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Based Hitler: The master race is the one who work tirelessly for his community



Nov 24, 2017
Lots of people think the egoist, individualistic, self serving "Chad" is the master race under Hitler. They couldn't be more wrong.

Whether you agree with his idea of Aryans or not, it's hard to argue that a civilized people, is a collective one, contrast to the individualistic propaganda today.

The lowest species of human beings give evidence of this quality only to
a very small degree, so that often they do not go beyond the formation
of the family society. With an increasing readiness to place their
immediate personal interests in the background, the capacity for
organizing more extensive communities develops.

The readiness to sacrifice one's personal work and, if necessary, even
one's life for others shows its most highly developed form in the Aryan
race. The greatness of the Aryan is not based on his intellectual
powers, but rather on his willingness to devote all his faculties to the
service of the community. Here the instinct for self-preservation has
reached its noblest form; for the Aryan willingly subordinates his own
ego to the common weal and when necessity calls he will even sacrifice
his own life for the community.

The constructive powers of the Aryan and that peculiar ability he has
for the building up of a culture are not grounded in his intellectual
gifts alone. If that were so they might only be destructive and could
never have the ability to organize; for the latter essentially depends
on the readiness of the individual to renounce his own personal opinions
and interests and to lay both at the service of the human group. By
serving the common weal he receives his reward in return. For example,
he does not work directly for himself but makes his productive work a
part of the activity of the group to which he belongs, not only for his
own benefit but for the general
. The spirit underlying this attitude is
expressed by the word: WORK, which to him does not at all signify a
means of earning one's daily livelihood but rather a productive activity
which cannot clash with the interests of the community. Whenever human
activity is directed exclusively to the service of the instinct for
self-preservation it is called theft or usury, robbery or burglary, etc.

This mental attitude, which forces self-interest to recede into the
background in favour of the common weal, is the first prerequisite for
any kind of really human civilization. It is out of this spirit alone
that great human achievements have sprung for which the original doers

have scarcely ever received any recompense but which turns out to be the
source of abundant benefit for their descendants. It is this spirit
alone which can explain why it so often happens that people can endure a
harsh but honest existence which offers them no returns for their toil
except a poor and modest livelihood. But such a livelihood helps to
consolidate the foundations on which the community exists.
Every worker
and every peasant, every inventor, state official, etc., who works
without ever achieving fortune or prosperity for himself, is a
representative of this sublime idea, even though he may never become
conscious of the profound meaning of his own activity.

Everything that may be said of that kind of work which is the
fundamental condition of providing food and the basic means of human
progress is true even in a higher sense of work that is done for the
protection of man and his civilization. The renunciation of one's own
life for the sake of the community is the crowning significance of the
idea of all sacrifice.
In this way only is it possible to protect what
has been built up by man and to assure that this will not be destroyed
by the hand of man or of nature.

In the German language we have a word which admirably expresses this
underlying spirit of all work: It is Pflichterfüllung, which means the
service of the common weal before the consideration of one's own
interests. The fundamental spirit out of which this kind of activity
springs is the contradistinction of 'Egotism' and we call it 'Idealism'.
By this we mean to signify the willingness of the individual to make
sacrifices for the community and his fellow-men.

Jews are self preservers

The Jew offers the most striking contrast to the Aryan. There is probably no other people in the world who have so developed the instinct of self-preservation as the so-called 'chosen' people. The best proof of this statement is found in the simple fact that this race still exists. Where can another people be found that in the course of the last two thousand years has undergone so few changes in mental outlook and character as the Jewish people? And yet what other people has taken such a constant part in the great revolutions? But even after having passed through the most gigantic catastrophes that have overwhelmed mankind, the Jews remain the same as ever. What an infinitely tenacious will-to-live, to preserve one's kind, is demonstrated by that fact!

Why did I put that on inceldom discussion, you may ask? Because it is relevant to how one thinks of the world around him. Some people see the current sexual marketplace situation and goes "I gotta gymmaxx you incel loser haha" while others think that they should collectively help each other, so all may benefit (including voting against abortion and so on). The first group is made of the bulk of the so called looksmaxxers and tiktokers who use our lingos.
This is a retarded take
nigga this is the most retarded shit ive read ever
High IQ thread.
we are all retarded, but this is like retard socking the tetherball pole level of retard
Its high IQ. How is this retarted? I dont agree on the abortions though.
Lots of people think the egoist, individualistic, self serving "Chad" is the master race under Hitler. They couldn't be more wrong.
That's just a way to identify simple-minded people. No concept of how the world can change with time. Different kinds of men were valued at different times in history. At no point in history were today's chads preferred, they would be regarded as latent criminals for their lack of conscience and tendency to shrink from anything that requires effort.
Give me a summary
What else can you expect from Hitler he was a retard
What else can you expect from Hitler he was a retard
Hitler was also cucked
Fucking I would have harem of Aryan 15 yr old stace to fuck every night in crazy coke fuel orgy if I was Hitler
the real reason jews are still around is cause muslims and Christians didn’t let them integrate and mix into the larger societies.
the real reason jews are still around is cause muslims and Christians didn’t let them integrate and mix into the larger societies.
It would just make everyone more cunning on the average.

For example in my country:

hundreds of years before. According to a statement approved by China’s major government leaders at the time, including Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping, the Kaifeng Jews “have completely mixed and mingled with the majority Han population, in terms of their political, economical and cultural life, neither do they possess any distinctive traits in any other aspect.”24 Since the Jews of Kaifeng had lost major parts of their identity over time, including the ability to speak and read Hebrew, as noted in the statement, the Chinese government saw no reason to label them as a distinctive group.

That's why some Chinese businesses are labelled as cunning. We've been jew infected thanks to Japan sending them to us, and then Mao with his Zionist advisors, killing tens of millions (somehow Jews remained untouched)
It would just make everyone more cunning on the average.

For example in my country:

That's why some Chinese businesses are labelled as cunning. We've been jew infected thanks to Japan sending them to us, and then Mao with his Zionist advisors, killing tens of millions (somehow Jews remained untouched)
Where are you from

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