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Blackpill Height mogging feels better than cooming



Apr 13, 2022
I rarely height mog another man in my age bracket, but when I do, the sheer pleasure from finally seeing men shorter than me, actually feels FAR better than cooming, better than any escort experience you're ever going to get. I go months without seeing a shorter man than me, I go for years without seeing someone in my generation shorter than their parents. This isn't an inflate my ego situation, where I would be thinking the person is worth less than me, or incapable of something I can accomplish, I'm too blackpilled to have any sort of ego that inclines me into feeling superior to another person, it's more that I feel safe with my problems for a slight second "damn there is a guy that's worse off than me, we're going through similar problems", but that RARELY happens because I am shorter than almost everyone, including foids.

The sheer ecstasy that people get from height mogging is indescribable, unless you have experienced it for yourselves it can't be explained with words, you must FEEL it to know it. Tall users on this forum have described how great it feels even after many years, you'd think the experience would get numb and a hedonic adaptation would come to collect, but after so long they have reported the same pleasurable feeling. Most of my bullies back in High School were individuals that suddenly attained growth spurts and height mogged far more people than they were used to, they used this uncontrollable pleasure from the height mogging to take it out on people like me whom they now suddenly severely eclipsed in height.
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I don't get whites obsession with height. I wouldn't give a shit about my height if women were fine with it.
I don't get whites obsession with height. I wouldn't give a shit about my height if women were fine with it.
Well height does have an ideal interval imo (6'2 to 6'4) but it remains somehow relative, 5'7 is a mediocre height in Europe while an OK height in Mexico.
Me when I hieghtmog 5'1 gayguy
I mog lots of manletcels. Sometimes manlets give me "the look" when I walk past them.
I can only imagine how Chads feel when they lifemog all other men and gain attraction from foids. There is no way you mog all other men and get looks from foids without getting overly confident
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weird that foids go over jawlined hollow cheeked guys and not over ugly tallfags
I only feel pity
I get dopamime if it's a normie or a chadlet I'm heightmogging but feel pity if it's a sub5.
Dick mogging is.

You are a delusional coper.
There are one or two guys I know who I am taller than and I don’t feel good when I am near them, I just feel sad because it reminds me how bad all of us have it but they have it even worse.

How tall and what’s your age bracket?
More proof that tallfaggots are not incels
Also what the fuck is wrong with you that you enjoy heightmogging someone who has it worse than you? It’s a giveaway that you’re not actually short but probably 5’11 or something.

And idk why this nonsense is pinned. This user should be banned for saying he enjoys the misery of people shorter than him.

Imagine a thread saying “I enjoy facemogging ugly guys.” For me to not think that guy is a piece of shit, I’d need evidence he is extremely ugly himself or at least a profession of this. This threads OP doesn’t even say his height.
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I rarely height mog another man in my age bracket, but when I do, the sheer pleasure from finally seeing men shorter than me, actually feels FAR better than cooming, better than any escort experience you're ever going to get. I go months without seeing a shorter man than me, I go for years without seeing someone in my generation shorter than their parents. This isn't an inflate my ego situation, where I would be thinking the person is worth less than me, or incapable of something I can accomplish, I'm too blackpilled to have any sort of ego that inclines me into feeling superior to another person, it's more that I feel safe with my problems for a slight second "damn there is a guy that's worse off than me, we're going through similar problems", but that RARELY happens because I am shorter than almost everyone, including foids.

The sheer ecstasy that people get from height mogging is indescribable, unless you have experienced it for yourselves it can't be explained with words, you must FEEL it to know it. Tall users on this forum have described how great it feels even after many years, you'd think the experience would get numb and a hedonic adaptation would come to collect, but after so long they have reported the same pleasurable feeling. Most of my bullies back in High School were individuals that suddenly attained growth spurts and height mogged far more people than they were used to, they used this uncontrollable pleasure from the height mogging to take it out on people like me whom they now suddenly severely eclipsed in height.
I feel like a lot of men like having me around as a friend for this reason. Having a fat 5ft curry in your proximity gives you a huge halo as a normie.
why is this pinned
weird that foids go over jawlined hollow cheeked guys and not over ugly tallfags
I don't know and have never known a single man over 6'2 that doesn't get laid at least a few times a year. Even really ugly ones.
Face copers on suicide watch
I don't get whites obsession with height. I wouldn't give a shit about my height if women were fine with it.
They are a bland race color wise.
Also what the fuck is wrong with you that you enjoy heightmogging someone who has it worse than you? It’s a giveaway that you’re not actually short but probably 5’11 or something.

And idk why this nonsense is pinned. This user should be banned for saying he enjoys the misery of people shorter than him.

Imagine a thread saying “I enjoy facemogging ugly guys.” For me to not think that guy is a piece of shit, I’d need evidence he is extremely ugly himself or at least a profession of this. This threads OP doesn’t even say his height.
Also what the fuck is wrong with you that you enjoy heightmogging someone who has it worse than you? It’s a giveaway that you’re not actually short but probably 5’11 or something.
I'm 5'5
And idk why this nonsense is pinned. This user should be banned for saying he enjoys the misery of people shorter than him.
I didn't say that, clearly addressed that as well specifically, try reading the whole thing again
This isn't an inflate my ego situation, where I would be thinking the person is worth less than me, or incapable of something I can accomplish, I'm too blackpilled to have any sort of ego that inclines me into feeling superior to another person, it's more that I feel safe with my problems for a slight second "damn there is a guy that's worse off than me, we're going through similar problems", but that RARELY happens because I am shorter than almost everyone, including foids.
I feel like a lot of men like having me around as a friend for this reason. Having a fat 5ft curry in your proximity gives you a huge halo as a normie.
Many times the opposite situation can arise, some men don't want to hang around some ugly short chink/curry because they don't want to be seen with a "loser", Chads and Chadlites who are obsessed with status would be swayed towards doing something like this. On the other hand I can totally see an LTN-MTN average heighted person wanting to hang out with a manlet, its not often they get that ecstatic feeling because they're too used to mediocrity.
There are one or two guys I know who I am taller than and I don’t feel good when I am near them, I just feel sad because it reminds me how bad all of us have it but they have it even worse.

How tall and what’s your age bracket?
The empathy from the sadness is the comfort found in this situation, being able to empathise with someone is better than feeling inferior and humiliated all the time
Many times the opposite situation can arise, some men don't want to hang around some ugly short chink/curry because they don't want to be seen with a "loser", Chads and Chadlites who are obsessed with status would be swayed towards doing something like this. On the other hand I can totally see an LTN-MTN average heighted person wanting to hang out with a manlet, its not often they get that ecstatic feeling because they're too used to mediocrity.
You are right that it works both ways. It can be a halo to some and a source of shame to others.
On the other hand I can totally see an LTN-MTN average heighted person wanting to hang out with a manlet, its not often they get that ecstatic feeling because they're too used to mediocrity.
Yeah, for reference I'm 5ft, fat, and curry. So a 5'9 white LTN gets to feel like Chris Hemsworth when next to me (at least until a zoomer white tallfag enters the frame).
I don't know and have never known a single man over 6'2 that doesn't get laid at least a few times a year. Even really ugly ones.
blackops2cel is around 6'2
Ahaha yeah because this type of thinking isnt pandering to womens wants at all cause muh nature and muh competitiveness, it also toootally doesnt perpetuate the bullshit heightism problem no? Ah but its been around forever no?

short men would have been fine with their height but others have to obsess so much over it and why? Because the timpsy flilpsy quipsy woman likes it

women bullshit men, then other well off men end up bullshiting men for women whom generally hate them, even tho. And you just go ahead and join in

What to expect from your own species right?

"ahaha at least women see me as more than THAT short scrawny fuck aheahehaehahe"

bro imagine if this shit got pinned because some bullshit woman wanted to see short guys here triggered :lul:
We have been all bullshited by womens terms but hey at least you have the higher end of the sinking ship, its over
Well height does have an ideal interval imo (6'2 to 6'4) but it remains somehow relative, 5'7 is a mediocre height in Europe while an OK height in Mexico.
Mediocre is bad?
fr it feels great, since I'm average height it happens at least once everyday.
At 5’6 i mog so few people especially as a college student. The most i mog someone is about 1 inch and it really doesn’t feel good, I just feel pity
Genetic machine, following purpose
More proof that tallfaggots are not incels
This is true, in fact i would say anyone taller than you, even if just a little, is your genetic enemy, and we should have the right to eliminate them on the spot and take their women, there is no alliance with people who mog you in ANY respect, this is what most users here don't understand
More proof that tallfaggots are not incels
For me height is something that adds a lot of SMV. So the taller you are the less you have to bring to the table. Once you reach ~6'3+ you basically don't need to bring anything to the table apart from your height to get a becky. Likewise, once below 5'4 it's basically over (Bezos gets cucked at 5'6, and good luck out betabuxxing him). So I am definitely sceptical of any say 5ft11cels, however, if they are really trash people (trash face, trash life choices, etc) then it's still believable that they are an incel. Still, I feel like "just shower bro" would actually fix many 5ft11+ cels sex lives, so they don't live on the same plane of existence as manlets.
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I absolutely hate seeing shorter men than me. I have a lot of empathy for men who are disadvantaged in the mating market.
I didn't expect to see this much empathy here, thought we were all robotic sociopaths? I do agree that it sometimes may make you feel better to spot someone you're taller than in public but that feeling is short-lived because it doesn't matter in the end if you are a trucel.
At 5'7 seeing any man shorter than me just makes me feel for them, maybe I'm just a bleeding heart saint.
must feel good but i can't heightmogg anyone these days because I am.a 5'5 manlet
I rarely height mog another man in my age bracket, but when I do, the sheer pleasure from finally seeing men shorter than me, actually feels FAR better than cooming, better than any escort experience you're ever going to get. I go months without seeing a shorter man than me, I go for years without seeing someone in my generation shorter than their parents. This isn't an inflate my ego situation, where I would be thinking the person is worth less than me, or incapable of something I can accomplish, I'm too blackpilled to have any sort of ego that inclines me into feeling superior to another person, it's more that I feel safe with my problems for a slight second "damn there is a guy that's worse off than me, we're going through similar problems", but that RARELY happens because I am shorter than almost everyone, including foids.

The sheer ecstasy that people get from height mogging is indescribable, unless you have experienced it for yourselves it can't be explained with words, you must FEEL it to know it. Tall users on this forum have described how great it feels even after many years, you'd think the experience would get numb and a hedonic adaptation would come to collect, but after so long they have reported the same pleasurable feeling. Most of my bullies back in High School were individuals that suddenly attained growth spurts and height mogged far more people than they were used to, they used this uncontrollable pleasure from the height mogging to take it out on people like me whom they now suddenly severely eclipsed in height.
yes because it's super rare! i only heightmogg people who are actual manlets so it doesn't feel good at all though :feelsbadman:

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