it makes you fatter. you lose muscle. your skin gets a lot drier. you look a lot older than you actually are. after several years or more of abusing alcohol, your face starts to develop red/pink splotches because of capillary dilation. your damaged veins rise closer to the skin resulting in a red/pink face.
you feel tired and run down all of the time. you start to lose motivation to reach goals whether that be work, money, family, athletic/fitness goals, etc...
relationships become strained. its not uncommon for drug addicts/alcoholics to lose family and friends.
if you're a serious alcoholic, as in you drink a couple of times a week, or once a weekend, you start to become dependent. at which point you start to have withdrawal symptoms in the form of anxiety attacks and shaking. you'll literally shake or you'll freeze up, become sad, depressed, stare into the wall or into the distance.
when you wake up from your binge session the prior night, your heart pounds and youre drenched in sweat.
over the years your liver breaks down. all of your metabolic functions are affected. you have stomache issues, eating, peeing, shitting, etc...
it has short and long term effects on your brain. you forget shit all the time. you'll have one thought and a couple of seconds later its gone. and this happens constantly. in the short and long term you become more moody and irritable.
i know i'm forgetting other things.
if you keep it up you'll die of cancer anywhere from your 30s to your late 50s.
I know 2 alcoholics in their 50s that got cancer and underwent surgery. I know one got a brain tumor and liver cancer. I think the other one just got liver cancer. They now have stopped drinking altogether and get consistent scheduled treatment. Alcoholics anonymous and scheduled physical checkups/monitoring of blood/cancer cells.
I believe the average life span of russian men is something like 57. Something like that.
Alcohol is no joke.
Others can do it in moderation easily. Others need to have 12-15+ drinks after they've had their first.