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Blackpill Have u all ever tried dating apps?

Yes comrade stalin, It was worse than being in a room full of normies
Very well officer, that is why I am rotting on is. right now :feelsokman:
I tried bumble once and it was miserable. I was under the impression that all women that use that app are fat hogs (which is true) yet none of them wanted me anyway. OvER :feelsrope:
Not yet. Soon probably.
Dating apps are trash you got whales who want a guy who’s rich tall and handsome definitely not the place for an incel
No Way GIF
I did, waited a week and got no matches
Dating apps are for chads and foids. Trucels will have no success on them. If foids don't like you irl they won't like you on dating apps.
No because if my strict christian mom found out i was on a dating app she would kill me. She doesnt think i deserve love or romance - she wants me to avoid women rn and get a good job, and then become a betabuxxer at age 30. Brutal
Wouldnt work because of my height alone
No because if my strict christian mom found out i was on a dating app she would kill me
how are dating apps against christianity like wtf
Yes I have, it went poorly.
I've tried tinder and Bumble. I got one match on Tinder with some land-whale and even so I tried chatting the foid up but didn't get a reply.
With Bubble I used that wrote what's on your mind function and got like 2 one word responses.

I am under the impression that foids that are using dating apps just want to make out life miserable. They can always just block guys they don't want to talk to, but no... They literally leave everything on seen and probably laugh at what we typed.
Foids are literally succubi that feed off of your energy. Dating apps are retarded and work against men.
I'm not into dating apes
I got zero LIKES on tinder.
how are dating apps against christianity like wtf
Beats me ¯\_( :/ )_/¯

Ever since i was a little kid, she made it so that girls are a suuuuuper taboo topic. Talking about murder or serial killers is fine but DONT YOU DARE EVER SO MUCH AS SAY THE WORD "GIRL" IN MY HOUSE

She spent my whole life conditioning me to be a betabuxxer. Every day as a kid i heard "dont mess with girls. First youll go to a good school, then youll get a good job, and ONLY THEN can you find a good girl to marry"

So i was a retard all throughout school and completely avoided girls because i had been conditioned to believe this nonsense. Who knows, if my mom wasnt like this then maybe i wouldve been able to JBFmaxx in hs and ascend.
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Yes, I’ll paste past experience from a previous post I made:

I have a cycle where I’ll build up some small amount of confidence, download apps, update my profile, then swipe a bunch… then a month or two later my self esteem and subsequently my mental health will be devastated from the lack of anyone desiring me in the slightest… from being completely unwanted and unloved

Then I’ll suffer for a bit in depression and eventually I’ll forget the pain it caused and go back, and start the cycle all over.

(end pasted section)

I haven’t done this for a year or two now though. I’m not sure if I’ll come out of this period of depression.
Ok cupid, bumble, hinge, some other one I forget.
matches with a couple bots.
One single conversation that immediately turned into beta buxx bait.
I have, didn't get much success.
Beats me ¯\_( :/ )_/¯

Ever since i was a little kid, she made it so that girls are a suuuuuper taboo topic. Talking about murder or serial killers is fine but DONT YOU DARE EVER SO MUCH AS SAY THE WORD "GIRL" IN MY HOUSE

She spent my whole life conditioning me to be a betabuxxer. Every day as a kid i heard "dont mess with girls. First youll go to a good school, then youll get a good job, and ONLY THEN can you find a good girl to marry"

So i was a retard all throughout school and completely avoided girls because i had been conditioned to believe this nonsense. Who knows, if my mom wasnt like this then maybe i wouldve been able to JBFmaxx in hs and ascend.
america? I am from super conservative catholic country where sex is kinda a taboo but girls and dating also being taboo seems crazy to me
I've tried chadfishing , got matches within seconds
Dating apps = humiliation rituals

Don’t go there.
america? I am from super conservative catholic country where sex is kinda a taboo
Yep. The American south, it's very religious down here.

but girls and dating also being taboo seems crazy to me
Agreed, but i dont think most families here are that way, im pretty sure i just have top 1% strict parents here. Even in middle school and high school whenever i mentioned things about my family that i thought was normal, my friends or peers would comment about my parents being very strict. One time a friend actually told me "dude, i dont know how you havent killed yourself yet". I just answered its because this is all ive ever known so its normal to me

But yeah its also hugely hypocritical because my mom dated all through high school and got married at 18. Now here she is with 4 adult sons, none of which have ever held a girls hand. Freaking brutal.
Dating apps are for chads and foids. Trucels will have no success on them. If foids don't like you irl they won't like you on dating apps.
Nah. Neither will.
Yeah I have. It was very humbling and suifueling experience. Back then I used to cope, "I don't even want a gf."
And then came a time I was bored and looking for a gf and downloaded those apps. I put up my best pictures in my phone and waited and waited......
Nothing came of it. I got no matches except for some bots.

I didn't even think I looked that bad. But getting zero matches told me otherwise. I had it for 4 months and eventually just deleted it. Some of the whores would have an instagram or Snapchat in their bio so I would add them on that. Sometimes I would get a follow back on Instagram but then immediately unfollowed. Some of the whores would consistently watch my snapchat stories bc I would post cool shit like being up in the mountains, or at the beach, watering roses in the garden. And I would make the pic look cool including my arm full of tats in it. Still nothing ever came of it though
Yep. The American south, it's very religious down here.

Agreed, but i dont think most families here are that way, im pretty sure i just have top 1% strict parents here. Even in middle school and high school whenever i mentioned things about my family that i thought was normal, my friends or peers would comment about my parents being very strict. One time a friend actually told me "dude, i dont know how you havent killed yourself yet". I just answered its because this is all ive ever known so its normal to me

But yeah its also hugely hypocritical because my mom dated all through high school and got married at 18. Now here she is with 4 adult sons, none of which have ever held a girls hand. Freaking brutal.
Your mom must be some sort of covert feminist/misandrist bro. It's weird she wants you to have contact with foids only as a subordinate provider.
Dating apps are a massive sausagefest, no point in using them as a subChad
if my strict christian mom found out i was on a dating app she would kill me

how are dating apps against christianity like wtf
Low IQ

Beats me ¯\_( :/ )_/¯
Low IQ

Every day as a kid i heard "dont mess with girls

So i was a retard all throughout school
Imagine associating not being a degenerate with being a retard.

I am from super conservative catholic country where sex is kinda a taboo

i just have top 1% strict parents here.

One time a friend actually told me "dude, i dont know how you havent killed yourself yet"
Another reason parents should homeschool their kids. Normie degenerates can't cope with moral values. They're beasts.

so its normal to me
It is normal. The modern lifestyle is the anomaly.

got married at 18
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Your mom must be some sort of covert feminist/misandrist bro.
its possible. On one hand, shes not a woke feminist or anything like that, but on the other hand she definitely doesnt like men, so maybe she is doing all this out of misandry

It's weird she wants you to have contact with foids only as a subordinate provider.
Now that you mention it, i suppose that is pretty weird. I've always just kind of given her the benefit of the doubt because she was born in the 60s so i figured she was just trying to raise us the way kids were raised back then. But maybe not, idk if kids back then were actually told the whole "good school, good job, then wife" bit, thats just what i assumed because she repeated it so often.

Shes also dumb as hell (im not even trying to insult her btw, she actually probably has 60iq) so its possible she doesnt want us to have female contact because maybe she genuinely believes its possible for men to be happy without a gf. Shes always preaching all that foid "self love" nonsense. She never had to go through hardship or be lonely a day in her life so i guess i can kinda see why she denies all my problems exist.

TLDR i just pass it all off as her being low iq (which she is), but maybe youre right. Maybe she is sabatoging me and my brothers. I cant count out that possibility
Imagine associating not being a degenerate with being a retard
By retard i didnt mean i wanted to partake in degeneracy but refused, i meant i wanted to be open to the possibility of having a wholesome loving relationship with a foid but instead refused any social interaction with females.

Not that females ever wanted to talk to me anyway so honestly i guess it probably didn't make much of a difference.
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Ok cupid, bumble, hinge, some other one I forget.
matches with a couple bots.
One single conversation that immediately turned into beta buxx bait.
OP your mom knows you’re an incel and hopes you can make enough money to buy a foids love. Blackpill incoming.
On one hand, shes not a woke feminist or anything like that, but on the other hand she definitely doesnt like men
Typical foid behavior tbh you shouldn't listen to her and go fuck 10/10 stacies
No because if my strict christian mom found out i was on a dating app she would kill me. She doesnt think i deserve love or romance - she wants me to avoid women rn and get a good job, and then become a betabuxxer at age 30. Brutal
I don’t get any matches on Tinder or Bumble, no matter what I do. I sometimes get useless matches on Badoo but these people either dont respond or are not actually serious about dating.
I can't even get matches chadfishing as a chadlite
No never i can`t fathom the brutality
if so how did u do?
On tinder I tried to match with as many women as possible without even looking at their profiles. I got 1 match and it was a fat black man with stubble who was only grouped in with the women because he said he was "nonbinary."

On POF I got no matches and then I tried premium and got indundated with bots. You could tell they were bots because their profiles would be gone the next day
Why even bother trying them when you know it won't bring you anything except for more depression?
Yes. Got the typical results: bots, trannies, and obese single mothers 20+ years older than me.

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