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"He's quiet"



Jan 4, 2018
If you ever hear a phrase similar about you, from anyone, in any variation: "Oh, he's really quiet" , "He doesn't talk much", etc. You're in trouble. You are observed as socially inept to the people that say this from that point forward. You can't "erase" it by training yourself to become NT. It is a permanent stamp from the first impression.

Quiet people are the easiest to manipulate, and social inadequacy is well known as a beta trait. Females disregard betas for the obvious hypergamy/reproductive reasons, but males will take advantage of your softness as well. 
They will bully you, taunt you, and coerce you, sometimes through a pseudo-friendship.

As we know, people like these usually end up as beta providers, remaining bluepilled for life in most cases. It's a death sentence from birth and is completely irreversible.
They always say those about me. Oh well
i may be quiet but im not a tool. fuck normies and their shitty games.
I heard this many times throughout highschool
I don't give a fuck if people think I'm quiet. I'm quiet because I don't want to talk to them fuck them if they think otherwise. And lols at any incel who allows themselves to be take advantage, like we should all have had enough blackball to know that woman asking favors from us doesn't mean anything except a aa chance of being cucked
When you aren´t extroverted, normies will think you are shy. So much stupidity.
all of my problems would vanish in a heartbeat if i woke up with a good personality and social skills...At this point it seems impossible to change it. Its just as much of a death sentence as being born with a deformed face.
i was a literal mute plus i have a resting murder face so literally no one ever fucked with me cus probably thought i was gonna shoot up the school

if i had about five dollars every time i heard that phrase from girls/guys, i'd make bill gates my slave.
Grain_of_sin said:
If you ever hear a phrase similar about you, from anyone, in any variation: "Oh, he's really quiet" , "He doesn't talk much", well then you're in trouble. You are observed as socially inept to the people that say this from that point forward. You can't "erase" it by training yourself to become NT. It is a permanent stamp from the first impression.

Everyone will always hold this against you. Quiet people are the easiest to manipulate, and social inadequacy is well known as a beta trait. Females disregard betas for the obvious hypergamy/reproductive reasons, but males will take advantage of your softness as well. 
They will bully you, taunt you, and coerce you, sometimes through a pseudo-friendship.

As we know, people like these usually end up as beta providers, remaining bluepilled for life in most cases. It's a death sentence from birth and is completely irreversible.

People always say that about me. I was even overlooked for a shift leader position because I'm so quiet. Hardest worker there, already doing shift leader tasks anyway, it went into talks. When we told the area manager that I wanted to move up, she looked at me and said "You? but you don't talk!" No, I don't talk. I don't stand around like the rest of you and run my fucking mouth when there's work to be done, I come here to work and not to talk. I don't get paid to stand here and socialize. But by all means, pass me by, I'd make a shitty shift leader, always working instead of talking. Hard workers get out.

Doubt I'd become a beta provider though. I'm quiet but I'm blunt and will tell someone what I think. I don't ever let people push me around. I'm quiet because I just don't know what to say to people. Most of the time I feel like there isn't a point responding to them because they're just making useless small talk.
I have heard this before
people have told me this before and yes if you are quiet and ugly the normie vultures will tear you apart and will bully you forever like the evil scum they are
Yeah i've been told this, no one taunted me or bullied me though i was bullied when i was a child, i know how shit works and will refuse to let anyone take advantage of me, i'm too neurotic and distrustful of anyone outside my family to be agreeable and if any NT scumbag wants to coerce me to do shit i don't want to do or try to bully me then i might as well break my hand once again by hitting him in the face or choke him, i have a choleric, murderous itch, i just wish i'd be low-inhib and impulsive enough when i find myself in a situation like this.
Garbage said:
people have told me this before and yes if you are quiet and ugly the normie vultures will tear you apart and will bully you forever like the evil scum they are

Quiet and ugly=creepy/arrogant
Quiet and attractive=mysterious/shy
Indeed. High inhibition = genetic death 90% of the time.
jamho22 said:
all of my problems would vanish in a heartbeat if i woke up with a good personality and social skills...At this point it seems impossible to change it. Its just as much of a death sentence as being born with a deformed face.

its death for aspies and autists fucked if you do, fucked if you don't. i don't think you'll ever be treated with literal disgust like a deformed person so that is a pretty ridiculous comparison but it's a complete death sentence nonetheless, just in a different manner.
Holy fuck man, EVERY GOD DAMN DAY THE CHAD BOSS OF MY BOSS WHO SET UP SHOP IN AN OFFICE BY MY computer desk WOULD JOKE ABOUT THIS TO ME EVERY DAY. It was annoying as fuck how obsessed he was about it. EVeryone has said this about me because a cool boss I had told me how every other manager and higher up mentioned how quiet I was. Fucking normies have to talk nonstop about stupid shit or youre an outcast to them. I just dont have anything to say and have severe social anxiety
Who gives a fuck. I'm quiet because i fucking hate people and their bullshit.
Cynistic said:
Quiet and ugly=creepy/arrogant
Quiet and attractive=mysterious/shy
Sadist said:
I don't give a fuck if people think I'm quiet. I'm quiet because I don't want to talk to them fuck them if they think otherwise. And lols at any incel who allows themselves to be take advantage, like we should all have had enough blackball to know that woman asking favors from us doesn't mean anything except a aa chance of being cucked
This is on point. You described my exact life. :'(
Being a quiet Chad makes you even more desirable to some I'm sure there are roasties that like shy guys. Generalizing them as all the same in terms of tastes is borderline cope
I'm socially inept and below average

Impressive how history repeats. I'm old but that was my daily routine in HS as well.
Quiet = future incel.
I'm only quiet when I haven't been introduced/introduced myself.
Even if you try to talk, you will always go back to being silent because you know the way of the blackpill.
Heard that one a few times when I was a teen. Don't hear it anymore. Am a sociopath and always know when to talk and when to stfu.
being quiet and female isn't seen as a negative trait compared to males
Legit. It's a death sentence. Everyone pegs you for a future hERo or Sodini.
Grain_of_sin said:
If you ever hear a phrase similar about you, from anyone, in any variation: "Oh, he's really quiet" , "He doesn't talk much", etc. You're in trouble. You are observed as socially inept to the people that say this from that point forward. You can't "erase" it by training yourself to become NT. It is a permanent stamp from the first impression.

Quiet people are the easiest to manipulate, and social inadequacy is well known as a beta trait. Females disregard betas for the obvious hypergamy/reproductive reasons, but males will take advantage of your softness as well. 
They will bully you, taunt you, and coerce you, sometimes through a pseudo-friendship.

As we know, people like these usually end up as beta providers, remaining bluepilled for life in most cases. It's a death sentence from birth and is completely irreversible.

Shut the fuck up, our faces are fucking ugly hence the failo effect of everything we do

Quiet chad= mysterious cute
Quiet incel= rapist, creep.

 Fuck this life fuck it all
story of my life

i want to go outside and stab up a chav
Because of bullying in highschool of being an ugly guy trying to act extroverted I started talking less and less. Also started talking less because of people who you would think we're your friends but would put you down at random times. That's when I realized everyone can go fuck themselves. In college I'm mute in every class and sit in the back and never talk to anyone unless it's for a group assignment or they talk to me first. Fuck Normies, you don't know which ones you can trust.
me all through hs, no friends, no girls spoke to me ever, nobody even wanted to sit near me or do group work with me

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