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RageFuel Having autism is a bigger disadvantage than being a NT black person



Disregard my larping efforts. I can’t change it.
Sep 26, 2019
NT black people have it difficult in this world compared to white people. But guess who has it even worse? Autistic people.

Only up to 15% of black people in America are unemployed, sometimes less than 10%, compared to 85% of autists who graduated college being unemployed past college, compared to 4.5% of the general population. Some studies show 50-75% of autistic people are unemployed or underemployed.

Autistic girls are significantly more likely to be molested in their childhood.

According to Victimization and Perpetration Experiences of Adults With Autism:

"Studies of adults with ASC have largely focused exclusively on sexual victimization. In a college sample, students with ASC were twice as likely to report unwanted sexual contact compared to students without ASC (10). In an online survey, 70% of adults with ASC reported experiencing some form of sexual victimization after age 14 and into adulthood, compared to 45% of those without ASC (5). Authors have suggested that increased risks of bullying, physical, and emotional abuse may also be present in adults with ASC due to heightened social vulnerability."

"Participants with ASC reported experiencing, as children, more overall victimization; specifically, more property crime, maltreatment, teasing/emotional bullying, and sexual assault by peers, compared to participants without ASC. Participants with ASC also reported experiencing more teasing/emotional bullying in adulthood and greater sexual contact victimization"

90.9% of autistic children were robbed in their childhood compared to 47.6% of NT children and 57.8% were physically abused compared to 26.2% of NT children. In adulthood, 40% of autistic adults have been physically abused compared to 28.6% of NT adults. They're also significantly more likely to be bullied in adulthood. They also are significantly more likely to have been raped or sexually assaulted in adulthood.

17% of autistic children were reported to child abuse hotlines compared to 7.4% of NT children. Child protection professionals only investigated 62% of the autistic children's caregivers compared to investigating 92% of NT children's caregivers.

Autistic people are significantly less likely to be hired for a job.

Only one-third of autistic high school graduates enter college, compared to 50% of black people and two-thirds of white people. Less than 20 percent of college students with autism had graduated or were even on track to graduate five years after high school. The number goes up to 39 percent after the students are seven years out of high school. 51.5% of black and latino students in college graduate within 6 years, compared to 69.6% of white students. Other studies show only 38% of black students graduate within 6 years.

70% of autistic kids put in mainstream classes in school get bullied, and autistic kids in general are significantly more likely to be bullied.

Autistic people have a significantly lower life expectancy than people of any race, including black people. This can be due to a high suicide rate, medications they take, accidents, and some even having epillepsy.

The vast majority of autistic people have other co-morbid mental disorders.

35% of autistic people who finish high school don't join workforce or go to postsecondary education, 9 percentage points higher than those with severe mental disabilities. While 59 percent were neither working or continuing their education during the first year after their graduation, that figure dropped to 11 percent in years four through seven. However, this doesn't stop that the vast majority of autistic adults who finish college are unemployed past college and not that many finish college.

Autistic people are significantly more likely to suffer depression and suicide.

According to the study Victimization and Perpetration Experiences of Adults With Autism:

"Participants with ASC reported experiencing, as children, more overall victimization; specifically, more property crime, maltreatment, teasing/emotional bullying, and sexual assault by peers, compared to participants without ASC. Participants with ASC also reported experiencing more teasing/emotional bullying in adulthood and greater sexual contact victimization. No significant differences were found between groups on perpetration. Sociocommunicative ability and emotion regulation deficits did not explain the heightened risk for victimization. Individuals with ASC have an increased vulnerability to violence victimization, which speaks to the need for interventions, and proactive prevention strategies."

People with autism are 4x more likely AND most likely to be victims of disability hate crime.

A small-sample study of Americans and Canadians found that adults with autism face a greater risk of sexual victimization than their peers. Autistic respondents were more than twice as likely to say they had been the victim of rape and over three times as likely to report unwanted sexual contact.

Autistic people more likely to be homeless, comprising 12.3% of a sample of 106 homeless people compared to 2% of the general population. 40% of the homeless population is black, but autists comprise like 2% of the population whereas black people comprise 12.1-13% of the population. 12.3/1.8=6 whereas 40/12 or 13=3.

This means autists might be more likely to be unemployed than black people perhaps!

56% of autistic kids live in low-income households compared to 42% of kids WITHOUT special healthcare needs. One third of autistic kids live in poverty. Only 62% of autistic kids are in very good or excellent health, compared to 72% of kids with OTHER special healthcare needs. 80% of black families with autistic kids, 75% of hispanic families with autistic kids, and 59% of white families with autistic kids experience material hardship such as difficulty affording food or healthcare, compared to 28% of households WITHOUT children who have special healthcare.

"Over half of children with autism live in low-income households (household income below 200% of the federal poverty level, or FPL, with an income of $48,500 four a family of four) and 30% live in very low-income households (household income below 100% of the FPL, $24,250 for a family of four)."

Autistic people also struggle socially with making friends and finding dating partners or sexual partners, which black people won't struggle with nearly as much. In fact, studies show that black people lose their virginity earlier than black college students have more sex partners.
Autistic men get so much shit thrown at them in this ableist society.
Both being autistic and ugly are worse than merely being black, this is obvious. But goes against the narrative hard.
Isn't that obvious? Black people fuck a lot in Africa
Blacks are more NT than whites,
prob because they're lower inhib by nature.
Whites are far more likely to be spergs
@K9Otaku thoughts?
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@ordinaryotaku thoughts?
Agreed with this. Autism is one of the biggest disadvantages you can currently have in the West, especially if people can tell that you have it (people have literally went up to my face and asked me if I did before, JFL). It's why autistic people are more likely to be unemployed, along with the fact that autistic people have such an exorbitantly high suicide rate, that the average autist lifespan is about 30 years lesser than that of NT people.
autism = reroll
youre implying that blacks have low smv which isnt the case, ''NT black'' is redundant, since they're NT by nature
i agree that autism is a death sentence though, people dismiss how much of an impact it has
Agreed with this. Autism is one of the biggest disadvantages you can currently have in the West, especially if people can tell that you have it (people have literally went up to my face and asked me if I did before, JFL). It's why autistic people are more likely to be unemployed, along with the fact that autistic people have such an exorbitantly high suicide rate, that the average autist lifespan is about 30 years lesser than that of NT people.
Yeah that’s why I think autism pride is a joke. Make any proud autist NT for a day and they’ll never wanna go back. And make any NT person autistic for a day and they’ll rope instantly

I remember some NT person said they wish they had autism and I scoff at them
:feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh: brutal. if autism actually affected foids, it would be on feminist agenda #1. but only males get negatively affected by autism so nobody gives a fuck. :lasereyes:

and there;s nothing worse in terms of personality than an autistic foid. i cant stand them. my family is full of them. :feelsree: but obviously it doesnt affect them in terms of relationships and breeding. :society:

Autistic women are just as common it’s just under diagnosed because many mask their autism
NT black people have it difficult in this world compared to white people.
That's all I needed to read to know this is some BS diarrhea post. How many actual black incels do we have again?
@K9Otaku thoughts?
Blacks have "autism" less than whites because they are less exposed to the worse parts of Western culture.

Being "autistic" just means "being damaged by our current culture". It has zero biological basis
Which one is worse: schizophrenia or autism?

I'm pretty sure is schizophrenia; my mother had it around her early thirties and she would keep on going insane in public and getting herself sent to many mental wards after the cops came to arrest her.:cryfeels:

If autism is that bad enough with the evidence you have shown, I will rope in my mid-twenties if I develop her symptoms.
Which one is worse: schizophrenia or autism?

I'm pretty sure is schizophrenia; my mother had it around her early thirties and she would keep on going insane in public and getting herself sent to many mental wards after the cops came to arrest her.:cryfeels:

If autism is that bad enough with the evidence you have shown, I will rope in my mid-twenties if I develop her symptoms.
Did your mom do drugs? It's rare to develop brutal schizo without a history of drug abuse.
Did your mom do drugs? It's rare to develop brutal schizo without a history of drug abuse.
Nope, come from a traditional Muslim family.
Impossible for her to do drugs when she sleeps, cooks, and prays 90% of the day.
Nope, come from a traditional Muslim family.
Impossible for her to do drugs when she sleeps, cooks, and prays 90% of the day.
damn... I pray for you buddy boyo, ngl if I started to have schizo breaks I'd just end it considering how much worse life would get for me.
I grew up a relatively poor autistic kid. If you have autism as a male and you are unattractive you will literally 90% never have a girlfriend or sex. You gotta use your retardbuxx to pay a hooker
Come in, the water's wet!
@Robtical thoughts?
It's a lot worse. Nt black men get relationships easily.
:feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh: brutal. if autism actually affected foids, it would be on feminist agenda #1. but only males get negatively affected by autism so nobody gives a fuck. :lasereyes:
i agree that autism is a death sentence though, people dismiss how much of an impact it has
Even here, sadly enough.
Which one is worse: schizophrenia or autism?

I'm pretty sure is schizophrenia; my mother had it around her early thirties and she would keep on going insane in public and getting herself sent to many mental wards after the cops came to arrest her.:cryfeels:

If autism is that bad enough with the evidence you have shown, I will rope in my mid-twenties if I develop her symptoms.
I think both are just bad. The studies I see on the subject of autism and datelessness/sexlessness often lump autism and schizo together, along with Tourette's, if my memory serves correctly. I don't have the time to check currently, though.

The main thing is that we are "neurodivergent," and neurodiversity manifests itself in the face so that others may pick up on it (Mental Health Facial Appearance) and makes us even more unattractive to women. You pretty much have to be neurotypical, or have astounding attractive features to make up for it, in order to get a partner as a man.
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No black have it better than whites
depends on how far they are on the spectrum , some have light forms of autism while others have it very high, i saw an adult white male in the bus who looked like he had autism and he was behaving in a weird but non-hostile way .

tbh autistcels are very pure individuals , so i feel bad for them :fuk:
Water is wet? Of course autism is worse. I disagree that being black is hard in the west with the current woke culture. Quite a few white women only date black guys. I'm surprised this is even a thing on here. I've even seen black guys shorter than me with attractive white girlfriends and I'm 5'4 so they weren't Tyrones.
Water is wet? Of course autism is worse. I disagree that being black is hard in the west with the current woke culture. Quite a few white women only date black guys. I'm surprised this is even a thing on here. I've even seen black guys shorter than me with attractive white girlfriends and I'm 5'4 so they weren't Tyrones.
black people do face discrimination

but woke ppl don't give a fuck bout black people. they just are woke cuz its trendy not due to altruism
Yea and water is wet. Autistic people are socially retarded and get shunned, ostracized, marginalized, and bullied.

I'm a high functioning autist (aspiecel), but people eventually detect my social retardation and avoid me. No one wants to associate themselves with a socially retarded awkward loser.
black people do face discrimination

but woke ppl don't give a fuck bout black people. they just are woke cuz its trendy not due to altruism
Yeah I agree that blacks face discrimination like all minorities and the woke don't care but women will still date black men because its popular or because of virtue signaling, especially younger women. Regardless blacks have it much better than most minorities in the US. Can't speak for other countries. That's all I'm saying. Maybe it's because the area I live is predominantly white so it's different elsewhere.
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Bbc slays tf you on
Niggers are worshipped in white societies
Both being autistic and ugly are worse than merely being black, this is obvious. But goes against the narrative hard.
and lets be real here

the real reason black people are treated badly is because they're mostly ugly. If you're black and look good you can do just fine
Sub-eight white males have it worse than any other race.

Above-eight women (and women in general) hate you because of hypergamy
White females are retarded as fuck and highly prefer NT black guys to autistic whites.

Water is wet indeed.
black people do face discrimination

but woke ppl don't give a fuck bout black people. they just are woke cuz its trendy not due to altruism

White women aren't interested in black men, no differently than other ethnics. Like the democratic party, they just ride the oppression narrative so they can virtue signal. White women possessing 'white guilt' and giving pity fucks to ethnics or 'trying to make daddy angry' is a meme at best. If anything, leftist women are the most racist being their virtue signaling is in direct proportion to their discrimination against ethnics. At best brown men are useful idiots for white women. Note how nonchalantly black men were lynched or beaten due to white female's accusations in the 1800's; this should give you an idea of what they really think of dark skinned ethnics. Cases like Emmet Till spoke volumes.

The only ethnics that come anywhere close to JBW are Latinos according to statistics but this is a broadly defined (perhaps purposefully so) group. Personally I assume "latino" in regards to female dating and marriage preferences is simply 'Caucasians that speak spanish'. Even if it includes darker skinned Mexicans they would still fare better than blacks, they certainly couldn't do any worse.

It is true blacks have a higher rate of sexual participation, but it is within their own ethnic group and even then blackcels obviously exist since its well known the women are no less selective concerning tyrones. They are not shy about this fact.
Imagine being autistic and black at the same time. Jfl. My life
Yup,well tbh. What I suffered from was childhood autism. But if you were non NT during childhood and early years in the Uk. Its OvER
aren't you still autistic?
Yh. But I'm pretty good at autism masking I guess. Anyway,great post. NT is everything or ADHD. Autism is a death sentence
even masking doesn't entirely help. we still get socially excluded. nt's will always notice something about us

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