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Discussion Has anyone you know committed suicide?



Life is a fucking scam.
Jan 6, 2020
I knew this guy, we were not that close, he was friends with probably my only true friend irl
He was always friendly and a really sweet kind of guy...
Really smart also, he was majoring in civil engineering at one of the top universities in the country, he played the piano and was into classical music.
He was pretty ugly also, he had oneitis for this Becky, who rejected him several times... he was probably incel, I've never seen him with a girl, but we never talked about that kinda stuff
One day he hanged himself in his room, his mom found his body a couple hours later... he was 23 years old, some really sad and fucked up shit... but I can see why he did it, each day I'm one step closer to the rope myself so I understand his pain
I still click on his facebook profile (I have a fake profile to lurk, but I've been off social media for years now) from time to time (That Remembering stuff)...
Rest in Peace, JC (not Jesus, JC was his nickname)
you were a good man...
Share your stories about the fallen ones.
Does Becky know if he roped?
Sorry man.
I dont have anybody close to me that committed suicide
i dont remember anything
Yes. If you fail you will regret doing it for the rest of your life. If you succeed idk what to tell you but try to cope. Its not a solution tbh
I don’t know anyone.
Not anyone I know. A content creator I used to watch commited sui, he helped me lot trough the days
My uncle because he was poor and his child was a retard with epilepsy or some shit. They lived in government housing project. It looked very depressing and there was constant screaming there. American ghettos with blacks people look like fairytale compared to that slavic depressing shitholes.
My mother attempted suicide several times, without success.
My friend died of drug overdose, probably not on purpose though
The son of my mom's friend did iirc
My cousin jumped off a bridge during a heroin withdrawal. Dead fucking serious.
Yeah. My friend harambe committed suicide by zookeepers. I told him about the black pill and he waited till he could snag a kid and use him as bait to be shot.

I miss him..

Gorilla CC0
I think so though I didn’t really know her.

In fact I only came to know about her at all due to her dying and going to her funeral with my mother.

Think she may of been some kind of distant cousin or something?

From what I’ve heard I believe it had been said she’d struggled with mental illness and substance abuse problems all her life so for all I know she just possibly OD’d?

From what I remember the idea that she committed suicide may of been more implied by her immediate family than anything officially declared a suicide by ZOG law enforcement or the coroner’s office etc, etc.
I'm already dead. Just waiting to get offed by a lost bullet in the head.

The mother of my grandfather (mothers side) had two mentally ill sons. She said that she couldn't bear with them anymore so she stopped taking her medications for a physical condition.
My cousin was 19 when he committed suicide and my parents always say that I’m going to end up like him whenever I try to express how I’m feeling. JFL.
I knew this guy, we were not that close, he was friends with probably my only true friend irl
He was always friendly and a really sweet kind of guy...
Really smart also, he was majoring in civil engineering at one of the top universities in the country, he played the piano and was into classical music.
He was pretty ugly also, he had oneitis for this Becky, who rejected him several times... he was probably incel, I've never seen him with a girl, but we never talked about that kinda stuff
One day he hanged himself in his room, his mom found his body a couple hours later... he was 23 years old, some really sad and fucked up shit... but I can see why he did it, each day I'm one step closer to the rope myself so I understand his pain
I still click on his facebook profile (I have a fake profile to lurk, but I've been off social media for years now) from time to time (That Remembering stuff)...
Rest in Peace, JC (not Jesus, JC was his nickname)
you were a good man...
Share your stories about the fallen ones.

Death is clearly becoming one of the only real alternatives to this life. I would prefer just dropping out of society and focusing on philosophymaxxing with the rest of my sad existence before killing myself but I can't even bring myself to do that it seems. I can't shape myself I am just a sad shell of a man who will be gone and forgotten leaving no imprint on this world.
we don't know each other but I kno her name:forcedsmile:, it was a 14yo female schoolmate, she committed suicide.:feelscry:not totally sure but I heard she jumped off a building.
If you've committed suicide, please respond
Death is clearly becoming one of the only real alternatives to this life. I would prefer just dropping out of society and focusing on philosophymaxxing with the rest of my sad existence before killing myself but I can't even bring myself to do that it seems. I can't shape myself I am just a sad shell of a man who will be gone and forgotten leaving no imprint on this world.
yes tbh, an uncle of mine jumped ontop of a blade
Death is clearly becoming one of the only real alternatives to this life. I would prefer just dropping out of society and focusing on philosophymaxxing with the rest of my sad existence before killing myself but I can't even bring myself to do that it seems. I can't shape myself I am just a sad shell of a man who will be gone and forgotten leaving no imprint on this world.
I always think a lot about my family before doing that.
we don't know each other but I kno her name:forcedsmile:, it was a 14yo female schoolmate, she committed suicide.:feelscry:not totally sure but I heard she jumped off a building.
Probably was sexually abused.
I can't wrap my head around female suicide. Had she waited a few years she would be betabuxing a guy 2 points higher than her in smv.
yes tbh, an uncle of mine jumped ontop of a blade
A blade? I don't know what kind of blade are you talking about.
At least now we have available information on better ways to go.
My cousin an heroed high on a cocktail mix of pain and psych drugs by jumping off a balcony. He was an Aspie and the cause of suicide was intense distress due to being told off by a favorite professor of his or something. He was an amazingly good med student, just 1 year away from graduating. I miss him on the regular :cryfeels:
Probably was sexually abused.
I can't wrap my head around female suicide. Had she waited a few years she would be betabuxing a guy 2 points higher than her in smv.
Idk wat really happened. Going to sound cuckish but at that age (14) many teens, be it male or female, can't see the full picture, a certain problem will feel like the end of the world for them. I'm not here to debate suicide but the feelings they experience are very real to them. :feelscry:
Idk wat really happened. Going to sound cuckish but at that age (14) many teens, be it male or female, can't see the full picture, a certain problem will feel like the end of the world for them. I'm not here to debate suicide but the feelings they experience are very real to them. :feelscry:
Yeah, i know that's true. Iirc a 12 year old girl hung herself to be famous in social media.
@Kurt Gödel
It feels very surreal to know someone u see often irl jus suddenly gone.
and also bcos she was cute too
Yeah, i know that's true. Iirc a 12 year old girl hung herself to be famous in social media.
Who is this 12yo?
yes she was a mother with a 7 year old son
Yes, a good childhood buddy of mine and another acquaintance, both hung themselves.
Wtf how old were they when they hung themselves? Bcos of romance/sexual reasons?
First one was 24, he had an accident to where he became paralyzed from the waist down, he committed suicide within a year. He was a few years older than me and more of an acquaintance

Second did it at 29. He was a close childhood friend who was a chadlite and dated hot chicks his whole life. He always had a drinking problem (possibly drugs later on) and a tendency towards anger. Crazily enough, he too was in an accident where his leg was damaged pretty bad and he hung himself soon later. I don't know exactly why he did it, could be a number or reasons, he always had low inhib/was a daredevil who I could see doing it with ease unlike myself, it's hard as fuck in my experience.

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