LOL found one.
It was totally ignored, look at only 19 upvotes, very few comments. Like I said, NO ONE can handle the meekspill.
They literally didn't even try to refute the meekspill, they just post strawmen and red herrings about incels being "homoerotic" for him or that Elliot Rodger was worse, things that literally have nothing to do with the meekspill.
Most of them are straight out defending him saying that he's not that bad.
Look at these comments:
I acknowledge that he's objectively attractive. I acknowledge some women make shit choices. I further acknowledge that they're just way, way fixated on that dude to be healthy.
HAHAHA they're admitting defeat.
Trying to defend Meeks and go full damage control:
The incel sub says “he beat a child“ neglecting the fact that the, “child“ was 16 and Meeks was 17 at the time - a “child“ himself so to speak.
But of course giving the whole information doesnt fit the narrative of the “terrible child beater“ - wont anyone think of the children?
Another woman on IncelTears DEFENDING Meeks LOL:
It must really burn incels that he had a wife, kids, got a modelling career while in prison & is going to marry a billionaire's daughter and be set for life... that's a lifetime of sex and desirability they can't even fathom
Deal with it, he's hot. He's clever, trying to keep his career alive and marrying Chloe Green means he'll be in VERY high flying circles
Another one going damage control:
I keep saying it speaks volumes to the character of women who find Jeremy Meeks attractive, not to mention his fiance who apparently dumped her other fiance for him.
Though for all we know, the other dude could have been a boring doormat.
Also defending Meeks:
Let's just get this out of the way. Meeks was a poor kid that was wrapped up in gang shit is what it sounds like. He was a Crip, he was fighting others, and the like.
He seems to be trying to turn his life around and by not needing to resort to those things or be a part of that environment he likely won't repeat his past.
Another IncelTears defense of Meeks:
He's a kid who got into a fight with another kid. I've done that before. The justice system had gone through great lengths to try and treat some kids as adults when it suits them, but then some rich kid drives drunk several times and the cops look the other way, even though that's more dangerous than fighting.
And people sometimes change. People also sometimes feel remorse for what they've done. And to a degree of course attractiveness factors into it. But at the same time you act like he's still the same person he was when he got into a fight.
It's very clear that meekspill is making them very nervous.