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JFL Heightcopers cry your heart out.Dating app reveals most right-swiped heights for men and women



Jul 26, 2019
i don't know if this is bullshit or not (sounds like a bluepill but please no warningrino)


Despite widely-held beliefs, size doesn't matter to serial swipers both male and female, according to fresh data from leading dating app Badooo.

Interestingly, the top 3 right-swiped heights for men are all below 6ft, whereas the most right-swiped heights for women are all below 5ft 8.

The platform, which is home to 60 million monthly users, revealed that the most-swiped height for men is 5ft 8.

That's lower than the 5ft 10 UK average for blokes, which just so happened to be the second most sought-after size on the list, followed by 5ft 6 in third place, and 6ft all the way down in fourth.

Sounds legit tbh. But i wouldnt trust data from badoo. Its full of bots.
Height copers will never accept this as true,no matter how much data you show them.
Accepting it would mean they'd have to admit to being fakecels and they'd rather just keep playing dollhouse with their tinder results.

not a single letter

jk i read

I went on badoo a couple of years ago and was matched with some good looking curry foids. Turns out the whole operation was a spam to get me to pay. JFL.
I went on badoo a couple of years ago and was matched with some good looking curry foids. Turns out the whole operation was a spam to get me to pay. JFL.
now badoo has an identification system
I've used Badoo, Blendr and Hinges while chadfishing but I didn't come across foids talking of height much. I usually leave the height blank but there were few times I did mentioned height 5'9 ft(not my actual height), yet I got matches and no match talked of height.
now badoo has identification system

Iam too depressed to go on dating apps tbh. Anyways getting back to the topic of the thread, i do think this reflects real world data to a certain extent. Height only starts to bring you down when youre 5' 7" and below. 5' 8" and above, youre dating pool is still large enough that you can slay with a good looking face.
I've used Badoo, Blendr and Hinges while chadfishing but I didn't come across foids talking of height much. I usually leave the height blank but there were few times I did mentioned height 5'9 ft(not my actual height), yet I got matches and no match talked of height.

Exactly. Good looking chads who are below 6 feet do quite well.
It seems foids don't care that much as long as chad is taller than them.

There seems to be a cut off below which face needs to be very good looking to get matches. The cut off is not an international standard though. From various studies, the cut off seems to be around 5' 7" in the west. Below this height, height does seem to limit dating options (regardless of whether guy is taller than the foid).
also, maybe it's the most swiped because it's the most common ?? like they don't say they're accounting for this

Thats besides the point though. Its not as if women are forced to swipe right on guys who are 5' 8" simply because there are a lot more of them. If we have learned anything about hypergamy, its that women have no qualms swiping left on the majority of men to find a guy they find attractive.

The simple truth here is that face is absolutely important when it comes to looks and you dont need to be 6' (or above) to get matches on dating apps.
but someone here says that youre fucked if you are below 6ft no matter how good your face is
Below 6 ft is problem in countries where the foid average height is 5'8 or above but there are few countries where foids are that tall. If we exclude those tall countries, then the real problem of height starts if you're below 5'7 ft.
Thats besides the point though. Its not as if women are forced to swipe right on guys who are 5' 8" simply because there are a lot more of them. If we have learned anything about hypergamy, its that women have no qualms swiping left on the majority of men to find a guy they find attractive.

The simple truth here is that face is absolutely important when it comes to looks and you dont need to be 6' (or above) to get matches on dating apps.
yeah, all I'm saying is that with the amount of bots, simply being the most common height should make that the most swiped one
yeah, all I'm saying is that with the amount of bots, simply being the most common height should make that the most swiped one
there is no more bots on badoo it has an identification system now
I went on badoo a couple of years ago and was matched with some good looking curry foids. Turns out the whole operation was a spam to get me to pay. JFL.
Reminds me of a similar thing that happened to me a few years ago on a small german dating site. There was this really pretty 'girl' who somehow seemed interested in me (I should've seen that as the first red flag, but I was very lonely, desperate and depressed so I chose to believe it was real). The site allowed you to send the first 5 messages for free but if you wanted anymore and you needed to pay for bundles of coins. To send a message you needed 5 coins. I initially bought a bundle worth 25 EUR (20 messages) thinking I'd send her my number or email and we could continue our convo away from the site. The thing is, they blocked all personal contact information, so numbers/emails couldn't get through, or so I thought (that's a whole other story). Before I realized I was being taken for a ride by the website, I had already spent ~425 EUR ($470) just on coins for the site to talk to this 'girl' (you can calculate how many messages that was; we basically spoke every single day for 3/4 months). I was smitten by her/it. I told people at work that I'd met a girl online (jfl) and how great she was. She never wanted meet whenever I brought it up, and that's when I realized what was going on. I was distraught. I haven't spent a cent on another site since then, rather be lonely than broke.

Truth is, a lot of these dating sites are scams with some being more obvious than others. It might sound like a crazy story but it's true. I'm sure a few older trucels here have similar stories.

Edit: My apologies for deviating from the topic.
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I had already spent ~425 EUR ($470) just on coins for the site to talk to this 'girl' (you can calculate how many messages that was; we basically spoke every single day for 3/4 months). I was smitten by her/it.

470 USD? :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy: .

Jk. I spent a lot of money chasing women too JFL. Thanks to the black pill i dont spend any money on whores these days.
Always knew it. Face >> Everything.
Sounds like bullshit, it is well-known that women want to kill short men.
Yeah this sounds like a bluepill thread ngl
@speedtypingincel GTFIH
Height copers will never accept this as true,no matter how much data you show them.
Accepting it would mean they'd have to admit to being fakecels and they'd rather just keep playing dollhouse with their tinder results.
Height copers will never accept this as true,no matter how much data you show them.
Accepting it would mean they'd have to admit to being fakecels and they'd rather just keep playing dollhouse with their tinder results.
Fakecel or Truecel

If you're 6ft+ and still can't get laid, you must be a retard or extremely hideous
Absolutely blutol blackpill for tallfags.


#4 most swiped height for women is 6ft 2.

How do you cope knowing that all the tall Stacys swipe on 5ft 8 men over you?

Badoo sourced its stats from a new survey of 20,000 millennial users of its app aged between 18 and 30.
They link two other articles about Badoo in that sentence but they don't say where you can see the data.

And the company's in-house dating expert was also on-hand to (over) analyse the numbers.

“A person’s dating app bio is the only way to give an insight into their personality and to showcase what’s truly behind the superficiality of their profile photos," explained Badoo's Abbie Goulding.

"Whilst stating your height is not discouraged, it is more about the delivery of these personal statistics that are swaying people into swiping left or right.”

She added: “88% of Badoo users are more likely to swipe right if a person’s bio makes them laugh, as opposed to 16% who are more likely to swipe left if they don’t consider someone to be their perfect height.”
I guess we should all sign up for Badoo now.
i mean ive said this plenty of times... being tall doesnt counter for shit if you have an ugly face like myself
These studies are not legit lmao. Height > Face
Yeah this sounds like a bluepill thread ngl
@speedtypingincel GTFIH

So that settles it once and for all: short trumps tall in the ruthless world of online dating. Time to scrub a few inches off your bios people.
lol ok

Check the rest of the heightpills here.
Pro tip: 5'8" (which is 173cm or 5cm shorter than the average) isn't short.
There are tons more studies which prove that taller height is better. As well as the heightpills on my thread and @LittleBoy 's megathread. One study doesn't disprove what 19384 other have.
Who the fuck uses Badoo?
There are tons more studies which prove that taller height is better. As well as the heightpills on my thread and @LittleBoy 's megathread. One study doesn't disprove what 19384 other have.
19384 studies a.k.a cherrypicking compilation of " i heit manlets :feels::feels:" twitter posts
19384 studies a.k.a cherrypicking compilation of " i heit manlets :feels::feels:" twitter posts
You literally talk like IT right now. We have tons of studies and examples and yet you say they're all cherrypicks.

Meanwhile you posted ONE study from an obscure dating app and you claim that the exception (assuming the study is real) proves the rule.
it's because you can't see height in pictures.
even if she swipes you right, once she sees you irl it could be over instantly.

i'm a tallfag ogrecel but in uni i had a manlet friend/acquaintance. heightpill is 100% real.
i get respect by default for my height (from men), he got shit on for his.
it's because you can't see height in pictures.
even if she swipes you right, once she sees you irl it could be over instantly.

i'm a tallfag ogrecel but in uni i had a manlet friend/acquaintance. heightpill is 100% real.
i get respect by default for my height (from men), he got shit on for his.
This actually sounds more plausible.
The problem with this thread isn't that it implies "face>height". The problem is that it implies that shorter height is better than taller height.

This is IncelTears-tier stupidity. Even the tallfags here who claim "face>height" know that taller is better (assuming face is the same).

I think OP is alone on this one.
Maybe I'm conspiracy coping here, but it seems like Badoo knows that more and more sub-8s are becoming black pilled about online dating, thanks to the Pareto principle, which is now 99/1 btw, and they're putting this out there to poach the blue pilled customers from Tinder and other competitors.

Oh, there goes that idea.
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it's because you can't see height in pictures.
even if she swipes you right, once she sees you irl it could be over instantly.

i'm a tallfag ogrecel but in uni i had a manlet friend/acquaintance. heightpill is 100% real.
i get respect by default for my height (from men), he got shit on for his.
if people didnt list their height on bio the data woudnt be collected

i don't deny the heightpill

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