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It's Over Horrifyingly sad

I never had that much power to ruin someone life. If I was at the receiving of a corrupt power monger, I prolly would not like it since am not the masochistic type.
So you don't do your actions based on morality because you don't believe in it, you do it based on pleasure?
So you don't do your actions based on morality because you don't believe in it, you do it based on pleasure?
Ideally,I would do my actions base on what consequence/benefit from it I think is best for me.
So it's based on selfish interests?
Not necessarily all the time, sometimes helping others would have benefits to oneself in the future. There is a fine balance which is unique to each individual.
Not necessarily all the time, sometimes helping others would have benefits to oneself in the future. There is a fine balance which is unique to each individual.
Anyways my point is, if the end goal is self interest and power, then shouldn't child rapists juget into situations where they can rape and it's even justified?
You said it isn't morally wrong
Anyways my point is, if the end goal is self interest and power, then shouldn't child rapists juget into situations where they can rape and it's even justified?
You said it isn't morally wrong
Where did I write that being child rapist isn't morally wrong or is morally right? All i wrote is that every states law is different pertaining to the age of consent and marriage of each individual. I dont make the law of the land , I follow them.
Where did I write that being child rapist isn't morally wrong or is morally right? All i wrote is that every states law is different pertaining to the age of consent and marriage of each individual. I dont make the law of the land , I follow them.
But you don't believe in objective morality so in your view, there isn't really anything wrong about rape.
It's merely socially unacceptable
Where did I say anything about believing or disbelieving in objective morality.
You need to stop accusing or guessing what my thoughts are.
There are neither objective morality nor subjective morality. Moralities do not exist.

Entities exist, some have more power than other.

If those more powerful entities make laws , you have two choices, you either obey it and perhaps you have a better odd of avoiding the unpleasant consequences/punishment etc.

If you disobey and violate those laws, then your odd of getting punishment is certain if their power is great enough.

It has nothing to do whether it is socially acceptable by anyone.
@Gloomy existence @FinnCel
Morality is just every human collectively saying - "I wouldn't want X happening to me", its really just selfishness, but a "shared selfishness", this is why when things no longer affect the entire majority small groups get excluded from being victims within the code

This is why inceldom exists (us incels are no longer part of "the majority" that needs to be catered to under the "moral code")

Women being hypergamous and promiscuous isn't immoral anymore, because the majority of humans get to enjoy sex and relationships, and the rest of us are just collateral damage who don't fall into the moral code

But that has nothing to do with my argument that "right" and "wrong" don't actually exist, only actions and consequences exist, humans project "right" and "wrong" onto actions and consequences based on whatever "shared selfishness" is the norm of that era, that's why it was normal to own slaves in america a few hundred years ago, and these people were "god fearing" christians JFL

There is literally no such thing as right and wrong, they are mental projections of what we don't want to happen to us as individuals

Morality is something that you should only adhere to if you get to benefit from it, its supposed to be about a shared collective benefit, but incels are excluded from that benefit, so there's no need for us to restrict ourselves and adhere to it
@Gloomy existence @FinnCel
Surprise surprise blkpillpress is a moral-relativist who would of thought? Animal IQ.
@Gloomy existence @FinnCel

Is not morality cause and effect anyways @BlkPillPres
Example a world with 100% of moral-relativists = SLAVERY
A world with 100% of people knowing objective morality = FREEDOM
Simple cause and effect.............. aka OBJECTIVE morality.... you're just using different words....

It's funny to me what blkpillpress described was the problems of moral-relativism NOT objective morality JFL
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This is basically me in a few years unless I snap on my parents and do something bad. I'm 30 years-old and live at home with my abusive, narcissistic parents. I live in the same bedroom I grew up in. I never leave it because I want to avoid them as much as possible. I only leave it to go to the kitchen, bathroom, and to go to work each day. In it I have a bed, TV, computer, and nearly all of my belongings. I don't make enough money to move out and I don't have stable long-term employment so I know that I can't survive on my own. Living at home means that I save at least 60% of my income. I have a car payment to deal with but without paying rent it's manageable for now. I pay for nothing but medications/prescriptions, hair loss supplements/Rogaine, gas, about half of the food I eat, and then random or miscellaneous items every now and then like movie tickets, a book, external hard drives, alcohol, guitar accessories, etc.

I lost my friends and my ability to play sports when I was 15 and that was the end of my life. I then immediately lost all motivation in school and just did enough to pass classes. I then had a strained relationship with my family and 15 years late they're dead to me and my hatred for them is indescribable. I basically have nothing left. I'm also ugly as hell and a truecel and have no sex/love life ever. I retreated, by necessity, to my room the Summer before sophomore year of high school and I've essentially been there ever since. My life ended 15 years ago and I just celebrated my 15th anniversary of my life ending.

I'm not far off from being this guy in the video here. His life is horrible but from the financial standpoint it may not have been that bad as long as he had the bare necessities to live and maybe didn't even have to work. The social pain of living like this is what can do you in. You just can't live at home forever. The outside world and the people in it that you know will try to destroy you and abuse you if you're an adult male virgin living in mommy's basement. I would know. I now avoid everyone to avoid people attacking me like this because it's unbearably painful psychologically. Some of the scum that bring it up obviously wish it was high school and they could brutally beat you up but you're adults now with jobs and normies like this or Chads have families and can't beat on people because they could get arrested and lose it all.

None of this gets better if you're a truecel. All you have are your copes and they will fail at some point. The pain of looking back on your life and every single thing that went wrong does you in as does your lack of money and your horrible rage and depression for which there is no outlet or escape. The world passes you by and nobody cares about you. They do not care if you die at all and some will absolutely find it great and hilarious when you do because you're a loser.

Mental illness creeps in at some point and eventually begins to take over and poison your brain and body. You essentially live in solitary confinement and your room/basement is your prison. The wardens and guards are your evil parents and everyone in the outside world who disrespects and hurts you. You retreat even further by cutting off contact with everyone after they initially did with you when you were a teenager and in college. You take it further to avoid further abuse from everyone who already abused and hurt you and excluded you years ago.

You genuinely forget certain human feelings and experiences that you used to know and enjoy. Those like love/sex you never know at all. You lose more humanity with each passing year and the panic sets in. You know it's going to end in disaster with prison, homelessness, suicide, drug addiction but you can't stop it. It's like the curtain has caught fire and the fire is slowly spreading throughout your room and at some point you have to jump out the window to your death. Every year it gets closer.

True inceldom always ends in death and not death in old age. I don't believe there's a way to avoid it. I don't think a truecel can make it past 65. I don't see how anyone can keep it together for that long. I know that I won't. I don't think I can make it to 40. I see no way possible.
Destiny for most sub6s
This is basically me in a few years unless I snap on my parents and do something bad. I'm 30 years-old and live at home with my abusive, narcissistic parents. I live in the same bedroom I grew up in. I never leave it because I want to avoid them as much as possible. I only leave it to go to the kitchen, bathroom, and to go to work each day. In it I have a bed, TV, computer, and nearly all of my belongings. I don't make enough money to move out and I don't have stable long-term employment so I know that I can't survive on my own. Living at home means that I save at least 60% of my income. I have a car payment to deal with but without paying rent it's manageable for now. I pay for nothing but medications/prescriptions, hair loss supplements/Rogaine, gas, about half of the food I eat, and then random or miscellaneous items every now and then like movie tickets, a book, external hard drives, alcohol, guitar accessories, etc.

I lost my friends and my ability to play sports when I was 15 and that was the end of my life. I then immediately lost all motivation in school and just did enough to pass classes. I then had a strained relationship with my family and 15 years late they're dead to me and my hatred for them is indescribable. I basically have nothing left. I'm also ugly as hell and a truecel and have no sex/love life ever. I retreated, by necessity, to my room the Summer before sophomore year of high school and I've essentially been there ever since. My life ended 15 years ago and I just celebrated my 15th anniversary of my life ending.

I'm not far off from being this guy in the video here. His life is horrible but from the financial standpoint it may not have been that bad as long as he had the bare necessities to live and maybe didn't even have to work. The social pain of living like this is what can do you in. You just can't live at home forever. The outside world and the people in it that you know will try to destroy you and abuse you if you're an adult male virgin living in mommy's basement. I would know. I now avoid everyone to avoid people attacking me like this because it's unbearably painful psychologically. Some of the scum that bring it up obviously wish it was high school and they could brutally beat you up but you're adults now with jobs and normies like this or Chads have families and can't beat on people because they could get arrested and lose it all.

None of this gets better if you're a truecel. All you have are your copes and they will fail at some point. The pain of looking back on your life and every single thing that went wrong does you in as does your lack of money and your horrible rage and depression for which there is no outlet or escape. The world passes you by and nobody cares about you. They do not care if you die at all and some will absolutely find it great and hilarious when you do because you're a loser.

Mental illness creeps in at some point and eventually begins to take over and poison your brain and body. You essentially live in solitary confinement and your room/basement is your prison. The wardens and guards are your evil parents and everyone in the outside world who disrespects and hurts you. You retreat even further by cutting off contact with everyone after they initially did with you when you were a teenager and in college. You take it further to avoid further abuse from everyone who already abused and hurt you and excluded you years ago.

You genuinely forget certain human feelings and experiences that you used to know and enjoy. Those like love/sex you never know at all. You lose more humanity with each passing year and the panic sets in. You know it's going to end in disaster with prison, homelessness, suicide, drug addiction but you can't stop it. It's like the curtain has caught fire and the fire is slowly spreading throughout your room and at some point you have to jump out the window to your death. Every year it gets closer.

True inceldom always ends in death and not death in old age. I don't believe there's a way to avoid it. I don't think a truecel can make it past 65. I don't see how anyone can keep it together for that long. I know that I won't. I don't think I can make it to 40. I see no way possible.
Brutal reality, not that the normies can even begin to understand this.
How does he get drugs? I'm not a shut in and I wouldn't know where to get drugs.

order from the dark web its not hard, literally the only thing u need is a basic knowledge of PGP encryption and know how cryptocurrency works. I have ordered xtc pills and lsd from markets before
This is basically me in a few years unless I snap on my parents and do something bad. I'm 30 years-old and live at home with my abusive, narcissistic parents. I live in the same bedroom I grew up in. I never leave it because I want to avoid them as much as possible. I only leave it to go to the kitchen, bathroom, and to go to work each day. In it I have a bed, TV, computer, and nearly all of my belongings. I don't make enough money to move out and I don't have stable long-term employment so I know that I can't survive on my own. Living at home means that I save at least 60% of my income. I have a car payment to deal with but without paying rent it's manageable for now. I pay for nothing but medications/prescriptions, hair loss supplements/Rogaine, gas, about half of the food I eat, and then random or miscellaneous items every now and then like movie tickets, a book, external hard drives, alcohol, guitar accessories, etc.

I lost my friends and my ability to play sports when I was 15 and that was the end of my life. I then immediately lost all motivation in school and just did enough to pass classes. I then had a strained relationship with my family and 15 years late they're dead to me and my hatred for them is indescribable. I basically have nothing left. I'm also ugly as hell and a truecel and have no sex/love life ever. I retreated, by necessity, to my room the Summer before sophomore year of high school and I've essentially been there ever since. My life ended 15 years ago and I just celebrated my 15th anniversary of my life ending.

I'm not far off from being this guy in the video here. His life is horrible but from the financial standpoint it may not have been that bad as long as he had the bare necessities to live and maybe didn't even have to work. The social pain of living like this is what can do you in. You just can't live at home forever. The outside world and the people in it that you know will try to destroy you and abuse you if you're an adult male virgin living in mommy's basement. I would know. I now avoid everyone to avoid people attacking me like this because it's unbearably painful psychologically. Some of the scum that bring it up obviously wish it was high school and they could brutally beat you up but you're adults now with jobs and normies like this or Chads have families and can't beat on people because they could get arrested and lose it all.

None of this gets better if you're a truecel. All you have are your copes and they will fail at some point. The pain of looking back on your life and every single thing that went wrong does you in as does your lack of money and your horrible rage and depression for which there is no outlet or escape. The world passes you by and nobody cares about you. They do not care if you die at all and some will absolutely find it great and hilarious when you do because you're a loser.

Mental illness creeps in at some point and eventually begins to take over and poison your brain and body. You essentially live in solitary confinement and your room/basement is your prison. The wardens and guards are your evil parents and everyone in the outside world who disrespects and hurts you. You retreat even further by cutting off contact with everyone after they initially did with you when you were a teenager and in college. You take it further to avoid further abuse from everyone who already abused and hurt you and excluded you years ago.

You genuinely forget certain human feelings and experiences that you used to know and enjoy. Those like love/sex you never know at all. You lose more humanity with each passing year and the panic sets in. You know it's going to end in disaster with prison, homelessness, suicide, drug addiction but you can't stop it. It's like the curtain has caught fire and the fire is slowly spreading throughout your room and at some point you have to jump out the window to your death. Every year it gets closer.

True inceldom always ends in death and not death in old age. I don't believe there's a way to avoid it. I don't think a truecel can make it past 65. I don't see how anyone can keep it together for that long. I know that I won't. I don't think I can make it to 40. I see no way possible.
That's a good write-up.:feelsbadman:
Surprise surprise blkpillpress is a moral-relativist who would of thought? Animal IQ.

Is not morality cause and effect anyways @BlkPillPres
Example a world with 100% of moral-relativists = SLAVERY
A world with 100% of people knowing objective morality = FREEDOM
Simple cause and effect.............. aka OBJECTIVE morality.... you're just using different words....

It's funny to me what blkpillpress described was the problems of moral-relativism NOT objective morality JFL
Yeah,First thing is i'm not a moral relativist.
Objective morality does exist,but people ain't gonna give a rat shit about that.
Do you think
Surprise surprise blkpillpress is a moral-relativist who would of thought? Animal IQ.

Is not morality cause and effect anyways @BlkPillPres
Example a world with 100% of moral-relativists = SLAVERY
A world with 100% of people knowing objective morality = FREEDOM
Simple cause and effect.............. aka OBJECTIVE morality.... you're just using different words....

It's funny to me what blkpillpress described was the problems of moral-relativism NOT objective morality JFL
"oh my humanity,oh my animal iq" nigga i don't give a shit.MOst of the action you do gonna cause harm to others.Guess what,You have animal iq if you believe in objective moral.I didn't make Humans to be subjectively moral.You have perverted the the reality and i'm just merely pointing that everyone are moral relativist even if they don't admit.Your morality doesn't mean shit.Your moral superiority doesn't mean shit.Also,what have you achieved with your 200 iq? Rotting on this forum? Getting fucked by women? If i need power, i need to oppress other to gain power. this what humanity has done and will do in passive on active way and you can ramble about your objective morality.Also,yes,humans do have moral compass,but won't act upon it.Good luck with your High iq brain.
@Gloomy existence @FinnCel
what? should i read shit?
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I am dying like him
@Gloomy existence @FinnCel
@ChronicPaincel thought on this ,einstein? This why i've said morality doesn't not exist.he gets what i'm trying to say.You have high iq,brah

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrhN1baJ-V4

This guy has been isolated in his mother's basement for nearly his whole life. He claimed he does drugs constantly to help cope with the isolation but said it's no longer working and he felt like he was dying. Sure enough, after a year of the final video he uploaded to his channel, he passed away. The family of his claimed that he was gentle and loving person but obviously he had some screws loose. Is this the fate of loners? This is just a downward spiral into depression. Literally the worst path I can think of to lead in this life. I do not want to end up like him yet I relate to him. Scary shit

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqRd74ucBYE


Meant to post in off topic but whatever

This is what happens when you don't wealthmaxx and you think LDAR is going to be enjoyable all the way into your 30's, a lot of you guys are in for a rude awakening, all that awaits you is drugs and then suicide, you might as well skip to the end and kill yourself now JFL

Example a world with 100% of moral-relativists = SLAVERY

Strawman, moral relativity has nothing to do with slavery, in fact most people who are criminals, slavers, etc actually do believe in morality and think what they're doing is "wrong", THEY JUST DON'T CARE lol, its really that simple, you are making the false assumption that ACCEPTANCE of a moral code equals ADHERENCE to a moral code, IT DOESN'T

One can believe in morality and still choose to ignore it because IT DOES NOT BENEFIT THEM

A world with 100% of people knowing objective morality = FREEDOM

There is no such thing as OBJECTIVE morality, that's oxymoron, like "deafening silence"

Anybody who believes in objective morality is just foolishly arrogant because what they actually mean is - "MY SPECIFIC MORAL CODE (THAT I LIVE OR ASPIRE TO LIVE BY) IS THE ABSOLUTE TRUEST FORM OF MORALITY"

Every single group believes their moral code is objectively better than the other, Muslims, Christians, Atheists, Etc


Simple cause and effect.............. aka OBJECTIVE morality.... you're just using different words....

It's funny to me what blkpillpress described was the problems of moral-relativism NOT objective morality JFL

JFL that's what you don't get, MORALITY IS NEVER CONSISTENT

But there are always guys like yourself who will say - "well my moral code is the most objective one, objective morals exist, its just that everybody doesn't do what I do", bullshit, basically every person on the planet thinks this, virtually everybody thinks they are "moral enough"

Oh and as moral as youthink you are, the human race 3000 years from now will consider you an the people of this era immoral, just as we think of the humans of our barbaric past, and there'll be another guy like you on a spaceship somewhere thinking that objective morality exists - "If only everyone lived as I did or lived by X code" lol
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Unhelpful, unsolicited suggestions like this one in comments section really makes me want to go out and hurt someone:

c'mon. Your attitude is what's holding you back. You really can't work? Are you disabled? There are plenty of careers that involve little to no physical activity. Go back to school. Find a good paying career. You'll get a woman and you'll feel a lot better. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. It will get you nowhere. I know from experience. God bless.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrhN1baJ-V4

This guy has been isolated in his mother's basement for nearly his whole life. He claimed he does drugs constantly to help cope with the isolation but said it's no longer working and he felt like he was dying. Sure enough, after a year of the final video he uploaded to his channel, he passed away. The family of his claimed that he was gentle and loving person but obviously he had some screws loose. Is this the fate of loners? This is just a downward spiral into depression. Literally the worst path I can think of to lead in this life. I do not want to end up like him yet I relate to him. Scary shit

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqRd74ucBYE


Meant to post in off topic but whatever

I'm pretty much like him except I own my own house and don't do drugs or alcohol.

I've also had employment before.
it's even sadder because you know the average person's reaction to a guy crying & rambling incoherently about how alone he is on video would just be "what the fuck, what is this insane weirdo talking about". very few people can empathize with the type of pain this guy was going through
People like this guy deserve better, this shit isn't fair.
his voice sounds mocking

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