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Hypocrisy "hello i am a """"female incel"""" i will fuck chad because nobody wants to marry me"

  • Thread starter Deleted member 17889
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Deleted member 17889

Deleted member 17889

Free Market Autist
Apr 6, 2019

LMAO seems like normies finally understand that marriage is cancer
Femoids are too dumb to even know what involuntary means
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-had boyfriends
-too ugly for chad so has to fuck chadlite

-never got a reply from a girl IRL
-no dating experience
my sister has alluded to this, said she might choose a male candidate, have sex and then become a single mom
Stupid attention desperate slut doesn’t even know what it’s like to be an unwanted low status male

THE MEMES WRITE THEMSELVES :feelskek::feelskek:
Truefemcels? Please tell me this is a joke subreddit.
Any female that claim to be a """"femcel"""" should be trow in a cage with starving dogs.
-had boyfriends
-too ugly for chad so has to fuck chadlite

-never got a reply from a girl IRL
-no dating experience
"If I won't get a Chad to commit by the time I am 35 then I will get impregnated by one and be a single mom."
Femcels could literally ask any male on this site and their "inceldom" (volceldom) would be over, can we say the same about us? Could we just PM them and have a 100% chance of having sex? I don´t think so.

my sister has alluded to this, said she might choose a male candidate, have sex and then become a single mom
See they are not even in doubt if they can do that, they know damn well that they can get any sub8 male (Chad-lite) because of the thousands of offers they have recieved throughout their lives.
Dunno why everyone is acting surprised by this behavior, Id say 70-80% of kids are born this way now days, random chad dude fucking some random average or below average foid, the chads just wanting to raw dog her for the sake of it and moving on and never seeing her again, the foid meanwhile, the guy is her entire world, at least for the moment hes in her world.... How many nuclear families even exist among the <35 population atm? prob like 20-30%. with the remaining being single """mothers""" who usually just boyfriend up a beta after shes had the kid.
It must be great being female and actually having options.
Get pregnant at 35... another ugly autistcel in the making.
"If I can't get what I want, I suppose I'll have to settle for fucking a super hot guy and passing on my genes"
JFL@ fem""""cels"""", even if these posts are satire, it seems pretty accurate in terms of what kind of options the femoids have
holy shit, the chutzpah of fem"cels"
imagine the reverse situation: tee hee I'm an incel which means I can't find proper wife material, so in the worst case scenario I'll just impregnate a 10/10 stacy :feelshaha:
How many nuclear families even exist among the <35 population atm? prob like 20-30%. with the remaining being single """mothers""" who usually just boyfriend up a beta after shes had the kid.
Christian family institute is dying, only degeneracy will be left soon
I refuse to believe the femcels subreddits are not just giant larps, I don't take any of that shit seriously.
Tell yourself what you want but a lot of those accounts have past history suggesting they're a foid.

If it's a larp, there's actually people more sad than us that would go to such extents.
"If I don't looksmatch/ascend at the time im 35"
JFL at this part , she is saying that she is virgin at that age srs?

Then saying that if chad impregantes her , their sons would be handsome... That is a lie , genetics are a lottery and if "she" have an ugly face the kids would be uglies like her or not...

Then she claims want to be a single mother but also she wants to be married , so here the priority seems to be the babies than the looksmatch or ascension... The ppl in that subreddit are just trolls tbh.
stupid cunt thinks she will fuck a chad and somehow:
- her kids will not look like her ugly ass. but like chad
- her male children will not inherit male pattern baldness from her
- her single mom upraising will not turn her daughters into sluts and boys into mentalcels
Another reason to hate women
JFL at foids lookmaxxing as all of them fraudmaxx every day by caking their faces in clown makeup
my sister has alluded to this, said she might choose a male candidate, have sex and then become a single mom
Show her all the statistics that prove that children born in single-mother households end up fucked up; higher chance to end up in prison, higher chance to become criminals, higher chance to end up killing themselves, higher chance to become drug addicts etc.
No way, this cannot be real. Got to be a LARP.
Femcels don't exist, if you see anyone saying this irl beat the shit out of them.
I just don't know why I can't find a man who's 6'8 with 6pac and makes six figures. FEMCELS RISE UP
Has to be fake. There's no way she doesn't know that her shitty genetics could still make her son be incel.
dont give attention to these retards

cutting attention from them is like cutting oxygen from humans, they die without it

if we dont give them attention, they will recede into nothingness quick
please fucking stop giving them attention.
They know chad will leave so why even keep looking for a chad that will stay
and of course she will then take my money from me under threats of violence (taxes) to raise her bastard children preventing me from living free...... The only thing i fucking ask for in life.
I really hope this is just a guy pretending, because god damn it's weird thinking about a women speaking in these terms.
dont give attention to these retards

cutting attention from them is like cutting oxygen from humans, they die without it

if we dont give them attention, they will recede into nothingness quick
I remember seeing a 16 year old girl on inceltears say we should all kys ourselves, turned out she was a regular poster on trufemcels.
I don't get the phenomenon, what brings these foids together? Are they mimicking us because we kind of have cameraderie and our shitposting is funny?
Are they mimicking us because we kind of have cameraderie and our shitposting is funny?
I think that's the only reasonable explanation for these "femcels", but even mimicking us, they keep not being funny.

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