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SuicideFuel holy fuck lmaoooo indian porn star with white 4/10 neckbeard

Implying that most of the members here would even want a porn star.
Implying that most of the members here would even want a porn star.

Implying that any of the members here could ever even dream of getting one. Coping fucktard.
She's Arab not indian
4/10 according to incels.is:



Blue eyes = automatically at least Chadlite tier
I think this website (together with Stormfront) is the last place on earth where Aryan features are still worshipped like they're gods choosen masterrace
Porn stars aren't even qualified as women....they are objects.
Mia khalifa is a whore he shouldn’t be proud of snagging her lmao she’s been married once and does porn .She still gets cummed on regularly.
Catfishman proven again to be sub 0 IQ. This guy has great bone structure. He is just fat, that's all.
so every fat guy is like chad lite tier????

jfc, i thought you said looksmaxxing helps you ascend?
Guy is a 7 maybe even an 8. Still, only cucks, mentally ill weirdos, and gigaschlubby betabuxxers would seriously date a pornstar. She could probably do a bit better if she’d chosen a career other than BBC Receipt Officer. But then she also wouldn’t be money and status maxxed since I doubt she has any other skills.
lebanese women > white women
People on here can’t rate for shit
nooooo, if thats the case he wouldnt settle with an ethnic, im pretty sure all the white tier stacy's and becky's wouldnt touch this man.

Dude, sometimes I feel like Incels.me is an absolute bizzaro universe, where ugly men cannot get laid (when it's really all about being a thug), and THE LITERAL MOST POPULAR PORNSTAR IN THE ENTIRE WORLD FOR A VERY LONG TIME is considered 'settling for an ethnic.'

Trust me, this girl was more popular than any white pornstar, which means pre-selection GALORE!
Dude, sometimes I feel like Incels.me is an absolute bizzaro universe, where ugly men cannot get laid (when it's really all about being a thug), and THE LITERAL MOST POPULAR PORNSTAR IN THE ENTIRE WORLD FOR A VERY LONG TIME is considered 'settling for an ethnic.'

Trust me, this girl was more popular than any white pornstar, which means pre-selection GALORE!
even average looking men cant get laid either.
Gigacope if you think hes 4/10. Hunter eyes, cheiseled face. Huge frame. He's a fat Chad.
@catfishman23 is playing
chess with us, he is making moves ahead of us with his logic. His tactic is to make threads like that, watch plebs fall for it and enjoy his dopamine.
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Are you implying the average white man looks better than this? You need your eyes checked.
Post him on lookism and see what they rate. I think his face is 5.25/10, but he's 6ft and white + blue eyes, and had those hillbilly slight viking halo features; so 6/10.

Mid to high tier norman.
When this guy touches this femoid he is basically touching the semen from the hundreds of chads and tyrones who marked her
that's not a 4/10 :feelskek:
Blue eyes = automatically at least Chadlite tier
Oh I didn't know that. Guess I'll go out slaying then
you think this man is chadlite???? lmaoooo then i guess all fat neckbeards are chad lite.

know what a chad-lite looks like idiot.
everyone disagrees with you, just give up
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lol at thinking a fat neck beard looking dude looks like a chad lite
that's not a 4/10 :feelskek:

Oh I didn't know that. Guess I'll go out slaying then

everyone disagrees with you, just give up

let me educate what a chad lite looks like.

2018 10 01 13 47 40  511849719


when a guy who looks attractive enough that try to maximize their looks to compensate how they look facially.

the fact that a guy who is literally fat and a neck beard is hardly considered anything chad lite tier.
Are you fucking blind that guy is at least chadlite, and I never find her attractive tbh biggest overrated porn star
look at the post above retard. This means if the man who is with a porn star, is fat. that means you are literally debunking looks theory and looksmaxxing altogether.
That's no 4/10 lmao. Look at his eye area. Prominent jaw and chin. FWHR.
how is he a 4/10 you sub 50 iq mongrel
That's no 4/10 lmao. Look at his eye area. Prominent jaw and chin. FWHR.
so you are contradicting looks maxxing??? how low iq are you???

the fact you don't know anything about looks theory fathoms me.

so men who are fat and chubby are considered chad lite then?

so whats the point in posting in this forum. Im guessing most incels are mentalcels?
When this guy touches this femoid he is basically touching the semen from the hundreds of chads and tyrones who marked her
what i thought too. i said something similar one time here and a guy told me thats why they make mouthwash lmao yeah lets mouthwash the thought of that out of your brain.
He looks alright to me but he could stand to wash his hair and not have his hood up indoors, lol
Biggest cuck ever lol. This guy is in a relationship with a bitch who has shown her most private areas with millions of people and shared her pussy with hundreds of men. He must love sucking dried cum from her pussy.
Biggest cuck ever lol. This guy is in a relationship with a bitch who has shown her most private areas with millions of people and shared her pussy with hundreds of men. He must love sucking dried cum from her pussy.

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