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Blackpill High Inhibition Is A Cope, You're Just Too Weak Willed To Push The Limits Of Your Comfort Zone



Feb 28, 2018
The thread title states it all, I keep seeing the terms "low inhib" and "high inhib" popping up and at a certain point it just got annoying, because I was never "low inhib" from the start, I started off "high inhib" and I just got tired of never getting anything I wanted in life, so over time I began to push the limits of my comfort zone, especially in relation to social interactions, started being more bold, etc.

So saying you are "high inhib" is just a cope, a sad excuse, you could be "low inhib" if you were just willing to try, now it won't just magically get you laid, but at least it'd make you bold enough to be more aggressive with what you want from life.

I expected certain kinds of BS responses, so please also refer to this post before you bother making them, consider it an extension of the main post:

Read my post again, it has nothing really to do with women, I'm not saying be low inhib to get a date, I just included a point in relation to that because I knew it would come up (like here), that's why I said its not going to get you laid but - "it'd make you bold enough to be more aggressive with what you want from life."

By that I mean monetary pursuits, wealthmaxxing, you aren't going to make it in the business world being high inhib, money is the path to an enjoyable future. I speaking against being "high inhib" in general, not just in relation to getting laid. It impedes your success in all avenues of life.
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Tag should be [Lifefuel]
Some people are high inhib by default, like me but I agree i have become lesser and lesser high inhib or closer to low inhib with time. ALthough I have still a long way to go
.....yeah, thats the definition of high inhibition.
Tag should be [Lifefuel]
I think this is more of a black pill because its something a lot of the users on the site would find hard to accept, a lot of them like excuses that make them feel powerless because then their life being shit "isn't really their fault". In some cases they are right, but in a lot of them, these guys are just lazy and weak willed, seriously try and understand that there are self professed neets (don't work, don't have any money of their own, doesn't save, no future business prospects) that complain about their lives being shit as though they are completely oblivious to the reality that having your own money can make your life better lol. Some guys here can't be helped, they enjoy the victim status too much (ironically one of their criticisms of women lol).
.....yeah, thats the definition of high inhibition.
No, being "high inhib" doesn't make you weak willed, people need to understand that these labels aren't PERMANENT CONDITIONS, I was "high inhib", I didn't just magically wake up one day "low inhib" it actually requires effort, pushing yourself to ignore what you're feeling, ignoring thoughts of doubt and doing something anyways even if you expect failure.

Even being weak willed is obviously not permanent, all it takes to get rid of the label is to start trying, to simply will yourself to do something, ignore your doubts.
The thread title states it all, I keep seeing the terms "low inhib" and "high inhib" popping up and at a certain point it just got annoying, because I was never "low inhib" from the start, I started off "high inhib" and I just got tired of never getting anything I wanted in life, so over time I began to push the limits of my comfort zone, especially in relation to social interactions, started being more bold, etc.

So saying you are "high inhib" is just a cope, a sad excuse, you could be "low inhib" if you were just willing to try, now it won't just magically get you laid, but at least it'd make you bold enough to be more aggressive with what you want from life.
My face projects a discomfort zone to women. It’s over.
Just be confident bro
My face projects a discomfort zone to women. It’s over.
Read my post again, it has nothing really to do with women, I'm not saying be low inhib to get a date, I just included a point in relation to that because I knew it would come up (like here), that's why I said its not going to get you laid but - "it'd make you bold enough to be more aggressive with what you want from life."

By that I mean monetary pursuits, wealthmaxxing, you aren't going to make it in the business world being high inhib, money is the path to an enjoyable future. I speaking against being "high inhib" in general, not just in relation to getting laid. It impedes your success in all avenues of life.
Just be confident bro
Just learn to read bro

Just read this post bro -
Read my post again, it has nothing really to do with women, I'm not saying be low inhib to get a date, I just included a point in relation to that because I knew it would come up (like here), that's why I said its not going to get you laid but - "it'd make you bold enough to be more aggressive with what you want from life."

By that I mean monetary pursuits, wealthmaxxing, you aren't going to make it in the business world being high inhib, money is the path to an enjoyable future. I speaking against being "high inhib" in general, not just in relation to getting laid. It impedes your success in all avenues of life.
Do you really think its easy to change ones behavior when its connected to ones belief system? Are belief system is a sort of defense mechanism, instilled in us to survive, ethier socially or physically - its not easy to change.

Of course we need to put effort, but its not as simple as you think. If i wasn't high inhib i would probably have a girlfriend by now.
Cope post. You are high inhib because you know it's hopeless
Of course we need to put effort, but its not as simple as you think. If i wasn't high inhib i would probably have a girlfriend by now.

Ah, I can see now why you were banned earlier, and why you should have stayed banned, you are a fakecel. If literally the only thing keeping you from getting laid is just trying to be more outgoing and taking risks then you are fakecel on top of being retarded from simply not just doing that, because it really is simple, and you've ironically made it even more simple BECAUSE YOU JUST ADMITTED THAT YOU CAN GET A GF IF YOU ACTUALLY TRIED.
Cope post. You are high inhib because you know it's hopeless
Saying you are high inhib is the real cope, most of you are average looking, and again, like you didn't read the post properly, my focus of this post isn't really about getting girls, its about your mindset, a mindset that keeps you from making money, becoming a business man. My posts are mostly about wealthmaxxing not looksmaxxing.
Saying you are high inhib is the real cope, most of you are average looking, and again, like you didn't read the post properly, my focus of this post isn't really about getting girls, its about your mindset, a mindset that keeps you from making money, becoming a business man. My posts are mostly about wealthmaxxing not looksmaxxing.
It's all cope cause if the girl doens't initatiate then she is not into you
Im high inhib because Im ugly. Trying to act low inhib as an ugly guy will get you put in your place.
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It's all cope cause if the girl doens't initatiate then she is not into you

1. Women rarely if ever initiate, even for chad, I've spoken to chads I know personally and its always about women "giving you a look", in most cases they still expect even chad to initiate, you sound like you don't even interact with people when you say complete nonsense like this.

2. Again, my focus here is about making money, getting laid will come after. Are you blind or retarded, you went straight back to making it about women even when I told you otherwise. I can only assume you are trolling so if I see another reply like that I'm not bothering.
1. Women rarely if ever initiate, even for chad, I've spoken to chads I know personally and its always about women "giving you a look", in most cases they still expect even chad to initiate, you sound like you don't even interact with people when you say complete nonsense like this.

2. Again, my focus here is about making money, getting laid will come after. Are you blind or retarded, you went straight back to making it about women even when I told you otherwise. I can only assume you are trolling so if I see another reply like that I'm not bothering.
Cope, cope, cope. Go outside bor and see how it works.
i imagine this blkpillpres guy being an old 50 y/o incel hahaha
So you went from high inhib to low inhib. Lol.

I did the same for many reasons, such as a growing lack of respect for anyone and anything.
I hope you're right man. At one point being extremely low inhibition becomes one of the greatest assets of a man. High inhib = feminine characteristic which shall be eliminated.
I hope you're right man. At one point being extremely low inhibition becomes one of the greatest assets of a man. High inhib = feminine characteristic which shall be eliminated.

A lot of the guys here are too focused on shit that is unattainable to them (women) which is why I keep seeing retards spamming "just be confident bro" as a form of sarcasm in this thread, not getting that this post really has nothing to do with women or getting laid, its about money, wealth > looks, always has been, always will be, because all the women that have rejected you in life, you could literally buy them for a night, I've had personal conversations with female co-workers (one particularly with a very whorish past) and got her into HAGGLING MODE, got her down to $800 for a night, I did not bother because I wouldn't have been able to get full enjoyment from it (its just one night, not worth the money) and she was still working there so rumors would spread and if I "performed badly" it would also become a rumor. Not risking ruining my work life for anybody or anything.

Stop trying to enjoy your 20's and focusing on that you're missing out on your "best years", focus on saving, building your wealth, starting a business, then you can enjoy your 30's. Oh and EVERY WOMAN HAS A PRICE, especially women that wage cuck. If you talk and laugh enough with them, then lead the conversation in that direction, and state a price, start off low, like $300. You will have them literally haggling a price with you, then its just up for you to tell them that you're serious, 7/10 chance they will become serious too because they always want "a new pair of shoes" or some shit. My plan has always been to escortcel and "hagglecel" (which feels more fun because you are getting a roastie to admit shes a whore, I'm sure fucking a bitch after that will feel 10 times better than regular sex).
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Ah, I can see now why you were banned earlier, and why you should have stayed banned, you are a fakecel. If literally the only thing keeping you from getting laid is just trying to be more outgoing and taking risks then you are fakecel on top of being retarded from simply not just doing that, because it really is simple, and you've ironically made it even more simple BECAUSE YOU JUST ADMITTED THAT YOU CAN GET A GF IF YOU ACTUALLY TRIED.

Im ugly but im not hideous, thus can get laid if i play the numbers game properly. I also have autism resulting in a high unhib. Its very hard for me to act "normal", we see the world in two completly different lenses. You trying to put me down for having a hard time grasping social clues is an assshole move. But still my main problem is still mainly looks but i have to compensate that by being low inhib.

If it was that easy i wouldn't be here posting. if your ugly but not hideous i believe you can escape inceldom by pure numbers game. There is eventually going to be a girl who has a fetish for an ugly guy.
If i wasn't high inhib i would probably have a girlfriend by now.


If you are ugly, then you are an idiot to think you'd have a girlfriend by now just by being low inhib, that's not how it works. When you said that shit I thought you meant you were average to above average looking but just never really put effort in due to social anxiety.
"it'd make you bold enough to be more aggressive with what you want from life."
incels being low inhib could be dangerous, some incels don't have nice intentions.

I think that's the point, I don't have nice intentions either, my plans for revenge though are wider than the scope of simply ending the lives of a few normies in a mass shooting, its a waste of effort and doesnt really cause much trauma, everybody moves on in a matter of months and they get the cope of "he/she is in a better place now" for their dead loved ones. Death is too much of a mercy for my enemies, I fucking hate these mass shootings, they're not enough, its too easy to just let these people die.

I plan on using my wealth to purposefully fund projects that will attack the lives of women directly, and by proxy society itself, because we all know societies are structured to cater to and protect women, if you want to harm a group, attack their "holy cow".

Which is why I made this thread - https://incels.is/threads/more-mass...od-thing-hopefully-er-rapes-will-begin.31789/
I would but i'm too low T to push my comfort zone
I think that's the point, I don't have nice intentions either, my plans for revenge though are wider than the scope of simply ending the lives of a few normies in a mass shooting, its a waste of effort and doesnt really cause much trauma, everybody moves on in a matter of months and they get the cope of "he/she is in a better place now" for their dead loved ones. Death is too much of a mercy for my enemies, I fucking hate these mass shootings, they're not enough, its too easy to just let these people die.

I plan on using my wealth to purposefully fund projects that will attack the lives of women directly, and by proxy society itself, because we all know societies are structured to cater to and protect women, if you want to harm a group, attack their "holy cow".

Which is why I made this thread - https://incels.is/threads/more-mass...od-thing-hopefully-er-rapes-will-begin.31789/

Any tips for inhibmaxxing? Not necessarily for a date but for social situations in general?
dude... my brother, you seem a bit crazy, tell me why do you hate roasties so much? this not good for your mental health. tell me bro i will read.

1. Its not just roasties I hate, more like I hate the society that enables them, I don't want to punish women alone, I want to fuck up society itself, planetary scale if even possible, I don't care if I go down in history as worse than hitler, I'm going to do everything in my power till the day I die to make it happen. Of course physical harm is not the goal, psychological harm is, destroying the power structure that women get their power from, causing anarchy, that should be the goal

2. I'm on an incel site, it should be obvious why I hate society and how it currently works

3. Just lol @ the "not good for your mental health" part, you mean its not good for my mental health....... like perpetual involuntary celibacy........ getting the point yet lol, its already too late to worry about mental health, and ironically I've never been more clearer in my thoughts, than when I became black pilled, I started noticing things other people didn't notice, making predictions of things that actually came true, testing the "black pill mindset" in real life situations and watching it unfold as I predicted right before my eyes, if this is being crazy then I don't want to go back to being sane, my eyes are finally open.

Also when you make posts like that, people will start to suspect you are a normie larping as an incel, so if you are, take this tip and carry on, learn from your mistakes.

Like the Cheshire Cat said in Alice in Wonderland - "Were all mad here"
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Any tips for inhibmaxxing? Not necessarily for a date but for social situations in general?

There's nothing to max, think about it this way, you've failed before and looked like an autist in social situations, and you're likely going to fail again, so what do you have to lose. Like i've said before first observe then mimick, but nothing out of your ability (obviously, common sense is everything here). If a guy starts to dance you don't just sperg out and start immediately trying to do his moves (in fact don't dance at all), but observe him still, how he smiles, what kinds of smiles he uses for various situations, like how he laughs after a joke, what kinds of jokes he makes that are considered funny, etc.

Practice in a mirror if that helps, you also have to know your audience, you can't make dark humor jokes amongst a bunch of light hearted people. Or and there has to be a build up, people have to learn to be comfortable around you before you can do certain things, I can openly make sexually suggestive jokes with my female co-workers now where before I likely would have been reported, one I even occasionally grab her ass, some actually grab back lol. Its not about confidence, its about not giving a fuck, and about slowly bit by bit pushing the limits of your "social allowances" amongst a specific group until you can do virtually anything, at one point it will become so natural that you can just go up to a new group and introduce yourself and act as that same persona, its all learnt behaviour.

To be honest I'm talking all this shit now, but I wasn't nearly as bold as i am now last year, this new job has actually leveled up my "low inhib" skils, so even me whose talking like I know shit is still learning and adapting.
how exactly does low inhibition gets you money?

u fucktard

u need a business to make money

and you don't need to be low inhibition to make a business

bill gates is low inhibition?

fuck lol at this notion tbh
how exactly does low inhibition gets you money?

Nice strawman, you're making it sound like I'm saying being low inhibition will just "get you money", don't know where I said that, maybe you lack the common sense to comprehend a simple argument. High inhib people are usually very risk averse, which affects every aspect of you life including work life, for example, I got promoted because I outright at meetings and in public declared myself to be the next best candidate and basically demanded it. A high inhib person would never do that, they'd stay quiet and shy away even if it was true. They'll also never likely even have to guts to make a business proposal or properly speak their mind, or bother to create a product or service because "its not like it'll work anyways", the "I'm high inhib" mindset impacts every aspect of your life, especially your ability to increase your income and wealth, it will only impede your success.

There are always exceptions to the rule, but the rule stands. Stop strawmaning and start reading properly.

>Inb4 - "your posts are too long" (keep hearing this from people who are too used to lazy low effort posts that don't bother to explain shit)

No, you're just stupid, they are very short actually

If you are ugly, then you are an idiot to think you'd have a girlfriend by now just by being low inhib, that's not how it works. When you said that shit I thought you meant you were average to above average looking but just never really put effort in due to social anxiety.

You can still be ugly and have a girlfriend. But you are going to have to work 1000x harder than a normie. Im not even sure if thats even worth it tbh. If your not hideous you're going to eventually become preselected by fat ugly women. My problem is i don't capitalize on the few ugly womens that have shown me interest because im to high inhib.
My problem is i don't capitalize on the few ugly womens that have shown me interest because im to high inhib.

I would more say that's just having respect for yourself and not selling yourself short. If a 4/10 threw herself at me I wouldn't fuck her. Oh and for me, I rank face over everything, more than ass, tits, everything, so a 4/10 for me is a really bad face, I'm not even thinking about body right now. If a girl has an average looking face, she can have a flat ass and a cup tits and I'd still fuck.

Can't fuck an ugly chick.
I would more say that's just having respect for yourself and not selling yourself short. If a 4/10 threw herself at me I wouldn't fuck her. Oh and for me, I rank face over everything, more than ass, tits, everything, so a 4/10 for me is a really bad face, I'm not even thinking about body right now. If a girl has an average looking face, she can have a flat ass and a cup tits and I'd still fuck.

Can't fuck an ugly chick.
Exactly! Its annoying when people call me fakecel, even though i could've had an ugly girlfriend, my conscious can't let me be intimate with someone i don't find attractive. The girls that have shown me interest are sub 4. If i only could get an average chick i would be happy.
escorts is our only solution :feelsrope:
escorts is our only solution :feelsrope:
I actually in a way prefer that, I have a rape fetish, and fucking a woman and seeing on her face that she doesn't really want me, is actually going to make me more hard. Its kinda like being rejected so much forced my brain to adapt in a manner that would make the lifestyle I'm forced into actually viable lol. I was always into "consensual themes" before in relation to sex, even with porn, over time it became less and less so until only non-consensual themes are really arousing.
I was always high inhib. My mother told me that I was always really quiet even as an infant. This behavior pattern is deeply wired in my brain and I can't do anything to break it. It might be true for some people but I will always be this way
The thread title states it all, I keep seeing the terms "low inhib" and "high inhib" popping up and at a certain point it just got annoying, because I was never "low inhib" from the start, I started off "high inhib" and I just got tired of never getting anything I wanted in life, so over time I began to push the limits of my comfort zone, especially in relation to social interactions, started being more bold, etc.

So saying you are "high inhib" is just a cope, a sad excuse, you could be "low inhib" if you were just willing to try, now it won't just magically get you laid, but at least it'd make you bold enough to be more aggressive with what you want from life.

I expected certain kinds of BS responses, so please also refer to this post before you bother making them, consider it an extension of the main post:

I can't believe you are so egotistical and self-absorbed to keep making these threads and then have the audacity to add your bolded sentence at the end. You seem accuse everyone who doesn't agree with you as having poor reading comprehension skills and the like, and in this case you are even anticipating that you will do exactly that (which you have already).

On to your main point - again, it's pretty much horseshit. You can't magically will yourself to become low inhib all of a sudden, just like a depressed person can't magically become happy or an anxious person can't magically become unconcerned. You sure can try, which is maybe all that matters, but even this refutes one of the main foundations of the blackpill, which is that looks determine everything and provide a feedback loop to all societal interactions. Thus, ugly people will never get the positive reinforcement feedback to become more low inhib, because in reality it's their LOOKS, not their will, which is holding them back.

Low IQ post, once again.
I was always high inhib. My mother told me that I was always really quiet even as an infant

Same, you have no excuse, I was so shy that when we were all watching movies as kids I'd go to the couch with covers on, next to my siblings and if a kissing scene came up, I'd quickly dive under the covers and hide my face in shame because it felt awkward. I was the kind of kid you could bring to work without worry because I'd just sit there quietly imagining shit and saying nothing, a low maintenance child.

The person I am now to who I was in the past is completely different, most of you haven't hit your breaking point yet, when you truly get tired of people, get tired of society, get tired of never getting anything you want from life, that's when you'll stop giving a fuck and force yourself to be social when necessary, because you'd have realized that if you want to get what you want YOU DON'T HAVE A CHOICE.
dude... my brother, you seem a bit crazy, tell me why do you hate roasties so much? this not good for your mental health. tell me bro i will read.
This guy is clearly nuts.
Same, you have no excuse, I was so shy that when we were all watching movies as kids I'd go to the couch with covers on, next to my siblings and if a kissing scene came up, I'd quickly dive under the covers and hide my face in shame because it felt awkward. I was the kind of kid you could bring to work without worry because I'd just sit there quietly imagining shit and saying nothing, a low maintenance child.

The person I am now to who I was in the past is completely different, most of you haven't hit your breaking point yet, when you truly get tired of people, get tired of society, get tired of never getting anything you want from life, that's when you'll stop giving a fuck and force yourself to be social when necessary, because you'd have realized that if you want to get what you want YOU DON'T HAVE A CHOICE.
I just want to get the fuck away from society. My breaking point won't be a transformation. My breaking point will be suicide and I hope it will never happen....

I was always embarassed when there was a romantic scene and I always looked away like an awkward loser.
I can't believe you are so egotistical and self-absorbed to keep making these threads and then have the audacity to add your bolded sentence at the end.

Again, just saying something doesn't make it true, please explain why anything I said was egotistical or self-absorbed, I notice some of you just like to throw around words without actually justifying or explaining your statements lol.

You seem accuse everyone who doesn't agree with you as having poor reading comprehension skills

Just the people who misinterpret what I said (purposefully or otherwise) or argue things that I already addressed in the same post they are quoting, is it really so "out there" to question their reading and comprehension skills under that context?

On to your main point - again, it's pretty much horseshit. You can't magically will yourself to become low inhib all of a sudden

LOL MY GOD THE IRONY - Crappy reading and comprehension skills EXHIBIT A

Read you moron, read and understand, don't be so quick to talk, I SAID:
so over time I began to push the limits of my comfort zone, especially in relation to social interactions, started being more bold, etc.

Notice the part where I say OVER TIME, so for you to say "all of a sudden" either shows you are being disingenuous and strawmanning my arguments, or IRONICALLY YOU HAVE CRAPPY READING AND COMPREHENSION SKILLS (either way its bad on you)

ugly people will never get the positive reinforcement feedback to become more low inhib

If you really require positive feed back to simply do what benefits your own existence then you are a complete idiot and should probably just kill yourself because your life is never going to change, why waste your time breathing, and just complaining everyday about how bad your life is if your genius plan is to do nothing about it lol. You have no idea how much of a weak willed normie you sound like right now. You're like one of those workers that needs constant pats on the back from superiors to keep doing your job, just quit the job (kill yourself).
I know involuntary celibacy it's already bad for your mental health but if you let the anger consume you it will just make it worst.

mistakes? having some empathy is a mistake? you are wrong, a normie would just mock you or label you as a pathetic human that doesn't deserve any attention. i just wanted to empathize, i feel bad for some incels sometimes i know many of them are young and if society do this to their men it's evident something is wrong.
I don't give a fuck what that cat said, this forum seems more reasonable that the bluepilled world full of lies. for me you are not mad just disappointed because society didn't give you what promised you or you expected. the blue pill should die.

Nobody here really wants empathy, or sympathy, WE WANT RETRIBUTION

Do you think you empathizing with me is going to make me feel better, if you pat a homeless guy on the head and say "there there, if feel bad for you, don't steal anyones food now" is he going to feel better lol, because that's what you're doing here, and that's what makes you seem like you're a normie larping as incel, because you are trying to DESECALATE ME to protect normies.

Like I've said before, when I see posts like yours, the first thing I'll think is that you are probably just a normie, or worst case a "paid deseclator" put in place by the government on sites like these, something like the "50 cent party/army" of the chinese government - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/50_Cent_Party

Notice I did not say anything about killing myself, I never would, never even said I'd do a mass shooting (its a waste of time), yet what do you tell me - "if you let the anger consume you it will just make it worst.". Worst for whom I ask you?

It can't get any worse for me, I find it really ironic that a so called incel really thinks that merely ignoring anger is going to make your life better, i'll still be incel whether I suppress the anger or not, I don't care about words, only actions matter, only actual change matters, your words to "stay calm" means literally nothing when any of us can just walk outside and see a 100 reasons to be angry.

Oh and ironically suppressing your anger will actually lead to worse mental health, I also hate VAGUE PLATITUDES like "don't let the hate consume you", like wtf do you even mean by that, that could mean so many different things, and I already stated that I won't kill myself or do a mass shooting so what do you even mean by that statement, what if the "hate consuming me" actually leads to a satisfying revenge, not just for me, but for all incels. Are you telling me I should avoid that, sorry I can't, there is only one path, and its forward, there are no forks on my road, no diverging paths, its a straight line and there's no going back.
Again, just saying something doesn't make it true, please explain why anything I said was egotistical or self-absorbed, I notice some of you just like to throw around words without actually justifying or explaining your statements lol.

Just the people who misinterpret what I said (purposefully or otherwise) or argue things that I already addressed in the same post they are quoting, is it really so "out there" to question their reading and comprehension skills under that context?

LOL MY GOD THE IRONY - Crappy reading and comprehension skills EXHIBIT A

Read you moron, read and understand, don't be so quick to talk, I SAID:

Notice the part where I say OVER TIME, so for you to say "all of a sudden" either shows you are being disingenuous and strawmanning my arguments, or IRONICALLY YOU HAVE CRAPPY READING AND COMPREHENSION SKILLS (either way its bad on you)

If you really require positive feed back to simply do what benefits your own existence then you are a complete idiot and should probably just kill yourself because your life is never going to change, why waste your time breathing, and just complaining everyday about how bad your life is if your genius plan is to do nothing about it lol. You have no idea how much of a weak willed normie you sound like right now. You're like one of those workers that needs constant pats on the back from superiors to keep doing your job, just quit the job (kill yourself).
You justified my original statements by giving your response. You did blame me, ironically ironic or not, for having poor reading comprehension skills.

You have a fair enough argument that I used "all of sudden" incorrectly in your given context, even though I wasn't originally responding particularly to your quoted statement, but in the general sense. Anyways, I can then rephrase my argument to mean that it is hard to even get started if you don't have that positive feedback loop. You could say that people have a high inhibition to get started to become low inhibition.

Again, I think it's a cope to not admit that having positive feedback and validation benefits your existence. My life has already changed in a positive way, but it was because I became much more attractive and only because of that, also more confident. However, now I have regressed back to the mean because of my norwooding and general ageing woes.

I 100% agree with you that people here should try to do something, but I want to say that that something is all related to looksmaxing, whether it's natural or through surgery. I know it's a hotly debated topic here, but the gymcelling that many posters despise actually worked wonders for my life and gave me the happiest 3 years of my life.

Specifically related to a job, I am a STEMcell oldcell, so I already moneymog 95% of the users on here and can freely travel and spend my money as I see fit.
You justified my original statements by giving your response. You did blame me, ironically ironic or not, for having poor reading comprehension skills.

Because you did display poor reading and comprehension skills lol, how the hell does me justifying my usage of an argumentative tactic via your ironic self deprecating statements, somehow justify your criticism of my usage of that very argumentative tactic (can you even follow what I'm saying here). I'm done, its a waste of time continuing this.

Specifically related to a job, I am a STEMcell oldcell, so I already moneymog 95% of the users on here and can freely travel and spend my money as I see fit.

Smh so many levels of irony, I can't even......

Why haven't I seen any posts from you on how to wealthmaxx, and not something as simple as "get into stem".
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