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Blackpill [Height Pill] Women's Acceptance of Potential Male Partners Based on Male Height. Comparative Benefits of 2" Height Gain for Men. (Data, Graphs)

This research study evaluated the benefit of male height in speed dating:

The primary data is shown here:


The "No of women would accept height" is based on self-report of North American women's preferences when surveyed during speed dating events.

Here's what the data looks like graphed:


Primary Findings:
  • 90% of women will reject a man who is 5'4" based solely on his height.
  • 50% of women will reject a man who is 5'8" based solely on his height.
  • 14% of women will reject a man who is 5'10" based solely on his height.
  • 1.5% of women will reject a man who is 6' based solely on his height.
  • Past 6'2", women begin to increase rejections of men for being too tall.
  • 30% of women believe there is no such thing as a man being "too tall."
  • Over 94% of women will openly reject a man solely for him being too short.
  • Many Tinder studies have been done showing 6'4" fake GigaChads do better than 6' fake GigaChads - I think this is due to the fact that although extremely tall men have less broad appeal, the women who DO want very tall men want them very, very badly, so they will do anything for one. This is of course not reflected in the data.
  • This is based on women's self report, not behavior, so could be inaccurate as we know women lack self awareness, but I still think it's worthwhile data and the best we have.
Implications for Tallcels:
I think this data explains why many guys on this forum say being 6'2" makes them no more attractive than their better looking 5'10" friends. According to women's preferences, a 6'2" guy is not significantly more broadly attractive than a 5'10" man. (However, please see the caveat reviewed already as this likely does not fully tell the story.)

Implications for Heightmaxing:
Lifts are an easy looksmax. LL is controversial and obviously terrible for most men given the costs and risks. Either way, it is commonly questioned which heights of men would benefit most from lifts or LL.

To evaluate this, I graphed how much more women will consider a man (as a multiplier) based on a 2" increase in height at each increment. A 2" height increase is attainable both by LL and lifts. So, in this graph, a multiplier of 2 means twice as many women will accept men of this height if they grow 2" from their current height.


Primary Findings:
  • We see from this the peak benefits of a 2" height gain are in the 5'4-5'6" range, and men in the 5'3" to 5'7" range all benefit tremendously.
  • A 5'4" man will have 2.3 times as many potential female partners by gaining 2" height (imagine the personality improvement!).
  • A 5'7" man will have 1.86 times as many potential female partners by gaining 2" height.
  • Benefits become insignificant past 5'10". This would be reflective of the same points as above - once you are "tall enough" it seems not to matter much except perhaps for the height fetishist women who are not accounted for here.
  • Below 5'1" a 2" height gain makes no difference for men as you are still too short no matter what.
Competitor Analysis:
There are very few women who will accept a man below 5'7" or so. These women who accept short men will also accept taller men, and therefore have absolutely massive pools of men to choose from. So while some women exist who will consider a shorter man, a shorter man must compete against a tremendously greater number of other men to secure one of these women.

This reflects the number of other men a man must beat in order to secure a woman who accepts him for his height:


  • A 5' man must beat 13 other men to date a woman who will accept him for his height.
  • A 5'4" man must beat 8 other men to date a woman who will accept him for his height.
  • Between 5'10" and 6'4", the advantage shifts towards these tall men, and the number of male competitors per women drops below 1.
Final Conclusions:
Unless you are extremely tall to appeal to that minority of women who want massive men, height is more of an elimination criteria than a criteria that will predictably make you more attractive. ie. It is very easy for a man to get cut out of the dating pool due to height (ie. being progressively sub 5'10"), but it is likely hard to get laid solely based on height unless you are very, very tall.

Height increases matter most in the 5'3" to 5'7" range and a 2" height increase can roughly double your appeal to women in this range.

A small minority of women are willing to accept short men (sub 5'8"), but because these women are also willing to accept tall men, the competition for a shorter man to get one is insane.
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Lifefuel for those between 5”10’ and 6”
Pretty high IQ thread. Though I thought Chad height was 6'1 or 6'2+ for maximum slays, as this height is more attractive for those 'size queens' yet still has relatively broad appeal. Broad appeal might be cope as I assume tall basketball players always have groupies in their pants.
thinking height is more impoirtant than face :feelskek:
5'8 is like 10-15cm below average. Makes sense that foids don't want that.

Wut. This was a North American study. North American average reproductive-aged male height is between 5'9" and 5'10".

5'8" is 3-5 cm below the average, and that's enough for half of all women to throw you in the garbage as genetic trash.
Wut. This was a North American study. North American average reproductive-aged male height is between 5'9" and 5'10".

5'8" is 3-5 cm below the average, and that's enough for half of all women to throw you in the garbage as genetic trash.

The reported average is false for all countries. Add 2-3 inches to that.
The reported average is false for all countries. Add 2-3 inches to that.

Provide proof or shut up. This is a science thread, not a nonsense thread.
  • Many Tinder studies have been done showing 6'4" fake GigaChads do better than 6' fake GigaChads - I think this is due to the fact that although extremely tall men have less broad appeal, the women who DO want very tall men want them very, very badly, so they will do anything for one. This is of course not reflected in the data.

A simpler explanation is that 6'4 guys are much less abundant than 6'0 guys, and this makes the ratio of the # women who want 6'4 guys to the # of 6'4 guys much higher than the ratio of the # of women who want 6'0 guys to the # of 6'0 guys.
Height is cope without face
For fuck sake, I knew all of this already but I still think I shouldnt have gone in this thread...

Way to ruin my sunday evening...
Does this mean I can slay? 5'6 normal, with lifts potentially 5'8-1/2 or so. I feel like a fraud when I wear 'em and paranoid I'll be figured out so I don't bother.
a girl who is 5'4 will enjoy dating a 6'0 guy they will think its so sexy and comforting, but after months of having to go up on her tipp toes to kiss him or reach his face it most definitely is going to get annoying and tiring after a while shes going to get sick of it, if youre 5'8 or 5'9 that should work better for a girl whose 5'4 since it would be annoying to constantly exert calf effort. Most foids are lazy and want everything to be done for them so they would certainly be willing to trade in a tall boyfriend for an appropriately sized one for her height just out of mere convenience on a day to day basis. Now of course she still is going to say she WANTS a 6'0er because that would make her feel like she won the lottery and the physical benefits of being grabbed and manhandled by a taller person does create the illusion that shes in safe hands and loved harder, but that is just an illusion, you can still provide physical reassurance and dominance as a 5'8- 5'10 man the same amount as a 6' the added benefit is that you can actually reach her face easier while still using your body as a vessel for physical dominance and reassurance. But theres no use in me even explaining all this in detail since most of you will never even get to experience any of this in real life even tallcels
Way too optimistic of a post. Hope fuel to be exact. I thought only 6'4'' GigaChads get any attention these days, but it seems 6'2'' is absolutely fine?
I go from 5'9.5 - so borderline mass rejections/acceptable, straight up into the ideal range at 5'11-6'. Girls will legitimately call me "tall" when I'm wearing lifts.

Add in that guys height fraud; when I'm at 5'11.5, I can EASILY fraud 6'1, and it paints a picture.

I'd say if you're 5'5-5'9, then lifts are worth it.

I'd say leg lengthening is never worth it. what a fucking horror story.

and tbh, if you're 5'11+ and worrying about height; stop. it's not why you're an incel.
Once you're cemented as tall, they think of you as tall, in my experience.
Great points.
This thread should be added to the blackpill archive tbh
all i got from this was that being short is a death sentence but also being super tall is not a saving grace.

b-but its imPossIbLe to bE 6'6 and inkel

yes it is if you are ugly, which most 6'6 guys are. i bet the women used the "too tall" as an excuse for just rejecting him based on face.
many wonder why 6'2+ guys didn't do better: it's simple. most foids subconsciously know that really tall guys usually have subhuman face. so they are making that calculation and settling with the ideal range of 5'11 to 6'1, 'cause there are still lots of good looking people with that height. if a 6'3+ guy was also handsome then he would absolutely slay, but those are really rare, and I think most women already know that.
This thread should be moved to “Must-Read Content”. @SergeantIncel
Jfl at being short
careful with these surveys, half the respondents are always grannies or landwhale single moms. and the other half are virtue signaling roasties
height is my best feature

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