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Have Arabs always been low IQ even for 1000's of years?

Arabs mogs some even look better than incels, Its over

Also Osama Bin laden was a 6.4 gigachad!
Tbf modern europeans are low iq, they've all been bluepilled to oblivion
Bad urban planning in the middle east. the Gook Mongols slaughtered the whole iq moggers in Baghdad which already had fragile demographic compared to Europe,China,South Asia have 3/4 world population in their peak (especially pre 20th century) and hasn't shown any recovery since then :lul:
Why am I being left out of a conversation about Arabs.

I think most Islamic scientific advancements were made by men that are technically not Arab but their countries were invaded and they were forced to convert to Islam.
Why am I being left out of a conversation about Arabs.

I think most Islamic scientific advancements were made by men that are technically not Arab but their countries were invaded and they were forced to convert to Islam.
yeah they took brutal advantage of a mega weakend Roman Empire and swept through collecting religious soldiers along the way . That was a based gangster move ngl same way ISIS took advantage of USA causing chaos in Iraq and the civil war in Syria to rise from nothing and take large areas of land
they believe in things that defy rationality
I'll admit this is just a guess, but I think the US' oil/gas exports could be the reason for that, since Germany and Japan have pretty much nothing except cars and other sophisticated tech to export, while the US is also a natural resources exporter.
No you wrong. It is because they developed those industries and continue improving them continually with home grown talent and use their own universities and industry to produce that development

Declining relatively to the rest of the world yes, as the poorer economies in the rest of the world are growing faster as they slowly catch up with the developed world, but it isn't declining in terms of its own economic growth.
Dude Europe is in decline. Compare the economic graphs from 100 years ago year on year till today. Europe is shrinking none stop to what it was
Well, they are the biggest net contributor, but how much they "finance" the other countries is questionable. The other net contributors obviously get no help from Germany, and for many poorer countries their inflows from the EU are in the single digits as percentage of their GDP, and often more than offset by capital outflows to those richer countries anyway.
Germany is the one that bails out sinking economies and is the one that keeps the whole EU from collapsing. Net contributions are not what I meant
Yup, big businesses love moving to cheaper places, but that's far from the only explanation for the economic growth in those places. For example, domestic SMEs with no foreign links are responsible for about 50% (and in many cases more) of GDP in pretty much all EU countries.
Good on the Slavs if they develop themselves and their economies. About time also. Communism really destroyed their enterpreuneurs for too long.
They actually used to be kangs n sheit. What happened to them?
They banned science and using your brain to think. They want only blind brainless followers
Fuck Arabs.They should be gassed
@ethniccel1 arabs are low Iq sand niggers i wish they didn’t spread islam to my home country. why didn’t they atleast also spread it to east asia or europe instead of africa? Only niggers, currys and sand nigs follow this cursed religion and they happen to be the lowest races of humanity.

African people are such begs and i believe we’re cursed.
whats your country?
We invented everything
No you wrong. It is because they developed those industries and continue improving them continually with home grown talent and use their own universities and industry to produce that development
I meant that the USA's economic complexity score is rather arbitrarily brought down by their export of natural resources. Given the way ECI is calculated, having unprocessed natural resources among your exports brings it down.

Dude Europe is in decline. Compare the economic graphs from 100 years ago year on year till today. Europe is shrinking none stop to what it was
Yeah, it grows slower than the rest of the world and so it's declining relative to it, which includes losing its grip on emerging technologies and overall being much less of a world leader, but, even if slowly, it is still economically growing.


Germany is the one that bails out sinking economies and is the one that keeps the whole EU from collapsing. Net contributions are not what I meant
If I remember right, just about all the economically successful Northern/Northwestern EU countries were bailing out the Southerners when they got into trouble a decade ago or so. Sure, Germany took the lead, but there's no way other rich countries are dependant on it to survive, and as the current data shows, neither is it really all that needed for growth. Sure, since all the EU countries are integrated with and in many cases directly bordering each other, it's not like they can just cut themselves off from Germany and grow as quickly as before, but there's still the rest of the world to interact with.

Good on the Slavs if they develop themselves and their economies. About time also. Communism really destroyed their enterpreuneurs for too long.
all ethnics are low iq except a very small minority.


I am convinced that the Islamic Golden Age is a hoax, like most Muslim history. There are 0 traces of Arab castles in the countries of the Arab league, while there are thousands of gigantic castles in France alone. I don't believe there was a Middle Ages in Muslim territories. I don't believe in the Umayyad. I don't believe in the invasion of Spain.

Islam could have spreaded through word of mouth. Spain was divided between many kingdoms, for some reason, a traveler probably imported Islam there to create a schism against the North of the Country (Basques, Aragon, Castille).

Where is the "Damascus steel"? Where are the swords? Scimitars? Castles? 0.

DNA studies show that Spaniards are 100% European.

Let's go even farther, Egypt, 5000 years ago. Ramses II was a redhead. It is commonly accepted in the scientific community nowadays that Ancient Egyptians (the ones who built the pyramids and civilization) were a Mediterranean-Europoid race genetically close to current Turks, not as in they were Turks per se, but something like Near-Easterners with 30%+ White blood.

Ethnics are and were garbage except 1%.
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Giga cope East Asians iq mog everyone

There are just tryharders with ~95 points of IQ. They work 24/7 robotically with no emotions, soul, and extremely low sexual hormones (testosterone and oestrogens).

Europeans are the only race of humans worth saving. Rest should be gassed.

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