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- Nov 12, 2017
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Archive link to avoid giving clicks to The Atlantic. http://archive.is/s5osN
Jewish insider "author" who has had money and accolades thrown at her for doing, essentially, what we do here (stringing words together). Has real or imagined "hard times" and applies for job at a Container Store and is rejected (heavens!) for the, perhaps, legitimate concern of being overqualified. "So you are an award winning author, Emmy winning producer, but you want to work here....." Would you expect her to take the job seriously?
Does this sound like a stunt to you?
Maybe her troubles have some kernel of truth to them but I wager they are grossly overexaggerated compared to what normal people have experienced.
In The Atlantic article the narrative here seems a stretch but still, have you more than doubled your salary from griping?
Tee hee.
More at the first link....
Jewish insider "author" who has had money and accolades thrown at her for doing, essentially, what we do here (stringing words together). Has real or imagined "hard times" and applies for job at a Container Store and is rejected (heavens!) for the, perhaps, legitimate concern of being overqualified. "So you are an award winning author, Emmy winning producer, but you want to work here....." Would you expect her to take the job seriously?
Does this sound like a stunt to you?
Maybe her troubles have some kernel of truth to them but I wager they are grossly overexaggerated compared to what normal people have experienced.
In The Atlantic article the narrative here seems a stretch but still, have you more than doubled your salary from griping?
1. Land a job. At a new online magazine for approximately the same salary you earned in 1992, but whatever. You have bills to pay, MRIs to undergo, kids to feed, you are doing this solo, and at this point you have no idea that the company’s offer of $34,000 a year is a fraction of the $200,000 a man in your same position later tells you he was making.
2. Have your first story out of the gate, about how hard it is to get a job when you’re a middle-aged woman, go so viral that itgets picked up by othersand lands youon TVand on theNew York Timesonline op-ed page while simultaneously, in that same paper, sparking amean-spirited backlash. Immediately get a raise, to $80,000.
Tee hee.
3. Receive a Facebook message out of the blue from Ken Kurson, a Big Important Male Editor at theNew York Observer, saying he loves your work and wants you to consider writing for him instead. Push him off for six months, as you’re under contract.
4. Wear a sundress [tee hee] to a lunch meeting with him six months later, because it’s June in New York City and it’s a scorcher. Immediately regret this sartorial choice the minute the Big Important Male Editor says something like,Wow, it’s so weird—here we are talking about your story about your breast cancer while I’m staring at your breasts.
More at the first link....