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Based Gymcel Post: Genetic Potential Myth



Gymcel Scientist Ethnicel
Jan 3, 2019
Bluepill Logic VS. Blackpill Reality
The enemy of the bluepill is the blackpill. Anything which shows a set limit on growth in the bluepill world is not "positive thinking" is disregarded as being depressive. Guys post blackpills that are not blackpills but bad bluepills full of cope. I will say this again "Not all gymbros are natural."
Too many posts are made from other gymcels constantly sitting down and saying the same old garbage about these different guys in a gym.

1. I did XYZ workout routine as the other guy and he got better results than I did is a short amount of time despite bad form or even him having more rest days than I did.

2. I'm dieting to get more lean muscle mass but this other guy got shredded in 2 months on the same diet while I'm still skinnyfat holding water weight.

3. I'm getting older and lifting the same old 80kgs is getting harder for my body, but this other guy my same age is still killing it everytime I see him. He's even adding on more weight even though he an I are in our late 30s, early 40s.

4. I'm 22 and I can't understand how these Chads and Chadlites are getting this much muscle from a bad diet combined with bad form. I'm nearly killing myself to get results yet these Chad genes must be exceptions to the rule.

5. Guys I've seen who came into a gym 2 years ago looking truecel skinny or fatcel are now demigods walking the earth having every foid wanting to fuck them. They must have had Chad "genes to begin with."

6. Being low test is a true marker of being truecel, even though I'm horny all the time on my 300ng/dl free test and have lots of regular energy all day even into the night. While high test chad is just automatically gonna be living life on GOD MODE with no estrogen conversion or bad aromatization from his natural 1000ng/dl.

Yes there are people with genetic potential to get stronger than most people, but in an aggregate of any population you will see a set norm and outliers. Most people do not go past the set norm because average people have average genetics. That is why the average height in the U.S. for a man is at 5"9" and not 6"0". You can't be special if you're average. The same applies in bodybuilding, health, and fitness.

Reality of the top-tier genetic male.
So many guys in gyms and sports leagues across the world use STEROIDS. Yes; nothing new. I've said this about three times now. Steroids are not a for life thing. Most men do 1-5 cycles spaced out all the time and stop after they've achieved the foid desirable standard physique.
1. Build muscle and bulk on a small frame, cut and lean on a bigger frame.
2. Have 10%-15% bodyfat, and diet and train appropriately to maintain it.
3. Have a solid 6-pack or 8-pack.
4. Have larger arms and shoulders in proportion to the rest of the body with a small waist.


If a guy is getting large muscle gains in a short period of time it is most likely due to androgenic compounds. That's what steroids are designed to do. They are made to push limits of muscle growth, while forming new boundaries as time progresses because they are adaptogens meaning they adapt to new circumstances for you're muscles. Guys who say that steroids made them weaker or worst off had bunk gear. No B.S. Any real prohormone is gonna get results. A study which administered 50mg of anadrol to old people found that even though they didn't do any heavy workouts or any changes to diet made a significant increase in lean muscle over 3months with 18lbs of lean muscle being added. The only problem is the increase in side effects after can be life threatening if not taken care of.

Most Hollywood actors use gear administered by a doctor to build the muscle for a role. They aren't doing special training sessions to get ripped. That is a waste of time and takes years if natural no matter your genetics. They only monitor their diet which is something anyone should do for simple health.

Guys do steroids all the time and keep gains after the fact because of running both a pre-cycle therapy and post cycle therapy. I wondered this for years before realizing what was always in front of me. Its not rocket science. If you wanna go ahead a potentially mess up you endocrine system or even heart. Than go ahead and consider it an option. Not worth being envious or angry about these compounds getting the results they're intended to get; these guys gamble with their health. Do you feel threatened from people who play the lottery and win a small amount of cash even though they spent roughly 2/3 the amount to get it? No! Then please stop with these gymcel threads about "muh inferior genetics."
how you respond to roids is genetic. most get bloated, get acne... or worse, balding

how much hunger you get while lean, entirely genetic. none of this matters since skeleton / frame dictates mainly what you look like.

gym for non-health reasons is retarded as fuck anyway. some skinny 6'6 basketball guy is going to mog you to hell and back and make you look like an inferior piece of shit
Based. I would never touch roids, the health risks are too far out of line. Honestly just going to failure with lighter weights which wouldn't destroy my connective tissue, and taking ample recovery time has been worthwhile for me as a hard gaining ectomorph. I think overstressing, and triggering a hormonal adaptation response is the key to changing phenotype over time without roiding.
how you respond to roids is genetic. most get bloated, get acne... or worse, balding

how much hunger you get while lean, entirely genetic. none of this matters since skeleton / frame dictates mainly what you look like.

gym for non-health reasons is retarded as fuck anyway. some skinny 6'6 basketball guy is going to mog you to hell and back and make you look like an inferior piece of shit

Not true. Some roids bloat and give acne. Others get you shredded but make you bald or lose bone density. Depends on the compound.
Based. I would never touch roids, the health risks are too far out of line. Honestly just going to failure with lighter weights which wouldn't destroy my connective tissue, and taking ample recovery time has been worthwhile for me as a hard gaining ectomorph. I think overstressing, and triggering a hormonal adaptation response is the key to changing phenotype over time without roiding.

Doing the same protocol. Not trying to rip a ligament or over stress my body either.

Not true. Some roids bloat and give acne. Others get you shredded but make you bald or lose bone density. Depends on the compound.

Doing the same protocol. Not trying to rip a ligament or over stress my body either.
The idea that lifting heavy recruits more muscle fibers than lighter repetitive reps is a half truth. It does per rep, initially. When you use lighter weights you recruit less muscle fiber. You will recruit fast twitch, first, and start digging into endurance fiber. Once you start to use them up you dig deeper, and deeper. When you are running on a hot day your body will autonomously fire fewer nerve bundles, in it's own pattern to keep body temperature down. So there are always reserve fibers, and fibers are always being cycled. By lifting heavy, and forecefully you call a higher percentage of overall fibers into action all at once than lifting lighter. But, lifting lighter, and going to failure is progressively depleting the available fresh fiber supply. This effectively accomplishes the same thing, minus the joint, and connective tissue stress.

You have to stress max though. You have to leave the gym feeling nauseated, and weeeeeeeeak. Hitting your lactate threshold seems to trigger a strong adaptation response due to inadequacy. I don't remember the specifics, but going to failure also floods your body with hormones because of the sheer amount of muscle tissue damage. You are failing physically, and your body has to adapt to survive. Regular workouts are just routine to the body, even when training variables are rotated. Lifting heavy is like working for a moving company.

Also recover excessively. Recovery is as important than exercise. People are chronically overtrained, and under recovered, and they never reap the growth that occurs during recovery. I get lazy about recovery, and let my body fully heal.

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