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Experiment Has anyone here tried dating apps?



Ascension or Death
Apr 6, 2024
Back when I was 17 I tried Tinder and I think Bumble aswell and it wasn't very succesful. Now I could say I did get likes but not many and I got no matches although I can't really remember because I wasn't very active to say the least. Then I deleted those apps. Im curious to hear about the others here.
Have you ever tried dating apps and did it go somewhat well? I know @Michael15651 got 14 likes for example
What is the difference between a like and a match?
Id love to. Because reason number 1, maybe id ascend, and reason number 2, if i dont, it will finally prove to me that im subhuman and itll allow me to stop thinking about "what if i ascended?" everyday.

But no, i cant try dating apps because
No because if my strict christian mom found out i was on a dating app she would kill me. She doesnt think i deserve love or romance - she wants me to avoid women rn and get a good job, and then become a betabuxxer at age 30. Brutal

It's over for strict parent cels
What is the difference between a like and a match?
A like is when someone swipes right on your pics and a match is when you end up swiping right on the same person that gave you a like essentially
No, I realized it was pointless to even try it
Id love to. Because reason number 1, maybe id ascend, and reason number 2, if i dont, it will finally prove to me that im subhuman and itll allow me to stop thinking about "what if i ascended?" everyday.

But no, i cant try dating apps because

It's over for strict parent cels
How old are you?
yeah it's not worth it
I tried but I only got one match in 3 months and she unmatched a few minutes later
Id love to. Because reason number 1, maybe id ascend, and reason number 2, if i dont, it will finally prove to me that im subhuman and itll allow me to stop thinking about "what if i ascended?" everyday.

But no, i cant try dating apps because

It's over for strict parent cels
God damn your mom sounds horrible dude. You might be a sexhaver if you didn't have such strict parents. I should try dating apps because if I went for women below my looksmatch, maybe I might stand a chance. It is kinda too late now though being 19 and KHHV. Any girl will smell out my lack of experience quick as fuck and immediately dump me.
You tried Tinder?
Tinder is worst for me, bumble worked slightly got some matches but with tinder it's 0 matches

I think huge difference between the two apps in algorithms and elo and in tinder you get flushed out quick

When bumble kinda tries to looksmatch you with girls based on your personality (stuff you put in profile) so you get chances of getting a like every once in a while

Dating apps genuinely only work for chad cause they have a 60-40 split men's way
What are dating apps? Its like datesim but for mobiles?
Tinder is worst for me, bumble worked slightly got some matches but with tinder it's 0 matches

I think huge difference between the two apps in algorithms and elo and in tinder you get flushed out quick

When bumble kinda tries to looksmatch you with girls based on your personality (stuff you put in profile) so you get chances of getting a like every once in a while

Dating apps genuinely only work for chad cause they have a 60-40 split men's way
Interesting. I also had more success on Bumble. On Bumble I got 18 likes but Im not sure how many matches since I deleted it quick
God damn your mom sounds horrible dude.
For real. And on top of everything she is genuinely convinced that its still the 1960s. I always try to tell her that that was 60 years ago and that the world has changed but she always says "no, it hasnt". For example she still thinks parents nowadays spank and beat their high school aged kids. She doesnt even know that high school kids nowadays have sex. She thinks high schoolers have a bed time of 9pm. When i first went into high school, i didnt even know premarital sex existed. Her parenting and the things she told her kids are so outdated its unreal. Imagine how shocked i was to go to high school as an innocent little 14 year old and learn that my classmates were doing drugs and having sex.

You might be a sexhaver if you didn't have such strict parents.
This is constantly on my mind. Its all i can ever think about. It's so painful. This is probably the most suicide inducing part of my life. i feel like if i was at least given a chance at living my life, maybe id ascend. But ive had to spend my enitre life rotting in my room and all i can ever think is "what if, what if, what if".

I should try dating apps because if I went for women below my looksmatch, maybe I might stand a chance. It is kinda too late now though being 19 and KHHV. Any girl will smell out my lack of experience quick as fuck and immediately dump me.
Honestly id go for it if i was you. I mean why not, theres always a chance. Youre only 19, even though girls obviously do want a guy with experience, its not unheard of for girls to get with 19 year olds who have no experience. Ive seen a lot of reddit posts where foids offhandedly mention stuff like 'i took my bfs virginity at 19'. Im 21 so its probably over for me, but since youre technically still a teenager maybe she'd cut you some slack.

I dont think youve got anything to lose, you should go for it imo. Worst case scenario you go on a couple of dates and get dumped and face 2 weeks of heartbreak and then continue posting on this site, best case scenario you never have to visit this site again
Interesting. I also had more success on Bumble. On Bumble I got 18 likes but Im not sure how many matches since I deleted it quick
A lot of those likes I got on Bumble were also from bots. There are a lot of them on all dating apps so the true number might be way lower
For real. And on top of everything she is genuinely convinced that its still the 1960s. I always try to tell her that that was 60 years ago and that the world has changed but she always says "no, it hasnt". For example she still thinks parents nowadays spank and beat their high school aged kids. She doesnt even know that high school kids nowadays have sex. She thinks high schoolers have a bed time of 9pm. When i first went into high school, i didnt even know premarital sex existed. Her parenting and the things she told her kids are so outdated its unreal. Imagine how shocked i was to go to high school as an innocent little 14 year old and learn that my classmates were doing drugs and having sex.
Damn bro, you were more naïve about life at that time than me. At least my parents weren't that retarded and stuck in the past.
This is constantly on my mind. Its all i can ever think about. It's so painful. This is probably the most suicide inducing part of my life. i feel like if i was at least given a chance at living my life, maybe id ascend. But ive had to spend my enitre life rotting in my room and all i can ever think is "what if, what if, what if".
Same tbh. I had major health issues at age 16 that made me homeschooled for the rest of high school, and I often wonder if things would have been different had I been around more people.
Honestly id go for it if i was you. I mean why not, theres always a chance. Youre only 19, even though girls obviously do want a guy with experience, its not unheard of for girls to get with 19 year olds who have no experience. Ive seen a lot of reddit posts where foids offhandedly mention stuff like 'i took my bfs virginity at 19'. Im 21 so its probably over for me, but since youre technically still a teenager maybe she'd cut you some slack.
I think I will try, but maybe only go for really undesirable landwhales and ugly girls who might not be so hard on me for my lack of experience. I'm only 19, but the thing is I look more like 25. Younger ones would be creeped out by my aged look and lack of experience. All the health issues I've had along with loneliness really aged me fast.
I dont think youve got anything to lose, you should go for it imo. Worst case scenario you go on a couple of dates and get dumped and face 2 weeks of heartbreak and then continue posting on this site, best case scenario you never have to visit this site again
Yep, agreed. I kinda think I should try a cougar dating app. I hear some of those 40-50 year old women like dating younger guys because it gives them kicks to "teach" a young guy. A few family members mentioned I should try this.
Damn bro, you were more naïve about life at that time than me. At least my parents weren't that retarded and stuck in the past.

Same tbh. I had major health issues at age 16 that made me homeschooled for the rest of high school, and I often wonder if things would have been different had I been around more people.

I think I will try, but maybe only go for really undesirable landwhales and ugly girls who might not be so hard on me for my lack of experience. I'm only 19, but the thing is I look more like 25. Younger ones would be creeped out by my aged look and lack of experience. All the health issues I've had along with loneliness really aged me fast.

Yep, agreed. I kinda think I should try a cougar dating app. I hear some of those 40-50 year old women like dating younger guys because it gives them kicks to "teach" a young guy. A few family members mentioned I should try this.
Damn, im sorry to hear about your health issues, i hope you're doing better nowadays
Damn, im sorry to hear about your health issues, i hope you're doing better nowadays
Thanks man. I am doing better. I have to take medication daily to manage things, but I'm mostly alright. Sleep is a bitch though. I wake up at least once each night and it ruins my days when I can't fall back asleep. I currently take a pill to increase blood pressure because my subhuman cardiovascular system couldn't maintain blood pressure and I was passing out many times a day back in 2021. This pill causes insomnia and anxiety, so it does suck a bit. I also have intestinal issues. Back in 2019, I almost died because my intestines stopped passing bowel movements on their own. I hadn't had a bowel movement in over a week and was badly dehydrated from it. Ever since then, I have had to take high doses of Miralax every day to keep my system functioning. I'd die without it. Luckily, I learned how much is the perfect dose to make me feel relatively normal. Just gotta do the best we can with what we've got. If I felt as bad as I did in 2019 or 2021, I'd kill myself. No way I'd go through that again. I wanted to die so bad in those years and only held out because it would have hurt my parents.

I thought about doing it at some point but I knew it was useless
Thanks man. I am doing better. I have to take medication daily to manage things, but I'm mostly alright. Sleep is a bitch though. I wake up at least once each night and it ruins my days when I can't fall back asleep. I currently take a pill to increase blood pressure because my subhuman cardiovascular system couldn't maintain blood pressure and I was passing out many times a day back in 2021. This pill causes insomnia and anxiety, so it does suck a bit. I also have intestinal issues. Back in 2019, I almost died because my intestines stopped passing bowel movements on their own. I hadn't had a bowel movement in over a week and was badly dehydrated from it. Ever since then, I have had to take high doses of Miralax every day to keep my system functioning. I'd die without it. Luckily, I learned how much is the perfect dose to make me feel relatively normal. Just gotta do the best we can with what we've got. If I felt as bad as I did in 2019 or 2021, I'd kill myself. No way I'd go through that again. I wanted to die so bad in those years and only held out because it would have hurt my parents.
Jesus, that's awful :feelsmega: I have a lot of health problems but never anything to that extent. Glad to hear things are better now brocel
Thanks man. I am doing better. I have to take medication daily to manage things, but I'm mostly alright. Sleep is a bitch though. I wake up at least once each night and it ruins my days when I can't fall back asleep. I currently take a pill to increase blood pressure because my subhuman cardiovascular system couldn't maintain blood pressure and I was passing out many times a day back in 2021. This pill causes insomnia and anxiety, so it does suck a bit. I also have intestinal issues. Back in 2019, I almost died because my intestines stopped passing bowel movements on their own. I hadn't had a bowel movement in over a week and was badly dehydrated from it. Ever since then, I have had to take high doses of Miralax every day to keep my system functioning. I'd die without it. Luckily, I learned how much is the perfect dose to make me feel relatively normal. Just gotta do the best we can with what we've got. If I felt as bad as I did in 2019 or 2021, I'd kill myself. No way I'd go through that again. I wanted to die so bad in those years and only held out because it would have hurt my parents.
You fought the good fight
Tried most of them blackpilling as fuck
Jesus, that's awful :feelsmega: I have a lot of health problems but never anything to that extent. Glad to hear things are better now brocel
Yeah, it sure was hellish. Very glad it is a lot better now. I also had a left hip labral tear and hip impingement that needed surgery. HAd surgery November 2023, was on crutches for a month, and it takes 6 months to fully recover. It helped a little, but my hip is still fucked up and will be for the rest of my life. It will never be able to move much past 90 degrees flexion again. Brutal for an active person like me
I tried an app that is open to people aged 16+ when I was 16/17. Obviously I did not get any dates and only very cold replies to my messages (It was not match-based like bumble and tinder so you could pretty much write to anyone). This experience was responsible for my first step towards the blackpill, although I was still very far from it. Basically I wondered whats wrong with me and why I look so weird on my pictures (admitting ugliness was a step too hard to undertake at that age). In the end I deleted the app and hoped things would get better with age.

One or two years later I went through the incel pipeline from the original r/incels subreddit to the first incels.is instance and lookism.net after r/incels was banned. I quickly became fully blackpilled and now I understood why my dating app experience was so bleak. At this stage I only ever used dating apps to chadfish.

Around this time I tried to explain my situation to my parents multiple times, hoping that they would understand and help me alleviate the pain through surgerymaxxing. But they were and still are fully bluepilled and did not understand what I was complaining about. My father suggested using a dating app, as he was sure I would get to know someone there! I told him I will do that, but that he shouldnt search for excuses like blaming a bad bio or bad pictures once he is proven wrong. In the next ~2 months I gathered sub 5 matches on bumble and 0 messages in total. When I told my parents about this and that it would be only humane for them to finance a few surgeries, which they could afford easily, my father told me that I probably did not use any good pictures.
If you haven't tried dating apps you shouldn't even be here.
If you haven't tried dating apps you shouldn't even be here.
That is somewhat true. Real life experience sometimes tells you more than dating apps. There are also bots and foids who literally just want to collect beta orbiters. The only real message I recieved from a foid on dating apps was from a lesbian who told me immediately she doesn't want to date but just chat in a more friendlike way so to speak

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