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Experiment Have women ever said anything about your personality IRL?

Deleted member 60

Deleted member 60

Nov 7, 2017
I keep thinking about this conversation I had with a foid back in August. She literally told me that I "need to be more of an asshole" after complaining about getting beaten up by her abusive ex. FEMALE LOGIC.

I wish I broke her fucking jaw that same night.
They didn't say to my face but I overheard they're afraid of me
i have a deep feeling that they think my personallity is mysoginistic and ugly (face)
If you can talk on that level with a foid you're a fakecel
I was seen as the autistic weirdo of the class.
I probably am autistic.
I never heard anything from a girl directly.
Back in freshman year of high school after styling my hair and buying all new Ralph Lauren clothing a foid told me that I looked like a sociopath and that I give off red flags
Always friendzoned. Never the fuck buddy or friends with benefits. No point in ascending as I've got a lot to catch up on. Then the age pill will hit me.

They "loved" (or so I thought) my personality up until I started spreading the :blackpill: which they then felt guilty about due to their own behaviour which they tried to fraudulently virtue signal & shit.
My brothers gf told him im weird and will never find a woman to be with me. Shes not wrong there
You can't win as an ugly man:
1. Use your personality to get sex on par with Chad. You're a fuck boy, woke fuck boy, soft boy or depending on how assertive you are misnamed a "Predator" or "Rapey"...
2. Don't interact with women. You're anti social & a misogynist
3. Be friendly with them & you're a creep & perv
4. Be friendly & complain about the cunt/pussy privilege supremacy aka hypocrisy & you're an Incel.
5. There's more but I CBA.
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While ago, but in high school an old friend says he heard some foids talking about me and saying I’m “weird”. He told them to stfu
So based.
People in general used to describe me as "weird but funny". I know that I wasn't very weird it's just they didn't want to spend time with me because I'm ugly as fuck so it's not like I can be around them or their precious FUCKING STATUS
Now that you asked, I can't recall foid ever saying anything about my personality, ofcourse besides old grannies that say the usual "You are fine young gentlemen".
I’ve been called creepy and weird before if that counts..
Do you look masculine/DOM? People expect you to act a certain way from how you look
Few nice old ladies at my local library think I'm sweet. :chad::chad::chad::chad::chad::chad::chad::chad::chad::chad:
I'm seen as a freak.
In personality and face.
My mum says i have a great personality.
« Shy » or « weird » depending on the context or girl, most of the time. Now I translate it as « beta » and « ugly ».
shes blackpilled, shes literally a walking example of how femoids love abusive attractive chad
Do you mean personality or personality? Before I quit going to school, I had foids tell me that I was the ugliest guy there or that I was disgusting, I had others claim that I'm a likely school shooter. The most direct thing I've ever gotten out of a female regarding my actual personality is that I always appear sad.
In my extreme blue pill days, I used to hear, "You're such a nice guy, some girl will be so lucky to have you!"
I used to be a total nice guy and do my best to please them..I really wanted foids to like me.

Now I know better and the only contact I have is when I am paying them to use their pussy.
I’ve often described as either the typical funny nice guy or the creepy loner who doesn’t talk much
Do you look masculine/DOM? People expect you to act a certain way from how you look
idk, I got mixed feedback on this. I have some masc features (e.g. strong jaw, eyebrows, nose) but I'm also high trust. My height/frame probably contributes too
shes blackpilled, shes literally a walking example of how femoids love abusive attractive chad
tbh this is the true personality pill
The most direct thing I've ever gotten out of a female regarding my actual personality is that I appear sad.
I've gotten that too.

If you can talk on that level with a foid you're a fakecel
Fuck, what the fuck is this? Some kind of tradition for JBW larpers to say "weed is a fakecel" once every month? I am honestly tired of this baiting that tries and gets me warned and @Bronzehawkattack(the chameleon who claimed that he got 0 matches in Thailand what's impossible) has already succeeded by typing in non sense yesterday which I tried to address and that resulted in me getting warned which also resulted in me making this thread so from now on I will be linking this thread to whoever says I am a larper.
How can I be a larper if I have received 0 IOIs in my whole life? How can a fakecel receive 0? Instead, I have been receiving IODs(indications of disgust) from both males and females. I have told those stories many times but let me repeat them, when I was 13 years old I got a unibrow and a Polish foid made fun of it in school with her friend. What about that one time when a random foid in school started shouting "look at his face, look at his face!" while pointing at my face? What about that one time when a sub4 foid with no eyebrows and her fat friends said to me "you've got a nice six pack but an ugly face" then 5 minutes later she offered my friend a blowjob when I was near them? What about that last high school year when my ex "friend" became a bully to me and started spitting at my head and uniform like I am some sort of omega subhuman? What about that one time when I tried to create a kik account and add people so I could chat but a teen foid added me asking me "why are you so ugly"? What about that one time in childhood when foids hated me and one said "why are u trying to act hard?" when I didn't(I was actually still introverted as a kid)? What about that one time when I went to dance classes for 1 day and foid looked at me in disgust that was forced to dance with me? She was also looking at her friends almost loling. What about that one time when I was invited outside by a foid(who also happened to be from the same city like me and even same town so we had lots of stuff in common) just for her to tell me 5 mins later after I went outside "there's another boy near, I will hang out with him", then her and her friend started avoiding me on the streets, even crossing the road just to avoid me MULTIPLE TIMES? What about that one time when I had very severe acne and strangers as well as my friends were making fun of me? Can you imagine that serotonin level drop? What about that one time when 2 weeks ago I legit scared a femoid cleaner that she jumped up?
Now let's talk about tinder. Why do I not get messages there and when I text first I get ignored or get short answers? When someone makes an experiment with me even with frauded pictures they always fail, why? Now imagine what happens when I use my unfrauded pics...
Now about Thailand coping... Anyone can get matches there, anyone can get messages there and it was a new cope back then, @/pol/cel who is a 4/10 curry got a gf there within 2 days. @CopingGymcel made an experiment there with a legit 1.5/10 truecel and he was able to get a gf so I am not even going to talk about that, here's 1 more proof @11gaijin made an experiment there as a curry and he got tons of matches, so don't even mention Thailand coping.
Landwhale situation is explained here https://incels.is/threads/to-whoever-called-me-a-fakecel.2938/
Let's talk about my looks. STOP POSTING MY HEAVILY FRAUDED PICTURES BECAUSE I DON'T LOOK LIKE THAT and let me prove that. I am not going to post my full face because it is against rules but I will post parts of my face as well as my side profile.
Let's start from when I was just 13 years old... Believe it or not but I was a truecel from the age of 13 until the age of 18, I was riddled with severe acne, I had long hair and unibrow until I started plucking it out. Here's a pic of my acne when I was 18 years old riding camels in Spain


, note that I was on 4th month of accutane so my acne was even 2x worse than in the picture. My self esteem was non existent and my anxiety was over the top back then but I got it cleared up with the help of accutane thank fucking god.
What about now? I have still got scars, and I've still got my recessed chin, I still have shitty skin texture, retracted lower eyelids, recessed maxilla, shit lip area etc.
Here's a picture of my fucked up chin

How can a fakecel have a chin like that? LOL
What about my eye area? It's still fucking cucked NCT with lower eyelid retraction


Wanna see my fucking skin texture?


Wow what a clear skin I have that def will get me laid.

People consider me a fucking omega due to my looks and interactions that I have are pretty observable and if you would observe them it would be so obvious people don't take me seriously, let alone foids when I legit had 0 female friends my whole life.

Mhmm what about my steam hours?


Do you really think a fakecel would have that many steam hours? No, not even 30% of is idled but most likely 5% or so. I also have 4050+ dota matches.

And finally, do you really think a fakecel would make a 10k characters post explaining his situation? Compare me to other guys who turned out to be fakecels, they were saying "tfw kkhv" or "I am autistic xdd", shit like that, while I am ALWAYS honest about myself whilelist you could obviously see Tellem T and whogivesafucc was larping yet you felt for THEM. :feelskek:
idk, I got mixed feedback on this. I have some masc features (e.g. strong jaw, eyebrows, nose) but I'm also high trust. My height/frame probably contributes too

tbh this is the true personality pill

I've gotten that too.

Fuck, what the fuck is this? Some kind of tradition for JBW larpers to say "weed is a fakecel" once every month? I am honestly tired of this baiting that tries and gets me warned and @Bronzehawkattack(the chameleon who claimed that he got 0 matches in Thailand what's impossible) has already succeeded by typing in non sense yesterday which I tried to address and that resulted in me getting warned which also resulted in me making this thread so from now on I will be linking this thread to whoever says I am a larper.
How can I be a larper if I have received 0 IOIs in my whole life? How can a fakecel receive 0? Instead, I have been receiving IODs(indications of disgust) from both males and females. I have told those stories many times but let me repeat them, when I was 13 years old I got a unibrow and a Polish foid made fun of it in school with her friend. What about that one time when a random foid in school started shouting "look at his face, look at his face!" while pointing at my face? What about that one time when a sub4 foid with no eyebrows and her fat friends said to me "you've got a nice six pack but an ugly face" then 5 minutes later she offered my friend a blowjob when I was near them? What about that last high school year when my ex "friend" became a bully to me and started spitting at my head and uniform like I am some sort of omega subhuman? What about that one time when I tried to create a kik account and add people so I could chat but a teen foid added me asking me "why are you so ugly"? What about that one time in childhood when foids hated me and one said "why are u trying to act hard?" when I didn't(I was actually still introverted as a kid)? What about that one time when I went to dance classes for 1 day and foid looked at me in disgust that was forced to dance with me? She was also looking at her friends almost loling. What about that one time when I was invited outside by a foid(who also happened to be from the same city like me and even same town so we had lots of stuff in common) just for her to tell me 5 mins later after I went outside "there's another boy near, I will hang out with him", then her and her friend started avoiding me on the streets, even crossing the road just to avoid me MULTIPLE TIMES? What about that one time when I had very severe acne and strangers as well as my friends were making fun of me? Can you imagine that serotonin level drop? What about that one time when 2 weeks ago I legit scared a femoid cleaner that she jumped up?
Now let's talk about tinder. Why do I not get messages there and when I text first I get ignored or get short answers? When someone makes an experiment with me even with frauded pictures they always fail, why? Now imagine what happens when I use my unfrauded pics...
Now about Thailand coping... Anyone can get matches there, anyone can get messages there and it was a new cope back then, @/pol/cel who is a 4/10 curry got a gf there within 2 days. @CopingGymcel made an experiment there with a legit 1.5/10 truecel and he was able to get a gf so I am not even going to talk about that, here's 1 more proof @11gaijin made an experiment there as a curry and he got tons of matches, so don't even mention Thailand coping.
Landwhale situation is explained here https://incels.is/threads/to-whoever-called-me-a-fakecel.2938/
Let's talk about my looks. STOP POSTING MY HEAVILY FRAUDED PICTURES BECAUSE I DON'T LOOK LIKE THAT and let me prove that. I am not going to post my full face because it is against rules but I will post parts of my face as well as my side profile.
Let's start from when I was just 13 years old... Believe it or not but I was a truecel from the age of 13 until the age of 18, I was riddled with severe acne, I had long hair and unibrow until I started plucking it out. Here's a pic of my acne when I was 18 years old riding camels in Spain


, note that I was on 4th month of accutane so my acne was even 2x worse than in the picture. My self esteem was non existent and my anxiety was over the top back then but I got it cleared up with the help of accutane thank fucking god.
What about now? I have still got scars, and I've still got my recessed chin, I still have shitty skin texture, retracted lower eyelids, recessed maxilla, shit lip area etc.
Here's a picture of my fucked up chin

How can a fakecel have a chin like that? LOL
What about my eye area? It's still fucking cucked NCT with lower eyelid retraction


Wanna see my fucking skin texture?


Wow what a clear skin I have that def will get me laid.

People consider me a fucking omega due to my looks and interactions that I have are pretty observable and if you would observe them it would be so obvious people don't take me seriously, let alone foids when I legit had 0 female friends my whole life.

Mhmm what about my steam hours?


Do you really think a fakecel would have that many steam hours? No, not even 30% of is idled but most likely 5% or so. I also have 4050+ dota matches.

And finally, do you really think a fakecel would make a 10k characters post explaining his situation? Compare me to other guys who turned out to be fakecels, they were saying "tfw kkhv" or "I am autistic xdd", shit like that, while I am ALWAYS honest about myself whilelist you could obviously see Tellem T and whogivesafucc was larping yet you felt for THEM. :feelskek:
Im not fkin reading any of that. Also weed said he had sex.

Edit: shit ur weed kek
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Probably say im awkward as fuck behind my back

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