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Blackpill [Hard To Swallow Edition] Why Male Advocacy & Men's Rights Groups Are A Complete Waste Of Time (Society Needs Male Disenfranchisement To Survive)



Feb 28, 2018
The incelsco twitter finally got taken down (surprise surprise).

I don't know why the site owners were even delusionally thinking that we could operate within the "normiesphere" and "have a voice" (long term).

I don't think it's sunk in to many incels heads yet that men are ultimately utilities to society, so it doesn't matter how much you argue, beg, plead, use statistics, appeal to emotions, etc. Our voices will always be silenced "for the greater good".

Has any of you ever said the line "women and children first" to yourself and REALLY let it sink in what your place in society is?

Have you really spent time "feeling the weight" of that cliche phrase?

Have you fully comprehended it's meaning and the implications that lie therein?

If any violent incident, tragic accident, or unforeseen disaster takes place within your vicinity, you instantly cease to matter, and you are expected to just lay down and die OR put your life on the line, so that random women and children can survive.

You'll get no thanks, you'll get no appreciation, and as an incel you defintely won't get to breed and have a woman and child of your own before you die for the sake of random women and children.

This can happen at any moment in your life:
If you are in a store that catches fire and you are among a crowd that's trapped in a section of the store
If you are in a collapsing building that's lost it's structural integrity and fire fighters show up to get people out safely
If a bank robbery takes place while you are inside (guess which hostages get released first?)
If you are on a boat and it starts to sink (Titanic anybody?, they actually tried to make this shit "romantic" lol)
Etc, etc, etc

I don't think a lot of incels have really thought about this, a lot of men period, but it's worse that incels don't because were supposed to be the black pilled ones.

If you are on a boat and it starts to sink, in an instant the value of your life DROPS TO ZERO the moment someone utters the phrase "women and children first". Someone could seriously do a dystopian psychological thriller short movie about this very scenario, about how easily a man can be placed in a situation like this.

I've thought about this before many times, and I often think about how I could get myself out of situations like that before it happens lol (my paranoia is something else).

Like what to look for while in a bank so that I don't get caught up in a bank robbery, what could I take with me on a boat or cruise ship within weight limits so that I can ensure my own survival, etc. I don't think many men think about how dangerous it is to be a man in modern society, and how at a moments notice you can go from "everyday life" to "sacrificial lamb".

In a split second all these "proud independent women" will be standing in wait for you to throw yourself to the wolves so that they can survive, and they will have an army of men backing them, ready and willing to force you to make the sacrifice.

Don't fucking delude yourself for a second into thinking that this is voluntary, once you are caught up in the scenario you don't have a choice. Not unless you are willing to fight and kill everyone present so that there are no witnesses, because you will face jail time for not sacrificing yourself by obeying the commands of law enforcement or fire service.

If you attempt to save yourself you will be charged with some kind of "obstruction" or "endangerment" lol.

I guarantee you that if any guy tried to board a boat after they said "women and children first" men would gather around and throw him back onto the boat (if not throw him overboard for having the gall to not be a slave to women and society).

Get this through your head my fellow incels:

You see a lot of you guys still think that the disregarding of your existence starts at "incel", but no, you get it two fold. It starts at "man".

It doesn't matter what you do, what you say, how much you beg and plead, how good of a person you are IRL, etc, because men being disenfranchised is a net benefit to society as a collective, that's just a fact.

Giving women rights and the ability to vote and work was a net benefit to the economy as women are the frivolous spenders between the two sexes. That's exactly why they currently own 2/3 of student debt (900+ Billion), and most of that debt is for shitty useless made up degrees that shouldn't even exist (like gender studies major), and those degrees revolve around shitty useless "make work" jobs that shouldn't even exist.

That's why these women end up in debt and stay in debt, they waste money on useless degrees and they chase after shitty pointless low wage jobs.

Giving women rights and the ability to work also allowed the government to tax 50% of the population that they couldn't before, and it saturated the job market, meaning that the government and private companies didn't need to pay fair wages anymore because supply and demand is the name of the game. In the past a man could provide for an entire family on one paycheck, that all changed primarily because women entered the work force and significantly lowered the value of male labor.

Keep in mind that the average woman prefers to date and marry men that make 58% more than they do (based on stats).

So first they fucked up the job economy and severely lowered men's leverage on the job market to demand higher wages, AND THEN they demand that men make 58% more than they did in the past :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:.

This is what happens when you let the most chaotic and illogical of the sexes have the ability to impact civilization. Chaos is all that awaits. This is why the only smart choice for the average man in these modern times is to OPT OUT OF SOCIETY.

Women having rights and resources artificially inflates the economy, making it look more active than it actually is, and allows the elites to line their pockets more.

This is why all this "incel PR (public relations)" nonsense that the mods and site owners were doing, and the "men's rights advocacy" nonsense the men's rights movement was doing, always looked retarded to me.

It's like they didn't have any self awareness, like they were denying reality.

Society doesn't need to be convinced of anything were saying, everybody already knows it's true, they just don't give a fuck because it doesn't affect them personally and because male disenfranchisement BENEFITS SOCIETY.

It's really that simple.

As men were expected to just be quiet and "take one for the team". Any incel who is still trying to "participate within society" and "change peoples minds" is a blue pilled idiot. Humans are innately selfish and our suffering is to the collective benefit of women and society as a whole (with respect to the economy).

The problem with people who have this retarded hopeful "we can change peoples minds" mindset, is that they are still looking at this through a narrow lens. They still think the black pill is only about looks, but it's about more than just physical attractiveness and how genetics plays a part in that.

The black pill is ultimately about the harsh nature of reality IN ALL RESPECTS (wealth (resources), genetics, intersexual dynamics, economy (rich vs poor), etc).

Men being incels benefits the economy so it doesn't matter what we say or how we protest, so long as our suffering helps to line the pockets of the elites and it helps to create a "buzzing economy", nobody is going to care what we have to say.

Our voices will always be repressed, and our message will always be ignored even if heard.



That's my plan.

Always remember, as incels society is not our problem. Normie problems are not our problem, we were already rejected by society itself on so many levels, we owe it no allegiance:
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Men's rights is just feminism for men. They say shit like women grope men too instead of acknowledging that sexual assault is a fucking meme overall. It's dishonest
:blackpill: This is something I realised when I observed how men using any kind of advantage they have in the sexual market (males having a longer biological clock than females and going after younger women accordingly being the biggest example) was shamed by society, but females using their advantages over men to their benefit and doing so openly is seen as a-ok

It doesn't matter that the male example I gave does not directly harm the lives of a single person, IF IT BENEFITS MEN'S COLLECTIVE SEXUAL INTERESTS, ITS BAD

The thots that sleep around and have multiple bastards by multiple baby dadies ruin: their children's lives, their family's lives (the parents often are forced to bail her out financially), the fathers' lives who must often pay child support, their own lives ironically, and the taxpayers get shafted by having to foot the bill, but SINCE IT BENEFITS WOMEN'S COLLECTIVE SEXUAL INTERESTS, ITS OK

Like you said, its THAT SIMPLE. If something benefits women sexually, its considered good, if it benefits men sexually, its considered bad - THAT is society's current moral compass, there is zero point in arguing with these normies using logic or reason
Based asf

But also mens rights movements are just all talk they wont actually do jack shit to make a change

atleast those damn foids had the balls to go out and scream and holler at the police to get their rights
If something benefits women sexually, its considered good, if it benefits men sexually, its considered bad - THAT is society's current moral compass, there is zero point in arguing with these normies using logic or reason
Exactly. You are expected to be a sacrificial lamb, and if you don't fulfill that role, you are now "the bad guy".
Based asf

But also mens rights movements are just all talk they wont actually do jack shit to make a change

atleast those damn foids had the balls to go out and scream and holler at the police to get their rights
foids haven't gone ER yet so they still got nuthin on us:feelsUgh:
atleast those damn foids had the balls to go out and scream and holler at the police to get their rights
I wouldn't give them any props.

Those women didn't do anything, they knew full well that:
1. Society would listen to women pleading.
2. Society doesn't see women as a threat so they had little risk of being handled violently for protesting.

For men it's the opposite. Nobody gives a fuck about men because male suffering is a requirement so that society can improve women's lives and ramp up the economy. Also law enforcement will infact act more violently towards men protesting.
As usual Very logical and deep into reality

Your thread made me think about this story of a teacher who wanted to show how men and women use resources and power ( I think this article was one my first dive into blackpill) :

The teacher gave candy to all the males in class , very tasty treats, none to the girls.
In a few seconds all the girls were chatting with every male in the class even the most unpopular and dorkiest, they share it with the women.

He waited a few days and repeat the experience by giving candy to girls only .
Once they had the candy , the girls closed their circle and kept it for themselves only the two most popular boy in the class could engage and get candy from the girls

If you’ve understood this experiment, you understood everything there is to know about gender dynamics
As usual Very logical and deep into reality

Your thread made me think about this story of a teacher who wanted to show how men and women use resources and power ( I think this article was one my first dive into blackpill) :

The teacher gave candy to all the males in class , very tasty treats, none to the girls.
In a few seconds all the girls were chatting with every male in the class even the most unpopular and dorkiest, they share it with the women.

He waited a few days and repeat the experience by giving candy to girls only .
Once they had the candy , the girls closed their circle and kept it for themselves only the two most popular boy in the class could engage and get candy from the girls

If you’ve understood this experiment, you understood everything there is to know about gender dynamics
I saw that post too.

If you give women power society becomes more elitist and power becomes more concentrated to a small group of men.

If you give men power society becomes less elitist and power becomes more evenly distributed among a large male collective.

The problem is that women think they are in a position to get some power for themselves, but all feminism has done is given a smaller group of men the power.

Women are still chasing after marriage in children despite all this feminism bullshit, and guess what, women only date and marry up the socioeconomic ladder. That means the top tier males have a monopoly on women and they will obviously pump and dump (they have no reason to rush to settle, time is on their side).

Men don't have the same biological clock as women, so while women are rushing and panicking to have children in their 30's (which is still late), men can have healthy children in their 50's, 60's, etc.

All feminists have done is given more leverage to a smaller percentage of men. At the end of the day women are still beholden to men to have their needs met, so they are still powerless.

The power women have in society is an illusion. They haven't claimed any power for themselves, they've siphoned it off from the majority of men and transferred it over to the minority elite.
Globhomo has basically neutered men and consequently made western society weak
The problem is that when you are weak, in reality, someone strong will take your shit
One such group will eventually conquer the west or bully them into submission

The weak are meat and the strong do eat

hannibal lecter horror GIF by Coolidge Corner Theatre
Frankly I’am glad that this society is getting taken down and more men are struggling

The USA and modern western country need a phenomenal lesson that will be studies for generations to come about what happens when you give power to women.
Frankly I’am glad that this society is getting taken down and more men are struggling

The USA and modern western country need a phenomenal lesson that will be studies for generations to come about what happens when you give power to women.
If I’ve become extremely rich I swear , I will fund the most vile and degenerate female fantasies to make the life of average normie men insufferable:
-polyamory, open relationship, women have 50% more pay, legalize harem for chads, ban all forms of prostitution :feelskek:
The truth about womans, they dont care about us, only care to our money, remember.


If I’ve become extremely rich I swear , I will fund the most vile and degenerate female fantasies to make the life of average normie men insufferable:
-polyamory, open relationship, women have 50% more pay, legalize harem for chads, ban all forms of prostitution :feelskek:
Dude let's not go too far, I'd have you assassinated with my money lol.

I understand accelerationism but if you carry it too far then it will start affecting even the lives of men that opted out. I'd stop at the polyamory and open relationship stuff, but I'm not going to help women get more money, if you think they won't use that money to fuck with even your life you are delusional. Also if you ban all forms of prostitution then how do you get laid?
As usual Very logical and deep into reality

Your thread made me think about this story of a teacher who wanted to show how men and women use resources and power ( I think this article was one my first dive into blackpill) :

The teacher gave candy to all the males in class , very tasty treats, none to the girls.
In a few seconds all the girls were chatting with every male in the class even the most unpopular and dorkiest, they share it with the women.

He waited a few days and repeat the experience by giving candy to girls only .
Once they had the candy , the girls closed their circle and kept it for themselves only the two most popular boy in the class could engage and get candy from the girls

If you’ve understood this experiment, you understood everything there is to know about gender dynamics
fuck that story
If I’ve become extremely rich I swear , I will fund the most vile and degenerate female fantasies to make the life of average normie men insufferable:
-polyamory, open relationship, women have 50% more pay, legalize harem for chads, ban all forms of prostitution :feelskek:
prostitution should be banned period
prostitution should be banned period
So should "dating" and "marriage" be banned too?

Because they operate on the same principles as prostitution.
So should "dating" and "marriage" be banned too?

Because they operate on the same principles as prostitution.
yea i guess everyone pays for it in some way (every man is a john, every woman is a prostitute).

i guess i only want prostitution banned mainly so that normie men can't have easy access to sex. they should have to get it the harder way
prostitution should be banned period
All women are prostitute

It’s just the normal prostitute are asking for a currency you don’t have : attractiveness and social status
Master took down the Twitter himself because he's feeling suicidal. Read the thread pinned in ID.

The fastest way to make soyciety collapse is to get as many based men we can on our side, so we can fight back the elite when they try to exterminate us.
Master took down the Twitter himself because he's feeling suicidal. Read the thread pinned in ID.

The fastest way to make soyciety collapse is to get as many based men we can on our side, so we can fight back the elite when they try to exterminate us.
JFL I don't think @Master is killing himself at all. I think he got himself some money together (maybe because of something related to this forum or personal investments) and he's just pulling the rip cord to set off to his new life. This "I'm killing myself" thing is just his best way to "go out" that will get the least amount of people trying to dig up information.

Heck, maybe I'll make a suicide thread after wealthmaxxing and it comes my time to leave :feelskek:.
JFL I don't think @Master is killing himself at all. I think he got himself some money together (maybe because of something related to this forum or personal investments) and he's just pulling the rip cord to set off to his new life. This "I'm killing myself" thing is just his best way to "go out" that will get the least amount of people trying to dig up information.

Heck, maybe I'll make a suicide thread after wealthmaxxing and it comes my time to leave :feelskek:.
I hope he passes the site over to @Fat Link if that's really the case. We should hear about it in the news if he goes through with it.
Heck, maybe I'll make a suicide thread after wealthmaxxing and it comes my time to leave :feelskek:.
don't do that
based retired cells must shepherd the younglings
don't do that
based retired cells must shepherd the younglings
Lol I won't, I know my threads will remain as the antithesis to the LDAR retards, and youncels need to come here and see that there's a path forward in life.
I'm sure Harvey Weinstein thought he was untouchable too, and he had more wealth than any of us will ever have.
Nobody is untouchable, you’re correct on this and we both know Harvey did nothing wrong , However he got too confortable and went overboard , no matter your position in life you must always feel the direction of the wind shifting.

He spent decades fuckin top tier actress and model, and didn’t see and couldn’t see the dynamics of power shifting
I understand accelerationism but if you carry it too far then it will start affecting even the lives of men that opted out. I'd stop at the polyamory and open relationship stuff, but I'm not going to help women get more money, if you think they won't use that money to fuck with even your life you are delusional.
I don’t think so tbh , the thing is you must raise the degrees of frustration of males and anger to their maximum , no such thing as halfway accelerationism

We must create a situation like the rape of the Sabine women if you don’t know about it’s an event when the men of Rome just didn’t gave a fuck and went mass kidnapped young women from the neighboring city.:feelskek:

I absolutely love the painting, renaissance art is the best





I love the expression on the last one

- the guy on the right is like :fuck off old man I’am taking your jailbait daughter :feelskek:

The guy on the left lifting the women in blue have the most perverted look on his face like : tonight we’re going deep:feelskek:
- the guy on the right is like :fuck off old man I’am taking your jailbait daughter :feelskek:

The guy on the left lifting the women in blue have the most perverted look on his face like : tonight we’re going deep:feelskek:
How great it would have been to be a soldier in those moments. I would bust so fucking hard I'd be soar for days.
So Im writing this because this thread doesn't say it directly: every men rights momvement will do exactly nothing,
Its either total revolution or its nothing. Im not saying revolution will happen, because it probably wont happen for next few hundred years, but im saying its the only option. Peaceful options will never work because there will always be men that will defend women in hope of getting pussy/family/reproduction in the current system.

Im from Poland, so Ukraine is just over border. Polish incels and polish manosphere is talking a lot about morality of forced draft in a war time and most normie MEN are saying thats its completly OK to force men into army in case of war, because "it always have been like that and someone have to defend a country". Arguments like "it was like that in time where women had no rights, so since women have rights they can defend a country just in the same way man can do" doesnt matter and suddenly all normies are becoming misogynistic and they are saying "men outperform women and weak women would be only a burden" Very misogynistic:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: of them, but no one cares because they are defending muh women.
Do you think femists are protesting that someone is forced to do with their body something he dont like? Oh no, quite the opposite, they say how todays men are weak because they dont want fight in a war.
Funny thing is - men who have kids and wives openly say that they dont give a fuk about war and they will flee with their family. Its actually normie single men that are saying that men without family should defend country because they have nothing to loose :feelshaha::feelshaha:

On the other side - polish goverment introduced law that says that women wont be able to leave the country during war unless they are pregnant or ill, and women that are working in specific fields like health care and IT will be forced to work for our country during war :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
The leader of our government is old single man so he makes very based decisions, but he will lose power next year because Normies seethe like mad.
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The incelsco twitter finally got taken down (surprise surprise).

I don't know why the site owners were even delusionally thinking that we could operate within the "normiesphere" and "have a voice" (long term).

I don't think it's sunk in to many incels heads yet that men are ultimately utilities to society, so it doesn't matter how much you argue, beg, plead, use statistics, appeal to emotions, etc. Our voices will always be silenced "for the greater good".

Has any of you ever said the line "women and children first" to yourself and REALLY let it sink in what your place in society is?

Have you really spent time "feeling the weight" of that cliche phrase?

Have you fully comprehended it's meaning and the implications that lie therein?

If any violent incident, tragic accident, or unforeseen disaster takes place within your vicinity, you instantly cease to matter, and you are expected to just lay down and die OR put your life on the line, so that random women and children can survive.

You'll get no thanks, you'll get no appreciation, and as an incel you defintely won't get to breed and have a woman and child of your own before you die for the sake of random women and children.

This can happen at any moment in your life:
If you are in a store that catches fire and you are among a crowd that's trapped in a section of the store
If you are in a collapsing building that's lost it's structural integrity and fire fighters show up to get people out safely
If a bank robbery takes place while you are inside (guess which hostages get released first?)
If you are on a boat and it starts to sink (Titanic anybody?, they actually tried to make this shit "romantic" lol)
Etc, etc, etc

I don't think a lot of incels have really thought about this, a lot of men period, but it's worse that incels don't because were supposed to be the black pilled ones.

If you are on a boat and it starts to sink, in an instant the value of your life DROPS TO ZERO the moment someone utters the phrase "women and children first". Someone could seriously do a dystopian psychological thriller short movie about this very scenario, about how easily a man can be placed in a situation like this.

I've thought about this before many times, and I often think about how I could get myself out of situations like that before it happens lol (my paranoia is something else).

Like what to look for while in a bank so that I don't get caught up in a bank robbery, what could I take with me on a boat or cruise ship within weight limits so that I can ensure my own survival, etc. I don't think many men think about how dangerous it is to be a man in modern society, and how at a moments notice you can go from "everyday life" to "sacrificial lamb".

In a split second all these "proud independent women" will be standing in wait for you to throw yourself to the wolves so that they can survive, and they will have an army of men backing them, ready and willing to force you to make the sacrifice.

Don't fucking delude yourself for a second into thinking that this is voluntary, once you are caught up in the scenario you don't have a choice. Not unless you are willing to fight and kill everyone present so that there are no witnesses, because you will face jail time for not sacrificing yourself by obeying the commands of law enforcement or fire service.

If you attempt to save yourself you will be charged with some kind of "obstruction" or "endangerment" lol.

I guarantee you that if any guy tried to board a boat after they said "women and children first" men would gather around and throw him back onto the boat (if not throw him overboard for having the gall to not be a slave to women and society).

Get this through your head my fellow incels:

You see a lot of you guys still think that the disregarding of your existence starts at "incel", but no, you get it two fold. It starts at "man".

It doesn't matter what you do, what you say, how much you beg and plead, how good of a person you are IRL, etc, because men being disenfranchised is a net benefit to society as a collective, that's just a fact.

Giving women rights and the ability to vote and work was a net benefit to the economy as women are the frivolous spenders between the two sexes. That's exactly why they currently own 2/3 of student debt (900+ Billion), and most of that debt is for shitty useless made up degrees that shouldn't even exist (like gender studies major), and those degrees revolve around shitty useless "make work" jobs that shouldn't even exist.

That's why these women end up in debt and stay in debt, they waste money on useless degrees and they chase after shitty pointless low wage jobs.

Giving women rights and the ability to work also allowed the government to tax 50% of the population that they couldn't before, and it saturated the job market, meaning that the government and private companies didn't need to pay fair wages anymore because supply and demand is the name of the game. In the past a man could provide for an entire family on one paycheck, that all changed primarily because women entered the work force and significantly lowered the value of male labor.

Keep in mind that the average woman prefers to date and marry men that make 58% more than they do (based on stats).

So first they fucked up the job economy and severely lowered men's leverage on the job market to demand higher wages, AND THEN they demand that men make 58% more than they did in the past :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:.

This is what happens when you let the most chaotic and illogical of the sexes have the ability to impact civilization. Chaos is all that awaits. This is why the only smart choice for the average man in these modern times is to OPT OUT OF SOCIETY.

Women having rights and resources artificially inflates the economy, making it look more active than it actually is, and allows the elites to line their pockets more.

This is why all this "incel PR (public relations)" nonsense that the mods and site owners were doing, and the "men's rights advocacy" nonsense the men's rights movement was doing, always looked retarded to me.

It's like they didn't have any self awareness, like they were denying reality.

Society doesn't need to be convinced of anything were saying, everybody already knows it's true, they just don't give a fuck because it doesn't affect them personally and because male disenfranchisement BENEFITS SOCIETY.

It's really that simple.

As men were expected to just be quiet and "take one for the team". Any incel who is still trying to "participate within society" and "change peoples minds" is a blue pilled idiot. Humans are innately selfish and our suffering is to the collective benefit of women and society as a whole (with respect to the economy).

The problem with people who have this retarded hopeful "we can change peoples minds" mindset, is that they are still looking at this through a narrow lens. They still think the black pill is only about looks, but it's about more than just physical attractiveness and how genetics plays a part in that.

The black pill is ultimately about the harsh nature of reality IN ALL RESPECTS (wealth (resources), genetics, intersexual dynamics, economy (rich vs poor), etc).

Men being incels benefits the economy so it doesn't matter what we say or how we protest, so long as our suffering helps to line the pockets of the elites and it helps to create a "buzzing economy", nobody is going to care what we have to say.

Our voices will always be repressed, and our message will always be ignored even if heard.



That's my plan.

Always remember, as incels society is not our problem. Normie problems are not our problem, we were already rejected by society itself on so many levels, we owe it no allegiance:
incels also need to understand that the vast majority of men also dont care about us and that incels only have eachother
On the other side - polish goverment introduced law that says that women wont be able to leave the country during war unless they are pregnant or ill, and women that are working in specific fields like health care and IT will be forced to work for our country during war :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Fucking love this guy already :feelskek:.
The incelsco twitter finally got taken down (surprise surprise).

I don't know why the site owners were even delusionally thinking that we could operate within the "normiesphere" and "have a voice" (long term).

I don't think it's sunk in to many incels heads yet that men are ultimately utilities to society, so it doesn't matter how much you argue, beg, plead, use statistics, appeal to emotions, etc. Our voices will always be silenced "for the greater good".

Has any of you ever said the line "women and children first" to yourself and REALLY let it sink in what your place in society is?

Have you really spent time "feeling the weight" of that cliche phrase?

Have you fully comprehended it's meaning and the implications that lie therein?

If any violent incident, tragic accident, or unforeseen disaster takes place within your vicinity, you instantly cease to matter, and you are expected to just lay down and die OR put your life on the line, so that random women and children can survive.

You'll get no thanks, you'll get no appreciation, and as an incel you defintely won't get to breed and have a woman and child of your own before you die for the sake of random women and children.

This can happen at any moment in your life:
If you are in a store that catches fire and you are among a crowd that's trapped in a section of the store
If you are in a collapsing building that's lost it's structural integrity and fire fighters show up to get people out safely
If a bank robbery takes place while you are inside (guess which hostages get released first?)
If you are on a boat and it starts to sink (Titanic anybody?, they actually tried to make this shit "romantic" lol)
Etc, etc, etc

I don't think a lot of incels have really thought about this, a lot of men period, but it's worse that incels don't because were supposed to be the black pilled ones.

If you are on a boat and it starts to sink, in an instant the value of your life DROPS TO ZERO the moment someone utters the phrase "women and children first". Someone could seriously do a dystopian psychological thriller short movie about this very scenario, about how easily a man can be placed in a situation like this.

I've thought about this before many times, and I often think about how I could get myself out of situations like that before it happens lol (my paranoia is something else).

Like what to look for while in a bank so that I don't get caught up in a bank robbery, what could I take with me on a boat or cruise ship within weight limits so that I can ensure my own survival, etc. I don't think many men think about how dangerous it is to be a man in modern society, and how at a moments notice you can go from "everyday life" to "sacrificial lamb".

In a split second all these "proud independent women" will be standing in wait for you to throw yourself to the wolves so that they can survive, and they will have an army of men backing them, ready and willing to force you to make the sacrifice.

Don't fucking delude yourself for a second into thinking that this is voluntary, once you are caught up in the scenario you don't have a choice. Not unless you are willing to fight and kill everyone present so that there are no witnesses, because you will face jail time for not sacrificing yourself by obeying the commands of law enforcement or fire service.

If you attempt to save yourself you will be charged with some kind of "obstruction" or "endangerment" lol.

I guarantee you that if any guy tried to board a boat after they said "women and children first" men would gather around and throw him back onto the boat (if not throw him overboard for having the gall to not be a slave to women and society).

Get this through your head my fellow incels:

You see a lot of you guys still think that the disregarding of your existence starts at "incel", but no, you get it two fold. It starts at "man".

It doesn't matter what you do, what you say, how much you beg and plead, how good of a person you are IRL, etc, because men being disenfranchised is a net benefit to society as a collective, that's just a fact.

Giving women rights and the ability to vote and work was a net benefit to the economy as women are the frivolous spenders between the two sexes. That's exactly why they currently own 2/3 of student debt (900+ Billion), and most of that debt is for shitty useless made up degrees that shouldn't even exist (like gender studies major), and those degrees revolve around shitty useless "make work" jobs that shouldn't even exist.

That's why these women end up in debt and stay in debt, they waste money on useless degrees and they chase after shitty pointless low wage jobs.

Giving women rights and the ability to work also allowed the government to tax 50% of the population that they couldn't before, and it saturated the job market, meaning that the government and private companies didn't need to pay fair wages anymore because supply and demand is the name of the game. In the past a man could provide for an entire family on one paycheck, that all changed primarily because women entered the work force and significantly lowered the value of male labor.

Keep in mind that the average woman prefers to date and marry men that make 58% more than they do (based on stats).

So first they fucked up the job economy and severely lowered men's leverage on the job market to demand higher wages, AND THEN they demand that men make 58% more than they did in the past :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:.

This is what happens when you let the most chaotic and illogical of the sexes have the ability to impact civilization. Chaos is all that awaits. This is why the only smart choice for the average man in these modern times is to OPT OUT OF SOCIETY.

Women having rights and resources artificially inflates the economy, making it look more active than it actually is, and allows the elites to line their pockets more.

This is why all this "incel PR (public relations)" nonsense that the mods and site owners were doing, and the "men's rights advocacy" nonsense the men's rights movement was doing, always looked retarded to me.

It's like they didn't have any self awareness, like they were denying reality.

Society doesn't need to be convinced of anything were saying, everybody already knows it's true, they just don't give a fuck because it doesn't affect them personally and because male disenfranchisement BENEFITS SOCIETY.

It's really that simple.

As men were expected to just be quiet and "take one for the team". Any incel who is still trying to "participate within society" and "change peoples minds" is a blue pilled idiot. Humans are innately selfish and our suffering is to the collective benefit of women and society as a whole (with respect to the economy).

The problem with people who have this retarded hopeful "we can change peoples minds" mindset, is that they are still looking at this through a narrow lens. They still think the black pill is only about looks, but it's about more than just physical attractiveness and how genetics plays a part in that.

The black pill is ultimately about the harsh nature of reality IN ALL RESPECTS (wealth (resources), genetics, intersexual dynamics, economy (rich vs poor), etc).

Men being incels benefits the economy so it doesn't matter what we say or how we protest, so long as our suffering helps to line the pockets of the elites and it helps to create a "buzzing economy", nobody is going to care what we have to say.

Our voices will always be repressed, and our message will always be ignored even if heard.



That's my plan.

Always remember, as incels society is not our problem. Normie problems are not our problem, we were already rejected by society itself on so many levels, we owe it no allegiance:
Read everything. High IQ.
Didn’t you make a video about how failure is what give the society the appearance of functioning. I think that holds true especially for men.

View: https://youtu.be/c8Q01wYzlbo
:blackpill: This is something I realised when I observed how men using any kind of advantage they have in the sexual market (males having a longer biological clock than females and going after younger women accordingly being the biggest example) was shamed by society, but females using their advantages over men to their benefit and doing so openly is seen as a-ok

It doesn't matter that the male example I gave does not directly harm the lives of a single person, IF IT BENEFITS MEN'S COLLECTIVE SEXUAL INTERESTS, ITS BAD

The thots that sleep around and have multiple bastards by multiple baby dadies ruin: their children's lives, their family's lives (the parents often are forced to bail her out financially), the fathers' lives who must often pay child support, their own lives ironically, and the taxpayers get shafted by having to foot the bill, but SINCE IT BENEFITS WOMEN'S COLLECTIVE SEXUAL INTERESTS, ITS OK

Like you said, its THAT SIMPLE. If something benefits women sexually, its considered good, if it benefits men sexually, its considered bad - THAT is society's current moral compass, there is zero point in arguing with these normies using logic or reason
:yes::yes::yes::yes: this is why prostitutes aren't shamed, but regarded as victims while men that buy prostitutes are seen as predators or losers.
fucking based as usual. i really wanna convert some of your threads into videos...

I have always thought these kinds of groups were stupid and self defeating. Because male virtue is all about self sufficiency and strength. So when you have to join one of these groups to try and create change in your life, it is just an admission that you yourself are helpless to getting what you want and let other people walk all over you. Like I never see chads or rich people support these kinds of things. It is always weak men who support them.

I'm not saying that people shouldnt be ideological, but it has to be more sensible. Here's an example. One of the things mens rights groups always seethe about is divorce rape. This just makes them look weak because they admit they are being divorce raped. A stronger man who has more control over his foid wouldnt have this problem. A good ideology is like how I support all foids being forced into sexual slavery. It's not a problem in my life because I am already getting sex with prostitutes. But I support it because it would be be the best for me.
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Here's an example. One of the things mens rights groups always seethe about is divorce rape. This just makes them look weak because they admit they are being divorce raped.
It's much worse than that, it makes all men look weak because it gives the appearance that the male collective can't live without marriage, and they'd much rather risk getting divorce raped than to simply go on a marriage strike and live a bachelor lifestyle.

It's simply is about which side can "live without the other", and men are the only side operating as if they can't, so women have all of the leverage.

This is why I like movements like MGTOW over "Men's Rights" movements. The MGTOW guys have the right idea. Men can't beat women at their own game (the game of using sympathy to get help), so the only logical option is to opt out of the rigged game and live a bachelor life.

In some ways the MGTOW red pillers are more black pilled than many of the so called black pillers on this forum who obsess about "love", "female validation", romantic relationships, etc. They've truly accepted the reality of modern day society, their actions reflect that. Whereas the average incel is like the guys in this video, screaming and begging like fools, unwilling to accept reality and to operate accordingly:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGL1x40p46s

This video is the most relevant video when it comes to the black pill and the entire manosphere.
In some ways the MGTOW red pillers are more black pilled than many of the so called black pillers on this forum who obsess about "love", "female validation", romantic relationships, etc. They've truly accepted the reality of modern day society, their actions reflect that. Whereas the average incel is like the guys in this video, screaming and begging like fools, unwilling to accept reality and to operate accordingly:
Nah it's just cope. For the most part love is a human need that u can't just will away
Nah it's just cope. For the most part love is a human need that u can't just will away
There's no such thing as "love", it's a made up human concept, just like "romanticism". What you mean is that "sex" and "reproduction" are human needs, but your indoctrination is showing. You are projecting these blue pilled "positive" human concepts onto reality, you are draping the crass true form of human nature with something you find more appealing because it appeals to the human ego of us being "deep", "intelligent" and "not savages".

I didn't have to "will away" anything, I just had to be honest with myself and see what was already there for what it truly is. It's still there, it hasn't been "willed away", I can just be honest with myself, be introspective, and see the world for what it is.
There's no such thing as "love", it's a made up human concept,
It's an emotion jfl and without it u get loneliness that u can't just will away with logic. I can't feel love due to my methamphetamine usage but it literally took a neurotoxic chemical to get rid of it
It's an emotion jfl and without it u get loneliness that u can't just will away with logic. I can't feel love due to my methamphetamine usage but it literally took a neurotoxic chemical to get rid of it
I don't think you're getting what I'm saying, I don't mean "love" as in the feeling, I mean "love" as in that feeling meaning something "deep" and "important". It's no different than you feeling pain because you put your hand on a hot stove, or you feeling happy because you're eating something sweet, etc.

I'm not saying the feeling doesn't exist, I'm saying the value humans place on it doesn't exist, that we mystify and romanticize basic biology.

That's all for appeasing the "human ego" and wanting to see ourselves as "more than animals".
I don't think you're getting what I'm saying, I don't mean "love" as in the feeling, I mean "love" as in that feeling meaning something "deep" and "important". It's no different than you feeling pain because you put your hand on a hot stove, or you feeling happy because you're eating something sweet, etc.

I'm not saying the feeling doesn't exist, I'm saying the value humans place on it doesn't exist, that we mystify and romanticize basic biology.
Oh yeah I agree it's just dopamine like sex or eating junk food
That's all for appeasing the "human ego" and wanting to see ourselves as "more than animals".
Foids r super bad for this that's y they always complain about being "used for sex" in order to gaslight men and compare us to animals
As usual Very logical and deep into reality

Your thread made me think about this story of a teacher who wanted to show how men and women use resources and power ( I think this article was one my first dive into blackpill) :

The teacher gave candy to all the males in class , very tasty treats, none to the girls.
In a few seconds all the girls were chatting with every male in the class even the most unpopular and dorkiest, they share it with the women.

He waited a few days and repeat the experience by giving candy to girls only .
Once they had the candy , the girls closed their circle and kept it for themselves only the two most popular boy in the class could engage and get candy from the girls

If you’ve understood this experiment, you understood everything there is to know about gender dynamics
damn that's high iq man :feelskek:
Probably the most retarded post I have ever seen on this website.
Accelerationists are genuinely braindead. It's also hilarious seeing these pseuds congratulate their fellow retard for being "high iq" because he managed to type more than 1 paragraph.

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