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Here is the one of the guys trying to shut this place down



Nov 11, 2017
source: https://8ch.net/r9k/res/212141.html#212141
He has a gf. He is a Normie. Normie>incel. But apparently he doesn't get much action if he cares so much about some obscure internet forum.
Betabux numale cuck.
incelman said:
He has a gf. He is a Normie. Normie>incel. But apparently he doesn't get much action if he cares so much about some obscure internet forum.

He has a woman,of fooking course :(
Someone should pay him and his wife a visit ;).
BillyBeta said:

We need to contact his wife so that she starts fucking him a bit more cause he clearly needs it if he prosecutes internet incels
He has such a punchable face. I hope somone gives him what he deservers.
Maybe someone should pay somone on the darknet to teach him a little lesson.
Lord beetus will take thee hooves in due time
his wife looks like eggman lmao
He’s a sysadmin for some company called ASR Health Benefits in Grand Rapids, MI.


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CuckTears is shaking in their boots.

This guy has a literal neckbeard
shes definitely fucking chad on the side
Lol he deactivated his Deviantart account: https://hansolo551.deviantart.com/

His wifes profile is removed from her company's website: http://biologos.org/about-us/our-team/morganna-downing

cached version: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:TLN4ZKheTV8J:biologos.org/about-us/our-team/morganna-downing

Dey scare, a bit too late though ...
a-virgin-nigger said:
I can see it too KEK

she looks like eggman and riley reid put together
the wife looks like the typical /r/hotwife poster KEK
This guy being married proves how much of that normie platitude advice is bullshit. He's a fat neckbeard, but no need to shave/haircut or hit the gym because he probably has a good face below all that fat. Remember, the female brain is attracted to good genes, and good genes are still good genes even if their owner gets fat or old.

There is no hope.
One by one we shall wipe their present of the internet.
lol his gf is using him as a beta provider, she probably takes chad cock weekly
incelman said:
We need to contact his wife so that she starts fucking him a bit more cause he clearly needs it if he prosecutes internet incels

This, this and this

Raver said:
lol his gf is using him as a beta provider, she probably takes chad cock weekly

That guy in your avatar is a surgeon, right?
I wasn't surprised to find out he was autistic. Only an autist would spend so many time obsessing over some people discussing about their inceldom in a forum(and some femoid hate which is well deserved)
Angry_runt said:
This guy being married proves how much of that normie platitude advice is bullshit. He's a fat neckbeard, but no need to shave/haircut or hit the gym because he probably has a good face below all that fat. Remember, the female brain is attracted to good genes, and good genes are still good genes even if their owner gets fat or old.

There is no hope.

she is using him as a beta provider, chill, he get cuckes daily by chad
Angry_runt said:
This guy being married proves how much of that normie platitude advice is bullshit. He's a fat neckbeard, but no need to shave/haircut or hit the gym because he probably has a good face below all that fat. Remember, the female brain is attracted to good genes, and good genes are still good genes even if their owner gets fat or old.

There is no hope.

He has a shit face. He is a software guy so decent income. He is a beta bux, that's all.
11gaijin said:
This, this and this

That guy in your avatar is a surgeon, right?

that's my lord and saviour, Dr.Mike Mew, https://lookism.net/Thread-BBC-I-ve-been-mewing-so-hard-lately-that-my-palate-got-wider-VERY-IMPORTANT-THREAD
11gaijin said:
This, this and this

That guy in your avatar is a surgeon, right?

its mike mews, a PLS meme
BillyBeta said:

Dafaq man, you hacked this asshole? Please say you hacked his neckbeard's ass !!! Please my nigga !!!
Angry_runt said:
This guy being married proves how much of that normie platitude advice is bullshit. He's a fat neckbeard, but no need to shave/haircut or hit the gym because he probably has a good face below all that fat. Remember, the female brain is attracted to good genes, and good genes are still good genes even if their owner gets fat or old.

There is no hope.

I dunno, more likely they’re sheltered Christians who went to the same church etc. Families likely knew each other and shit. Probably got married young and were virgins before marriage. Those religious groups are fucking weird but they do exist.

Kinda explains why he’s such a prick to incels - he’s never experienced the real world outside his cozy little church group. Has no idea how tough it really is out there. If this guy had been born into a normal family then he’d be a fucking truecel.
Raver said:
she is using him as a beta provider, chill, he get cuckes daily by chad

How do you know he's not already Chadlite under that fat? Besides, she could get a better looking and higher earning beta provider any time she wants. You're buying into the TRP propaganda that being fat/fit matters or that grooming matters or that any of that shit matters. It's all about the bones of your face, and we can't see the bones of his face because of the fat.
Raver said:
that's my lord and saviour, Dr.Mike Mew, https://lookism.net/Thread-BBC-I-ve-been-mewing-so-hard-lately-that-my-palate-got-wider-VERY-IMPORTANT-THREAD

Can he make me Gandy?
His fiance looks like she's taken miles of BBC
11gaijin said:
Dafaq man, you hacked this asshole? Please say you hacked his neckbeard's ass !!! Please my nigga !!!

Nope sorry. I just found out what is probably his email address, was not included in the original dox.
11gaijin said:
He has a shit face. He is a software guy so decent income. He is a beta bux, that's all.

You are falling for TRP propaganda. The amount of fat on his face is irrelevant and you can't see his B O N E S.
And this ladies and gentlemen of the public, is why you dont uses the same fucking username everywhere, especially when upsetting a bunch of LDARing virgins...
Literal neckbearded SJW cuck hahahahaha.
Angry_runt said:
How do you know he's not already Chadlite under that fat? Besides, she could get a better looking and higher earning beta provider any time she wants. You're buying into the TRP propaganda that being fat/fit matters or that grooming matters or that any of that shit matters. It's all about the bones of your face, and we can't see the bones of his face because of the fat.

lol I know more about looks than you, facial harmony is the most important thing. He looks like shit and he's fat bcs of his subhuman genes.
hope he gets what he deserves. I will use my magical aesthetic powers to punish him. Nobody can stop zyzz!
Raver said:
lol I know more about looks than you, facial harmony is the most important thing. He looks like shit and he's fat bcs of his subhuman genes.

fat because of genes? lol no, he is fat because he is a lazy fucker who eats too much
Raver said:
lol I know more about looks than you, facial harmony is the most important thing. He looks like shit and he's fat bcs of his subhuman genes.

Cope. You have to invent some fantasy that a decent looking college educated girl would need an IT betabux. It's all about G E N E S and you have no idea what his face looks like under that blubber.

Chad = Chad, bodyfat is irrelevant
Angry_runt said:
You are falling for TRP propaganda. The amount of fat on his face is irrelevant and you can't see his B O N E S.

Dude bones is not enough, how those bones are arranged matters. His skull shape is enough to say that this guy is 2/10 PSL max. DOn't you see his house. He is rich obviously. He is a betabux.
BillyBeta said:
fat because of genes? lol no, he is fat because he is a lazy fucker who eats too much

lol that's cope, chad can eat 10 pizza per day and still be lean bcs of his high testosteron and hormons, that guy is fat bcs of his high e and  test levels as low as a 10 y old girl
Disgusting cuck you mess with us we will fight back. We will not sit around and be harrassed like you are when Tyrone bangs your whore of a wife.
11gaijin said:
Dude bones is not enough, how those bones are arranged matters. His skull shape is enough to say that this guy is 2/10 PSL max. DOn't you see his house. He is rich obviously. He is a betabux.

His house (if it's not just a lease) is just what a middle class person would have in that area. Same with his car. And that girl is college educated and pretty enough to get a proper betabux if she want.

Don't buy into TRP bullshit. Or if you do, stop coping and get a great body if you think that matters one electron.
Raver said:
lol that's cope, chad can eat 10 pizza per day and still be lean bcs of his high testosteron and hormons, that guy is fat bcs of his high e and  test levels as low as a 10 y old girl

You sound like a fat lives matter feminist. He wouldn't have that beard if he had female T levels. He is fat because a) not enough exercise b) too many calories ... just like EVERY OTHER FAT MOTHERFUCKER ON THIS PLANET.
Angry_runt said:
His house (if it's not just a lease) is just what a middle class person would have in that area. Same with his car. And that girl is college educated and pretty enough to get a proper betabux if she want.

Don't buy into TRP bullshit. Or if you do, stop coping and get a great body if you think that matters one electron.

Cope, he is a software guy.. ANd in US, good software engg have incomes of 100k+. Don't bullshit by saying average middle class American makes that much. Also the uglier the beta bux the easier it is to cuck him.

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