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SuicideFuel Hearing young people having sex really is extreme Suifuel



Sep 8, 2019
I went and visited a "friend" for some personal reasons and he has a 19 year old roommate with his 19 year stacy GF. Both of them greet me, I was blown away as I did not expect her,this hot young dumb foid,and they both disappear in their room. I went to the bathroom a bit later hear the foid laugh loudly while they (probably) playfight.
Well, around half an hour later I bring something to the kitchen and hear the slut moaning really loud, I felt really bad. Had to think of the Campus stories people always tell here on this forum.
Killed my mood, looked for an excuse and went home.
Feels bad man...
I’ve shared the same experience. It bothers me too, but not to the point where I want to kill myself.
Should’ve knocked on their door loudly.
Pour acid on their faces
should of recorded it or else it didn't happen
WTF IS THIS LIFE just think at the amount of sex you could be having if you were attractive.... there are members who fap 5 plus times a day.... THIS HELL :feelsbadman:
WTF IS THIS LIFE just think at the amount of sex you could be having if you were attractive.... there are members who fap 5 plus times a day.... THIS HELL :feelsbadman:
Yes very true. I is just my envy that drives my range, I think.
 20191022 191746

This will cheer you up frenderino! :soy:
You should have asked if you can join them too, a friend in need is a friend indeed, after all. :feelskek: :feelskek:
Do something about it
That is one sound i cant stand. Over.
I hear it everyday at my high school because I’m a youngcel and even see it sometimes. Degenerates.
Just seeing teenagers holding hands makes me depressed.
I hear it everyday at my high school because I’m a youngcel and even see it sometimes. Degenerates.
you call them degenerates, but we all would be happy in their place instead of being incels
Living in a campus dorm as an incel is nuclear ERfuel. I'm so glad I never had to do it.
you call them degenerates, but we all would be happy in their place instead of being incels

thats true, but just because something makes u happy doesn’t mean it’s not degeneracy
I went and visited a "friend" for some personal reasons and he has a 19 year old roommate with his 19 year stacy GF. Both of them greet me, I was blown away as I did not expect her,this hot young dumb foid,and they both disappear in their room. I went to the bathroom a bit later hear the foid laugh loudly while they (probably) playfight.
Well, around half an hour later I bring something to the kitchen and hear the slut moaning really loud, I felt really bad. Had to think of the Campus stories people always tell here on this forum.
Killed my mood, looked for an excuse and went home.
Feels bad man...

Suicide fuel for oldcels like me. As a 30+ male, I would be branded a paedophile for trying to get with her. It's a double standard, I had to experience things like this less than 10 years ago, when I was still a youngcel.

But I still feel like a youngcel, but people do not see me that way anymore.
View attachment 171343

This will cheer you up frenderino! :soy:

Kill here, blow her apart with an RPG
Suicide fuel for oldcels like me. As a 30+ male, I would be branded a paedophile for trying to get with her. It's a double standard, I had to experience things like this less than 10 years ago, when I was still a youngcel.

But I still feel like a youngcel, but people do not see me that way anymore.

Kill here, blow her apart with an RPG
She is 19 not a child so you are no pedophile even if you could get her. I am getting sick of the degeneration of our language.
She is 19 not a child so you are no pedophile even if you could get her. I am getting sick of the degeneration of our language.

I know, but normies like to accuse men over 25 of this when there are age gaps. Due to feminism and the cucks that support them. As a youngcel you have certain protections purely due to age so certain accusations like the above can't be levelled at you.

When you get over 30, or even 25 in some cases, you are a sitting duck.

In other words, life only gets worse as an incel as you age

This is the biggest suicide and homicide fuel in the world, knowing that I will never have the opportunity to make a foid moan like that. It's also the reason why I lived with my parents until I could afford to move waaaaaay the fuck out in the country in my late-30s.
Brutal suifuel. 10 times more potent than the sex noises.

Female laughter and moaning are the two noises that enrage me more than anything else (except possibly loud chattering and door-slamming when I'm trying to sleep). If I ever find myself in a situation where I'm routinely subjected to that again, like I was in college, you will probably hear about me in the news.
I can't find the correct word for that. It's something close to taunt, to mock or to tease, but it's not exactly any of these three verbs.

In any case, it's something nobody likes to endure. It's when you want something you can't have for some reason, and someone is ostensibly enjoying it in front of you.

Like when you're fasting and a friend is enjoying some delicious food right next to you.

That is supposed to be why modesty exists, but nobody cares about this virtue anymore because eveyone seems to have decided that sex is as natural and easy as any other biological function, yet it is not.

That or sex-havers have decided not to give a shit about making us feel bad.

It should be ragefuel, not suifuel.
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I know, but normies like to accuse men over 25 of this when there are age gaps. Due to feminism and the cucks that support them. As a youngcel you have certain protections purely due to age so certain accusations like the above can't be levelled at you.

When you get over 30, or even 25 in some cases, you are a sitting duck.

In other words, life only gets worse as an incel as you age

Maybe in "I like to cut off baby penis parts" USA but not in Europe. My Co-worker in 35 and his GF is 19 and nobody gives a flying fuck.
Just nuke that freemasonic shithole USA....
Brutal story ,hearing anyone having sex bothers me everyday
Felt some kind of rage or hatred but still, I must remain civilized(while they can act like Monkeys)
No offence but you're fucking cuck for doing that to urself bro "I must remain ciViLiZEd" JFL:feelstastyman::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feels::incel:
Lmao brutal. Never happened to me btw the good thing of having 0 social life
i'm lucky i never experienced what you just experienced. it'd be suicidefuel.
I've overheard people having sex before (regularly). For some reason it's not ragefuel/suifuel for me, dunno why.

Maybe I've never really craved sex, the act. It's always been love and companionship that I've wanted.
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WTF IS THIS LIFE just think at the amount of sex you could be having if you were attractive.... there are members who fap 5 plus times a day.... THIS HELL :feelsbadman:
I've overheard people having sex before (regularly). For some reason it's not ragefuel/suifuel for me, dunno why.

Maybe I've never really craved sex, the act. It's always been love and companionship that I've wanted.
Low T post. The last time I overheard sex, I got a semi-erection, and then suicidal tendencies.

Even I am low T in this because I didn't exhibit anger, but sadness.
It should be illegal to make sex sounds so other can hear. If they only knew the pain it caused us they would understand.
i got erfuel from reading this
bro avoid college dorms like the fucking plague, im lucky i live with my parents and i hear none of that shit. Id rather live in a dumpster than in a college dorm

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