Eat less goyslop theory??????
Fat bitch still gets lots of male attention but not from who they want JFL. These whores are so entitled that they think they should have the same attention from the same people while being 10x uglier.
A stupid, fat bitch’s only strategy to lose weight is to starve herself.
A regular diet is impossible because
>I don’t like vegatables
Bitch, just stuff it in your face. You don’t even have to taste it. Not everything you fucking do on this planet has to make you cum in your pants and fry your dopamine receptors. It’s okay to do things that are boring and unstimulating sometimes.
She also can’t run/do cardio because
>Sweating is gross and makes you smell bad.
Nevermind lifting, because
>I don’t wanna get huge and look like a body builder.
>picrel: A woman after one chest day.
No wonder women struggle so much with their weight. They literally can’t do any of the things you need to do to actually lose weight in a healthy manner, thermodynamically. That’s why all these fat bitches say shit like
>I was so unhealthy when I was skinny
No shit, bitch. You only got skinny because you started eating two meals a week (microwaved Hamburger Helper).