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Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Discussion Hello, this is your good friend wereq checking in on you. How are you all doing today? What are you up to? Love you guys very much.



Defeated By Fate |Contra Mundi: Enemy of the World
Sep 11, 2022
Tell me how your day is going. What are you doing at the moment? How is your mood?
Nihilistic as usual
browsing this site. preparing for sleep.
Really shit. I went to the metro today and people were starring at me like I am an animal at the zoo
Pretty depressed ngl. Just laying in bed as usual. Really tired and just wish I could go to sleep forever
Im out of cigs and i hope i can sleep tpday because yesterday i slept 3 hours only
I'm feeling tired, so I'll probably go to sleep soon. I'm going to order a Domino's Pizza with some chocolate desserts for dinner. Overall, my mood is mid, 5/10.
Not too bad thanks for asking
What about you @wereq ?
If you are living as an ugly balding currycel in the west people will just randomly stare at you
Come back to curryland. That is what I did.
same shit GIF
My harem of gym Stacies couldn't leave me alone so I had to fuck them all day. I'm exhausted.
Woke up with a headache because of sexual frustration and stress
My self diagnosis was correct and the herbs I chose to fix it are working!


(Hopefully now I can last another 20 years to see the end of the world like archaix predicted. It should be spectacular!

Volcanoes, mud rain, poleshift, then a solar ejection immediately followed a global tidal wave! (We'll all be in the new coal seams!)

I hope (& plan) to stick around and watch the shit hitting the fan until it explodes in shit!

Bon temps 'mi!
Slightly better

My mental health is actually full rollercoaster, with highs going always higher and my lows going always lower
I went to ldar and ate rice beans nuggets and biscuts parent brought back later I just feel terrible right now fucking crying wish it would stop there's no helping it im going to be like this for a while.
Banged a hooker, coomed hard, almost fell asleep on the massage table after, and then had no energy to get anything done for the rest of the day. Thanks for asking, how has your day been?
Time isn't real this day never existed I've lived this life before i feel like a fuckin zombie
Time isn't real this day never existed I've lived this life before i feel like a fuckin zombie
This purgatorial zombie existence feels surreal to me as well. :fuk::fuk:
This purgatorial zombie existence feels surreal to me as well. :fuk::fuk:
dpdr hits hard from joopills. i actually believe i lived this life before and i will live it on repeat. the amount of deja vu i had was crazy. it's gone though since ive been dopaminemaxxing to fix the chem imbalance joopills gave me
you know when it gets dangerous? when entity niggas try to start controlling your consciousness because of the zombie, trance state SSRIs give you. mind control from the gut and then to the pineal gland third eye
I'm doing better than usual today made a song high.
dpdr hits hard from joopills. i actually believe i lived this life before and i will live it on repeat. the amount of deja vu i had was crazy. it's gone though since ive been dopaminemaxxing to fix the chem imbalance joopills gave me
you know when it gets dangerous? when entity niggas try to start controlling your consciousness because of the zombie, trance state SSRIs give you. mind control from the gut and then to the pineal gland third eye
bro im glad someone else on heres got dpdr too i feel like a fucking schizo talking about that shit with people who dont have it i just know i must come off as someone fucking insane and it fucking sucks man i feel so detached and estranged from everything its like im observing everything happen and like im not really there as things unfold before my eyes and everything feels like a fucking dream mang
bro im glad someone else on heres got dpdr too i feel like a fucking schizo talking about that shit with people who dont have it i just know i must come off as someone fucking insane and it fucking sucks man i feel so detached and estranged from everything its like im observing everything happen and like im not really there as things unfold before my eyes and everything feels like a fucking dream mang
ive been basically a year clean from joopills and im coffeemaxxing and teamaxxing at the moment to fix the dopamine imbalance jewpills gave me. After regular gym and tea + coffee i noticed improvements but im nowhere near the level i was in pre-meds.
You suffer from mind blanking too right? If u do im sort of fixing that too im getting used to being absorbed in thought again.

If you ever see repeating numbers, ignore them they don't mean anything and they're gay asf. don't listen to the foids who put meaning on it like "OH THIS IS A SIGN MY RELATIONSHIP WILL GO FINE" or "OH WOW I THINK IM FINDING MY TWIN FLAME TEE HEE" ignore all that BS.
I'm pretty sure i've had some sort of mind control attempted on me since joopills basically dissolved my ego and identity a lot im pretty sure I got possessed at some point I started being violent and acting violently cuz I felt like it. I also had implanted bizarre af thoughts that sounded psychotic asf. SSRIs are no joke bro. psychoactive drugs in general i mean. but SSRIs (prozac) are a fuckin shit tier psych drug.

Spirituality and all this ego death new age buddhist BS, ignore it all. It's all a bunch of attempts at mind control cuz of the trance states it induces. do it at your own risk. It opens the doors for entities to control your thoughts and behaviour. Especially SSRIs like prozac etc

If you ever have forehead pulsations, tense your brows and try AND WILL IT to disappear. Concentrate on making it disappear and tense your brows like you're really fuckin angry. don't put your tongue on the bump near your upper front teeth. That just increases pineal gland activation so gay entities can control your thoughts and behaviour again. SSRIs overload your body with serotonin and this reaches the pineal gland the pineal gland is serotonin sensitive and serotonin affects melatonin and fucks it up SSRIs fuck up melatonin. That's why the lines between dream and reality get blurred out. Hence why you have DP/DR
Hi, friend wereq

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