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Serious Here's Why Elliot Rodger Is Celebrated By Incels Over Others Who More Appropriately Fit The Label



Feb 28, 2018
I think many people misunderstand why Elliot is celebrated, often saying he was volcel and there were better individuals that deserve "saint hood", well I can't speak for everyone, but for me personally it had to do with 3 things

1. Time - He just did his stuff in the right era, the media often likes to take guys like these and make them look like monsters, but elliot had a decent collection of videos in which he was very relatable.

2. Sincerity - In his manifesto and his videos he was very honest and straight forward, that made him very relatable to many men facing the same problems. Cho just came off as some kind of crazy guy ranting about his crazy agenda in his manifesto, Elliot came off as a regular guy driven to madness by constant rejection and a system that seemed to be against him. When I read cho's manifesto I feel no "connection", when I read Elliots its easy to "connect" and see similarities in our lives.

3. Prominence - The position his father held lended greatly to his legend spreading which was good for "the cause" and I think he knew that, which is exactly why he wrote a manifesto. Elliot was just the perfect guy for this in the perfect era for it (technology/social media crazed era).

Elliots manifesto is really dangerous from the perspective of normal society, I'm pretty sure a lot of important people in high positions were thinking "oh shit" when they realized these writings were available for millions of men to read with no restriction, because society currently functions and profits by leaving men disenfranchised, writings like these which are so easy to relate to and so well written will lead to a lot of "conversions". In fact I didn't even consider myself incel, or becoming immersed in "black pill culture" until I heard about Elliot, until I read his manifesto.

I don't think anybody props Elliot up because he's "good looking", actually him being "good looking" actually adds to our argument, that even average or slightly above average looking men are going to have it hard getting sex and relationships with female hypergamy left unregulated and out of control.

His good looks is the ultimate weapon against copers, if he was butt ugly the average incel in denial (like myself years ago) would just tell themselves - "yeah but that won't be me because I'm better looking than him, I still have a chance". Elliot is better looking than me, and that's exactly what led to be thinking - "Holy shit no wonder my luck with women has been this bad, if a guy who looks like this can't get laid for being "shy" what chance do I really have".

He's just a "really good package" to present and spread the concepts and ideology of inceldom and the black pill. A right place right time kind of scenario. His looks are just the nail in the coffin to silence copers, its the first three things I mentioned that are important, what made his story spread and become more synonymous with inceldom.

Like I said and I hope you really let this sink in, I myself would have ignored his story if he was uglier than me, I know for a fact I'd tell myself that I still had a chance, because I have average looks. At some point I'd have made my way to the black pill because I've always been a logical objective minded person but it would have been years from now, after wasting even more time and money trying. Elliot Rodger and his story saved me a lot of time.

If he wasn't so honest and eloquent in his writings or videos he'd never have had the same effect he did, he wasn't ranting like he was on drugs like cho in his videos, he was having pleasant conversations with his viewers about the pains he faced, the pains we face. His tone was always polite and eloquent laughably even in his last video where he's plotting to go on a killing rampage.

To go on a tangent Aizen from the anime bleach is my favourite character in all of everything, because he's always calm and collected, and that's what I saw in Elliot, there was rage but he was in control of the rage, it wasn't controlling him, there was no fussing and fuming, there was only purpose, intent, he knew what he wanted to do and he was just going to do it, end of story.

You can't even compare the two, I don't even care about kill streaks I care about longevity and effectiveness. Elliot has and will go on to inspire many future mass shootings and more, cho just sounded like a crazed out of breath lunatic, no "charisma" at all. Elliot oozed charisma. Cho's speech is all over the place, he wasn't specific about anything at all, wtf did he mean by lines like - "vandalized my heart, raped my soul, tortured my conscience.", he was wasting time trying to be poetic instead of just stating what it is he mean't, he just came off as a "try hard" trying to "make an impact" and "become a legend". That's the great irony, he even said in his video his actions will go on to inspire many more, but people barely remember him and its Elliots actions that do that and Elliot was just doing all this FOR HIMSELF. That's shows true conviction, notice for Elliot he its "HIS day of retribution". He isn't saying stuff like Cho, like its for his "sons" and "brothers" out there.

Cho doesn't sound sincere, he doesn't sound like he really has his heart in it, notice he's even reading from a piece of paper, while eliiot is giving his speech from his head, because its simply what he really thinks and feels, he doesn't need a script. It just sounds like cho put together some "deep sounding" shit so he can give himself an excuse/rationale to do it. Elliot sounds and looks as if he truly believes in what he's doing.[/QUOTE]
Sorry I'm too low IQ to read this post,I don't deserve it
I think your analysis is on point, high IQ for sure.
Cho's speech is all over the place, he wasn't specific about anything at all, wtf did he mean by lines like - "vandalized my heart, raped my soul, tortured my conscience.", he was wasting time trying to be poetic instead of just stating what it is he mean't, he just came off as a "try hard" trying to "make an impact" and "become a legend". That's the great irony, he even said in his video his actions will go on to inspire many more, but people barely remember him and its Elliots actions that do that and Elliot was just doing all this FOR HIMSELF. That's shows true conviction, notice for Elliot he its "HIS day of retribution". He isn't saying stuff like Cho, like its for his "sons" and "brothers" out there.
I've read Rodger's writings, and I appreciate his perspective and overall impact on the incel community.

I can't help but feel as if he's bashed too much by the community, he's a great figurehead for the incel community for those reasons.
However good ER was as a spokesman, he wasn't any good as a killer.

Cho's K/D ratio is far more impressive than ER's. :lul:
The sincerity was one of the main factor I believe. His manifesto was great. He was a mentalcel and a volcel because he had only wanted blondes. It was over for him because he did not ever try. He could have taken a girl to the hunger games movies his dad made. He wasn't ugly. But don't we all have a bit of ER in us all? How we could have lost our virginity to someone very ugly, or to have sex with someone we weren't attracted to?
Elliot came off as a regular guy driven to madness by constant rejection and a system that seemed to be against him.
JFL. That faggot was the most pretentious entitled little hapa shit ever. GTFOH
Idk man Cho sounded sincere to me, just less theatrical, which can actually convey MORE sincerity in many cases.
Elliot Rodger was a victim of bullying, isolation and depression. He let the world know that there are men who struggle socially and romantically and they need help.

I’m sure before Elliot there was a lot of incels but they couldn’t speak about it to anyone. Men used to be ashamed to be honest about their sex life or lack of sex life and they would lie regularly about how often they have sex.

Having a growing incel community is an indicator that men are waking up and they are less ashamed to talk about their loneliness and desire for a better relationships than what’s on offer right now.
Cho sent his videos directly to NBC/Jew media, so he was trying to put on a show, and we'll never know if they were edited. That's not a fair comparison. Too bad that Cho was just before the Youtube era.

Elliot's story is the most interesting, by far. There's so much information about him, he's the son of a relatively successful Hollywood producer, he was among the elite in SoCal compared to killings in Bumfuck areas.
High IQ post.

I'm the same as you though, I was pretty much a combination of redpill/bluepill until I read Rodger's manifesto, and therefore I was able to relate to it and embrace the blackpill.
Manifesto of Elliot was a masterpiece tbh.
cope, your primate brain just self-rationalizes to like elliot more than cho cause he's better-loooking even though cho is better in every way
Elliot was suffering from grandiose illusions as a result of his rank narcissism, stemming from the fact his peers wouldn’t treat him with the same kind of unfiltered adulation and praise he received from his mother at home.

Although many people here find him relatable because of the way he was bullied through highschool, he is unlike many here in the fact that with persistence he really would have been able to get himself a girlfriend. If he hadn’t been so fixated on blonde Stacies he’d have eventually been fine, though his unrelenting sense of entitlement may have always prevented him from doing this.

He is a very bad representative for incels for this reason.
Elliot is just so fascinating to me. I always want to learn more about him.
Cho vs Rodgers? Your take?


Rodgers vs downtown Gang in the Harlem?

Cho vs Rodgers? Your take?

View attachment 76327

Rodgers vs downtown Gang in the Harlem?

View attachment 76328

My take?, I've read his manifesto, I'm quite aware that he was in denial of various things because it allowed him to cope, a superiority complex is often nothing more than a "psychological defense mechanism" that compensates for an inferiority complex.

This right here is another example of you being vague or disingenuous, you aren't making the intentions of your post clear, you aren't stating the implications of these images and asking me to argue against some point you are proving by the posts, you are just posting these images with the highlights and asking me what I think of them, with no clear argument, because if you gave a clear argument then I could argue against it and disprove it, but as long as you leave your post open ended, I could say one thing, and you could just jump to another and say that's what you were implying, so there's no point in me typing out anything long and detailed.

You're asking for "my take", I'm asking for "your intentions", "your implications".
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My take?, I've read his manifesto, I'm quite aware that he was in denial of various things because it allowed him to cope, a superiority complex is often nothing more than a "psychological defense mechanism" that compensates for an inferiority complex.

This right here is another example of you being vague or disingenuous, you aren't making the intentions of your post clear, you are stating the implications of these images and asking to argue against some point you are proving by the posts, you are just posting these images with the highlights and asking me what I think of them, with no clear argument, because if you gave a clear argument then I could argue against it and disprove it, but as long as you leave your post open ended, I could say one thing, and you could just jump to another and say that's what you were implying, so there's no point in me typing out anything long and detailed.

You're asking for "my take", I'm asking for "your intentions", "your implications".

Do you take into consideration his wealth? His superiority complex doesn't necessarily have to resort to cope. He could have just been a spoilt brat.

So far you've never disproved any argument of mine. Still haven't given how you're going to implement the violation of human rights of women specifically?

I'm asking are you personally okay with that sort of race baiting of his & if you are then how are you able to reason it through?

Me leaving it open ended is the facts of life. There is no wall like there was in a 2d game. This game is open ended.
Here's the meaning of the word "Disingenuous" btw. Where have I been like that here?


I don't think the other Ethnicels would take too kindly to you being Chaiwalla to a wannabe White Supremacist. Do you?

If anyone said that here they'd be accused of Bragging & LARPing? Are you okay with that? If you've read the Manifesto then why are you concealing these parts when they're just a stones throw away?

Mother fucker was quite clearly a Narcissist by the looks of things.

So he was cucked by Asians on the World of Warcraft & then cucked by Asians again picking up "Hot Blondes". Righto.
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Although many people here find him relatable because of the way he was bullied through highschool, he is unlike many here in the fact that with persistence he really would have been able to get himself a girlfriend. If he hadn’t been so fixated on blonde Stacies he’d have eventually been fine
Do you take into consideration his wealth? His superiority complex doesn't necessarily have to resort to cope. He could have just been a spoilt brat.

Yeah he could just have been a spoilt brat, what difference would that make though, his contribution in kick starting this thing would still be appreciated.

Still haven't given how you're going to implement the violation of human rights of women specifically?

If I had outlined detailed plans yet (I don't currently), why the hell would I reveal them on a forum that is obviously being monitored by various government institutions, you see its posts like this that make people think you are a larp with the malicious intent of trying to ruin someones life, or you are some kind of government spy/agent.

I mean look at some of your posts to me:

If you can't advocate it man to man with anyone either face to face or over social media than grow some balls, take your hand out of holding your cock & actually get to work.

Now add that to the one above I'm talking about where I haven't given specific plans JFL, your posts remind me of this image:

Its like you're trying to get someone locked up, like you're trying to reverse psychology me into doing something stupid - "Hey why don't you BE A MAN an go public discussing your basically terrorist like ideals, while your at it I guess you aren't SMART ENOUGH that you have any detailed plans as to how you would make your ideals come to fruition, else you would have posted them by now"


Like come on dude, you are clearly a larp, or a troll at least, maybe it isn't intentional, but please understand the meme "nice try FBI" was invented because of people making posts like you do, it just seems so fake and definitely doesn't represent the general mindset of the userbase (most of your posts), and on top of that always asking for people to do things that you know full well are risky, you are very suspect.
Pin worthy post.

To me it almost looks like Cho was incel but couldn't put his finger on the real issue. Maybe the pain from being isolated and berated for too long clouded his mind and thus he just rambled on about the world, fighting an invisible enemy.
"You vandalized my heart and raped me" - but who was you??
"I die like Jesus Christ. For my brothers and sisters, the weak and the defenseless" - What weak and defenseless brothers and sisters??

Marc Lepine is worth worshipping, but he was a weak willed man who overreacted. His individual situation wasn't that bad. He understood that feminism limited him in his life, but this was a joke compared to our lives. It was a time before tinder and metoo.

Some shooters like the Columbine shooters and Breivik had nothing to do with inceldom at all and should never be worshipped by blackpillers.

Most shooters just lash out because of bullying and/ or mental illness.
Yeah he could just have been a spoilt brat, what difference would that make though, his contribution in kick starting this thing would still be appreciated.

So you're an indoctrinated idiot who blindly follows some LARPing Chad or a Braggard & LARPer? Actually it gained us notoriety. That's all. The problem was still there & will be there for some time until we actually get respected & recognised. That simple.

If I had outlined detailed plans yet (I don't currently), why the hell would I reveal them on a forum that is obviously being monitored by various government institutions, you see its posts like this that make people think you are a larp with the malicious intent of trying to ruin someones life, or you are some kind of government spy/agent.

I mean look at some of your posts to me:

Now add that to the one above I'm talking about where I haven't given specific plans JFL, your posts remind me of this image:

Elliot Rodger was man enough to write a VLOG I believe before he went on a shooting spree.
I wrote some tweets which maybe looked at or not. I wrote those very same precepts here for all to see.
What are you doing other than jumping on the band wagon of other peoples legit misery & grandstanding for your own selfish nefarious notoriety & purpose of "passive income stream".

Its like you're trying to get someone locked up, like you're trying to reverse psychology me into doing something stupid - "Hey why don't you BE A MAN an go public discussing your basically terrorist like ideals, while your at it I guess you aren't SMART ENOUGH that you have any detailed plans as to how you would make your ideals come to fruition, else you would have posted them by now"


Like come on dude, you are clearly a larp, or a troll at least, maybe it isn't intentional, but please understand the meme "nice try FBI" was invented because of people making posts like you do, it just seems so fake and definitely doesn't represent the general mindset of the userbase (most of your posts), and on top of that always asking for people to do things that you know full well are risky, you are very suspect.

You can't do anything because even your precepts or "detailed plans" of Guerilla Warfare would be laughed out of town. Even by the people here.

Its quite clear that you're a fame hungry LARPer trying to milk this cash cow.

If you're so scared of the FBI don't post here. Fuck I don't give a shit if they see what I post because I'd defend every single one of them to the last letter. The FBI = Only human. Here in the UK we've got MI5 & Scotland Yard & I don't give a damn because I'd defend every single post to the last letter. Can the same be said for you?
Elliot was suffering from grandiose illusions as a result of his rank narcissism, stemming from the fact his peers wouldn’t treat him with the same kind of unfiltered adulation and praise he received from his mother at home.

Although many people here find him relatable because of the way he was bullied through highschool, he is unlike many here in the fact that with persistence he really would have been able to get himself a girlfriend. If he hadn’t been so fixated on blonde Stacies he’d have eventually been fine, though his unrelenting sense of entitlement may have always prevented him from doing this.

He is a very bad representative for incels for this reason.

I've shown this.
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It is apparently an unpopular opinion but I don't think elliot is attractive.
He's below average.
Nose is weird, lips are weird. He's obviously racially mixed, and we all know how ethnics fare in the dating game, especially introverted non-whites. All in all he's doesn't have an appeal. He's not Chad/Chang. He's too ethnic for the girls who want a white guy, and too white for the girls who might want an asian guy. He's in a really awkward social position that highlights why racemixing is an awful thing to do to your kids.

Great Philosophising.

Now where's the pragmatics & practicalities of enacting that?

State dicated sexual mating. Let me guess planned & enacted by Chads (aka the physically strongest) no less?
"The most beautiful women choose to mate with the most brutal of men... instead of magnificent gentlemen like myself"...

That's some bragging right there Mother Fuckers.
Pin worthy post.

To me it almost looks like Cho was incel but couldn't put his finger on the real issue. Maybe the pain from being isolated and berated for too long clouded his mind and thus he just rambled on about the world, fighting an invisible enemy.
"You vandalized my heart and raped me" - but who was you??
"I die like Jesus Christ. For my brothers and sisters, the weak and the defenseless" - What weak and defenseless brothers and sisters??

Marc Lepine is worth worshipping, but he was a weak willed man who overreacted. His individual situation wasn't that bad. He understood that feminism limited him in his life, but this was a joke compared to our lives. It was a time before tinder and metoo.

Some shooters like the Columbine shooters and Breivik had nothing to do with inceldom at all and should never be worshipped by blackpillers.

Most shooters just lash out because of bullying and/ or mental illness.

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It is apparently an unpopular opinion but I don't think elliot is attractive.
He's below average.
Nose is weird, lips are weird. He's obviously racially mixed, and we all know how ethnics fare in the dating game, especially introverted non-whites. All in all he's doesn't have an appeal. He's not Chad/Chang. He's too ethnic for the girls who want a white guy, and too white for the girls who might want an asian guy. He's in a really awkward social position that highlights why racemixing is an awful thing to do to your kids.

As a mixed white/Asian myself, I've felt this dating discrimination firsthand. I've been rejected by white and Asian girls for being "too Asian," while also being rejected by other Asian girls for being "too white."

Racemixing is done by selfish parents because "muh sexy exotic partner," while failing to think of the consequences their kids will suffer. The sons, anyway. Daughters turn out okay just because of female privilege.
I really need to get round to reading his manifesto, it seems surprisingly well-written in those extracts

Cho was a REAL ricecel.

ER was a mentally ill narcissistic with huge standards for woman and he NEVER APPROACHED WOMAN IN HIS LIFE. ER is the perfect representation of a volcel-standardcel.

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