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Blackpill Here are some stats on the Life Success of Adults diagnosed with Autism.



Feb 13, 2023
(1) Autists' Low Fecundity

Autists have an average of 0.25 kids.

Except for women with depression, affected patients had significantly fewer children (FR range for those with psychiatric disorder, 0.23-0.93; P < 10−10). This reduction was consistently greater among men than women, suggesting that male fitness was particularly sensitive.

(2) Autists' Low Marriage Rate

Group Estimated Marriage Rate
General Population 50%
Autistic Adults 9%

(3) Autists' Lack of Friends

Autists want and need friends just as much as normies do, and try to mask and perform to get and keep them, however it works poorly and the masking and performing are bad for their mental health:

autistic individuals have the strong desire to make friends, with most autistic individuals valuing the qualities of shared interests, reciprocity, trust and respect in friendship and having a small number of friends. Despite the motivations to have friends, autistic individuals could experience great challenges in making and keeping friends. To cope with the challenges and fit into the non-autistic world, many individuals engage in adaptive morphing or persistently learn and practise social skills in their everyday lives. These constant efforts often led to feelings of increased anxiety and emotional fatigue, further contributing to mental health problems.

Autists are four times more likely to be lonely than normies

Dr Gemma Williams of Swansea University said "autistic people were way more distressed by their loneliness than neurotypical people".

One autistic man told the BBC he can find making friends and conversation challenging.

Factors associated with autistic loneliness:

Heightened anxiety
Depression and suicidal ideation
Negative experiences and learned helplessness

participants explained that their past experiences impacted their desire for socialisation, with negative experiences, such as bullying leading them to avoid socialisation: "People have been so cruel to me - I don’t socialise ever anymore"

Lack of autism understanding and acceptance from others

I cannot talk about my real experience of life to most people, because they wouldn’t understand or be interested. That makes me feel, as the saying goes, ‘lonely in a room full of people’ and I’m fed up with it.

Hwang et al. reported that a lack of autism awareness and understanding caused negative social experiences for autistic adults, including bullying and social isolation.

Sensory avoidance

Two studies... identified sensory avoidance as a factor positively associated with loneliness among autistic adults. Smith and Sharp reported that sensory avoidance due to sensory stressful environments render autistic adults socially isolated, which could lead to loneliness.


Hull et al. further explained that relationships formed when camouflaging may be perceived as false by some autistic adults, which can leave them with the feelings of loneliness. Elmose’s qualitative study also reported that autistic adults engaged in camouflaging and this was linked to their experiences of loneliness.

Inadequate Social Participation Among Young Adults with an Autism Spectrum Disorder

Young adults with an ASD were significantly more likely to never see friends (38.6%), never get called by friends (47.2%), and never be invited to activities (48.1%) compared to other groups.

The rate of being socially isolated (no participation in any of the three activities) in the ASD group (28.1%) ranged from 3 to 14 times higher than other groups.

adjusted odds ratios predicting social participation outcomes revealed that young adults with an ASD had significantly higher odds of friends never calling and of being socially isolated compared to all three disability comparison groups.

young adults with ASD had higher adjusted odds of never seeing friends compared to young adults in the ID and LD groups.

young adults with ASD had higher adjusted odds of never being invited to activities compared to young adults from the LD group.

Focusing on the young adults with ASD, those with more limited conversation ability had significantly higher odds of friends never calling and of being socially isolated. Young adults with lower functional skills also had significantly higher odds of friends never calling. Those who were not living independently had higher odds of never seeing friends.

(4) Unemployment

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has published new data that shows just 22% of autistic adults are in any kind of employment.

So to some up just get in the gym, get in the shower and put yourself out there bros! Life is what you make it, so if you're a loser, you deserve it and have no one to blame but yourself! :soy::foidSoy::bluepill:
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Type 2/3 autists are considered in this as well. I want to know the stats on type 1 autists alone.
So to some up just get in the gym, get in the shower and put yourself out there bros! Life is what you make it, so if you're a loser, you deserve it and have no one to blame but yourself! :soy::foidSoy::bluepill:
triple h fighting GIF by WWE
Almost no one one this forum has autism. They are just ugly.
That's how it is

I can guess that there are a bunch of self-diagnosed teens on here, some of whom will actually be misinterpreting themselves, but I would still bet on autists being a significant part of the user base. And I have a strong distaste for this uncaring kind of dismissal of other people's issues. Many people (pretty much everyone) reports struggling with social life majorly, something that is honestly a better indicator for a mental condition than for looks alone. Although these need not be exclusive of each other.

Purity spiraling is when a group becomes so fixated on some core values, they become unable to tolerate any kind of nuance or divergence from the party line. I think something like this happens on here often around any of the core values, in this case with looks. Looks have to be important, but if you can no longer accept anything other than looks as a possible explanation, then you are already spiraling into dogma.
I have klinefelter's so I have almost all the symptoms of autism outside of obsession. Misery.

Never been able to keep friends. Always left out.

Almost no one one this forum has autism. They are just ugly.
I'm extremely ugly and basically autistic with low IQ. Giga over.
:soy: If you don't have any friends, just make friends with other people who don't have friends! It's literally so easy, you autistic faggot! Just find other autistic faggots, and you'll finally stop being a friendless loner! By the way, mental health is hecking important, and calling other people niggers and schizos is a bad thing you should never do. Calling them autistic though? That's totally valid, because autists, unless groomed into becoming trxns, tend to become hecking evil chvds that you should NEVER associate with, so make sure to call them out for what they are, or else you're a SUPER autistic faggot, you fucking worthless n-Oh, I meant ninnyhammer!

I can guess that there are a bunch of self-diagnosed teens on here, some of whom will actually be misinterpreting themselves, but I would still bet on autists being a significant part of the user base. And I have a strong distaste for this uncaring kind of dismissal of other people's issues. Many people (pretty much everyone) reports struggling with social life majorly, something that is honestly a better indicator for a mental condition than for looks alone. Although these need not be exclusive of each other.

Purity spiraling is when a group becomes so fixated on some core values, they become unable to tolerate any kind of nuance or divergence from the party line. I think something like this happens on here often around any of the core values, in this case with looks. Looks have to be important, but if you can no longer accept anything other than looks as a possible explanation, then you are already spiraling into dogma.
When you are ugly and are either rejected by society or simply ignored by it and you spend most of your life alone what you develop is an extreme conditioning of ignoring what to do in every fucking single social interaction, because social interactions are of no use or virtually (in its etimological meaning) impossible because there is no social interaction and never can be, because looks alone represent the social prospects of success as we already know. Economical, social and sexual-romantic.

My hypothesis is that most people here are either teen larpers or broken minds due continous failure and lack of sociosexual and social interactions, more than an acquired-from-birth autism / brain disfuction.
:soy: If you don't have any friends, just make friends with other people who don't have friends! It's literally so easy, you autistic faggot! Just find other autistic faggots, and you'll finally stop being a friendless loner! By the way, mental health is hecking important, and calling other people niggers and schizos is a bad thing you should never do. Calling them autistic though? That's totally valid, because autists, unless groomed into becoming trxns, tend to become hecking evil chvds that you should NEVER associate with, so make sure to call them out for what they are, or else you're a SUPER autistic faggot, you fucking worthless n-Oh, I meant ninnyhammer!

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ij1bh8aYpkQ&pp=ygUWY2FybWFnZWRkb24gZGVzZXJ0IG9zdA%3D%3D
Type 2/3 autists are considered in this as well. I want to know the stats on type 1 autists alone.
Same, since almost everyone here is a level one autist. Level 2 and especially 3 autists are not common here.
22% are in employment? Ovahhh
Type 2/3 autists are considered in this as well. I want to know the stats on type 1 autists alone.
Yeah exactly there's a big difference. Every autist here is type 1 pretty much from what I know.

22% are in employment? Ovahhh
That is affected by type 2/3 autists being included in this as well likely. Type 1 autists alone which make up most of this forum would definitely have a lower employment rate compared to NTs but likely not that low.
"It's all about personality bro, just let your inner light shine through" :chad:
Yeah exactly there's a big difference. Every autist here is type 1 pretty much from what I know.

That is affected by type 2/3 autists being included in this as well likely. Type 1 autists alone which make up most of this forum would definitely have a lower employment rate compared to NTs but likely not that low.
makes sense. i think im type 1
(1) Autists' Low Fecundity

Autists have an average of 0.25 kids.

Except for women with depression, affected patients had significantly fewer children (FR range for those with psychiatric disorder, 0.23-0.93; P < 10−10). This reduction was consistently greater among men than women, suggesting that male fitness was particularly sensitive.

(2) Autists' Low Marriage Rate

Group Estimated Marriage Rate
General Population 50%
Autistic Adults 9%

(3) Autists' Lack of Friends

Autists want and need friends just as much as normies do, and try to mask and perform to get and keep them, however it works poorly and the masking and performing are bad for their mental health:

Autists are four times more likely to be lonely than normies

Factors associated with autistic loneliness:

Heightened anxiety
Depression and suicidal ideation
Negative experiences and learned helplessness

Lack of autism understanding and acceptance from others

Sensory avoidance


Inadequate Social Participation Among Young Adults with an Autism Spectrum Disorder

(4) Unemployment

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has published new data that shows just 22% of autistic adults are in any kind of employment.

So to some up just get in the gym, get in the shower and put yourself out there bros! Life is what you make it, so if you're a loser, you deserve it and have no one to blame but yourself! :soy::foidSoy::bluepill:
Brutal man
Saved, brutal.

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