Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Hardwork is overrated and Women cant loose, Its completely over for most men.



This is the end
Feb 11, 2023

View: https://youtu.be/iyIEMCThszw?t=164

Im not needy, Wheres the girls? Im not chasing anyone... Revisiting old Rehabroom vids and coping hard. Its over when this is, How one would spend the tuesday night, I should have had a harem of women but instead my bones didnt grow correct with what society wants.

LDARbeforerope? Only option i can think about, Maybe try and 100x as many vidya as i can but the cope is running out, It is what it is but im running out of those too.

View: https://youtu.be/dzk3w5cLxnI

How it feels not knowing what to do or where to put myself anymore, Its like this:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9dZQelULDk

Were all trying to find our place in this world but where do we go? We try to fill it with booze, Drugs, Whatever, Painkillers, Nothing makes us happy, Then theres those who claim hard work is what got them there despite its actually their genetics, When the boomer generation dies out maybe then we can finally focus on what society does to ugly people, Its just not fair to tell us we have the same chance, For example would you tell and yes im gonna pull up the 5.2 janitor, Would you lie to his face that he can also get blonde stacy? OFC not but the boomer parents and people around you would, Just work hard bro and the years pass by, Where is that janitor now? You can guess, Either roped or still working there, Maybe hes rotting on NEETbuxx. He will NEVER EVER have the same chances as that 6.2 guy.

Imagine telling young men time and time again try harder bro, Despite tons of statistics and genetical evidence that life is unfair that they can just ignore this and keep pushing, I feel like its never gonna end unless the personality generation dies first, Eventually the bluepill will turn to dust when there are no more gaslighters left, Young generation understand the importance of looks better because they expirience it, Its not like your grandpa or dad who could just work in the factory and then he would pop you out? YOU cant do the same, They will NEVER understand this, WE WILL NEVER have the same chance as them and i think finding a good woman might be gone for good, Its not normal to praise promiscuity, Why cant they just find someone to be happy with instead of short term gratifications? Its hypergamy embolded in their DNA, You cant escape your subhuman genetics and you will never be seen as attractive to her, Not only that, Women usually dont settle because there is always a next chad around, Eventually she will hit the wall, Oh wall you say? Well that doesnt exist, Heard of grannypill?

The Grannypill

View: https://youtu.be/QR6pBY1_MHY

View: https://youtu.be/FUWw_W-DTlc

Now this may come as a shocker to you but women cant actually evER loose....

Pulling your hair out yet?

E47f3e34b990e1aebc1260a955b2ce4a 3498832837

Let me say this one more time for the crowd in the BACK! WOMEN CANNOT LOOSE!

Even deformed acidfaced women will slay and get chad, Ive seen it happen countless times on media.

You might think you still have a chance, Give it up, Its over
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Never give up hope guys, just gotta wait for the right foid to show up that is mentally damaged enough and isolated from outside support groups enough to choose you... Then you ascend and keep her isolated, even refraining from introducing her to your family, and then you'll be happy......

Massive cope.... but a man can dream.
Never give up hope guys, just gotta wait for the right foid to show up that is mentally damaged enough and isolated from outside support groups enough to choose you... Then you ascend and keep her isolated, even refraining from introducing her to your family, and then you'll be happy......

Massive cope.... but a man can dream.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Iw81pZALt0

Just gonna leave this here
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Never give up hope guys, just gotta wait for the right foid to show up that is mentally damaged enough and isolated from outside support groups enough to choose you... Then you ascend and keep her isolated, even refraining from introducing her to your family, and then you'll be happy......

Massive cope.... but a man can dream.
Shekelstein needs you believe in the grind and hustle mentality so that the stock prices of his companies go up the more and more you feed the beast that is the system.
Keep grinding, keep hustling dudes. Reach for the stars if you have to, and you will end up like me. I totally don't have connections, good genetics, or rich parents funding everything I do!

Andrew Tate - Wikipedia
Read every word :feelshehe:
Were all trying to find our place in this world but where do we go? We try to fill it with booze, Drugs, Whatever, Painkillers, Nothing makes us happy,
"Every cope has an end" - Saint Hamudi - The only thing that can and would make us happy is having a loving wife, and children. It's what we're biologically destined to due. We're wired to feel depressed when not procreating. Sadly, there's no way to remove this biological urge. There's nowhere to go as an incel except to smoke weed, drink, play video games, or jerk off.

Imagine telling young men time and time again try harder bro, Despite tons of statistics and genetical evidence that life is unfair that they can just ignore this and keep pushing
It pisses me off too. I've realized the people who give this advice are lazy. They don't want to look at stats and accept it's a problem. Instead of thinking through what our issues are and looking outside the box, they instead give simple advice that doesn't mean shit because it's easy to say it.

The wall truly is cope. A fucking Grandma gets more matches than an 8/10 guys.
"Every cope has an end" - Saint Hamudi - The only thing that can and would make us happy is having a loving wife, and children. It's what we're biologically destined to due. We're wired to feel depressed when not procreating. Sadly, there's no way to remove this biological urge. There's nowhere to go as an incel except to smoke weed, drink, play video games, or jerk off.

It pisses me off too. I've realized the people who give this advice are lazy. They don't want to look at stats and accept it's a problem. Instead of thinking through what our issues are and looking outside the box, they instead give simple advice that doesn't mean shit because it's easy to say it.

The wall truly is cope. A fucking Grandma gets more matches than an 8/10 guys.
I just looked in the mirror and what looked back at me gives me PTSD

I was not fit to live as Gollum and have all this false positivity by my peers and parents, As the one ok rock song says, All we can do is hold on, And tbh im feeling like i wanna let go, Every cope i ever had has run to an end, My parents have abandoned me and im all alone in my struggle, Its like im just existing, I sit infront of a computer and then its suddenly night again, Every day, There is no other thing to do because the pain and the misery we all are in, Just talk to girls bro, Just get a job bro, Just do this this this this this, Whats next? None of these worked out for many of us, Speaking to the trucel KHHVcels of this forum, Idc about the sexhavers that claim incel, Once youve sat your dick thru meat youve officially ascended in my book and people like me who are too ugly to even get a smidge of that joy are mogged wherever we go, Here, Outside, Movies, Bowling alleys, No where to really go, I try to take it day by day, I keep coping someday ill have a perfect life, A girl that smile as me as i wake up and a son, I guess i was just not ment for this world, Not everyone was born to win, Im getting closer and closer to the edge, Ive done everything in my power to ascend including college where my parents told me id get a GF, Multiple times i was just discarded as "The Creep" And the oh shit not that agian, Ive also been asked what my nationality is because of my seveerely fucked up nose, My eyes are so huge and outgoing that they look like their about to fall out and my overbite and teeth are a mangled mess, I was lucky with the height at 511 but whats the fucking point if i cant even use it, Is this a joke? I was given ADHD and autism aswell but they gave me height? Height wont save me unless im 6.2 and i even see foids taller than me at times or same height, I see so many taller chads, I feel what it is to be a manlet, Im not a manlet but a semi one meaning a bit taller than a manlet but not fully there, The chad height is 6.2 or 190 then your really special, I feel for alot of my brocels here that didnt get the height tho, Some might have gotten the face but not the height, Im so fucking insecure about my face because everywhere i go im being sneered at, Even women and children cross the road when they see me, Kids run after me on bikes calling me names, Crooknose, Quasimodo, Etc, If my parents have just lifted their thumb out of their ass and helped me with surgery maybe id be in a better mindset today, I feel its so fucking over, Its a fucking joke, I got 511 but all that is useless? Read problems above.

I got to pack a huge ass schlong but i wont even be able to fucking use it due to my facial genetics and autism and ADHD, I feel like i am a literal walking lanklet joke, Id rather be 5.9 and good looking thatn 5.11 and ugly if it ment i would have a better face.

I honestly dont know what to do anymore, About 1 or 2 weeks ago i relapsed and smoked a whole pack in the span of 2 days so 10 cigarettes a day on those 2 days.

I dont drink anymore due to the price and the fact that it just makes the problems worse. And honestly i dont wanna live past 30 anyway, The fact that loneliness is as dangerous as smoking 15 cigarettes a day means i might aswell start smoking again FR bigtime because it doesnt matter, My parents dont care, Hospital dont care and this whole country is corrupt, For example a doctor that manage my chronic pain would say he was supposed to call me, DOESNT! Why do we even allow these to work there? A hospital is there to treat people, Is this what i get for being born? Mocked, Ridiculed, Not deserving of help? Its like im an alien in my own shoes, I just wander endlessly searching for answers, Im lost, I dont know what to do anymore, Ive reached out to parents, Grandma, You name it, NOTHING! its completely over since the surgeon botched my operation, Not that it looked better before anyway as it was completely fucked then too from birth like it had aleredy been broken in 2.

All i do to cope now is just vidya, Coffee, Browse .is argue about this and that blackpill this blackpill that, Its the same fucking topics every fucking day on the site, Women this women that, I know women dont like me its an obvious fact, I know women dont like us KHHVs, Theyd rather see us dead or fuck a dog instead, Im doomed to being that scarey lanklet, Sometimes i even believe im Jason Vorhees, I look that bad, I look like if jason vorhees had a child with gollum thru insemination embryo because thats the only possible way to merge 2 semens as gay as that fucking sounds.

I look like a freak that belongs in a circus, Im just praying everyday that some force takes me away painlessly into the void meaning my very own death, I just dont enjoy being here, I dont want to be here, There is nothing more to explore or do, Every option for suicide has been taken away from me, To own a shotgun i must ask the police, The police wont give it to spergs like me so scratch that, Its pointless to try and get it, I would place it against my jaw and blow my head off like i saw RonnieMcnutt do.

I really dont like being here on this planet, On top of that im stuck here on this forum when i should have been out there and had a family if my genetics were a bit different, I always see the same guys mushroom haircut and facial shape slay women and also breed them sometimes they look a bit different, The fact that my brother got better genetics than me is just pure suifuel, He hates me because im not "The Alpha Male" I cant just change my genetics overnight and become attractive to women, Now as im fucked up from my looksmaxxing attempt that was aleredy fucked up from the beginning i see no end to the tunnel, My brother keeps mogging me with his family that i will never have, Everyone sees me as a looser, I didnt choose this, There is no fucking end in sight, I wouldnt be suprised if my own mother want me dead, Afterall im just a huge burden on my family and it shows, It took her 3 fucking days to reply, Why did she reply, Because i asked if she read my plea for help, The long text i sent her, I cant fucking take this anymore, I cant fucking do this alone.

Crying Boy Anime Wallpapers - Wallpaper Cave

Even in college i was outed as a creep, I was called this and that, I was also called the ugliest anyones ever seen, I just feel like the only way for me is to rope, I heard they offer euthanazia in belgium for free to tourists, Most that go there are french i read but shouldnt matter if im not, Im thinking if i do decide to get it and get it granted i will find inner peace, If not imma just try and buy sodium nitrite online and if i get arrested i will just try again until i get it so i can commit suicide, I dont care if im importing a legal drug or not, And no i have no currently done that stupid feds, Why would you care anyway? Its MY LIFE! Why would you want to prolong my suffering? Feds amirite?

4 Benefits of Mastering Inner Peace of Mind Through Meditation

Dammit to hell ive done everything i can, Hand me the shotgun, I want out.

Lawyer Killed in Court When Shotgun Submitted to Evidence Goes Off

Even my friends backstab me, Everyone backstab me, I am the most hated person on the entire planet, No one wants to be my friend ever, Not online not irl, Nowhere, No wonder i fall into deep bitterness about myself, I get NO positive reinforcement, Imagine waking up being loved everyday! EVERYDAY! That is far from my reality, Wake up, Be in pain mentally and physically till i go sleep again 365 days a year, This year alone ive tried hanging myself 3 times and no one even knows about it, Well to those who read this YOU DO!

How to deal with a backstabber | DailyPedia

Im tired of pretending im ok, IM NOT!

View: https://youtu.be/UjxtjE7soAA

Yep this fucking song again!

I doubth i will ever be happy again, I WANT TO BE HAPPY! But im just not wired that way anymore, I was happy in kindergarten, REAL happy, I HAD FRIENDS, I was carefree, And now im just left to rot, A shell of a man that once was.

Nisekoi, Kirisaki Chitoge, Anime Girls, Happy Face, Happy, Blonde ...

I cant fathom why some of us still goes on, I guess its the lack of suicide methods or something still keeping us here, LIke a paranormal entity bound to this earth until its been freed, I guess some are able to cope, Lucky bastards, Im happy for you genuinly i wish people wouldnt be so cruel, I could have been able to cope too.

Paranormal Entity Movie Trailer, Asylum's Take On Paranormal Activity

We incels really are discardable, When i see a fellow subhuman on the street we just look at eachother and think, I know bro, This is how i feel too and then go on about our day, It isnt easy being reminded everywhere about our suffering when its plastered everywhere and in the movies, On this forum too we have braggers that brag about sex, Some incels are really ugly and will NEVER get a smidge of what they have, I even heard stories about escorts rejecting incels because their too ugly!

Wp6148047 2194327397

I just want to talk to KHHVs online that can relate to my outcast expirience.
Every schoolday was torture for me, I would start the day and then i would walk to school, I would always have to look over my shoulder if anyone following me whether on bike or on foot, I heard people screaming at me, Isnt that cornelius? Not my irl name btw, Oh there goes quasimodo brokenose, Then sometimes the kids would bully me or pretend to break my arm and showing how to do it but not actuallly break it it to act tough, They would outcast me further and further, I contemplated many times ending my life, IDK how the fuck i came this far as a subhuman.

I was ment to suffer and this is my expirience.
Ive done everything in my power to scrape a life
for myself and i was never even able to do that.

Anime Girls Crying: 20 of the Saddest Pictures + GIFs - MyAnimeList.net

AM i even human or just the worlds punching bag

Thanks to my expiriences im stuck in a loop of constant depression and suicidal thoughts, Every day i just want to curl up and die, Ive tried everything i tried socializing, Im cursed with ADHD so its gonna be fuck all impossible.
coping someday ill have a perfect life, A girl that smile as me as i wake up and a son, I guess i was just not ment for this world, Not everyone was born to win, Im getting closer and closer to the edge,
I didn't know deep down that's what you really wanted. I want the same thing too.
I honestly dont know what to do anymore, About 1 or 2 weeks ago i relapsed and smoked a whole pack in the span of 2 days so 10 cigarettes a day on those 2 days.
That's not good. Sorry to give advice, but would vape help you get off of that shit?
I look like a freak that belongs in a circus, Im just praying everyday that some force takes me away painlessly into the void meaning my very own death, I just dont enjoy being here, I dont want to be here, There is nothing more to explore or do, Every option for suicide has been taken away from me, To own a shotgun i must ask the police, The police wont give it to spergs like me so scratch that, Its pointless to try and get it, I would place it against my jaw and blow my head off like i saw RonnieMcnutt do.
That's depressing. I don't see a point either as an incel. How can anyone talk us out of suicide when we feel that we have no worth? I don't know how much longer I'll last before I kill myself.
I always see the same guys mushroom haircut and facial shape slay women and also breed them
I really dont like being here on this planet, On top of that im stuck here on this forum when i should have been out there and had a family if my genetics were a bit different
All because of a few mm of bone.
Im tired of pretending im ok, IM NOT!
You don't ever need to pretend around me brocel. Don't forget that.
Even in college i was outed as a creep, I was called this and that, I was also called the ugliest anyones ever seen,
I stood out but not as much as you did. Luckily no one ever called me ugly. If I was there and someone called you "the ugliest they've ever seen" right in front of me, I wouldn't care if I'm spending the night in jail. I'm sucker punching that normie punk in the back of their head.
I get NO positive reinforcement, Imagine waking up being loved everyday!
I take this for granite. I'd off myself if my parents didn't love me and kicked me out of the house. You have a lot more balls than I do living alone.
Even my friends backstab me, Everyone backstab me, I am the most hated person on the entire planet,
Best Comfort Hugs GIF Images - Mk GIFs.com

I don't hate you.
I doubth i will ever be happy again, I WANT TO BE HAPPY! But im just not wired that way anymore,
I don't know if I will either. Depression is a lot more prevalent in autistic people like us that NT people. Especially since your depression is 10 times more serious than the average persons.
It isnt easy being reminded everywhere about our suffering when its plastered everywhere and in the movies,
Escapism is dead. I can't even watch tv and movies anymore. EVEN YOUTUBE ADS HAVE TO SHOVE COUPLES IN MY FUCKING FACE.
We incels really are discardable,
Fuck society for viewing us this way. You're not discardable to me brocel. You're my bestfriend on here. It's nice having someone who can relate to me.
I just want to talk to KHHVs online that can relate to my outcast expirience.
Sadly this site isn't a safe space for incels anymore. I'm KHHV too and hate listening to guys brag about fucking escorts.
I just looked in the mirror and what looked back at me gives me PTSD

I was not fit to live as Gollum and have all this false positivity by my peers and parents, As the one ok rock song says, All we can do is hold on, And tbh im feeling like i wanna let go, Every cope i ever had has run to an end, My parents have abandoned me and im all alone in my struggle, Its like im just existing, I sit infront of a computer and then its suddenly night again, Every day, There is no other thing to do because the pain and the misery we all are in, Just talk to girls bro, Just get a job bro, Just do this this this this this, Whats next? None of these worked out for many of us, Speaking to the trucel KHHVcels of this forum, Idc about the sexhavers that claim incel, Once youve sat your dick thru meat youve officially ascended in my book and people like me who are too ugly to even get a smidge of that joy are mogged wherever we go, Here, Outside, Movies, Bowling alleys, No where to really go, I try to take it day by day, I keep coping someday ill have a perfect life, A girl that smile as me as i wake up and a son, I guess i was just not ment for this world, Not everyone was born to win, Im getting closer and closer to the edge, Ive done everything in my power to ascend including college where my parents told me id get a GF, Multiple times i was just discarded as "The Creep" And the oh shit not that agian, Ive also been asked what my nationality is because of my seveerely fucked up nose, My eyes are so huge and outgoing that they look like their about to fall out and my overbite and teeth are a mangled mess, I was lucky with the height at 511 but whats the fucking point if i cant even use it, Is this a joke? I was given ADHD and autism aswell but they gave me height? Height wont save me unless im 6.2 and i even see foids taller than me at times or same height, I see so many taller chads, I feel what it is to be a manlet, Im not a manlet but a semi one meaning a bit taller than a manlet but not fully there, The chad height is 6.2 or 190 then your really special, I feel for alot of my brocels here that didnt get the height tho, Some might have gotten the face but not the height, Im so fucking insecure about my face because everywhere i go im being sneered at, Even women and children cross the road when they see me, Kids run after me on bikes calling me names, Crooknose, Quasimodo, Etc, If my parents have just lifted their thumb out of their ass and helped me with surgery maybe id be in a better mindset today, I feel its so fucking over, Its a fucking joke, I got 511 but all that is useless? Read problems above.

I got to pack a huge ass schlong but i wont even be able to fucking use it due to my facial genetics and autism and ADHD, I feel like i am a literal walking lanklet joke, Id rather be 5.9 and good looking thatn 5.11 and ugly if it ment i would have a better face.

I honestly dont know what to do anymore, About 1 or 2 weeks ago i relapsed and smoked a whole pack in the span of 2 days so 10 cigarettes a day on those 2 days.

I dont drink anymore due to the price and the fact that it just makes the problems worse. And honestly i dont wanna live past 30 anyway, The fact that loneliness is as dangerous as smoking 15 cigarettes a day means i might aswell start smoking again FR bigtime because it doesnt matter, My parents dont care, Hospital dont care and this whole country is corrupt, For example a doctor that manage my chronic pain would say he was supposed to call me, DOESNT! Why do we even allow these to work there? A hospital is there to treat people, Is this what i get for being born? Mocked, Ridiculed, Not deserving of help? Its like im an alien in my own shoes, I just wander endlessly searching for answers, Im lost, I dont know what to do anymore, Ive reached out to parents, Grandma, You name it, NOTHING! its completely over since the surgeon botched my operation, Not that it looked better before anyway as it was completely fucked then too from birth like it had aleredy been broken in 2.

All i do to cope now is just vidya, Coffee, Browse .is argue about this and that blackpill this blackpill that, Its the same fucking topics every fucking day on the site, Women this women that, I know women dont like me its an obvious fact, I know women dont like us KHHVs, Theyd rather see us dead or fuck a dog instead, Im doomed to being that scarey lanklet, Sometimes i even believe im Jason Vorhees, I look that bad, I look like if jason vorhees had a child with gollum thru insemination embryo because thats the only possible way to merge 2 semens as gay as that fucking sounds.

I look like a freak that belongs in a circus, Im just praying everyday that some force takes me away painlessly into the void meaning my very own death, I just dont enjoy being here, I dont want to be here, There is nothing more to explore or do, Every option for suicide has been taken away from me, To own a shotgun i must ask the police, The police wont give it to spergs like me so scratch that, Its pointless to try and get it, I would place it against my jaw and blow my head off like i saw RonnieMcnutt do.

I really dont like being here on this planet, On top of that im stuck here on this forum when i should have been out there and had a family if my genetics were a bit different, I always see the same guys mushroom haircut and facial shape slay women and also breed them sometimes they look a bit different, The fact that my brother got better genetics than me is just pure suifuel, He hates me because im not "The Alpha Male" I cant just change my genetics overnight and become attractive to women, Now as im fucked up from my looksmaxxing attempt that was aleredy fucked up from the beginning i see no end to the tunnel, My brother keeps mogging me with his family that i will never have, Everyone sees me as a looser, I didnt choose this, There is no fucking end in sight, I wouldnt be suprised if my own mother want me dead, Afterall im just a huge burden on my family and it shows, It took her 3 fucking days to reply, Why did she reply, Because i asked if she read my plea for help, The long text i sent her, I cant fucking take this anymore, I cant fucking do this alone.

Crying Boy Anime Wallpapers - Wallpaper Cave

Even in college i was outed as a creep, I was called this and that, I was also called the ugliest anyones ever seen, I just feel like the only way for me is to rope, I heard they offer euthanazia in belgium for free to tourists, Most that go there are french i read but shouldnt matter if im not, Im thinking if i do decide to get it and get it granted i will find inner peace, If not imma just try and buy sodium nitrite online and if i get arrested i will just try again until i get it so i can commit suicide, I dont care if im importing a legal drug or not, And no i have no currently done that stupid feds, Why would you care anyway? Its MY LIFE! Why would you want to prolong my suffering? Feds amirite?

4 Benefits of Mastering Inner Peace of Mind Through Meditation

Dammit to hell ive done everything i can, Hand me the shotgun, I want out.

Lawyer Killed in Court When Shotgun Submitted to Evidence Goes Off

Even my friends backstab me, Everyone backstab me, I am the most hated person on the entire planet, No one wants to be my friend ever, Not online not irl, Nowhere, No wonder i fall into deep bitterness about myself, I get NO positive reinforcement, Imagine waking up being loved everyday! EVERYDAY! That is far from my reality, Wake up, Be in pain mentally and physically till i go sleep again 365 days a year, This year alone ive tried hanging myself 3 times and no one even knows about it, Well to those who read this YOU DO!

How to deal with a backstabber | DailyPedia

Im tired of pretending im ok, IM NOT!

View: https://youtu.be/UjxtjE7soAA

Yep this fucking song again!

I doubth i will ever be happy again, I WANT TO BE HAPPY! But im just not wired that way anymore, I was happy in kindergarten, REAL happy, I HAD FRIENDS, I was carefree, And now im just left to rot, A shell of a man that once was.

Nisekoi, Kirisaki Chitoge, Anime Girls, Happy Face, Happy, Blonde ...

I cant fathom why some of us still goes on, I guess its the lack of suicide methods or something still keeping us here, LIke a paranormal entity bound to this earth until its been freed, I guess some are able to cope, Lucky bastards, Im happy for you genuinly i wish people wouldnt be so cruel, I could have been able to cope too.

Paranormal Entity Movie Trailer, Asylum's Take On Paranormal Activity's Take On Paranormal Activity

We incels really are discardable, When i see a fellow subhuman on the street we just look at eachother and think, I know bro, This is how i feel too and then go on about our day, It isnt easy being reminded everywhere about our suffering when its plastered everywhere and in the movies, On this forum too we have braggers that brag about sex, Some incels are really ugly and will NEVER get a smidge of what they have, I even heard stories about escorts rejecting incels because their too ugly!

View attachment 1089878

I just want to talk to KHHVs online that can relate to my outcast expirience.

id thread tbh
id thread tbh
Actually its everything, First is my analysis, Then its me sperging out about how i feel kek which is just a comment and not the thread.
I didn't know deep down that's what you really wanted. I want the same thing too.

That's not good. Sorry to give advice, but would vape help you get off of that shit?

That's depressing. I don't see a point either as an incel. How can anyone talk us out of suicide when we feel that we have no worth? I don't know how much longer I'll last before I kill myself.


All because of a few mm of bone.

You don't ever need to pretend around me brocel. Don't forget that.

I stood out but not as much as you did. Luckily no one ever called me ugly. If I was there and someone called you "the ugliest they've ever seen" right in front of me, I wouldn't care if I'm spending the night in jail. I'm sucker punching that normie punk in the back of their head.

I take this for granite. I'd off myself if my parents didn't love me and kicked me out of the house. You have a lot more balls than I do living alone.

Best Comfort Hugs GIF Images - Mk GIFs.com

I don't hate you.

I don't know if I will either. Depression is a lot more prevalent in autistic people like us that NT people. Especially since your depression is 10 times more serious than the average persons.

Escapism is dead. I can't even watch tv and movies anymore. EVEN YOUTUBE ADS HAVE TO SHOVE COUPLES IN MY FUCKING FACE.

Fuck society for viewing us this way. You're not discardable to me brocel. You're my bestfriend on here. It's nice having someone who can relate to me.

Sadly this site isn't a safe space for incels anymore. I'm KHHV too and hate listening to guys brag about fucking escorts.
Thanks for all of this, You are incredibly valuable to me, I dont know what id do without you btw, Thank you for existing brocel :feelsaww:

I was forced to move out so it may or may not be about balls, Im just enduring extreme isolation.

I wish i could still rot in my familys basement because atleast i had someone around me even if they boss me around sometimes, Living alone and having NO one, Not even talking to a soul is extremely depressing.
Thanks for all of this, You are incredibly valuable to me, I dont know what id do without you btw, Thank you for existing brocel :feelsaww:

I was forced to move out so it may or may not be about balls, Im just enduring extreme isolation.

I wish i could still rot in my familys basement because atleast i had someone around me even if they boss me around sometimes, Living alone and having NO one, Not even talking to a soul is extremely depressing.
Of course dude. You're my friend. While you may have been forced to move out, you had the balls to push through it. I'd honestly, unironically, dead serious would kill myself. You're a lot braver than I. And that sounds terrible. You'd think your parents would understand you being alone all day NEETing with no one to talk to would be a really sad way to live.
Of course dude. You're my friend. While you may have been forced to move out, you had the balls to push through it. I'd honestly, unironically, dead serious would kill myself. You're a lot braver than I. And that sounds terrible. You'd think your parents would understand you being alone all day NEETing with no one to talk to would be a really sad way to live.
It is what it is, I just endure the pain, gimme an MRI scan and the
doctor would prolly commit suicide because hed become depressed kek.

Thanks for honoring my sacrifices, I suffer but i still eat.

Wasnt always NEET was a wagie for 7 years until late 2021

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