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Blackpill [Hard To Swallow Edition] Morality Is Just The Projection Of One's Ego



Feb 28, 2018
Morality is subjective, "good" and "evil" don't exist, they are just concepts humans ascribe to actions that we see as "positively impacting others" and "negatively impacting others"

However we commit those same actions to animals everyday and we don't refer to these things as "good" or "evil" when we do so, and something can't magically be evil when you do it to one being and then acceptable when you do it to another

Is killing immoral/evil?, Yes, that didn't stop most of us from enjoying that burger now did it, is rape immoral/evil?, Yes, do you know how humans get our steady supply of milk, cows have to be pregnant to produce milk, they are strapped down and are forcibly impregnated

Am I a vegan, fuck no, but I'd have to be a hypocrite to not acknowledge that what were doing to animals is the same shit we treat as "evil" if done to members of our own species

The reason why people latch onto morality is because they are egoists, they love the concept of a "higher standard" because that makes THEM a "higher being" by proxy for having adhered to that standard, its all just ego

Same with religion even, by adhering to the law of your God and enforcing it over others, on a subconscious level that makes you feel like a God, or at least an extension of his will, you are invoking/wielding his power, you are connected to this great force and that makes you feel great, most all humans are driven by ego, and we create all these excuses to justify and explain it away at something else, cognitive dissonance at its finest

Moral people are ironically the most egotistical people, and the great irony of this is that pride is considered a moral sin
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Morality is subjective, "good" and "evil" don't exist, they are just concepts humans ascribe to actions that we see as "positively impacting others" and "negatively impacting others"

However we commit those same actions to animals everyday and we don't refer to these things as "good" or "evil" when we do so, and something can't magically be evil when you do it to one being and then acceptable when you do it to another

Is killing immoral/evil?, Yes, that didn't stop most of us from enjoying that burger now did it, is rape immoral/evil?, Yes, do you know how humans get our steady supply of milk, cows have to be pregnant to produce milk, they are strapped down and are forcibly impregnated

Am I a vegan, fuck no, but I'd have to be a hypocrite to not acknowledge that what were doing to animals is the same shit we treat as "evil" if done to members of our own species

The reason why people latch onto morality is because they are egoists, they love the concept of a "higher standard" because that makes THEM a "higher being" by proxy for having adhered to that standard, its all just ego

Same with religion even, by adhering to the law of your God and enforcing it over others, on a subconscious level that makes you feel like a God, or at least an extension of his will, you are invoking/wielding his power, you are connected to this great force and that makes you feel great, most all humans are driven by ego, and you create all these excuses to justify and explain it away at something else, cognitive dissonance at its finest

Moral people are ironically the most egotistical people, and the great irony of this is that pride is considered a moral sin
Laveyan Satanists have explained this years back, i used to watch some videos and threads from obscure Forums about it.
AronRa is my favorite Atheist Youtuber, when i want to regain some brain cells from arguing with retards on the Internet, i´ll simply hook up some of his best arguments to help me focus on what i was talking about.

Morality is subjective, "good" and "evil" don't exist, they are just concepts humans ascribe to actions that we see as "positively impacting others" and "negatively impacting others"

However we commit those same actions to animals everyday and we don't refer to these things as "good" or "evil" when we do so, and something can't magically be evil when you do it to one being and then acceptable when you do it to another

Is killing immoral/evil?, Yes, that didn't stop most of us from enjoying that burger now did it, is rape immoral/evil?, Yes, do you know how humans get our steady supply of milk, cows have to be pregnant to produce milk, they are strapped down and are forcibly impregnated

Am I a vegan, fuck no, but I'd have to be a hypocrite to not acknowledge that what were doing to animals is the same shit we treat as "evil" if done to members of our own species

The reason why people latch onto morality is because they are egoists, they love the concept of a "higher standard" because that makes THEM a "higher being" by proxy for having adhered to that standard, its all just ego

Same with religion even, by adhering to the law of your God and enforcing it over others, on a subconscious level that makes you feel like a God, or at least an extension of his will, you are invoking/wielding his power, you are connected to this great force and that makes you feel great, most all humans are driven by ego, and we create all these excuses to justify and explain it away at something else, cognitive dissonance at its finest

Moral people are ironically the most egotistical people, and the great irony of this is that pride is considered a moral sin
Honestly, I have more empathy towards animals than people. If I had to I could kill a man and never feel guilty about it but, I would never forgive myself if I killed a cat or dog or any other animal.
Morality is whatever serves society and keeps it going, not ego protection. If you are in a tribe and need to prove you can pull your weight then its totally ok to send 16 year olds into the wild for a week where they could die. A woman serving her husband used to be moral but after washing machines and prepackaged food was made it was moral to be an ~independent woman~ so moneybags could have more slaves for his factories.
Good and evil are just human constructs.
Moral people are ironically the most egotistical people

This is the basis of virtue signalling.

Those who claim to be moral are, in reality, hypocrites -- who say one thing yet do another. They want to look good, but are innately amoral.
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that was a good video, thanks for posting it, made a retard like me think for once
Don´t mention it.

The best line for me was:
"If you think that some omniscient omnipotent omnipresent punisher is the only thing stopping you from being the most immoral monster you can be, then you're an immoral monster already"

That's the one thing most people don't want to accept about themselves, if the only thing keeping you from committing an "immoral act", is the fact that you were indoctrinated from birth to hate the act, and laws exist to punish you for it, then you are innately immoral to begin with, morality is merely what you were thought to think, it isn't innate to you, your innate self merely seeks out what is beneficial to you, and that will often include immoral acts

All animals are "monsters", humans are just the only ones that are self aware enough to feel guilt and/or shame about it
The best line for me was:
"If you think that some omniscient omnipotent omnipresent punisher is the only thing stopping you from being the most immoral monster you can be, then you're an immoral monster already"

That's the one thing most people don't want to accept about themselves, if the only thing keeping you from committing an "immoral act", is the fact that you were indoctrinated from birth to hate the act, and laws exist to punish you for it, then you are innately immoral to begin with, morality is merely what you were thought to think, it isn't innate to you, your innate self merely seeks out what is beneficial to you, and that will often include immoral acts

All animals are "monsters", humans are just the only ones that are self aware enough to feel guilt and/or shame about it
:feelstastyman: tbh

Our moral concept being a projection of our inner psychology doesnt mean an objective moral standard does not 'exist'.

This seems to be an ad hominem attack if anything.
'Oh you want to have moral standards? You're just a control maniac sweetie' lel
Our moral concept being a projection of our inner psychology doesnt mean an objective moral standard does not 'exist'

"Objective Morality" is a misnomer, there is no such thing, morals are inherently subjective due to their nature, if you can't think abstractly then you won't understand why, but I'll still try and explain

Physical Laws are objective because THEY AREN'T DETERMINED BY SOMEONE ELSE, if you jump off a tall building you are going to fall, if you jump period you will fall, and nobody can decide whether you will fall or not, gravity is not some conscious being imposing its will upon you, its just something that happens

Morals Laws are subjective because THEY ARE ALWAYS DETERMINED BY SOMEONE ELSE, AND IF THAT SOMEONE DECIDES TO CHANGE THEIR MIND SO TOO DOES THE LAW. Take for example homosexuality, once considered immoral, is now just a "normal thing", anal sex, once considered immoral, now its normal, sex before marriage, once considered immoral, now its a normal thing, ALL BECAUSE OVER YEARS PEOPLE CHANGED THEIR MINDS

Let me guess what you're thinking - "Well those people were wrong, its MY MORALITY that is the absolute standard, morality isn't subjective, all those people are just wrong and I'm right"

How convenient is that JFL, if that's what you believe, take some time to understand that every moral person thinks this about their own specific moral code, its like an all you can eat buffet, everybody picks and chooses what they wants and creates their own special meal, its really just egotistical nonesense, it appeals to ones ego in the highest sense, because you get to tell yourself - "I got it right, my moral standard is absolute, I have objective morals"

Morality is inherently something subjective because it changes with the will of its people, its nothing more than the mental projection of a collective society's ego

This is why I've said before, laws should not have their foundation in morality, laws should have their foundation in logic, appealing to the selfishness of each human, not trying to appeal to some immaterial standard of "good", because when that moral standard changes SO TOO DOES THE LAW, and that's dangerous, that's how women were allowed to get rights, gays were allowed to marry, etc, its because we justified laws with morals rather than logic

I made a thread about this very thing, MORALITY IS THE VERY DAMN REASON WHY SOCIETIES BECOME DEGENERATE (that's the greatest irony of all)

The ideal society would be driven primarily by logic. I think the reason society is so immoral is ironically because we are trying to be moral and not logical.

The basis of all laws that are good for a society, is logic.

Take murder for example, the law should not be "you should not kill because its bad/evil", it should be - "you should not kill because you also do not want to be killed". We should hate murder as a society because if we allow other people to kill others haphazardly, then we might be next, sounds fucked up but if society ran on cold logic like that, then everything would be more peaceful.

Basing laws on morality is ironically why society is flawed, its because MORALITY IS SUBJECTIVE. Even criminal organizations like the Yakuza or the Italian Mob, etc all have "codes of honour", that are things that even the average citizen would agree with. They have their own set of morals, for example the Mob usually doesn't allow killing women and children, its an emotional and subjective "rule", they have let their emotions create an illogical ruleset, but ironically they can kill men, steal from families, sell drugs, etc.

This is the problem with morals, everybody thinks their moral code is "good enough". If we all had to operate on logic, there is no such thing as "my logic" or "your logic", a choice either is logical or it isn't, logic is based on whats objective, not on how something makes one feel. We need a logical society not a moral one, "true morals" are inherent to logic, because logic usually yields the greatest collective rule set

Imagine how much the rates of rape and human trafficking would go down of prostitution was decriminalized, think about it, its completely illogical that paying for sex is illegal, there's no logical reason why it should be, yet despite all the income it would generate for a country if taxable, despite all the people it would alleviate from suffering, society keeps it illegal due to moral reasoning.

You see that slut on instagram, a lot of you moralfags on this site would say that she is being immoral, but you would be wrong. She doesn't kill, she doesn't steal, she doesn't <insert "bad" thing here>. That's her morals, as far as she's concerned "the times have changed" and she can be a slut and "it isn't hurting anyone". She is completely moral FOR THE ERA SHE EXISTS IN.

Again MORALS ARE SUBJECTIVE, they change from person to person, country to country, era to era. Morals are pointless, we need to be driven by logic not morals, morals can be altered and therefore THEY CAN BE CORRUPTED.

You can't corrupt logic, you can't corrupt objectivity. It always is what its going to be, it will never change, any changes to a law based on logic, will also be logical, but changes to a "moral code" can easily become corrupted.

In fact modern society is the greatest example of this, Christians influenced laws using their moral code, that's why gay marriage was illegal, today morals have been changed due to EMOTIONAL ARGUMENTS. People against gay marriage are seen as "bigots", "evil", etc. Now today gay marriage is legal.



This seems to be an ad hominem attack if anything.
'Oh you want to have moral standards? You're just a control maniac sweetie' lel

The irony of you saying this and basically strawmanning my entire position
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You are the Bécquer of prose my dude. Keep it up.
Morality is subjective, "good" and "evil" don't exist, they are just concepts humans ascribe to actions that we see as "positively impacting others" and "negatively impacting others"

However we commit those same actions to animals everyday and we don't refer to these things as "good" or "evil" when we do so, and something can't magically be evil when you do it to one being and then acceptable when you do it to another

Is killing immoral/evil?, Yes, that didn't stop most of us from enjoying that burger now did it, is rape immoral/evil?, Yes, do you know how humans get our steady supply of milk, cows have to be pregnant to produce milk, they are strapped down and are forcibly impregnated

Am I a vegan, fuck no, but I'd have to be a hypocrite to not acknowledge that what were doing to animals is the same shit we treat as "evil" if done to members of our own species

The reason why people latch onto morality is because they are egoists, they love the concept of a "higher standard" because that makes THEM a "higher being" by proxy for having adhered to that standard, its all just ego

Same with religion even, by adhering to the law of your God and enforcing it over others, on a subconscious level that makes you feel like a God, or at least an extension of his will, you are invoking/wielding his power, you are connected to this great force and that makes you feel great, most all humans are driven by ego, and we create all these excuses to justify and explain it away at something else, cognitive dissonance at its finest

Moral people are ironically the most egotistical people, and the great irony of this is that pride is considered a moral sin

How is this pill hard to swallow? This is something people want to hear
How is this pill hard to swallow? This is something people want to hear

JFL you would think, but most of the so called black pillers on this site are egotistical moralfags, and when they see a post like this it triggers them and they'll immediately start defending the concept of morality - "you're wrong bro, morality is objective because...... well my moral standard is the true objective one"

Its an uncomfortable truth, because once you can no longer latch onto the concept of morality and "being a moral person" you now have one less thing to feel good about, one less thing to stroke your ego for, and for incels such things are in short supply, its like taking away one of the few things someone is holding onto to keep themselves positive
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Based and high iq.
morality in itself means shit, is the power to influence people's behavior through it what is really valuable.
JFL you would think, but most of the so called black pillers on this site are egotistical moralfags, and when they see a post like this it triggers them and they'll immediately start defending the concept of morality - "you're wrong bro, morality is objective because...... well my moral standard is the true objective one"

Its an uncomfortable truth, because once you can no longer latch onto the concept of morality and "being a moral person" you now have one less thing to feel good about, one less thing to stroke your ego for, and for incels such things are in short supply, its like taking away one of the few things someone is holding onto to keep themselves positive

Wholeheartedly false, feeling like you are above morality, that morals don't exist, and that we live in a chaotic universe is the most rewarding feeling one can experience for two reasons.

1. Sense of freedom: you now can think and do whatever you want, with the only constant being external consequences, but the self-imposed consequence of "immorality" is gone.

2. Sense of superiority: After accepting morals do not exist, one feels even better about oneself for being so intelligent, so superior, so much more philosophical than the average NPC normie for realizing this truth. One feels like as Nietzsche would say, an Ubermensch, for being smart enough to escape the chains of morality while the masses still dwell in it.
Wholeheartedly false, feeling like you are above morality, that morals don't exist, and that we live in a chaotic universe is the most rewarding feeling one can experience

I agree, but my point is, for some people, most people, having an ego and feeling better than others is more important than freedom, they'd much rather think highly of themselves and above others than to think nothing of themselves and be free to do whatever you want
I agree, but my point is, for some people, most people, having an ego and feeling better than others is more important than freedom, they'd much rather think highly of themselves and above others than to think nothing of themselves and be free to do whatever you want

I have thought more highly of myself after adopting your viewpoint, I feel as if I am more intelligent and thus better than others for not being controlled by morality (although come to think of it I still live a moral life as normie standards would dictate)
Again,people having changing and plastique moral standards doesnt mean an objective morality does not exist.

Just take religion for example.Thousands of civilizations all have different kind of deities and heavens.Just like thousands of civilizations have different kinds of changing moral standard
But these variations of deities and the lack of a universal consensus of god doesn't indicate that no deities existed,nor does it confirm whether any deities existed at all.

It can be applied to morality also.Arguing that objective morality does not exist(or on the flip side,arguing that it exists)simply because there is no consensus about human regarding objective morality is nonsensical.
(Tl/dr a bunch of caveman having no universal consensus about economic theories does not mean that economy doesnt exist.It only means that the cavemen are too stupid for abstract thinking)

Morality is inherently something subjective because it changes with the will of its people, its nothing more than the mental projection of a collective society's ego
Again,you assume a circular reasoning here.
"Why is morality subjective?"
"Because it changes according to the will of man"
"Why does it changes according to the will of man?"
"Because it is subjective"

Its such a stupid line of thinking.
You already rule out the possibility of a moral standard that existed independently of popular opinion.
I'm not saying that said objective moral standard is my moral standard,or that my moral standard is more objective than yours (which is a mischaracterization of my argument).I'm simply saying that such scenarios are in the realm of possibility.
What scenarios? Well,one might default to the Kantian scenario of moral imperatives being abstract platonic values,like mathematic theorems.
One might also default to the theistic scenario of morality.
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You already rule out the possibility of a moral standard that existed independently of popular opinion.
I'm not saying that said objective moral standard is my moral standard,or that my moral standard is more objective than yours (which is a mischaracterization of my argument).I'm simply saying that such scenarios are in the realm of possibility.

JFL wait so all this time you've just been arguing there may exist a moral standard that is objective somewhere out there that we just don't know of yet, I would not have even bothered arguing something so pointless, maybe you should have been this specific from the start

That's like me arguing there exist a virgin woman in her 30's that is a 10/10 stacey that isn't shallow and would never cheat, yeah one probably exists, but its ridiculous and pointless for me to make an entire argument around that possibility

Either way I'd argue no such thing exists, because the very definition of a "moral" precludes it from being objective

Moral - "concerned with the principles of right and wrong behaviour"

"Right" and "Wrong" are subjective, those concepts are inherently prone to ambiguity because they are inherently subjective, there are too many variables for it to be objective, murder is "wrong" but in self defense its "right", and even if outside of self defense if it is done to avenge a wrong doing it is still "right" so you can murder someone in cold blood with intent and still be considered "right", while others will argue two "wrongs" don't make a "right" JFL, dude you have to be retard to not see how subjective morality inherently is, its flawed from the get go, too open to interpretation and bias, it will always vary, it will always have exceptions that can ONLY BE JUSTIFIED WITH APPEALS TO EMOTION.

In order for a standard to be objective it has to be devoid of emotion, laws should not be about what is "right" or "wrong", they should be about what is "beneficial" and "fair", right or wrong should play no part in law making, the reason why laws are flawed is because emotional thought went into making it, the reason why women serve 6 times less the sentence of a man for the same crimes is because law makers were thinking about "what feels right" and "what feels wrong" rather than what is "fair"

I'm done arguing, believe what you want
Nature doesn't care how honest or caring you are. It only cares about who eats and who doesn't; who fucks and who doesn't.

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