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Blackpill [Hard To Swallow Edition] - Women Were Not Happier Under A Patriarchy, They Are Happier Today More Than Ever Before

No you really can't, we already know why women are more likely to initiate divorce after they have been with more than 1 man, or many men,

I live in pretty moderate muslim country, pretty sure my 50+ yo aunts was all virgins when they married, also the divorce court is not biased towards men here, maybe even the opposite, its a little baised towards women.

Also theres no tinder / socmed when they were young.
Even though I only met them a couple times a year, I noticed they bicker A LOT, theyre miserable as fuck and so is their husbands, if this is what successful marriage is. . . .JFL
Even remember when I used to visit as a kid (10 years ago) my aunts used to yell at their husband, while the husband just takes it.
Ill lose my mind if I have to live like that.

even though all their husbands are moderately gl (7/10), one is also tall.
one of them has successful, rich kids too. nothing seem to please them...

even in pre tinder era, marriage is miserable for men and the foid.
imagine now, and im nowhere near as gl as my uncles :feelshaha:
I dont wanna live my 'golden' years bickering with my wife near my kids.
I have not a single example of happy marriage...so my pragmatic brain thinks its impossible

I think happiness is just a drug we got for following our biological imperatives
and I doubt men and women are wired to be with one partner forever
and naturally women are supposed to go for chads and trash normies
so marriage would never work long term (>10yrs) virgin women or not

women can only trulybe satisfied if they have chad and thats it
if they dont age, thats what theyll do 4ever
nothing else can make em happy.

maybe thats how nature designed em, they are put on earth ONLY to breed with the most aesthetic male available
so human species can keep evolving on a fast pace

all my uncles are definitely fucking miserable. I kinda pity them even though they have a great life compared to me.

And putting women back in their place is just a meme tbh it aint happening
So what the solution? even if I can get virgin women to marry and the divorce laws isnt biased, its still gonna be a shyte marriage.
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you're probably right about a lot of women.
but I think you give them too much credit when it comes to personal agency.
women are groupthinkers and followers par excellence, far more than any men, this is why they should just be controlled and held fast from a young age, if you define what is good and great for them they will simply follow, and the groupthinking aspect will lead them to police each other into not being hypergamous whores, however "unhappy deep down" that might make them.

it's the right thing to do for society's sake, otherwise you might as well just start running naked in the streets... well, you could say that many already are.
I used to think that womens' declining happiness was definitive proof for the "return to patriarchy" argument, but it recently dawned on me that women are probably more unhappy due to their sudden and relatively recent exposure to Chads and subsequent inability to lock the limited amount of Chads down.
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I live in pretty moderate muslim country, pretty sure my 50+ yo aunts was all virgins when they married, also the divorce court is not biased towards men here, maybe even the opposite, its a little baised towards women.

Also theres no tinder / socmed when they were young.
Even though I only met them a couple times a year, I noticed they bicker A LOT, theyre miserable as fuck and so is their husbands, if this is what successful marriage is. . . .JFL
Even remember when I used to visit as a kid (10 years ago) my aunts used to yell at their husband, while the husband just takes it.
Ill lose my mind if I have to live like that.
Not all women/cultures are equal even if they're a virgin. This isn't news. I have a few friends, but lemme give two prominent examples. I have 1 friend who got with an Americanized Vietnamese spoiled rich girl, she's a little bitchy, and extremely needy, but what he had going for her was she was a confirmed 100% virgin, she'll never ever leave him. He's definitely not as happy as he could be hypothetically. Now compare this to another friend I know who got a virgin wife from Japan, she's very silent, respectful, basically does whatever he wants sexually, cooks daily, etc.

They're both virgins yet one is still much more of a massive cunt than the other, virginity is only an end all be all for the woman staying in the relationship, and a lot of these studies and data were collected in western countries, obviously there's exceptions, but exceptions are exceptions for a reason
I dont wanna live my 'golden' years bickering with my wife near my kids.
I have not a single example of happy marriage...so my pragmatic brain thinks its impossible
Okay but that's selfish to your future family, other than that tho, also if I based everything about the world on where I live, I wouldn't even think virgin women are real, black men dominate every sexual market, and other things which clearly aren't the case everywhere in the world. I have seen plenty of examples of happy marriages, just not with people who got married to women around where I live, also marrying in your 50's is fucking retarded, virgin or not you're broken if you do so, male or female. Optimally you're supposed to get Married to a virgin and have 3 kids by 25, you can cope a bit and say 25-30 maybe, but if you can't do it voluntarily by 25 it's over, and if you can't do it by 30 voluntarily it's TRULY 100% over.
I doubt men and women are wired to be with one partner forever
And yet there are many examples in the civilized western world of that happening and working properly. I'm sure more primitive civilizations may have evolved differently and may be more biologically inclined towards polygamy, but monogamy typically works just fine if done properly among at least the majority of Europeans/East Asians.
women can only trulybe satisfied if they have chad and thats it
if they dont age, thats what theyll do 4ever
nothing else can make em happy.
Not according to the data, if that were true, as I said there wouldn't be so many examples of virgin women sticking around and reporting higher happiness levels when they stick with the first person they slept with forever, but yeah non virgin corrupted women will typically only be satisfied by Chad I can agree with that.
And putting women back in their place is just a meme tbh it aint happening
It's not a meme, it'll happen, don't worry, it make take a little longer than we'd like, but that's just the natural evolution of culture, and has been for over a thousand years.
So what the solution? even if I can get virgin women to marry and the divorce laws isnt biased, its still gonna be a shyte marriage.
Maybe don't marry a "virgin" woman who is in her 50's and you'll be fine?
Maybe don't marry a "virgin" woman who is in her 50's and you'll be fine?
I wasnt talking about marrying women on their 50s, I meant 3 of my aunts are 50+ yo now, but they were already married at 20 something
theyre all miserable as shit now, picking a fight with their husband over stupid shit,
and arent embarassed to do that in front of family & friends.
they arent americanized / spoiled growing up

Now compare this to another friend I know who got a virgin wife from Japan, she's very silent, respectful, basically does whatever he wants sexually, cooks daily, etc.
Find it hard to believe that Japanese or any asian women is obedient tbh, unless their husband is rich / chad
And ones that live in poor countries, with no job / education opportunity
and know theyd be in the gutter without their husband
^THIS is the only women, youll have a good marriage with
be rich / chad / marry poor desolate women in a country that doesnt really care about woman's rights

Basically the only reason women were subservient back then was cause they have no choice
either shes the subservient one or you are, at least this is the case from what Ive seen

no other advice would work, marry 'decent', young, unspoiled, virgin dont work
sex life is crap, probably got 1 starfish sex a week, with her being visibly uninterested by it
then itll dry up completely on your 40s,
then deal with her nagging all day about how hard it is to cook and take care of the house
and how unappreciated she feels
wihle you have to bust your ass working 9-5 to feed her and the kids
and like most husbands, your kids and wife prolly want nothing to do with you until they needed money

I aint gonna fall for the grass is greener scam that desperate, lonely people fell into
maybe the grass aint greener

besides noodles are ugly asf, its not even worth the trouble marrying them jfl

A lot of white men married noodlewhores thinking theyd be more subservient, loving, appreciative JFL
that typically dont last long
noodles are just better at hiding their true colors, also theyre greedy and calculative af

It's not a meme, it'll happen, don't worry, it make take a little longer than we'd like, but that's just the natural evolution of culture, and has been for over a thousand years.
brah Ill be old asf or dead by the time this happen
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Because "happiness" and "fulfillment" are very subjective things, so how did they gauge ones happiness and fulfillment, that's an extremely relevant question to ascertain if there is bias present

Do you seriously think it's just a coincidence that women belonging to the last remaining patriarchal subculture in the United States are less likely to suffer from depression or chronic stress than mainstream American women? It almost seems as if women, much like children, benefit in the long run from being controlled by their fathers and husbands.

Compared with women in the general population, Amish women rated their physical health approximately at the same level, but reported less stress, fewer symptoms of depression, and had higher aggregate scores for mental health. Amish women reported low levels of intimate partner violence, high levels of social support, and they perceived low levels of unfair treatment owing to gender compared with the general population.

women can only trulybe satisfied if they have chad and thats it
nothing else can make em happy.

Actually, you're wrong:


There are no limits to female hypergamy. Once a woman gets Chad to marry her, it's only a matter of time before she becomes unhappy and starts looking for an even better-looking man. Even top-tier men are at risk of being cheated upon or divorce raped. For a woman who feels entitled to Gigachad, chads become just as undesirable as incels. Women simply want the most attractive men they can get. If the most attractive man a woman can get is her looksmatch, she will settle for him. Many married women freely admit that they have a "fear of better options". If monogamy was enforced, women would have improved peace of mind knowing that there are no better options out there for them.
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I wasnt talking about marrying women on their 50s, I meant 3 of my aunts are 50+ yo now, but they were already married at 20 something
and theyre all miserable as shit now, picking a fight with their husband over stupid shit,
and arent embarassed to do that in front of family & friends.
and they arent americanized / spoiled growing up
Okay well still as I said, not all virgins/cultures are equal. Most of these studies/data are done in western countries, some random anecdotal evidence from a Muslim country of an unverified virgin isn't really a way to disprove this stuff.
Find it hard to believe that Japanese or any asian women is obedient tbh, unless their husband is rich / chad
I don't know who is spreading the myth that Japanese women are somehow more shallow/require you to be Chad, from my research the only Asian women that seem to be pretty problematic in this realm are non virgins, and Chinese women, but in regards to Chinese women specifically, I feel like i'd need to do a bit more research on that front, but I have seen many examples of this and this most definitely not the case, the guy I know in my example is not even close to a Chad, and he most definitely is not rich. Pretty average on all counts.

However I will say this, he is white, and everyone I know who is HAPPILY married to an Asian woman is white, so there might be some JBW halo/bias on that front that makes their life much easier in that department at least in regards to getting a good asian woman.
And ones that live in poor countries, with no job / education opportunity
and know theyd be in the gutter without their husband
^THIS is the only women, youll have a good marriage with
be rich / chad / marry poor desolate women in a country that doesnt really care about woman's rights
This can work, but this can also backfire if they're a not virgin, you see the virgin thing really is the be all end all. Lets say you're an average white guy, and you marry a poor girl from a slum in SEA or something, but she's not a virgin, you take her back to your country, and she see's tons of white guys all around her, because she's already been corrupted, the liklihood of her cheating on your is much much higher than if she wasn't a virgin, even if said virgin was from an average background and was a higher class asian such as a Japanese woman.
no other advice would work, marry 'decent', young, unspoiled, virgin dont work
According to the data it does
sex life is crap, probably got 1 starfish sex a week, with her being visibly uninterested by it
According to the data it's good, and while this specific anecdote i'm about to mention is...well...anecdotal, every man I know who has Married a virgin reports an active, DAILY, sex life with her, unless of course one of them is sick or something of that nature.
then itll dry up completely on your 40s,
This doesn't really seem to be the case either, we can take a look at older generations who are in very long term relations 20-30+ year relationships, yunno boomer types in the west who got married to their highschool sweetheart when they were both virgins and just out of highschool, and a lot of them have reported pretty active sex lives aswell, even up into their 40's, 50's, 60's.
besides noodles are ugly asf, its not even worth the trouble marrying them jfl
Maybe if you go after a SEA Subhuman, a white guy going after his looksmatch in Japan typically will produce much better results.
A lot of white men married noodlewhores thinking theyd be more subservient, loving, appreciative JFL
that typically dont last long
noodles are just better at hiding their true colors, also theyre greedy and calculative af
A lot of white men married, non virgin, south east asian, subhuman whores, that's not really an argument lol
brah Ill be old asf or dead by the time this happen
The entire world hasn't been engulfed in marxism and degeneracy yet, unless you're a 1/10 truecel mentalcel, there's still sexual markets out there even for curries if you spend the time and resources into locationmaxxing and finding a good sexual market.
This is another cope that needs to be ended, one that is widely held by traditionalists

Today women get to ride the cock carousel and still have a beta provider waiting for them at the end of it all, rather than having to immediately settle for and pair up with said beta provider in their early years. You have to be coping to believe the "red pilled" meme of "women just want to have babies and be in committed relationships deep down, its society poisoning them" :feelskek:

Nope, women love fucking around, yes they want to have babies too, but now they can fuck around and have babies, and society foots the bill with taxes, women have barely any consequences to their actions today. You are coping if you think women of the past are happier than women today are, when with the swipe of a finger they can get gangbanged by chads, and have a beta pay all of their bills and support their lifestyle, all with barely any effort

You grab the average woman from the patriarchal past and place her in the present, and give her a year of living like a modern woman, and when presented with the option of going back, SHE WILL REFUSE, and it won't be because she'll miss the technological advancements


Believing otherwise is just a cope men give themselves so they can think there is still hope of returning to the "good times":

JFL, they aren't unhappy, the only thing women have deep down is more room in their cunt for chad cock

Any man who doesn't realize that women today are happier than they have ever been is LYING TO THEMSELVES:feelskek:

They will site articles about women who had their eggs frozen to pursue their careers and now they can't have children because something went wrong, and they'll cope

:feelskek: JFL at these copes

No you fucking idiot, they wanted both, they wanted to have their cake and eat it too, that failure in their life doesn't mean they didn't want to be a whore and fuck Chads endlessly, that failure doesn't mean they didn't enjoy the past successes (successes in their book)

Coping idiots like to phrase scenarios like this as women realizing that they missed out on what they really wanted, when in actuality, it was just a woman chasing after the things she wanted in her best years, and being naive thinking that she still had time to pursue her SECONDARY GOALS.

So to all the traditionalist copers, please stop it, for your own good, you know full well women are happier today, women regretting the end result of their whorish choices doesn't take away from the fact that they THOROUGHLY ENJOYED THOSE CHOICES, and if you asked any of them if they could do it over again, would they make the same choices, THEY WOULD ANSWER YES, or probably just get their beta provider earlier and cheat on him with Chad, so they can BOTH get to fuck chad and reproduce
I like your posts
The entire world hasn't been engulfed in marxism and degeneracy yet, unless you're a 1/10 truecel mentalcel, there's still sexual markets out there even for curries if you spend the time and resources into locationmaxxing and finding a good sexual market.

every man I know who has Married a virgin reports an active, DAILY, sex life with her, unless of course one of them is sick or something of that nature.
:feelsmega::giga: but this I find hard to believe...
I used to think that womens' declining happiness was definitive proof for the "return to patriarchy" argument, but it recently dawned on me that women are probably more unhappy due to their sudden and relatively recent exposure to Chads and subsequent inability to lock the limited amount of Chads down.

What I will say is that ultimately it does not matter what the facts say or doesn't say when it comes to shaping society, facts only matter to the extent that they can either prove or disprove certain assertions made about reality. To 95% of modern foids patriarchy sounds like living hell which is all that matters. Perception is reality to almost everyone. The key to shaping society is to gain almost if not exclusive access to the media apparatus, it is not by informing emotionally driven femoids that they were actually better off during patriarchy. The nazis, communists and Jews all understood this. I am personally completely emotionally divorced from this argument and I don't care about women's happiness one way or the other, but if you make a claim that contradicts everything the researchers say on this topic, as OP did, you're obviously gonna get called out on it. It's nothing to do with "coping"

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