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Story Have any of you guys been extroverted before the bpill reaper got you?



Based fatcel+muttcel
Sep 5, 2022
When I was little I was hella extroverted.

I used to talk to everyone and try to get to know people and be friends with them.

But then when my parents divorced I had to move states.

The new school I moved to was predominantly white and this is where my first experiences of lookism took place.

Being a black nigga I'm sure you can guess what happened.

People bullied and humiliated me for my skin color a lot.

This made me not want to talk to people anymore because of the feeling of being lesser than because of my skin color

Then as middle school hit the black pill reaper got me and then I started getting treated like shit because of my ugliness

(thankfully the bullying around my skin color stopped at this time for some reason)

But tbh the bullying around my ugliness hurt way more than the bullying for my skin color.

Anyways that is how I went from being happy extroverted nigga to depressed introverted nigga.

Do any of you have similar stories?

@Qwertyuiop99 @IronsideCel
When I was little I was hella extroverted.

I used to talk to everyone and try to get to know people and be friends with them.

But then when my parents divorced I had to move states.

The new school I moved to was predominantly white and this is where my first experiences of lookism took place.

Being a black nigga I'm sure you can guess what happened.

People bullied and humiliated me for my skin color a lot.

This made me not want to talk to people anymore because of the feeling of being lesser than because of my skin color

Then as middle school hit the black pill reaper got me and then I started getting treated like shit because of my ugliness

(thankfully the bullying around my skin color stopped at this time for some reason)

But tbh the bullying around my ugliness hurt way more than the bullying for my skin color.

Anyways that is how I went from being happy extroverted nigga to depressed introverted nigga.

Do any of you have similar stories?

@Qwertyuiop99 @IronsideCel
yes but bullying causes me to be quiet and not say anything
When I was little I was hella extroverted.

I used to talk to everyone and try to get to know people and be friends with them.

But then when my parents divorced I had to move states.

The new school I moved to was predominantly white and this is where my first experiences of lookism took place.

Being a black nigga I'm sure you can guess what happened.

People bullied and humiliated me for my skin color a lot.

This made me not want to talk to people anymore because of the feeling of being lesser than because of my skin color

Then as middle school hit the black pill reaper got me and then I started getting treated like shit because of my ugliness

(thankfully the bullying around my skin color stopped at this time for some reason)

But tbh the bullying around my ugliness hurt way more than the bullying for my skin color.

Anyways that is how I went from being happy extroverted nigga to depressed introverted nigga.

Do any of you have similar stories?

@Qwertyuiop99 @IronsideCel
Somewhat when I was a younger feller because of autism.
I remember in elementary school I was very desperate to have friends and be seen as cool that I would jestermaxx into getting into trouble.
When I was little I was hella extroverted.

I used to talk to everyone and try to get to know people and be friends with them.

But then when my parents divorced I had to move states.

The new school I moved to was predominantly white and this is where my first experiences of lookism took place.

Being a black nigga I'm sure you can guess what happened.

People bullied and humiliated me for my skin color a lot.

This made me not want to talk to people anymore because of the feeling of being lesser than because of my skin color

Then as middle school hit the black pill reaper got me and then I started getting treated like shit because of my ugliness

(thankfully the bullying around my skin color stopped at this time for some reason)

But tbh the bullying around my ugliness hurt way more than the bullying for my skin color.

Anyways that is how I went from being happy extroverted nigga to depressed introverted nigga.

Do any of you have similar stories?

@Qwertyuiop99 @IronsideCel
Always been ambivert I just be myself dont give a shit
I'm more extroverted now after realizing looks determine all socialization.

But, I also hate everyone so it's moot.
I'm more outgoing now than when I was a young bluepill.
I remember in elementary school I was very desperate to have friends and be seen as cool that I would jestermaxx into getting into trouble.
this. ended up getting blackpilled in high school, had a mental breakdown and quit trying to be a normie.
I wasnt super extroverted but definitely more extroverted than i am now. Im just tired of getting constantly mogged and seeing happy couples or friend groups. Luckily my gardnam doesnt give too much of a shit when im rotting at home, even though she sometimes wants that i muh go outside
I'm an extrovert stuck in the body of a man meant to be an introvert, I enjoy talking with other people but never get that many chances to because of my autism. All the people I've had actual conversations with in the past 6 years were all related to me in someway.
I was low inhib but more in a retard way than confident and outgoing:foidSoy: normie
People bullied and humiliated me for my skin color a lot.
No way, I thought that you guy are getting princess treatment from woke people and can do whatever without consequences
I was low inhib but more in a retard way than confident and outgoing:foidSoy: normie

No way, I thought that you guy are getting princess treatment from woke people and can do whatever without consequences
Nope not really. Niggas act like they care online but irl would make fun of me for my skin color :feelsrope:
Parents and aunt say that I was a normal child, I remeber that I used to socialize with other kids pretty regularly. But when puberty strikes it changes everything.
I was extroverted to the point of being a massive obnoxious POS.
I’ve been very introverted for most of my life even as a little kid.
When I was little I was hella extroverted.

I used to talk to everyone and try to get to know people and be friends with them.

But then when my parents divorced I had to move states.

The new school I moved to was predominantly white and this is where my first experiences of lookism took place.

Being a black nigga I'm sure you can guess what happened.

People bullied and humiliated me for my skin color a lot.

This made me not want to talk to people anymore because of the feeling of being lesser than because of my skin color

Then as middle school hit the black pill reaper got me and then I started getting treated like shit because of my ugliness

(thankfully the bullying around my skin color stopped at this time for some reason)

But tbh the bullying around my ugliness hurt way more than the bullying for my skin color.

Anyways that is how I went from being happy extroverted nigga to depressed introverted nigga.

Do any of you have similar stories?

@Qwertyuiop99 @IronsideCel
always been an ambivert but used to be higher inhib now it doesn’t matter
But I still am an ambivert

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