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Hating women is just stupid

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Dec 19, 2017
I don't defend women here, but there's no reason to hate Stacies because they want Chad, like if it changes anything on your life. We're here in a mental asylum and blame girls why they don't date us. There are perfectly good reasons why we're avoided outside of the dating world.
There were always unwanted men in history and Incel groups existed in the past, but with different names.

Make it simple: Women have far more higher sexual value than us men. They know their price is high so they see themselves always above average compared to their male looks match. Even a 2/10 woman has enough sex partners to not worry about staying single. This is what it is you can't change nothing about it because it's the natural process of human sex.

Women are sexy, beautiful and always stay on the top of dating hierarchy. We can be jelly and act like crying kids they look down on us and ignore our existence.
Fuck them and their privileges. They dont fucking deserve it.
Nautica1983 said:
Fuck them and their privileges. They dont fucking deserve it.

Kill em with fire burn their seeds and feed the dogs with their flesh.
Women are actually disgusting. Most women have horrendous facial aesthetics objectively speaking, its just that guys dont mind that theyre ugly

Most incels dont hate on women either, they just condemn their behavior. Women are basically like rich people who use their money to influence everyone and everything and to keep others poor for their own benefit
Hating feminism stupid too right?
Total Imbecile said:
Women are actually disgusting. Most women have horrendous facial aesthetics objectively speaking, its just that guys dont mind that theyre ugly

Most incels dont hate on women either, they just condemn their behavior. Women are basically like rich people who use their money to influence everyone and everything and to keep others poor for their own benefit

No, it looks normal on them, but not on men.
I dont hate women but for people who do I understand where they are coming from. I feel Being a misogynist is going to start becoming more and more common
I hate nature.
Tellem--T said:
Hating feminism stupid too right?

Feminism didn't change how women value men's physical attraction. If you can blame anything then it's technological process. In the 90's it coul've been easier due to lack of tinder and online dating. Women have a far higher fan base and value now as they see men would kill themselves just to fuck a vagina.
if you don’t hate people that hate you to the point of wanting you dead, you’re a cuckolded moron that is one single PM away from being an orbiter that posts on inceltears.
Popbob said:
I dont hate women but for people who do I understand where they are coming from. I feel Being a misogynist is going to start becoming more and more common

I used to hate them too but now im just fine. Accepting the truth releases many misconceptions and saves the energy you waste on hate. You just make them stronger by hate. Just drink your kool aid smoke weed and cope with porn and escorts.
tbh I wish they would make your ban permanent already.
Lol if you dont hate your enemies you are a gigacuck. Not even a gigacuck but the cuck equivalent of Chico. Such a cuck that you mog everyone to death with your cuckery. On the same level as only @imbored21
Nautica1983 said:
No, it looks normal on them, but not on men.

Honestly this makes me question if Im just turning gay at this point, Ive spent so much time looking up and researching male aesthetics that most women objectively look plain to me

Id take any of them as my gf, but it just seems that they are ugly but still having a much easier time given how thirsty men are, I dont know how to describe it, they have features that are unattractive but somehow that doesnt seem to affect how others perceive them at all
knajjd said:
if you don’t hate people that hate you to the point of wanting you dead, you’re a cuckolded moron that is one single PM away from being an orbiter that posts on cucktears.

If you hate them you just get on their level. I follow the path of Jesus. He loved his enemies, was hated and murdered still people follow his path altough modern Christianity is a scam.
Homosapicuckus said:
If you hate them you just get on their level. I follow the path of Jesus. He loved his enemies, was hated and murdered still people follow his path altough modern Christianity is a scam.

Your enemies will not extend you the same courtesy.
I hate that they lie to us and manipulate men to go against us.
Homosapicuckus said:
If you hate them you just get on their level. I follow the path of Jesus. He loved his enemies, was hated and murdered still people follow his path altough modern Christianity is a scam.

You ever heard of that cartel video where the kids dad got beheaded with a box cutter while the kid watched than got tortured to death, face peeled off, eyes gouged out, flayed, and kept alive for as long as possible? How the fuck can you love someone who does that to you?
/pol/cel said:
Your enemies will not extend you the same courtesy.

The only people who hate are those who hate themselves. Their life is shity so they want mine to be shittier, that's why many of you here hate me for not being a black and white radical women hater, anti gay, anti human.
Total Imbecile said:
Honestly this makes me question if Im just turning gay at this point, Ive spent so much time looking up and researching male aesthetics that most women objectively look plain to me

Id take any of them as my gf, but it just seems that they are ugly but still having a much easier time given how thirsty men are, I dont know how to describe it, they have features that are unattractive but somehow that doesnt seem to affect how others perceive them at all

Yup, woman can have a wide variety of facial features while certain features on men can be a death sentence. I think its biology.
Nautica1983 said:
You ever heard of that cartel video where the kids dad got beheaded with a box cutter while the kid watched than got tortured to death, face peeled off, eyes gouged out, flayed, and kept alive for as long as possible? How the fuck can you love someone who does that to you?

Well if your a cuck even feeling compassion towards murderous death cultists and narco traffickers who flay people alive is not out of the question. I hate to say it but we are going to have to get on their level (cartel murderers) if we want this cancerous society extinguished.
I hate women and theres nothing you can do about it.
Homosapicuckus said:
The only people who hate are those who hate themselves. Their life is shity so they want mine to be shittier, that's why many of you here hate me for not being a black and white radical women hater, anti gay, anti human.

I hate all organic life.
IsolationHurts said:
I hate women and theres nothing you can do about it.

You wouldn't hate women if women wanted to date you. Your hate is a misunderstood way of love, because you don't receive love, therefore you think hate is the only final option.
Homosapicuckus said:
You wouldn't hate women if women wanted to date you. Your hate is a misunderstood way of love, because you don't receive love, therefore you think hate is the only final option.

But no woman want to date me, so i would litteraly kill them all if i could. If you cant see the logic youve not been rejected enough times.
Homosapicuckus said:
You wouldn't hate women if women wanted to date you. Your hate is a misunderstood way of love, because you don't receive love, therefore you think hate is the only final option.

That kind of makes logical sense yes. If youve been ostracized, rejected and brutalized hate is the best friend you can have and a logical response.
IsolationHurts said:
But no woman want to date me, so i would litteraly kill them all if i could. If you cant see the logic youve not been rejected enough times.

You don't have to murder every woman because your life is unfortunate. It's not just you but millions of men in America experiencing the same rejection, better is if you cope with something.
Homosapicuckus said:
I don't defend women here, but there's no reason to hate Stacies because they want Chad, like if it changes anything on your life. We're here in a mental asylum and blame girls why they don't date us. There are perfectly good reasons why we're avoided outside of the dating world.
There were always unwanted men in history and Incel groups existed in the past, but with different names.

Make it simple: Women have far more higher sexual value than us men. They know their price is high so they see themselves always above average compared to their male looks match. Even a 2/10 woman has enough sex partners to not worry about staying single. This is what it is you can't change nothing about it because it's the natural process of human sex.

Women are sexy, beautiful and always stay on the top of dating hierarchy. We can be jelly and act like crying kids they look down on us and ignore our existence.

I didn't read absolutely anything you wrote. But I agree that there is no point in hating women.Women get raped and what not more than men,and at the end of the day the ugly women get fucked even worse.

Even ugly girls want to be with fucking chad so when they marry the plumber they obviously are pissed. Plus if you are a bitch and you are ugly it's over. People on here searching for love are just looking for something their own mothers didn't give them. 

Blackpill time: Marry whoever you can and take "business trips" to Romania or germany to take care of your needs. If you know what I am saying.
Homosapicuckus said:
I don't defend women here...

...Women are sexy, beautiful and always stay on the top of dating hierarchy. We can be jelly and act like crying kids they look down on us and ignore our existence.

You’re a pathetic bluepilled beta orbiting cuck.
/pol/cel said:
Well if your a cuck even feeling compassion towards murderous death cultists and narco traffickers who flay people alive is not out of the question. I hate to say it but we are going to have to get on their level (cartel murderers)  if we want this cancerous society extinguished.

HELL NO. Thats crazy. I would never stoop that low. Scum like those cartel members need to be ERADICATED. Best thing to do is spread the blackpill and MGTOW and watch society crash and burn because this hypergamy shit isnt going to go on forever, more and more men are going to be awakened to whats happening
Bigbird said:
I didn't read absolutely anything you wrote. But I agree that there is no point in hating women.Women get raped and what not more than men,and at the end of the day the ugly women get fucked even worse.

Even ugly girls want to be with fucking chad so when they marry the plumber they obviously are pissed. Plus if you are a bitch and you are ugly it's over. People on here searching for love are just looking for something their own mothers didn't give them. 

Blackpill time: Marry whoever you can and take "business trips" to Romania or germany to take care of your needs. If you know what I am saying.

Not getting pussy is just laziness IMO.If you really want a pussy then you can move to Thailand. See videos on youtube how 5'5 70 years old sex tourists fuck 20 years old Asian Stacies. There's no point to put finger on women who have better options. If you had a 7/10 vs a 4/10 woman of course you would go for the better looking. Now women have 50 7/10s ready to have sex with. Life isn't fair, we're fucked up but I believe we men are not entirely failures we just have other path in life than just chasing pussy.

Suicel said:
You’re a pathetic bluepilled beta orbiting cuck.

That  was obviously sarcastic from me. but worth for seeing the triggers.
Bigbird said:
Women get raped and what not more than men,and at the end of the day the ugly women get fucked even worse.

You must be fucking kidding. Delusion over 9000....
Total Imbecile said:
Women are actually disgusting. Most women have horrendous facial aesthetics objectively speaking, its just that guys dont mind that theyre ugly
Most incels dont hate on women either, they just condemn their behavior. Women are basically like rich people who use their money to influence everyone and everything and to keep others poor for their own benefit

I agree

Most men that I see mog the living fuck out of their female looksmatch, and I'm not even gay. Women need makeup just to look human most of the time.
Homosapicuckus said:
You don't have to murder every woman because your life is unfortunate. It's not just you but millions of men in America experiencing the same rejection, better is if you cope with something.

Yes, i have to. But i cant. Thats all. Hate is all i have. And you, sir, dont seem to be an incel in any freaking way.
And i already have a cope, if not, i would not be here. Obviousy.
What the actual fuck are you doing here dude? Whats wrong with you? pls gtfo
(BTW im not American but Spanish, but it doesnt matter i get your bluepilled and selfdeluded point)
I love how whenever there's a thread like this you can see that SergeantIncel and a mod or two are reading it. Probably discussing whether or not to bring out the banhammer haha
Op has been a bluepilled user from the start and honestly needs to be banned

Jews hating the nazis is just stupid
IsolationHurts said:
Yes, i have to. But i cant. Thats all. Hate is all i have. And you, sir, dont seem to be an incel in any freaking way.
And i already have a cope, if not, i would not be here. Obviousy.
What the actual fuck are you doing here dude? Whats wrong with you? pls gtfo
(BTW im not American but Spanish, but it doesnt matter i get your bluepilled and selfdeluded point)

I feel good here. I told many times I'm not wanted by femoids and I refuse to fight for a woman who barely view me more than some financial slave. There's no any motivation in me to pursue a relationship. I don't advice you to change your views I just put a different perspective to see some light in darkness. Many of us could have a girlfriend like most people who posted their pictures didn't look that repulsive.

TheVman said:
Op has been a bluepilled user from the start and honestly needs to be banned

Jews hating the nazis is just stupid

Are you the blackpilled Miley Cyrus or what? :cool:
aut said:
I love how whenever there's a thread like this you can see that SergeantIncel and a mod or two are reading it. Probably discussing whether or not to bring out the banhammer haha

what's there to discuss really? OP is a blatant troll. Most of his posts are low-effort bait
Homosapicuckus said:
Are you the blackpilled Miley Cyrus or what? :cool:
You're so fucking unfunny, you have to be a woman. you just have to be
fukmylyf said:
what's there to discuss really? OP is a blatant troll. Most of his posts are low-effort bait

Says the guy with threads like these... :'(


TheVman said:
You're so fucking unfunny, you have to be a woman. you just have to be

I love how you guys jump on me like Hyenas but forget I'm a Lion until you taste my paws.
Homosapicuckus said:
fukmylyf said:
what's there to discuss really? OP is a blatant troll. Most of his posts are low-effort bait
Says the guy with threads like these... :'(

TheVman said:
You're so fucking unfunny, you have to be a woman. you just have to be
I love how you guys jump on me like Hyenas but forget I'm a Lion until you taste my paws.

You're cleaarly just fucking troll now. im gonna report you
Homosapicuckus said:
Says the guy with threads like these... :'(


I love how you guys jump on me like Hyenas but forget I'm a Lion until you taste my paws.

yeah, it's an off-topic post you fucking brainlet. Do you even know what "bait" means?
Its_OVER said:
I hate that they lie to us and manipulate men to go against us.

I hate that too.
I will never be happy cause of women. But i should not hate them. And thats a " different perspective to see some light in darkness". Are you a troll? You cant be fucking serious.

Homosapicuckus said:
Many of us could have a girlfriend like most people who posted their pictures didn't look that repulsive.

Ok, nevermind. Youre a troll. Ill ignore you if you dont mind.
Their value remains high because cucks like you keep putting them on pedestals and inflating their egos
Thinking about abusing females makes me penis erect.

They are horrible creatures.

They could have sucked my cock in my teens to avoid creating this monster, but chose not to.
GeneticDysfunction said:
Their value remains high because cucks like you keep putting them on pedestals and inflating their egos

I never put women on pedestal here, in fact I never used women as my avatar nor as signature. How am I a cuck? For stating the truth women are viewed as beautiful and sexually valuable even if they just look 3/10 by our lookism like aspie values. This doesn't mean much as pretty much the majority of men would fuck anything that moves. We're biologically defeated, it's in our genes to reproduce no matter how ugly a woman looks.
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