm not sure is a Native Swede/Scandinavian.

In fact, I'd say being a non-Nordic White there would be far worse than an Ethnic. Sweden has long been a globohomo hellhole where non-white immigrants are known to be low-inhib thugmaxxers, look at this:

I hear Swedecucks don't really see other Europeans/Whites as the same as them & are quite discriminatory towards them, whilst allowing Abdul & Jamal to do this to their "country"

Regardless, he needs to leave that place: Mogging is too hard especially at his height, and it's very unsafe & low-trust.
I dont really think so at all, ukranians had pretty special rights. I mean the general population treat white migrants alright, but goverment migrants
@VideoGameCoper take this one bro
Ok. To the OP: After 18, society is gonna start judging the fuck out of you for not having any experience romantically and sexually. Before 19, society still judges you, don’t get me wrong, but after this age, you are a fully grown adult and viewed as even more of a loser. The experience gap between you and females your age keeps growing. At this point, it is unlikely a female would put up with your inexperience and social retardation. Imagine through a dating app your looks were still good enough to get a date set up. What now? How are you gonna know how to handle it? How are you gonna further things along being a total greenhorn with no skills in this area? She will get the ick from your obvious inexperience. Once you are an adult khhv, your odds get so much worse because of the experience gap.
If u want shity advices from a 23 incel Im Here there is nothing Much I can say after what @VideoGameCoper said so good luck in ur foid hunting lmfao
guys be completely honest. I will turn 19 in october and I am terrified for it. I want to know what to expect as life continues to get worse and worse for me.

Your life will be what you your genes make of it.

If you know your genes (especially height, face, ethnicity, IQ, personality, NT etc.) your can manage your expectations and engage in challenges you can win.

If you succumb to fear (it's over bro) you fall short of your potential. If you succumb to wishful thinking (just self-improoove bro) you set yourself up for disappointment.

The key is knowledge.

"If you know the normie and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles" --- Sun Tzu
im 18 too like im so fucked up, economy is in recession, I failed in my studies, I can't find a job, I'm Khhv and have difficulty socializing

I'm really afraid of the future, of not being able to even be financially dependent, of having to parasitize my parents like an ugly, virgin subhuman, I really tried at least

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