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Have Arabs always been low IQ even for 1000's of years?



Sir ethnic cel the 1st lord of landwhales, grannys
Nov 2, 2021
The Islamic golden age was a time when the most if not all advanced sciences came from muslims, muslims claculated the year to be 365 days and 6 hours. Calculated that the earth is round. But today muslims believe the world sits on top a large whale and earthqauks are caused because the whale moves when a small fish swims into his gills and that the earth is flat

ALL technological advancements from muslims surpassed every other peoples anywhere on earth.
Algorithm, cryptography for example come from this time and modern computer science and AI today is built on exactly these principles.
Thats the time when muslims followed only Quran and not hadith but all the scientists were not Arab. There were no great Arab scientist of note ever

Then as of Al Shafi who is an ARab , Arabs said it is forbidden to think and use your brains. Only the hadith is allowed and even if your intuition and intellect are screaming at you to lead you to the correct scientific solution you should discard your own brains and intellect and stop thinking and only follow hadith blindly without thinking or asking questions.

Ever since that time The Middle East has become a third world place and without oil would be worse than Somalia. Plus oil is running out so what will happen in 50 yeras?

Arabs it is my theory have always been mega low IQ for even 1000's of years and are jealous of other nations because they will never ever be able to compete intelectually at least thats the way it seems from history
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How is it third world? Gulf countries are among the most developed in the world
all ethnics are low iq except a very small minority.
Didn't you contradict your thread title in that first paragraph? :feelsjuice:
all ethnics are low iq except a very small minority.
Most whites are low IQ and today Europe produces nothing of value to science for your own info. Ever since Europe cannot colonise, rape, steal it is slowly regressing. Most of Europes economies are shrinking and only Germany is stagnant and not even growiing.

All science today comes from the USA nad most scientistic teams are ethnics for your info also China contributes some science but mainly ethnic teams in USA doing all the work
Didn't you contradict your thread title in that first paragraph? :feelsjuice:
I dunno dude I am writing fast because eating pizza shieeeet
yes even today pure/gulf arabs are low iq subhumans who got lucky due to natural resources.
it's such a coincidence that the islamic golden began not in arabia but in the levant and mesoptamia after centuries of intermixing with the locals :feelshaha:
Didn't you contradict your thread title in that first paragraph? :feelsjuice:
Dude dont be dumb. Muslim does not mean Arab fuck outa ya.

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They literally were, though. :feelswhat:
Dude anybody can be muslim. Muslim does not mean Arab and at the time most of those scientists were Persians i.e Iranians. A different race to Arabs
muslims claculated the year to be 365 days and 6 hours.
no, that were the ancient egyptians
Calculated that the earth is round.
What about Eratosthenes?

Also the Quran was made by muhammad so that he may serve the Muslims a justification why they should be like him. Muhammad literally knew ho wto make a brand of himself. The Quran exists only to make the Hadisths important. The quaran itself has little to offer. Islam's details are the Hadiths, Quran is the framework.
no, that were the ancient egyptians

What about Eratosthenes?

Also the Quran was made by muhammad so that he may serve the Muslims a justification why they should be like him. Muhammad literally knew ho wto make a brand of himself. The Quran exists only to make the Hadisths important. The quaran itself has little to offer. Islam's details are the Hadiths, Quran is the framework.
Dude I am not going to argue on Isamic scholarly questions because I am not a studied scholar. I just read the history and what I wrote you can see in the books for yourself even qritten by Arab authors.
Mongols are to blame maybe, but it happened 1k year ago so idk
all ethnics are low iq except a very small minority.
I thought Libya at least had some good advancements and technologies under Ghadaffi like farming in the desret, own nuclear bomb , no state debt , free health care etc etc? Thats not low IQ . But Libyan are not Arab anyway they are different tribes of ASmazigh and ARab Al-Qaida killed Ghadaffi
How is it third world? Gulf countries are among the most developed in the world
What does development mean when all that stuff is built by Europeans, American, Japanese using Indian workers?

South Africa is even more advanced than even UK with British people even going there for cancer treatment but now South Africa cant even produce electricity despite all the fancy developments because they chased away the whites who built that stuff and replaced the white engineers with Bantus and now the roads are not even repaired and there is no electricity

Arabs did not train their own engineers so when oil money stops they will return to the stone age because their own people are not the engineers and thinkers it is USA people
yes even today pure/gulf arabs are low iq subhumans who got lucky due to natural resources.
it's such a coincidence that the islamic golden began not in arabia but in the levant and mesoptamia after centuries of intermixing with the locals :feelshaha:
yeah in Baghdad
The Islamic golden age
Happened because the Islamic caliphates at the time were bigger and more advanced than anyone else, so of course they inevitably had more scholars and resources to advance their scientific understanding than anyone else.

Just look at this map:


Of course they dominated. Western Europe was broken into recently-formed, tinpot kingdoms that couldn't match 1/100 of what the caliphates could in any area, Eastern Europe was tribal and completely irrelevant except as a source of slaves, and India was also balkanized just like WE. The only one who could possibly challenge the Islamic caliphates was Tang China, except it was busy doing its own thing in its own part of Eurasia.

How is it third world? Gulf countries are among the most developed in the world
They are, but that's almost entirely because of their oil. They are developed, but they just bought all of that technology and barely developed anything themselves. They are trying to change that recently, and Dubai already functions with almost no oil money powering it, so we'll see.


Most whites are low IQ and today Europe produces nothing of value to science for your own info. Ever since Europe cannot colonise, rape, steal it is slowly regressing. Most of Europes economies are shrinking and only Germany is stagnant and not even growiing.
No offense brocel, but that's a pretty funny claim considering that Germany was one of the countries which pulled Eurozone towards recession recently:feelskek::feelskek:.

A good number of European countries had a decent growth either on par with or even bigger than the US, but Germany and a couple of others shrank and pulled the rest of the Eurozone into technical recession with themselves due to their GDP shrinkage pulling the overall GDP growth down:feelsugh:.


All science today comes from the USA nad most scientistic teams are ethnics for your info also China contributes some science but mainly ethnic teams in USA doing all the work
Northern America and Western Europe are both declining but WE actually still produces a bit more than NA, East, South and Southeast Asia are rapidly rising, Eastern Europe and Latin America more or less stagnate, Middle East is showing some promising growth and Africa may finally be growing a bit.

View: https://twitter.com/ScimagoJR/status/1653870034433835011?cxt=HHwWhoC8sZSC3fMtAAAA

Mongols are to blame maybe, but it happened 1k year ago so idk
Mongols and cousin fucking. Mongols killed tons of smart Arabs. Then cousin fucking ruined existing Arabs. Also Persians were doing most of the inventing/research. Gulf Arabs especially have always been a bit retarded.
Happened because the Islamic caliphates at the time were bigger and more advanced than anyone else, so of course they inevitably had more scholars and resources to advance their scientific understanding than anyone else.

Just look at this map:


Of course they dominated. Western Europe was broken into recently-formed, tinpot kingdoms that couldn't match 1/100 of what the caliphates could in any area, Eastern Europe was tribal and completely irrelevant except as a source of slaves, and India was also balkanized just like WE. The only one who could possibly challenge the Islamic caliphates was Tang China, except it was busy doing its own thing in its own part of Eurasia.

They are, but that's almost entirely because of their oil. They are developed, but they just bought all of that technology and barely developed anything themselves. They are trying to change that recently, and Dubai already functions with almost no oil money powering it, so we'll see.


No offense brocel, but that's a pretty funny claim considering that Germany was one of the countries which pulled Eurozone towards recession recently:feelskek::feelskek:.

A good number of European countries had a decent growth either on par with or even bigger than the US, but Germany and a couple of others shrank and pulled the rest of the Eurozone into technical recession with themselves due to their GDP shrinkage pulling the overall GDP growth down:feelsugh:.

View attachment 782845

Northern America and Western Europe are both declining but WE actually still produces a bit more than NA, East, South and Southeast Asia are rapidly rising, Eastern Europe and Latin America more or less stagnate, Middle East is showing some promising growth and Africa may finally be growing a bit.

View: https://twitter.com/ScimagoJR/status/1653870034433835011?cxt=HHwWhoC8sZSC3fMtAAAA

nice high IQ maps and stuff . I am stealing them for use later. The Umayad Caliphate was huge, I wish they continued on their scientific golden age. Also amazing how Germany and Japan are the only 2 super complex economies in the whole world with a value above +2.55 even USA cant reach that level.

Becareful though with GDP. Europe is not growing its declining in power. Some industries for example relocate from Germany to Poland because of costs for energy, labour. Example alot of the passenger buses we see in Europe are assembled in Poland, also alot of goods for consumers in Germany are produced in Poland and just driven over the border to Berlin to be distributed throughout Germany even into Netherlands, France etc. Alot of call centers relocated to Portugal also. But they are still EU bisnesses from other EU states.

Also dont forget Germany is the one country financing the EU. Any monetary problem in Germany will cause problems in other EU states especially the newer members and places like Spain, Italy

Also all the really really high tech comes from USA still not China
Most whites are low IQ and today Europe produces nothing of value to science for your own info. Ever since Europe cannot colonise, rape, steal it is slowly regressing. Most of Europes economies are shrinking and only Germany is stagnant and not even growiing.

All science today comes from the USA nad most scientistic teams are ethnics for your info also China contributes some science but mainly ethnic teams in USA doing all the work
We wuz kangs tier cope.
Mongols and cousin fucking. Mongols killed tons of smart Arabs. Then cousin fucking ruined existing Arabs. Also Persians were doing most of the inventing/research. Gulf Arabs especially have always been a bit retarded.
Why is Turkey slowly slowly succeeding in becoming a complex advanced economy ? They are just one level below places like France and Italy and already on par with Spain. Is it that they dont follow Arab Islam and have their approach to Islam instead of the dont think approach just follow Hadith?

If Turkey continues in a decade they will reach the next level in development

yes even today pure/gulf arabs are low iq subhumans who got lucky due to natural resources.
it's such a coincidence that the islamic golden began not in arabia but in the levant and mesoptamia after centuries of intermixing with the locals :feelshaha:
Giga Cope pure arabs mog berbriods. The only countries worth living in are in the Gulf.
in every population, there is a low iq mass, with a minority of high iq leaders. arabia is no different than the rest of the world in this regard.
yeah there are very high IQ Arabs even high Bantu Africans exist . Thing is these places do not develop their talented minds. Do you understand me now?

Then these people run away to USA mainly and to a lesser degree Canada, Australia, then the lower end of the high IQ's go to UK then the upper normal IQ people go to Kenya, Brazil etc and the low IQ go to Europe

The point the best of each generation are not developed and infact most leave.

This is the problem and it must stop or else throw out those stupid idiot scholars . Do you understand me now?
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Arabs did not train their own engineers so when oil money stops they will return to the stone age because their own people are not the engineers and thinkers it is USA people
Keep coping. Venezuela is a prime example of how not to use oil. They have very good leadership and are a better civilizational force than Europe and East Asia.
Arabs it is my theory have always been mega low IQ for even 1000's of years and are jealous of other nations because they will never ever be able to compete intelectually at least thats the way it seems from history
Its literally the complete opposite. What other shit-skins are doing better than Gulf Arabs for them to be jealous off? You are all scum-humans to them. Go clean toilets in Dubai
Giga Cope pure arabs mog berbriods. The only countries worth living in are in the Gulf.
Dude you Somali and those Gulf ARabs will kill your black ass and rape your women. There are no Somalis even welcome in the Gulf. All Somalis are running away to Europe, Kenya, South Africa or USA, Canada etc
Its literally the complete opposite. What are the shit-skins are doing better than Gulf Arabs for them to be jealous off? You are all scum-humans to them. Go clean toilets in Dubai
Fuck Dubai I aint going there. I am happy with the white man land since my daddy white
Its literally the complete opposite. What other shit-skins are doing better than Gulf Arabs for them to be jealous off? You are all scum-humans to them. Go clean toilets in Dubai
Even Amazigh are treated like shit in the Gulf
Not that many of them. Levantines do well there
Somalia is Shaffi. Do you follow Hadith over Quran if the chain of naration is authentic?
Why is Turkey slowly slowly succeeding in becoming a complex advanced economy ? They are just one level below places like France and Italy and already on par with Spain. Is it that they dont follow Arab Islam and have their approach to Islam instead of the dont think approach just follow Hadith?

If Turkey continues in a decade they will reach the next level in development

yes Turkey is doing a good balance between secularism and Islam. Other middle easterners don't know how to do this right
Why is Turkey slowly slowly succeeding in becoming a complex advanced economy ? They are just one level below places like France and Italy and already on par with Spain. Is it that they dont follow Arab Islam and have their approach to Islam instead of the dont think approach just follow Hadith?

If Turkey continues in a decade they will reach the next level in development

lol This is the worst cope I've seen. Turkey's economy is trash.
yes Turkey is doing a good balance between secularism and Islam. Other middle easterners don't know how to do this right
Turks need to be slaves to arabs again. Umayyads ftw
lol This is the worst cope I've seen. Turkey's economy is trash.

Turks need to be slaves to arabs again. Umayyads ftw
Well better than Saudi or Oman.

If they continue they will be self sufficient in production capabilities.
Saudi will be clear by 2030
dude you are dreaming. Saudi has no home grown highly skilled specialists, nothing, null, nada. It takes generations minimum 2 to create highly specialised industries because the skills re passed on and each generation further develops on what was built. The 3rd egenration are then the specialists and Turkey is on this track as we speak. Example read in history books that German products were trash for decades. Today Germany is highly specialised. Same with China.

Saudi has developed nothing. Everythimg was built by outsiders, mainly USA, EU, Japan with Indian labour
Not that many of them. Levantines do well there
Somalia is Shaffi. Do you follow Hadith over Quran if the chain of naration is authentic?
Also amazing how Germany and Japan are the only 2 super complex economies in the whole world with a value above +2.55 even USA cant reach that level.
I'll admit this is just a guess, but I think the US' oil/gas exports could be the reason for that, since Germany and Japan have pretty much nothing except cars and other sophisticated tech to export, while the US is also a natural resources exporter.

Becareful though with GDP. Europe is not growing its declining in power.
Declining relatively to the rest of the world yes, as the poorer economies in the rest of the world are growing faster as they slowly catch up with the developed world, but it isn't declining in terms of its own economic growth.

Some industries for example relocate from Germany to Poland because of costs for energy, labour. Example alot of the passenger buses we see in Europe are assembled in Poland, also alot of goods for consumers in Germany are produced in Poland and just driven over the border to Berlin to be distributed throughout Germany even into Netherlands, France etc. Alot of call centers relocated to Portugal also. But they are still EU bisnesses from other EU states.
Yup, big businesses love moving to cheaper places, but that's far from the only explanation for the economic growth in those places. For example, domestic SMEs with no foreign links are responsible for about 50% (and in many cases more) of GDP in pretty much all EU countries.

In most OECD countries, SMEs contribute more than 50% of GDP, and some global estimates put this figure as high as 70%. This contribution varies across sectors, and is particularly high in the service industry, where SMEs account for 60% or more of GDP in nearly all OECD countries.

Also dont forget Germany is the one country financing the EU. Any monetary problem in Germany will cause problems in other EU states especially the newer members and places like Spain, Italy
Well, they are the biggest net contributor, but how much they "finance" the other countries is questionable. The other net contributors obviously get no help from Germany, and for many poorer countries their inflows from the EU are in the single digits as percentage of their GDP, and often more than offset by capital outflows to those richer countries anyway.

Also all the really really high tech comes from USA still not China
In terms of consumer stuff definitely, but it would be interesting to know how it looks like in terms of government-used technologies and so on. Just a few days ago there were some reports about that spy balloon which the US shot down, with them saying that, after analysing it, they found that Chinese capabilities in this area were much better than they thought.

But yeah, overall, the US is still leading there.
Saudi will be clear by 2030
Kek at Somalis thinking they are Arab. Nigga you a black man from Africa with dark skin. When you refugee maxx it is blacks who welcome you in Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania. Gulf Arabs kill your ass and dont you in their countries even in Libya your brothers and sisters are in prisoned and your sisters raped. Its black Africans and white Europeans who treat your people with human respect and dignity.

Remember that black man.
Kek at Somalis thinking they are Arab. Nigga you a black man from Africa with dark skin. When you refugee maxx it is blacks who welcome you in Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania. Gulf Arabs kill your ass and dont you in their countries even in Libya your brothers and sisters are in prisoned and your sisters raped. Its black Africans and white Europeans who treat your people with human respect and dignity.

Remember that black man.
I smell a curry.
How is it third world? Gulf countries are among the most developed in the world
yah because of oil and oil only. using technology that the kuffar have created. if it wasn't for TheJew, all that black oil would still be in the ground and sandcels would be still riding donkeys to and from work and when their fesikhwhore wife refuses to have sex with them they'd have to go out and fuck that donkey.

sand niggers need to start showing appreciation to the west and especially TheJew. know who butters your bread.
Why is Venezuela not mogging the Americas then. They have more oil than even Saudi Arabia?
typical muzzie currycel simping for his arab overlords. are we talking about venezuala here? take your whataboutism and stick it in your mothers cunt, bengali. and then go simp for some arab sheikh while some sand nigger fucks your mother and your sister raw doggystyle
typical muzzie currycel simping for his arab overlords. are we talking about venezuala here? take your whataboutism and stick it in your mothers cunt, bengali. and then go simp for some arab sheikh while some sand nigger fucks your mother and your sister raw doggystyle
I seemed to have touched a nerve :lul::lul::lul:
I smell a curry.
lol I am not curry

why dont you go from the white mans country where you are enjoying social welfare and go to Saudi or Oman lets see how long your black ass survives there
lol I am not curry

why dont you go from the white mans country where you are enjoying social welfare and go to Saudi or Oman lets see how long your black ass survives there
I've already live in the UAE for 4 years smart guy

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