Same reason only men can appreciate or produce great art. Masculinity is inherently spiritual, while the feminine is "magical", in the sense femininity is a manifestation of cosmic substance and thus it represents potentiality and energy (which is why men wither and rot without contact with females). And because the masculine is the spiritual and creative agent of the world, it also happens only men have individualities, while women are creatures of pure subjectivity.
Ultimately, what men love is the beauty of universal femininity as a whole, not any particular woman specifically and certainly not her personality. The beauty of a woman is like the beauty of a natural landscape. It is a purely abstract and impersonal thing that relates to a reality that transcends the individual woman altogether. The problem with the west is that men have grown into the unfortunate habit of projecting their perception of this cosmic element in female beauty onto individual women themselves. Women themselves have absolutely no idea why men love them so much, for they are incapable of perceiving anything of a transcendent kind. Likewise, what women "love" in a man are not his spiritual qualities, but his physical attributes, for women are creatures of the world. They are essentially nature personified, so they don't see any other value except what's in the world of nature, so what they love is physical beauty, health, youth, strength and so forth.