you're such a fucking numbskull it is unbelievable. you are the epitome of why all maycels should just be mass purged of the face of this forum so that the average IQ of this website can be at least triple digits.
yes, no shit your average 6/10 foid doesnt have access to chads(or easy access to chads to say the least) but stacies who are 9/10 like you said are chads looksmatch and as we all know, foids are one, if not several points above their looksmatch due to hypergamy. this means that many chads from 8s to 10s will be after stacy and she has a wide array of chads to choose from. and yes, she is able to have MANY chads. have you seen the amount of instagram followers your average stacy has? they always have at least 2000. now using an extreme lowball of 2000 if we split that into 2 for both genders(another lowball estimate since most of her followers will be horny orbiting men who want to see her pictures) and judging by the 80/20 rule which is backed up by tinder statistics, the top 20% are chads but to give you the benefit of the doubt i will go by the 96/4 rule (foids self report that they only find the top 4% of men attractive). 1000/100 = 10. this multiplied by 4 is 40. using all these extreme lowballs that leaves 40 chads for stacy. now if we use the 80/20 rule instead that leaves 200 chads for stacy.
see how fucking dumb you look now. out of 40 chads why would stacy pick an ethnic chad(white chads are the majority) over a white chad with superior features? numbskull.