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Blackpill [Hard To Swallow Edition] Morality Only Truly Benefits The "Winners" Of Society (Any "Loser" In Life With Self Imposed Moral Restrictions IS A FOOL)

In Islam, children and those who dont know the religion are deemed innocent if they die.
All religions are retarded copes for people who can’t deal with the injustice of reality. They need to believe an invisible reality where there’s justice after you die in order to carry on.
All religions are retarded copes for people who can’t deal with the injustice of reality. They need to believe an invisible reality where there’s justice after you die in order to carry on.

Ironically we would actually start solving more problems if we had no choice but to face them, but most people have their hopes rested on an "afterlife" so they can't really give a fuck about their current reality, religion ironically doesn't make people care more about life, it makes them care less, because an "afterlife" is waiting for them

This is why injustices are accepted, until something personally affects someone they don't really care
Ironically we would actually start solving more problems if we had no choice but to face them, but most people have their hopes rested on an "afterlife" so they can't really give a fuck about their current reality, religion ironically doesn't make people care more about life, it makes them care less, because an "afterlife" is waiting for them

This is why injustices are accepted, until something personally affects someone they don't really care

I dont get how you can say religious communities accept injustices, when said communities are often the ones who have the most severe punishments for injustices and the most strict rules to prevent injustice from happening. To give an obvious example: Gender segregation is heavily encouraged if not mandated among religious ppl, which in turn prevents rape, false accusations, adultery, and fornication
I dont get how you can say religious communities accept injustices, when said communities are often the ones who have the most severe punishments for injustices and the most strict rules to prevent injustice from happening. To give an obvious example: Gender segregation is heavily encouraged if not mandated among religious ppl, which in turn prevents rape, false accusations, adultery, and fornication

I'm not saying religious communities accept injustices, I'm talking about in general, there are a lot of things in the world that are unjust that the human collective just accepts, and that's because most people are religious and believe that "evil will be punished one day", and they don't really think its their problem because "they have heaven to look forward to"

I'm talking about things like the divorce and alimony laws for example, everybody knows its unjust for a man to have to pay child support for a child that has been proven not to be his by dna, what has the religious community done to solve that problem?, nothing, more money, time and effort is put towards anti-abortion campaigns because they are trying to "save souls" rather than help religious men who are being persecuted

That's just one example, there are a lot, its hard to focus on "real issues" when you don't see them as "real", because saving an "eternal soul" from endless torture is a much more pressing issue
I'm not saying religious communities accept injustices, I'm talking about in general, there are a lot of things in the world that are unjust that the human collective just accepts, and that's because most people are religious and believe that "evil will be punished one day", and they don't really think its their problem because "they have heaven to look forward to"

I'm talking about things like the divorce and alimony laws for example, everybody knows its unjust for a man to have to pay child support for a child that has been proven not to be his by dna, what has the religious community done to solve that problem?, nothing, more money, time and effort is put towards anti-abortion campaigns because they are trying to "save souls" rather than help religious men who are being persecuted

That's just one example, there are a lot, its hard to focus on "real issues" when you don't see them as "real", because saving an "eternal soul" from endless torture is a much more pressing issue
i would say that is more people simply being apathetic due to modern tech/cities destroying the tribal/community life we used to have. If something is not affecting me immediately and directly, why bother getting involved? That's the mentality involved I think

When it comes to alimony/child support, the best the religious community can do is to not get legal marriages (just religious marriages) and to create their own community detached as much from possible for the rest of society and to marry the girls off young. It's tough, but feminists and jews have too much power at this point, and nothing short of a disaster will ever change this
Lol, I can’t help but feel like this thread is bait for me given our recent conversations in the pedo thread? Ngl, I enjoy our debates either way because I think you’re a worthy opponent and I feel like you relish it too, so I’m going to bite, mainly because; most of the time I can actually see and respect you and where you are coming from as a thinker (unlike many others here who I end up in prolonged disagreement with.)

First of all, I agree that it is much easier to adhere some kind of moral code when your life is already easy, which is why I despise the Christian interpretation of morality where people are judged as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ based on their actions because everyone begins from a different starting point and it doesn’t make sense to judge people’s ability to reach the same end point when they have all begun the race from a different starting point. I don’t even judge serial killers as fundamentally ‘worse people’ (though their presence certainly has a detrimental effect on society) because most of the time they lack the conscious capacity to experience empathy, so it is absurd to judge them by the same standard you would judge someone who can. No one knows how they would respond if they instead were living with that kind of psychological template.

I actually totally agree from a purely rational standpoint that it does make sense to disregard conventional morality in order to level the playing field with those who are above you in the hierarchy, but we aren’t purely rational creatures so you can only operate within your psychological template in congruence your susceptibility to your emotions, a matrix in which we are all programmed differently and thus, you can’t instruct someone to not feel disgust or anger towards something just because you do / don’t personally. Where I think we differ is in the fact that your appetite for sadism massively outweighs that of the average person, whereas as mine only supersedes it marginally. I am detached enough that when a massacre occurs, I don’t feel personally blighted by the suffering of the victims and their families, and ill admit I actually do enjoy reading about the perpetrator, their motives and the grisly details of the attack. But that is more out of a fascination for the macabre rather than a genuine sadistic glee for their suffering - which I think is the case for you. That’s why I would never gain any satisfaction from carrying out an attack like that myself in the way you have professed that you would, and it doesn’t make sense for you to try and convince me that I should.

The thing is, based on what you’ve written there, I think we actually agree that society needs to follow some kind of ethical template in order to be a functional living space for the majority. It seems to me that your disdain for morality stems from the opinion that if it doesn’t serve you in any way, you shouldn’t have to conform to it. That actually makes sense to me, (though I think it is serving you in more ways than you realise.) My previously stated opinions on the necessity for morality in society are much more existential than your own, which are highly personal. You cannot advocate for a society-wide disregard for all forms of morality if you are also intent on using your own lack of morality as a tool to climb the hierarchical structure you so despise your lowly position in. Because if everyone totally and utterly disregards their moral convictions then there is no trust there for you to later betray, no cooperation for you to exploit, no ladder for you even to climb. Chimpanzees require a primitive form of morality to sustain their social structures, despite the fact there is MASSIVE inequality in their hierarchies too, even the chimps at the bottom of this social structure are benefitting from this morality because it is the only thing stopping them from being torn limb from limb. So even those of us who hate the moral code for its hypocrisy in it expecting more from us than those who already have it all, we are still benefiting from it in some way too because the principles of equity enshrined in our systems of law (a construct of our collective morality) are actually the only thing stopping those at the top of the pyramid from exercising even more oppression and despotism over us than they already are, and if everyone at the bottom were to cast them aside as meaningless then we would be crushed by the overwhelming response from those at the top who currently hold far more power than we do.

This is the only sensible and intelligent post here thus far. OP's worldview is immature, underdeveloped and very shortsighted. It takes a simple edge case hypothetical to illustrate why.

Suppose that every single person in the world thought and operated like OP. How would society operate? What would it look like? Would there even be law and order? It would be instant chaos and humanity wouldn't ever have reached even the stone age, as it would be a self-serving free-for-all in a race to the top to dominate and maximally exploit the other guy. It would be like the Sith's rule of two, but on a large scale.

A society operating on rules and agreements whether implicit (morals) or explicit (laws) is necessary for stability, functionality, and advancement. It's the backbone of civilization. Throw morals away and it all comes crumbling very fast. If might was right and the biggest, baddest alpha got to the top of the pyramid on the corpses and maimed underneath him, his reign would be very short-lived, as would the next alpha's, ad infinitum.

The great irony here is that OP's modus operandi is possible only in a moral society, else there wouldn't be much of a society to begin with.

I love your threads, OP. But not for the reasons you think.
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And who are those "Winners" , are they simply good looking people with great genetics or does it include people with a promising future ahead ?
I have a very promising future ahead of me. So I'd like to know if I'm included in this "winner's list".

And again like I said, black and white worldview.
What about God? Does the existence of God not necessitate an objective morality? I for the most part am still athiestic but am starting to read some arguments for God such as the transcendental argument and the ontological argument and some of the mathematical logistics behind such argument. If God is real then those who act immorally are in deep trouble.
Why would an omniscient and all-powerful god have a morality based on human emotions tho? It doesn't make sense that God chooses good or bad people based on arbitrary conditions that other humans chose for their own convenience

In fact, I'd say that any human in life should try to get "closer" to god (as in try to geta consciusness that is as objective as he can) and in doing that everything is justified, even the worst atrocities

Sorry if I made a word salad
It takes a simple edge case hypothetical to illustrate why.

Suppose that every single person in the world thought and operated like OP. How would society operate? What would it look like? Would there even be law and order?

You know you're retard right?, the entire point of these threads is about what low tier males should do, last time I checked, were not the majority of the population, were a minority, so your hypothetical LITERALLY DOES NOT MATTER OR APPLY TO MY THREAD

These threads are directed towards incels, to make incels stop restricting themselves as were the ones who are handicapped, so your "lets do a hypothetical where everyone follows the mindset of this thread you created for a TARGET GROUP (incels)" argument makes no sense at all

Don't tell me this entire time you thought all my threads are - "THIS IS WHAT EVERYONE OUGHT TO DO"


I love your threads, OP. But not for the reasons you think.

Then you love my threads because you have a low attention span and retard tier comprehension skills, my argument has never been "I hope normies do this too", its always been about incels, your hypothetical is basically a strawman
That's very correct, and it shows when good looking people get away with lots, while ugly have to strictly follow the rules, or they are shamed for it. Rules are for the inferiors.
You know you're retard right?, the entire point of these threads is about what low tier males should do, last time I checked, were not the majority of the population, were a minority, so your hypothetical LITERALLY DOES NOT MATTER OR APPLY TO MY THREAD

These threads are directed towards incels, to make incels stop restricting themselves as were the ones who are handicapped, so your "lets do a hypothetical where everyone follows the mindset of this thread you created for a TARGET GROUP (incels)" argument makes no sense at all

Don't tell me this entire time you thought all my threads are - "THIS IS WHAT EVERYONE OUGHT TO DO"


Then you love my threads because you have a low attention span and retard tier comprehension skills, my argument has never been "I hope normies do this too", its always been about incels, your hypothetical is basically a strawman

You understood exactly 0% of what I said and missed the broadside of the barn with a howitzer at less than 100 meters.

I'm saying that your suggestions "about what low tier males should do" to oppose the system need that system to exist in the first place, else the strategy is invalidated from inception.

In order to break the rules and get the edge you want, rules need to be created and put in place.

Put your ego and pride to one side and try to see the bigger picture.

I don't know if you're making the effort to put enough thought into your ideas before you make posts, or if you're simply reaching your hard ceiling without realizing it. Ngl, the odds are tilted towards the latter.
This is the thing with society we as humans are conditioned to do what is around us environmentally and through indoctrination by the ruling elite. We are just puppets/slaves used for the higher echelons of society to control our way of thinking. It’s why normies being the “moralfags” they rightfully see themselves as. It’s a way of being an obedient little pet for brownie points.

Being a critical independent thinker is seen as the enemy, because the global elite don’t want the normies to wake up from their brainwashing and realise how fucked up it truly is. Most people are hivemind by nature, we feel the need to seek approval from others instead of focusing on our own personal fulfilment.
I was actually thinking about something related to this just today, since today I took a paid sick day off from work (my company is considered an "essential business" so we don't get corona-chan vacation) even though I'm not sick. A moralfag would consider that "wrong" and in fact the old bluepilled me probably would have felt guilty about it. I was raised by moralfag parents and it took a long time to unlearn all the toxic "values" they drilled into me.

Imagine being a wageslave and an incel, working because you have to so you can have a place to sleep and food to eat, and thinking that taking a day off from that work outside the "code" of these "moral" rules that are imposed on us is somehow "wrong." Meanwhile, Chads and foids can make a living from being models or e-thots or just selling their literal shit (feces) online, never having to do any actual work in their privileged lives. Yet they would be considered the "moral" ones under the ridiculous moralfag code over some incel who lies to get a single day's break from his wage slavery.
When Foids and Chads do bad things no one cares and often the majority approves their behavior, but when incels do just one slightly immoral thing, everyone will fuck us over.
Imagine being a wageslave and an incel, working because you have to so you can have a place to sleep and food to eat, and thinking that taking a day off from that work outside the "code" of these "moral" rules that are imposed on us is somehow "wrong." Meanwhile, Chads and foids can make a living from being models or e-thots or just selling their literal shit (feces) online, never having to do any actual work in their privileged lives. Yet they would be considered the "moral" ones under the ridiculous moralfag code over some incel who lies to get a single day's break from his wage slavery.


A lot of people can't see the obvious things you just pointed out, they just can't "break their programming", they will go on and on about how unjust society is, they'll be in other threads talking about hypergamy, misandry, laws are biased against men, etc, yet, they don't want to abandon the rules they were thought by a society that they themselves have said is biased against them and corrupt


Not just someone who goes along with the rules, but someone who accepts the rules as if they were gospel despite knowing they are wrong

Going along with rules temporarily is "strategy", believing that the rules are unbreakable and you have to follow them is "slavery"
There's a point in the Nightcrawler movie that shows this full well.

At one point, the Lou's main rival (the other guy who records crime scenes in his van) basically outplays him by hiring someone else so they can cover half the city each, which is essentially game over for Lou. Except, he just goes and sabotages his van so he crashes and dies. This part embodies the message of the movie for me because, while some of the things he does take skill in one way or another, here he doesn't do anything special or smart, he in fact had been outplayed and it was over for him, the van he sabotages was just parked outside with no one watching because no one would expect him to do that shit. He basically just took advantage of the fact that there's a social code of ethics that everyone follows and assumes but he doesn't, and that's his edge.

Watched the movie today, it was great, The entire story is literally a chronicle of a black piller on the rise to success, by being ruthless and logical, the guy treated everything like it was a transaction, showed no emotion, even when being questioned by police

it even shows you what happens to people who can't choose which side they are on (his "assistant" Rick) who basically ends up getting killed because he wanted to play both sides and Lou couldn't trust him, he wanted to moralfag when its convenient and spontaneously lose his morals when he can blackmail more money out of Lou

Ironically if he had just remained loyal he would have been in a high position in the company which you see formed at the end of the movie
As a test
Such a cope lmao "hes testing us bro" you are the most low iq user on here maybe even more low iq than ldaring neet postmaxxers.

If God were real i would kill him for being a dumbass
Watched the movie today, it was great, The entire story is literally a chronicle of a black piller on the rise to success, by being ruthless and logical, the guy treated everything like it was a transaction, showed no emotion, even when being questioned by police

it even shows you what happens to people who can't choose which side they are on (his "assistant" Rick) who basically ends up getting killed because he wanted to play both sides and Lou couldn't trust him, he wanted to moralfag when its convenient and spontaneously lose his morals when he can blackmail more money out of Lou

Ironically if he had just remained loyal he would have been in a high position in the company which you see formed at the end of the movie
yeah its gigabased

i never really thought about the reason Lou kills Rick, but you're right tbh
Agreed. I was entertaining the idea of posting a similar thread.

only thing I wanna add is that holding onto moral principles is a convenient way to still feel like you won/didn’t get the shit end of the stick because in some metric (moral metric) you’re still a winner. If one were to do away with the moral metric they’d find they’re totally fucked and have no costless recourse. “It’s ok if xyz happened and I reacted in abc (cuckish, passive, non-confrontative) way, because I’m the bigger man, I took the high road. I didn’t actually lose, I won, morally!”

it’s the ultimate cope. mainstream mental gymnastics that rejects the primal value source of value and substitutes its own metric of value, one that is not determined by immutable traits or plain luck, but rather by actions (something controllable).. it’s a game in which everyone has a chance of winning.
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yeah its gigabased

i never really thought about the reason Lou kills Rick, but you're right tbh

What's your favorite movie?

Mines is "The One", love that plot so much, guy just decides he's going to abandon conventional morality so he can become a God, simple straight forward plot, he makes no moral justifications, doesn't try to appeal to anyones sentiments, just simply says "I want to be "The One" so that's what I'm gonna do"

The movie's ending is also pretty "open ended", they didn't kill the bad guy off, but instead give him an awesome "him against the world" ending scene where he still proclaims he's going to be the one, and he is going to escape from that prison, and in my mind I'd like to believe that he does

If there's one movie I'd say I'm obsessed with is that movie, the entire message just fits the way I look at life
Very good post, couldn't have expressed it better myself
What's your favorite movie?

Mines is "The One", love that plot so much, guy just decides he's going to abandon conventional morality so he can become a God, simple straight forward plot, he makes no moral justifications, doesn't try to appeal to anyones sentiments, just simply says "I want to be "The One" so that's what I'm gonna do"

The movie's ending is also pretty "open ended", they didn't kill the bad guy off, but instead give him an awesome "him against the world" ending scene where he still proclaims he's going to be the one, and he is going to escape from that prison, and in my mind I'd like to believe that he does

If there's one movie I'd say I'm obsessed with is that movie, the entire message just fits the way I look at life

Damn man im gonna have to watch it, is it the one from 2001?

One of my favourite movies of all time is nightcrawler no doubt, its moralitypilled, but also, the way the guy plans and analyzes things, as well as details about his house, his life... hit home very hard. Except i dont fully relate bc its about careermaxxing for him, and also he's more darktriadmaxxxed than I'll ever be. You know it's over when you relate to a character that's supposed to be hated by the audience, but the movie is still so well made that I can legit relate.

Another one: The recent Ted Bundy one from Netflix. It's vantablackpilled, there's even a bluepilled fat simp who hugs the foid when she's crying because her chad is in jail lmaooo and foids going to see him and being enamored with him despite knowing what he did :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:.
And there's another subtle message: It breaks the illusion that people who do bad things are visibly evil and people who do good things are popular (muh personality detector).

As to the Ted Bundy one, it gets better if you also watch the tapes documentary, specially if you pay more attention to the audios and footage, which are real, than what is said by the authors, and read between lines. It's just brutal. Because the documentary is meant to honor the victims and not praise Ted Bundy, and they try to make him seem like less of a chad, but you can still tell he was a gigachad, whom women loved and other men really respected, and he almost got away with everything. By virtue of being chad, he had to go very very far to counteract his halo and still face repercussions, and even then it was close.

What he did was REALLY BRUTAL, and he ALMOST got away with it all by virtue of being Chad. Its vantablackpilled. And the best part is, the main thing that got him caught was that his gf had a daughter so, when she suspected something, she was afraid for her daughter and that's why she gave his name to the cops. Otherwise nothing would've ever happened, not even a trial, and they'd have found some incel scapegoat.

Also, The Joker obviously. It's not completely accurate but very good at portraying struggles very similar to ours and very inspiring tbh.

I'm not sure about one favourite movie, I watch lots of movies, but it'd definitely be between those three due to the message they convey. Those three movies made me think and reconsider things to the point of really influencing my worldview. I'm sorry all are so dark, but that's just the way it is after all I've suffered. I don't relate that much to feel good movies, or movies that have an interesting plot but are about a character who has a pretty good upbringing and life (or hollywood "tough") and are perfectly well adjusted.
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Watched the movie today, it was great, The entire story is literally a chronicle of a black piller on the rise to success, by being ruthless and logical, the guy treated everything like it was a transaction, showed no emotion, even when being questioned by police

it even shows you what happens to people who can't choose which side they are on (his "assistant" Rick) who basically ends up getting killed because he wanted to play both sides and Lou couldn't trust him, he wanted to moralfag when its convenient and spontaneously lose his morals when he can blackmail more money out of Lou

Ironically if he had just remained loyal he would have been in a high position in the company which you see formed at the end of the movie

Except the main character of that movie was a Chad
I find it really weird how many incels are moralfags and how they don't seem to understand that these self imposed limitations (morals) they like to pat themselves on the back for are literally a handicap THAT THEY CANNOT AFFORD

It makes sense for Chad to be morally against rape, because he will never need to force or coerce a woman, and its understandable why normie males are morally against it to, because from birth all males are indoctrinated via rhetoric and media to think that "we all have a chance" and "there's someone out there for everyone", so subconsciously most every guy is thinking - "Why rape, I just need to wait for my chance" as though its guaranteed

On that same note it doesn't surprise me that rich people often speak ill of people who steal, and so on and so forth



Morals favor those who have and punish those who don't

Its very easy to say "I'll never steal" when you aren't starving and homeless

Its very easy to say "I'd never kill" when you live in a safe area and have resources, and your life isn't at stake

Its very easy to say "I'd never rape" when you have a history of romantic success that keeps you hopeful and mentally stable, so even when you have a "dry spill" you know there's something around the corner (or at least you can tell yourself that)

Moral restrictions only benefit those who are "winners" to begin with, and that's the irony of morals, they are inherently "unfair" BECAUSE ITS VERY EASY TO FOLLOW A MORAL CODE THAT IS BIASED IN YOUR FAVOR

Moral codes protect "havers" and shames/restricts the "have nots", morals are basically a "glass ceiling" in the race to find wealth and success, those with it will forever be beneath the people who are above them, because those above don't need to be "immoral" to get what they want, so morality is very convenient for them


People who are "immoral" are people who don't have the delusions that moral people have, because they don't have the same conveniences that allow them to cope and lie to themselves about the reality of life



You aren't being honest at that point, you are still holding onto certain rules, because you don't truly see yourself as part of the "loser bracket", you still think "there's hope" deep down

Or worse, you have some kind of weird martyr complex, and you feel like you are "living up to" some standard by holding onto the morals you were raised with, despite them not favoring you, its nothing but PATHETIC AND POINTLESS EGO STROKING

As a LOSER in society you can't afford anymore handicaps, you already have enough to begin with


I agree with the notion of "we cant afford to be moral under certain conditions" and this is how humans fundamentally behave. Go to any third world shit hole and you'll notice people killing, raping and stealing at will. Iam not justifying their actions, but under our facade of civility and decency, this is what any of us would do over a period of time to survive.

That being said, none of us are under those conditions, so not sure what youre implying through this post.
1. We're neither starving nor homeless
2. Most of us live in relatively safe areas. We dont need to kill to survive
3. As far as rape, i dont think that it would be a good replacement for romantic success.

We live in relatively civil societies and are much better off compared to our ancestors who lived in a much more violent environment.
Except the main character of that movie was a Chad

Most actors period (even the one's playing "nerd roles") are attractive, that's just the nature of the business, nobody even wants to see someone ugly play someone ugly because coping losers want someone attractive to project themselves onto

I hope you don't mean the character itself was a "Chad character", the only time he got laid in the movie, was when he black mailed a post wall woman into having sex with him, that is not a Chad character lol

That being said, none of us are under those conditions, so not sure what youre implying through this post

I'm not implying anything, I meant exactly what I said

1. We're neither starving nor homeless
2. Most of us live in relatively safe areas. We dont need to kill to survive
3. As far as rape, i dont think that it would be a good replacement for romantic success

The entire point of the thread is not to just randomly go out and commit crimes so I don't see your point with these responses, the point of the thread is to not have an aversion to doing whats necessary to get what you want for the sake of being "a good person", because that is a handicap you can't afford if you are already a "loser" in society
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Most actors period (even the one's playing "nerd roles") are attractive, that's just the nature of the business, nobody even wants to see someone ugly play someone ugly because coping losers want someone attractive to project themselves onto

I hope you don't mean the character itself was a "Chad character", the only time he got laid in the movie, was when he black mailed a post wall woman into having sex with him, that is not a Chad character lol

I'm not implying anything, I meant exactly what I said

The entire point of the thread is not to just randomly go out and commit crimes so I don't see your point with these responses, the point of the thread is to not have an aversion to doing whats necessary to get what you want for the sake of being "a good person", because that is a handicap you can't afford if you are already a "loser" in society

I meant the actor.
Morality is cucked
I meant the actor.
all movies have chad actors boyo, even the joker

otherwise normies can't relate to the characters, its like when they see an ugly guy accidentally bump into a woman and they wish death upon him for being such a creep, but if chad violently rapes a woman its ok... they're that retarded, movie directors know it and they cast accordingly
all movies have chad actors boyo, even the joker

otherwise normies can't relate to the characters, its like when they see an ugly guy accidentally bump into a woman and they wish death upon him for being such a creep, but if chad violently rapes a woman its ok... they're that retarded, movie directors know it and they cast accordingly

Joker wasn't a Chad

You're right actually, but how come he looked so ugly in the movie? Even with shaggy hair his facial features seemed repulsive to me.
I meant the actor.

Yeah well that's just the nature of the movie business, even attractive actors are tasked to play the role of the "unattractive loser", because loser normies like to lie to themselves and people like to project themselves onto characters who they have similar qualities to, if the loser protagonist is ugly, losers aren't going to pay to watch it, they'll consciously make up excuses as to why the movie doesn't look good that are really just rooted in their subconscious revulsion with the character that is supposed to "depict them"
High IQ. The only thing that drives humans really is hedonism. And I don't blame anyone that strives for it. Just look at all the polls from the "would you cuck fellow incels if you were Chad?" threads. 90 percent said yes.
I'd rather live in a society that has high moral standards. If you live in a society with none you wouldn't even have the ability to LDAR. Because someone can kill or rob you and get away with it. No one would trust anyone.

You think societies with high moral standards are bad, go live in some shithole like Cambodia, Vietnam, or some sub-saharan African shithole. Or Latin America. People there have low trust in general, are immoral and corrupt and you'll be begging at the feet of white chad's in Anglophone countries to come back just to have the privilege of LDARing at peace.

Its my firm belief that America had high moral standards before the 1960s and that the incel problem was almost non-existent. No mass shootings either. Races were segregated and interracial marriage was forbidden by law. Being hardworking and christian was all it pretty much took back before 1960s to marry your high school sweet heart and have children. That was the norm before 1960s in America.

Nowadays women are immoral and degenerate and I won't stoop to their level even as an incel. You can think morality is bad. Up to you.
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I should read Nietzsche's "on the genealogy of morality" one of these days.

IIRC I did read some of it long time ago but I doubt I had finished it.

Do you recommend it @BlkPillPres ?
And this is why Griffith did nothing wrong. Some wanted him to live a false life deformed and leaving his dream behind.
If this is true, then it makes sense why royalty in the past were called "Nobles".
Morals are stupid and retarded, I would do anything to get ahead and get what I want and ascend.
Kike moment.

It's not a "kike moment", it's common sense.
If you were born checkmate in life, which is the case for all of us here, then you are justified to have access to a better life, no matter the means to this end.
It's not a "kike moment", it's common sense.
If you were born checkmate in life, which is the case for all of us here, then you are justified to have access to a better life, no matter the means to this end.
I'm joking around, you fucking greycel autist.:feelshaha:

Wouldn’t you?
Truthfully, no. My morality is bit more complex than basal, self-serving utilitarianism or hedonism. That's not a veiled crack at you; your moral stance is probably some kind of universal standard.
Truthfully, no. My morality is bit more complex than basal, self-serving utilitarianism or hedonism. That's not a veiled crack at you; your moral stance is probably some kind of universal standard.
It could be much simpler than that, he doesn't have a moral standard, he doesn't limit himself within the confines of the human construct called "morality".

Like most people who do restrict themselves to a moral code, you can only see the world through a lens of morality.

So even someone who says they don't adhere to any moral code you will project your world view onto them and assert - "no, your lack of morals is a moral code in of itself" :feelskek:.

Some of you guys really can't imagine a reality where you admit that morality doesn't exist and it was just shit humans made up.

You treat it as if it's a "universal constant" (like gravity or the second law of thermodynamics).
Truthfully, no. My morality is bit more complex than basal, self-serving utilitarianism or hedonism. That's not a veiled crack at you; your moral stance is probably some kind of universal standard.
where does your morality come from exactly? religion?

if its not religion then whats the point of having some "complex" morality? to give yourself a pat on the back? unless you're some lawmaker it doesnt really make too much sense
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