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Has therapy for any of you actually helped?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 22572
  • Start date
Deleted member 22572

Deleted member 22572

Nov 12, 2019
Might end up having to go soon ngl
I have never went nor will i ever go. I would just end up accidentally mentioning ER or someone and they would inform the police.
Nope, didn’t help at all.
Therapy is the most cucked shit ever. You're just paying some bloke to tell you to work on your personality :soy:
If you need someone to vent to, I guess it might be a good idea. Make sure you get a good non-cucked therapist though.
If you need someone to vent to, I guess it might be a good idea. Make sure you get a good non-cucked therapist though.
The problem with my depression is that I physically feel sick all the time and have trouble with sleep and other stuff. I'll reckon they'll be able to help with the physical stuff but probably not the psychological stuff
No it’s just entitled white foids talking shit about me for a paycheck. Holes literally can’t do any job right
The only therapy that works is a testosterone or growth hormone therapy.
No and don’t trust them. They are Jews waiting to put you into a mental ward
Maybe, but im not sure.
Therapy only work for normies. You can't fix a truly ugly incel with bluepilled thoughts.
No therapy for your face
Yeah but I'm coming back from some pretty serious mental illness (psychosis, catatonic depression, ptsd).
Brutal postmaxxpill :feelsYall:
Ezgifcom video to gif 6
Yes...I tried that shit in my bluepilled years. I was so stupid thinking retarded roasties would be able to understand or empathize with an incel.
Don't waste your money, OP. Keep a journal if you want to vent.. it's way better
I've been to a lot of therapists, in short, they are completely useless. The only thing they are good for are normies who get "depressed" for a couple of months after breaking up with their girlfriend, and deluding naive bluepilled cucks so that they continue working on the plantation.
Therapy is the most cucked shit ever. You're just paying some bloke to tell you to work on your personality :soy:
Nevermind the fact that most therapists are foids, that adds a whole other level to it. Based on my personal experience, at least 60% if not 70% of the people I've seen working in mental health are female, which doesn't surprise me because pseudoscience fields tend to be very popular with women.
Yes...I tried that shit in my bluepilled years. I was so stupid thinking retarded roasties would be able to understand or empathize with an incel.
Don't waste your money, OP. Keep a journal if you want to vent.. it's way better
To answer your original question, NO.
it doesn't help at all. Therapy is a meme. Therapists are snake-oil salesmen. I was rereading my reply, idk why but I thought you asked 'have you tried therapy before'
Over for sleepycels
Maybe, but im not sure.
I think so
Yes...I tried that shit in my bluepilled years. I was so stupid thinking retarded roasties would be able to understand or empathize with an incel.
Don't waste your money, OP. Keep a journal if you want to vent.. it's way better
Thanks for the advice boyo
No, not a single therapist did squat shit to help me improve my life. It's a load of garbage.
I was in therapy (psychiatrist, university health services) in college. I liked my therapist because she was KIND. But therapy didn't help me. Drugs (and I've been put on a lot) never helped me. DBT & CBT--the hot, new, guaranteed help interventions--never helped me. I even had high-dose bilateral ECT. Other than knocking out memories, it didn't help me. I've done group therapy, 1:1 therapy. Nothing helped me. Why? Because my problem isn't in my brain. It's with the way we're allowed to treat each other.

Reddit passed a new rule banning ALL discussions about depression and suicide that could be in ANY way considered "activism." Add to this that therapists and doctors (Google it) are "firing" patients who aren't responding soon enough or well enough to "treatment" to avoid liability. In other words, our only real option is therapy. If it doesn't work for us, then we're supposed to just shut up and die already.
No, not a single therapist did squat shit to help me improve my life. It's a load of garbage.

Then they label you a "difficult patient" to justify getting rid of you. Just imagine an oncologist "firing" a cancer patient because they didn't respond as expected to chemotherapy. Ridiculous.
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It may help mentalcels but therapy won't change your face. It's for normal people with normal problems.
It doesnt work man stop this cuckness
Drugs help. They alter your state of mind, which you use to evaluate happiness. If you can't achieve happiness due to the outside world crushing the essence of your very will to live, just trick your brain into thinking a pill grants happiness. It's what the Russians did with mass vodka production at cheap rates, for the restless impoverished majority.

Take a pill comrade. All your troubles will go away.

In honesty I have, I've finally belted under the weight. I get drugs that make me less irritable, I rely on them now to function. I am a slave to my doctors prescription for happiness.
If Galleo gets benefits then it will.
Nah bro it's fucking useless and only form neurotic normies whose only problems are the ones their own mind invents. Plus the kind of people who become therapists in the first place are so privileged and coddled on tutorial mode that they couldn't possible understand the incel predicament in any beneficial way.

Maybe if you get a male therapist they could help you to some extent. Chances are they will just be a useless bluepilled beta cuck though
Never tried that faggotry

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