What's your favorite movie?
Mines is "The One", love that plot so much, guy just decides he's going to abandon conventional morality so he can become a God, simple straight forward plot, he makes no moral justifications, doesn't try to appeal to anyones sentiments, just simply says "I want to be "The One" so that's what I'm gonna do"
The movie's ending is also pretty "open ended", they didn't kill the bad guy off, but instead give him an awesome "him against the world" ending scene where he still proclaims he's going to be the one, and he is going to escape from that prison, and in my mind I'd like to believe that he does
If there's one movie I'd say I'm obsessed with is that movie, the entire message just fits the way I look at life
Damn man im gonna have to watch it, is it the one from 2001?
One of my favourite movies of all time is nightcrawler no doubt, its moralitypilled, but also, the way the guy plans and analyzes things, as well as details about his house, his life... hit home very hard. Except i dont fully relate bc its about careermaxxing for him, and also he's more darktriadmaxxxed than I'll ever be. You know it's over when you relate to a character that's supposed to be hated by the audience, but the movie is still so well made that I can legit relate.
Another one: The recent Ted Bundy one from Netflix. It's vantablackpilled, there's even a bluepilled fat simp who hugs the foid when she's crying because her chad is in jail lmaooo and foids going to see him and being enamored with him despite knowing what he did

And there's another subtle message: It breaks the illusion that people who do bad things are visibly evil and people who do good things are popular (muh personality detector).
As to the Ted Bundy one, it gets better if you also watch the tapes documentary, specially if you pay more attention to the audios and footage, which are real, than what is said by the authors, and read between lines. It's just brutal. Because the documentary is meant to honor the victims and not praise Ted Bundy, and they try to make him seem like less of a chad, but you can still tell he was a gigachad, whom women loved and other men really respected, and he almost got away with everything. By virtue of being chad, he had to go very very far to counteract his halo and still face repercussions, and even then it was close.
What he did was REALLY BRUTAL, and he ALMOST got away with it all by virtue of being Chad. Its vantablackpilled. And the best part is, the main thing that got him caught was that his gf had a daughter so, when she suspected something, she was afraid for her daughter and that's why she gave his name to the cops. Otherwise nothing would've ever happened, not even a trial, and they'd have found some incel scapegoat.
Also, The Joker obviously. It's not completely accurate but very good at portraying struggles very similar to ours and very inspiring tbh.
I'm not sure about one favourite movie, I watch lots of movies, but it'd definitely be between those three due to the message they convey. Those three movies made me think and reconsider things to the point of really influencing my worldview. I'm sorry all are so dark, but that's just the way it is after all I've suffered. I don't relate that much to feel good movies, or movies that have an interesting plot but are about a character who has a pretty good upbringing and life (or hollywood "tough") and are perfectly well adjusted.