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Have you ever met a person who is less attractive than you irl or who you suspect of being an incel too?



Anthro foids > foids
Dec 23, 2024
I'm genuinely always the ugliest person in my surroundings.
At uni, I know a guy in my class who has no friends and is certainly ND. He's always on reddit on his cell phone, doesn't even try to hide it from women, and is an average leftie liberal. He might be an incel in denial, but he mogs me hard for being a ltn. I really don't understand when someone here claims to be 3/10 while having any deformities. Because of my underbite I legit might be a 0/10
nope, i have never seen a person uglier than me IRL
nope, i have never seen a person uglier than me IRL
It's brutal. I can't see myself as a human being for being so different from 99.99% of the people around me
oni people worse than me are disabled
Plenty, I consider myself an MTN but that's not enough for the modern day.
I have yet to see an uglier guy than me
Many times
The signs of Inceldom/nearceldom are obvious and consistent across types of men
A small amount.
In elementary school I had a classmate, and to top it off he had a disability in his legs, he was the only case I knew. 90% of people mogs me.
I've seen a few, and it usually reminds me that whenever you think ur life is brutal, theres always someone living it twice as worse.
There's a couple of guys at my work that look below 5ft, they even get height mogged by the short foids.
I've only ever personally known (as in was actually friends with in real life, not online or just met one time) one guy who was legit uglier than I was to a significant degree. Needless to say he was a truecel. He was a bald 6'5 gymcel. Legit 1/10 facially. He had a super long face (even worse than mine) and because he had a really low bodyfat, his face looked even longer. He also looked like he was 30+ when he was 19. He cold approached a lot and I could see the visceral fear in the women's eyes. I tried to blackpill him but he wasn't having it. He always said he saw unattractive guys with hot women all the time and went on and on about this ugly guy he knew with the hottest girl. When he finally showed me it was literally a pretty boy with a fat girl (he preferred fat women).....it was like he couldn't have been more wrong if he tried. He thought maximum masculinity was ideal and the more you deviated away from that, the uglier they were. His perception of the world was heavily distorted by extreme male gaze and tren.

We went out clubbing together and he'd get shot down by every single girl, then have some cope like "oh that chick was just a bitch" or "the women at that club were all lesbians bro!".

I've known a small handful of guys who were roughly as ugly as I was, and they were all truecel as well.

If you completely remove the "who is less attractive than you" criterion, then I've known quite a lot of confirmed truecels in my lifetime. Friends, family members, online friends etc.

There were many more who were ugly that I never once saw with a woman (or saw any evidence that there was ever a woman in their life) that I was 99.999 percent sure were truecel despite them claiming otherwise. In real life most incels lie and make up stories. I've caught a few incels lying.
His perception of the world was heavily distorted by extreme male gaze and tren.
I'm not going to lie, I was once as redpilled and retarded as your friend.
Those whom I mog are rare.
only people i mog are deformed people
yes, i'm average height so i automatically assume anyone to be shorter than me at or near my looks level to be inkwel
only people i mog are deformed people
Yeah, deformed kids and those special ed kids, and old fat people who definitely mogged me when they were younger
Yeah, deformed kids and those special ed kids, and old fat people who definitely mogged me when they were younger
i mog most fat people but if they were in shape they'll mog me
I have. I had a classmate who I suspect was also autistic and he was sub-5.
I'm not going to lie, I was once as redpilled and retarded as your friend.

If it makes you feel any better I was bluepilled to an extent in high school. I simped as well. If you go back far enough, everyone here was bluepilled/redpilled. Especially us old heads because "the blackpill" wasn't really a thing on the internet. The only blackpill thing I understood from a truly early age was that men wanted women more than women wanted men. Though I didn't understand the full extent of it.

Our instincts are a combo of bluepilled and redpilled. By default we'll think that maximum masculinity and gymceling will make us attractive to women and of course we have the instinct to simp (primitive urge to provide for and protect women).

The blackpill has to be learned as it's counterintuitive to the way we evolved. On a primitive level, our purpose is to reproduce to continue our genetic lineage. "I'm genetically inferior, this is why women do not want me, so I am a genetic dead end" conflicts with our most fundamental instincts, so naturally we all want to reject this idea.

And for us oldcels, we had to get blackpilled by personal experience and observation. It took a lot of being called ugly (or otherwise insulted for my appearance) generally being treated poorly, and getting rejected to become as blackpilled as I am today.

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