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has anyone here made friends through sports?



Sep 12, 2022
Im thinking of making friends through tennis. I am good enough to make someone else like my company, which is great. i actually played early this year and saw a jb and thought holy fuck i was near her age the last time i played and she even looks my age, oh wait. Has anyone else tried this? or like tried other ways of meeting ppl irl
No I played football back in Grade 10, whilst I was decent at it I didn't make any long term friends there.
not really

only friends i have is from language school when i was 9
this forum really is for me innit

99% are basement dwellers
stfu ai generated user
nothing new here
I've thought about it myself

I have been able to make "friends" by playing a game online, but obviously an online friendship sucks and it provides no real life benefits and leaves you stuck in your oom

So the logical step is to try replicate this offline?

The issue is your looks factor in here (height and face or both)

Also the sport needs to either facilitate

A: The sport can be frequently played for hours and communication needs to be able to happen eg. running around on a massive pitch playing soccer does not facilitate much communication

B: The sport needs to facilitate time together that is related to the sport but is not doing the sport eg. stopping at a mcdonalds together to get food on the way to a game

I think perhaps limiting it to strictly a sport to fulfil the above requirements is a mistake since not every sport satisfies both A and B, and then even if it did, I still think a certain degree of skill is required at said activity or sport otherwise you will

1. Come across as just doing the activity to make friends, if you are bad at the activity people will soon pick up on this and it will have a harmful effect

2. You may become the lowest on the social totem pole due to lack of skill, combined with your bad looks or height
I used to play a real life sport, I feel like it facilitated both points A and B but I was never really top dog at it

Ultimately I think the goal is to progress with people to the point where the original meeting activity is not even required anymore that much for you to maintain a friendship

Idk I kind of got to this stage at one point with a friend when I was younger but he ended up becoming a heightmaxxed NTmaxxed partygoer where as I hated parties, wasnt NT and short AF so it dissolved
Didn't work for me, tried for 2 years as a teen.
I talked to a few people there (only when we were there ofc) and it was nice enough for the 1st year but the 2nd year 80% of the members left and it was just me and some kids (I never heard about the people who left again) so I stopped going.

It could have worked tho so I'd say give it a try, worst case scenario you did some exercise.
Didn't work for me, tried for 2 years as a teen.
I talked to a few people there (only when we were there ofc) and it was nice enough for the 1st year but the 2nd year 80% of the members left and it was just me and some kids (I never heard about the people who left again) so I stopped going.

It could have worked tho so I'd say give it a try, worst case scenario you did some exercise.
I suppose thats also an important thing to consider is the turnover rate of whatever you do, if you are trying to do some sport but the turnover is high then its just a revolving door of people and its unlikely to go anywhere
I suppose thats also an important thing to consider is the turnover rate of whatever you do, if you are trying to do some sport but the turnover is high then its just a revolving door of people and its unlikely to go anywhere
Yes, it needs some stability.
In my case it wasn't quite a "turnover" though as nobody came in to replace everyone who left lol. We went from filling the entire gymnasium to just filling a corner.
I think I have PTSD from sports in school, everyone who liked sports was an asshole to me.
Yes, it needs some stability.
In my case it wasn't quite a "turnover" though as nobody came in to replace everyone who left lol. We went from filling the entire gymnasium to just filling a corner.
Oh lol well thats even worse yeah, honestly theres a lot of requirements that need to be satisfied for an opportunity to make friends or possibly ascend, then on top of that you need to not get mogged in the environment, the chance of it all working out is extremely low sadly but I still find it an interesting thought excercise and want to attempt (hobbymaxxing? i guess) since I am SO BORED of neeting that I may as well
the chance of it all working out is extremely low sadly
Yeah it's not as easy as just signing up unfortunately. The low chance of success is why you should choose shit that you are actually interested in and not whatever has the most women imo.
If you're a NEET and you have the money you could do both tbh. Join some because you're interested and try to make friends, and then on the side try some other hobbies you're less interested in to try and meet women.

I think it's better to start with just trying to make friends for a few weeks/months, so your social skills aren't as rusty and you have shit to talk about.
There's no social skills for your face ofc but first impressions matter so you need to maximise your chances.
Yes, it needs some stability.
In my case it wasn't quite a "turnover" though as nobody came in to replace everyone who left lol. We went from filling the entire gymnasium to just filling a corner.
I've noticed this in the gym somewhat, sure there's a few constant faces but some guys are there for a few months and you never see them again.
The low chance of success is why you should choose shit that you are actually interested in and not whatever has the most women imo.
Yeah I think this is important, I mentioned it above

I still think a certain degree of skill is required at said activity or sport otherwise you will

1. Come across as just doing the activity to make friends, if you are bad at the activity people will soon pick up on this and it will have a harmful effect

2. You may become the lowest on the social totem pole due to lack of skill, combined with your bad looks or height

If you're a NEET and you have the money you could do both tbh. Join some because you're interested and try to make friends, and then on the side try some other hobbies you're less interested in to try and meet women.
Yeah I plan on it, but I need to studymaxx, not only to get it out of the way but my neetbux payments also depend on it, I also do not have drivers license, when I finish these 2 things then I plan on taking it more serious but I feel stuck in a rut with it all
I've noticed this in the gym somewhat, sure there's a few constant faces but some guys are there for a few months and you never see them again.
That's ideal imo. You get a chance to become comfortable with the regulars but you also get new faces around quite often so you're never stuck in an environment where everybody dislikes you. You get new chances regularly (unless the others gossip about you).

I need to studymaxx, not only to get it out of the way but my neetbux payments
same, but I have a lot of free time even with uni.
I also do not have drivers license
Got mine recently. The lessons are suifuel but it's fine once you have it. Good luck, I hope you get it first try (or next try if you've already failed...)
The lessons are suifuel but it's fine once you have it. Good luck, I hope you get it first try (or next try if you've already failed...)
I never really did lessons, i'll quote another post i made in a thread to explain my drivers license situation and why i still dont have it at 22

Idk that is a good question, I guess it is just a side effect of my inceldom

I actually got my learning permit very fast, literally the day I could get it I went and got it, even the people at the driving place were amazed at my high score and how fast I did it.

However my parents did not always have time to give me lessons, and when they did my mother would teach me.

I had a fear of the road, this was due to my coddled upbringing, I was still being showered by my father at 13 and could not shower myself.

My mother would freak out over small miniscule mistakes that are acceptable as a learner and definitely would not have gotten us killed lol, and I had general anxiety at the time that someone I knew from school would see me and people would make fun of me at school.

So I did not want to go driving with my mother, my dad was much less available and even when he was I was scared I would get spotted by someone I knew driving and stuff.

I dropped out of school and it only increased my anxiety of being spotted in public due to school bullying, I also just sat in my room so I had no reason to get a drivers license, and I still really dont however I want to get it now to just get out of my room as my life is very boring.

Time goes on years and years, all my old high school peers probably have full licenses now while I still dont even have my license, so obviously that paranoia I have of being seen is still there but worse in a way because now it is way embarassing if they find out I do not have my license.

I also do not have very high confidence in my parking abilities.

However I have finally booked my test which is in a fortnight, I honestly may need to self ban from here for a bit as a measure to force myself to pass it since I just need to get it at this point however I still am not confident I will pass and the instructor will probably find a way to fail me and waste the 100 dollars of my neetbux I used booking the test

Honestly though I watched 3 videos of someone taking the test online, sadly I was not able to find a video of someone doing it at my exact testing location but it still looks really easy, I usually feel like I dont do well on tests and stuff though so I would probably fail, you need to over emphasise fake head checks and stuff, there is a maneuver for reverse parallel parking however it only counts towards one point so even though i could fail it i could i still pass, everything else seems easy
I never really did lessons, i'll quote another post i made in a thread to explain my drivers license situation and why i still dont have it at 22

Honestly though I watched 3 videos of someone taking the test online, sadly I was not able to find a video of someone doing it at my exact testing location but it still looks really easy, I usually feel like I dont do well on tests and stuff though so I would probably fail, you need to over emphasise fake head checks and stuff, there is a maneuver for reverse parallel parking however it only counts towards one point so even though i could fail it i could i still pass, everything else seems easy
I started theory lessons at 15, low motivation and covid meant I only got those done a year and a half later.
Did lessons for a year and a half but I still didn't feel ready and the lessons were stressful so I swapped to a learner's permit.
Practiced for another year and a half, like you with a hysterical mother.

Decided to try and actually get my license last summer so I could move around alone and actually have at least a CHANCE of having a life/ascending. Got it first try luckily at 20, it wasn't more stressful than the regular lessons.

you need to over emphasise fake head checks and stuff
Kind of. You need to make it easy for them to see that you ARE checking cause if they have a doubt some might not give you the points.

there is a maneuver for reverse parallel parking however it only counts towards one point so even though i could fail it i could i still pass
Failing it might throw you off for the rest of the test so stay calm even if you fail it, as you said it's not a big deal if it's only 1 point.
If you want to practice you can try parking behind a bin as if it were the back of a car if you have a driveway.

Let me know how it goes.
I've played sports. Some were okay with me, but didn't form any lasting friendships from it.

A lot of the times the Chads hated me because they think I get in their way. I also already knew that they were talking shit behind my back.

Chad's are lucky that society protect them. Otherwise ogres like myself would hurt them (and take their women).

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