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Serious hebephilia might NOT be as common as you might think. attraction to older teens however is very common.



Disregard my larping efforts. I can’t change it.
Sep 26, 2019
attraction to pubescent girls (ages 12 or 13) isn't as common as you might think. attraction to post-pubescent teens, however, is VERY common.

although i found studies showing that men are attracted to pubescent girls and that looking pubescent makes girls more attractive to men, some studies show a different result. so it's clearly a debated issue. now let's look at the topic about sexual attraction to older teens (age 15-19). attraction to older teens is very common, but because of the stigma against ephebophilia, most men would never admit to having the attraction and might even convince themselves that they don't have the attraction.

According to Robert Lindsay:

"As the arguments around putting Hebephilia in the DSM-5 showed (see the wide-ranging discussion of the question of Hebephilia in the DSM-5 in the journals, much of which is stored on the Net), adult men being attracted to or having sex with teenage girls is not a psychiatric disorder in any way, and in fact, such attraction is not even abnormal! Keepmind that this discussion was around attraction to girls aged12-15, which the American Psychiatric Association has concluded is
completely normal. When it comes to Ephebephilia and issues around attraction to 15-19 year old girls, the APA is unanimous that such attraction is not in any way abnormal. There isn't even any debate about the matter."

i found research papers showing that attraction to pubescent girls is normal but some research papers showing that it isn't that common. all research papers i found, however, showed that it's common to find older teens sexually attractive.

According to research paper An Internet Study of Men Sexually Attracted to Children: Sexual Attraction Patterns:

"Most men are capable of strong attraction to adolescents aged 15–16, who are on the verge of sexual maturity. Although men predominantly attracted to adults do experience some sexual arousal to pubescent children, this arousal is substantially less, on average, compared with their arousal to adults (Lykins et al., 2010). Furthermore, the diagnosis of hebephilic disorder would not be made simply because there is any arousal or attraction to pubescent children; it would require that predominant arousal or attraction is to pubescents."

This means that hebephilia is NOT simply finding any pubescent girl attractive. Hebephilia is a predominant, primary or exclusive attraction to pubescent minors. Research shows that 3% of men are pedophilies (predominantly attracted to prepubescent children), 16% of men are hebephiles (primary or exclusive attraction to pubescent kids), and 82% of men are ephebophiles/teleiophiles. Ephebophilia is a primary or exclusive attraction to post-pubescent teenagers and teleiophilia is an attraction to young adults ages 18-39.

In conclusion, most men do find older teenagers (age 15-19) attractive. Men can find pubescent girls age 12/13 a little or sort of attractive, but NOT as attractive as post-pubescent females. Pubescent girls are developing secondary sex characteristics, but they also have physically immature traits. Men could be attracted to a pubescent girl's secondary sex characteristics but, at the same time, turned OFF by the girl's physically immature traits. As a result, men could find pubescent girls a little bit attractive but NOT as attractive as post-pubescent teens or young adults. Attraction to post-pubescent teens and young adults, however, is common. Most men try to convince themselves that they don't have an attraction to teens though. It's NOT an all or nothing thing where when they're pubescent, you find them 0% attractive and once they're post-pubescent, it skyrockets to 100% attractive. sexuality doesn't work like that. men are attracted to secondary sex characteristics, when girls develop it, they become more attractive to men but don't officially become extremely attractive until they finish puberty. Girls finish puberty usually at ages 15-17.
And most men are cucked, brainwasged, and destined to be slaves of roasties
And most men are cucked, brainwasged, and destined to be slaves of roasties
only in this feminist society. in ancient greece, 30 year old men married 14/15 year old foids
I love when they justify the ever increasing AOC by claiming the girls brain hasn't fully developed.

As if the female brain is EVER fully developed. :feelsEhh:
only in this feminist society. in ancient greece, 30 year old men married 14/15 year old foids
fuck its bullshit that I can't live in ancient greece and have a qt Greek 16 year old gf wtf.
I love when they justify the ever increasing AOC by claiming the girls brain hasn't fully developed.

As if the female brain is EVER fully developed. :feelsEhh:
one day the age of consent will be raised to 25 I swear to god.
Cope. What is called “hebephilia” is common and natural as well. Men downplay their sexual attraction to adolescent girls, even where they are of legal age, though since it is viewed as a taboo by social norms.


In this study, it was found that the youngest girls aged 11–15 were rated the highest on both attractiveness and femininity by the men, followed by the adult women, and lastly the menopausal women:
I love when they justify the ever increasing AOC by claiming the girls brain hasn't fully developed.

As if the female brain is EVER fully developed. :feelsEhh:

Foids had 3 kids when they was 15 in the past.And also count in mind that due to the better nutrition puberty hits earlier and goes by faster.
Almost every foid nowadays is not a virgin before she hits 16 (age of consent in Russia,Ukraine and other countries),not talking about higher AOC.
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Cope. What is called “hebephilia” is common and natural as well. Men downplay their sexual attraction to adolescent girls, even where they are of legal age, though since it is viewed as a taboo by social norms.

View attachment 199538

In this study, it was found that the youngest girls aged 11–15 were rated the highest on both attractiveness and femininity by the men, followed by the adult women, and lastly the menopausal women:
well some studies show that SMV in women peaks at 16 and stays there until women begin aging.

Foids had 3 kids when they was 15 in the past.And also count in mind that due to the better nutrition puberty hits earlier and goes by faster.
Almost every foid nowadays is not a virgin before she hits 16 (age of consent in Russia,Ukraine and other countries),not talking about higher AOC.
at fifteen i think they had their first child, maybe even in their late teen years they had their first child.
I like 18-23 y/o’s tbh
16/17 maybe, 15 eh. Most 15/16/17’s I’ve seen look their age tbh
15-17 year olds and young adults look just as old as each other. also maybe girls at your school look young. it seems teens are looking younger now. even young adults look younger now. most girls in older yearbooks look older. but even some girls today still look old.
15-17 year olds and young adults look just as old as each other. also maybe girls at your school look young. it seems teens are looking younger now. even young adults look younger now. most girls in older yearbooks look older. but even some girls today still look old.
I think it’s the flouride tbh
Not my cup of tea buddy boyo. I am exclusively into grannies.

I can't even have what i don't want.

My looksmatch finds me to be a ugly creep!
Not my cup of tea buddy boyo. I am exclusively into grannies.

I predicted that! Lol. So consistent so Budur!
Society wants you to be attracted to "mature" women (+30) so you can simp for them and get divorceraped in the end goy.
It’s probs got some shit to do wi th it
to do with what?
Society wants you to be attracted to "mature" women (+30) so you can simp for them and get divorceraped in the end goy.
the age group men find most sexually attractive is late teens/early 20s
Not my cup of tea buddy boyo. I am exclusively into grannies.

are u trying to scare us?
And most men are cucked, brainwasged, and destined to be slaves of roasties
I like you. You are based and don't just go like hurr durrr pedophile go die. You when the best age of a girl comes. Based.
I like you. You are based and don't just go like hurr durrr pedophile go die. You when the best age of a girl comes. Based.
I want cute adorable 13 years old waifu
I'd fuck 17 year old pussy ngl
Takes a lot of balls to say that on websites like twitter or reddit
How does age magically make it legal? If the girl is one day from 18, then she doesn't magically become any different.
Normies are retarded
by the age of 14, many women look fully grown.
women mature at a different rates tbh
How does age magically make it legal? If the girl is one day from 18, then she doesn't magically become any different.
Normies are retarded
Even dating an 18 or 19 year old is frowned upon on Twitter actually
I'd fuck 17 year old pussy ngl
why did you stop at 17 lol so many younger with big tits and bodies that are in better shape than older holes
why did you stop at 17 lol so many younger with big tits and bodies that are in better shape than older holes
Late teens/early 20s is a woman’s SMV peak
I'm only attracted to women in my age. I see how retarded my sister was with 15. No thanks.
I'm only attracted to women in my age. I see how retarded my sister was with 15. No thanks.
People in their 20s are just as childish. Also anyone who says they don’t find jb physically attractive is lying
People in their 20s are just as childish. Also anyone who says they don’t find jb physically attractive is lying
I didn't say that, there is pretty girls 15-18. I just wouldn't date one.
I didn't say that, there is pretty girls 15-18. I just wouldn't date one.
Maybe you wouldn’t wanna date chicks in their 20s. They’re just as immature
"Most men are capable of strong attraction to adolescents aged 15–16, who are on the verge of sexual maturity. Although men predominantly attracted to adults do experience some sexual arousal to pubescent children, this arousal is substantially less, on average, compared with their arousal to adults (Lykins et al., 2010). Furthermore, the diagnosis of hebephilic disorder would not be made simply because there is any arousal or attraction to pubescent children; it would require that predominant arousal or attraction is to pubescents."
This argument is disingenous, because most of the public does not make the distinction between someone officially being a hebephile and somene not. If someone said they were partially attracted to 12-13 year olds people would treat him as the same as a hebephile or a pedophile even though he doesn't meet the official designation, so the official designation is basically completely meaningless. A much more useful metric would be knowing what percentage of the population is capable of attraction to each age bracket.
This argument is disingenous, because most of the public does not make the distinction between someone officially being a hebephile and somene not. If someone said they were partially attracted to 12-13 year olds people would treat him as the same as a hebephile or a pedophile even though he doesn't meet the official designation, so the official designation is basically completely meaningless. A much more useful metric would be knowing what percentage of the population is capable of attraction to each age bracket.
I guess if you found one middle age woman in your life attractive, you’re a mesophile
attraction to pubescent girls (ages 12 or 13) isn't as common as you might think
attraction to post-pubescent teens, however, is VERY common.
OP is implying that puberty is finished by 14 years old? WTF

Mid-pubescent is a far bigger range than 2 years (12-13) faggot. Those are medians at best.

attraction to older teens is very common,
but because of the stigma against ephebophilia,
Ephebophilia refers to attraction to adolescent males you faggot.

The attempt to use the label for foids is BS gay propaganda.

Foids go from being mid-pubescent (puberty ongoing) to which fixation on them is called hebephilia...
to post-pubescent (puberty finished previously) at which point there is no special term for being fixated on them because fixation on puberty-finished women is not considered a paraphilia at all.

The closest I've seen is "teleiophilia" coined by Blanchard in 2000, but it is a term for attraction to adult of either gender and does not imply a gender like Hebephilia (females) or Ephebophilia (males) does.

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