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Guys on here, rightly, give religion a lot of crap but ever since it's lost it's importance look how society has become.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 24160
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Sin is merely not committing the right decision.He didn't create sin itself since evil is a privation of good.Sin is evil.

I don't think you get my point, you are clearly unable to think of things abstractly and being religious has completely destroyed your ability to do this

I want you to read this SLOWLY


I need you to really try and think for a while, think about the sin "fornication", fornication is engaging in sex before performing a certain ceremony that God said you should do (marriage), but the act itself (sex) IS SOMETHING HE CREATED AS OUR SOLE MEANS OF REPRODUCTION


The only way you'll understand what I'm saying is if you think about God abstractly, think of God as a programmer, there is nothing inherently "good" or "bad" about a line of code, functions, objects, etc. Its the programmer that decides what data is good (valid) or bad (invalid)

That's my point


But religious people speak about sin AS THOUGH ITS OUTSIDE OF GOD'S CONTROL AND HE HAS NO SAY

Speaking like that will just make people think that even God has a GOD that he must obey

Now,god who is supremely good cannot unjustly punish those who have not warranted such a response(you yourself pointed this out)

Dude God is clearly not good, he has committed many of the sins he has forbade man from doing, he's just an all powerful hypocrite

You clearly can't comprehend abstract thoughts else you'd immediately realize how ridiculous this argument is


In other words if God just random appears in your room and rapes you, guess what, IT WAS GOOD BECAUSE HE SAID SO AND HE CAN DO WHAT HE WANTS

Whenever someone religious says God is good I don't think they get the irony that God has already defined everything he does as good, so its good by default


This is why scares me about religous people, its like talking to an npc, pretty sure you are going to quote some scripture next, you guys don't use your brain cells at all

Evil is the deprivation of the good and as a principle it cannot allow anything to exist,not even god himself.Now,god who is omnipotent clearly cannot be evil.If he was evil you wouldn't be here etc etc

By that logic even if a parent sexually abuses a child they are good because they allowed that child to exist

Existence != Good

You are using some retard tier definitions, seems like you are just coping trying to rationalize hell (eternal torture) as good because "at least you exist and existence is good by default"
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He created genetic differences so that people would be better than others, which makes some people be BORN MORE LIKELY TO GO TO HEAVEN and others BORN MORE LIKELY TO GO TO HELL
I've seen you post about this before and quite frankly it works the opposite way you think. I think if you went to immigrant parishes full of ugly ethnics you would see that. Far more pious. The fake, "born-again" protestant Christians who lived a life full of deviancy before performing a turnabout are the furthest from God and the most vulnerable/prone to future sin.

There's a reason why people on this forum say "religion is a cope." Chads and the romantically successful don't need "copes."

I think you're trying to use this is an excuse for your own thoughts and actions and are extrapolating it onto other ugly men quite frankly.
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I've seen you post about this before and quite frankly it works the opposite way you think. I think if you went to immigrant parishes full of ugly ethnics you would see that. Far more pious. The fake, "born-again" protestant Christians who lived a life full of deviancy before performing a turnabout are the furthest from God, the most vulnerable and prone to future sin

You are just coping, by your logic these people aren't sinning because they lack the resources and/or status to do so, so is it really something that God would judge as an achievement

God: "I made you ugly and poor and because of that you didn't have sex before marriage and you were humble, so because you never had a chance to commit certain sins because I deprived you of that chance, that makes you a good person, welcome to heaven"

Sound logic there, makes perfect sense

My point is, its not that they're good, its that they don't have a chance to be bad, that isn't an achievement and an all knowing God would take notice of that, a lot of them likely hold malice and jealousy in their heart for those who can, if you think God isn't taking that into consideration then there is no consistency to any of this

I think you're trying to use this is an excuse for your own thoughts and actions and are extrapolating it onto other ugly men quite frankly.

You seem to have me confused with someone who speaks about "justice" and "entitlement", I need no excuse or justification to do anything, I do it because I want to do it and because it benefits me, its you who needs to give yourself justification so you can feel "alright" doing certain things, ironically you are the one projecting your own thoughts and actions, I don't even think morality is something that exists, justification is not something I even consider
I don't think you get my point, you are clearly unable to think of things abstractly and being religious has completely destroyed your ability to do this

I want you to read this SLOWLY


I need you to really try and think for a while, think about the sin "fornication", fornication is engaging in sex before performing a certain ceremony that God said you should do, but the act itself (sex) IS SOMETHING HE CREATED


The only way you'll understand what I'm saying is if you think about God abstractly, think of God as a programmer, there is nothing inherently "good" or "bad" about a line of code, functions, objects, etc. Its the programmer that decides what data is good (valid) or bad (invalid)

That's my point


But religious people speak about sin AS THOUGH ITS OUTSIDE OF GOD'S CONTROL AND HE HAS NO SAY

Speaking like that will just make people think that even God has a GOD that he must obey

God has been good since forever and will continue to be good forever.You can't create that which is nonexistent.You can probably find why evil is a privation of good easily in google.

Dude God is clearly not good, he has committed many of the sins he has forbade man from doing, he's just an all powerful hypocrite

You clearly can't comprehend abstract thoughts else you'd immediately realize how ridiculous this argument is


In other words if God just random appears in your room and rapes you, guess what, IT WAS GOOD BECAUSE HE SAID SO AND HE CAN DO WHAT HE WANTS

Whenever someone religious says God is good I don't think they get the irony that God has already defined everything he does as good, so its good by default


This is why scares me about religous people, its like talking to an npc, pretty sure you are going to quote some scripture next, you guys don't use your brain cells at all
I somewhat expected this reply.The atheist/agnostic has mostly dropped eternal of their vocabulary.To every christian god is infinite.he has no beginning nor end.To every christian,god has no creator.He is himself and is eternal.He has also never experienced change.He has the "idea of good" inside of him.Why god to be god must never experience change is something that various philosophers such as thomas aquinas and many others have treated.Since god can never experience change he must have a "moral code" that applies at any point in time and is therefore infinite.God cannot pick and choose what is good.God cannot change for all that exists is him.And everything proceeds from him.He has nothing else he can *add* to his being.He is him forever and ever.I once thought like you,and in secular society your view is a "normal" way to view the world.

you should read through the churches dogmas where it concerns god,for you probably have a warped perception of who is the god of christianity,just like i had when i was an atheist/agnostic

Also be careful on calling religious people retarded for aristole,Leibniz,descarte,aquinas and millions of other philosophers,scientists,mathematicians etc etc believed in god.
You are just coping, by your logic these people aren't sinning because they lack the resources and/or status to do so, so is it really something that God would judge as an achievement
In some cases yes, in some cases no. If I became a Chad tomorrow I wouldn't partake in such behavior quite honestly. Maybe if I had a reroll from birth it would be different, but not the current me.

I don't know how religion can be a cope if you believe you won't be saved regardless. I talked about this before, but I don't have contrition and quite frankly I don't think I even fear hell at this point. So in many ways I'm below even many non-believers.

God: "I made you ugly and poor and because of that you didn't have sex before marriage and you were humble, so because you never had a chance to commit certain sins because I deprived you of that chance, that makes you a good person, welcome to heaven"
Everyone has the capacity to commit sin and does commit sin in their lifetime. It's moreso that struggle and despair can make you a better person who's contrite, sorrowful of your sins, and turn to God. Someone basking carnal pleasure and living it up has no reason to change anything or seek out anything other than the worldly.

Regardless of any religious angle, I know that I would prefer the company of many incels than many higher-status people and think they're in general better people. It was just my point that you had it reversed because you've tried to argue that Chads have a better chance for repentance after "getting it out of their system" in the past.

My point is, its not that they're good, its that they don't have a chance to be bad, that isn't an achievement and an all knowing God would take notice of that, a lot of them likely hold malice and jealousy in their heart for those who can, if you think God isn't taking that into consideration then there is no consistency to any of this
But that's not actually the case a lot of times and even if it were they would just be bad people. If you would live a degenerate lifestyle given the chance tomorrow than fundamentally your entire faith in God was nothing more than a very obvious bold-faced lie. I don't know see why this is supposed to be a negative feature of judgment or prove that God is morally bad.
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To actually control degeneracy people need to believe that certain actions and ideas are logically bad without the need for an omnipotent entity making it's opinion into rules.

This, I've made an entire thread about this very concept

"Morality" is ironically why degeneracy has become so rampant and acceptable, because its all about emotional subjective reasons not to do X, rather than logical objective reasons not to do X

The ideal society would be driven primarily by logic. I think the reason society is so immoral is ironically because we are trying to be moral and not logical.

The basis of all laws that are good for a society, is logic.

Take murder for example, the law should not be "you should not kill because its bad/evil", it should be - "you should not kill because you also do not want to be killed". We should hate murder as a society because if we allow other people to kill others haphazardly, then we might be next, sounds fucked up but if society ran on cold logic like that, then everything would be more peaceful.

Basing laws on morality is ironically why society is flawed, its because MORALITY IS SUBJECTIVE. Even criminal organizations like the Yakuza or the Italian Mob, etc all have "codes of honour", that are things that even the average citizen would agree with. They have their own set of morals, for example the Mob usually doesn't allow killing women and children, its an emotional and subjective "rule", they have let their emotions create an illogical ruleset, but ironically they can kill men, steal from families, sell drugs, etc.

This is the problem with morals, everybody thinks their moral code is "good enough". If we all had to operate on logic, there is no such thing as "my logic" or "your logic", a choice either is logical or it isn't, logic is based on whats objective, not on how something makes one feel. We need a logical society not a moral one, "true morals" are inherent to logic, because logic usually yields the greatest collective rule set

If we replaced all moral based rule systems with logic based ones, crime and degeneracy would drastically decrease in a few generations and it would stay that way because nobody could use subjective reasoning to give themselves "a pass" like they can do with religion and/or morality
The problem is that you don't need religion to keep society in check, contrary to belief. You think "we don't have religion, and it's going to shit", yes, because we got rid of religion AND promoted degeneracy. If we promoted traditional values without religion we would be fine.
Religion is what condemned degeneracy
God cannot pick and choose what is good.God cannot change for all that exists is him.And everything proceeds from him.He has nothing else he can *add* to his being.He is him forever and ever.I once thought like you,and in secular society your view is a "normal" way to view the world.

So God isn't all powerful then?, because you just nerfed God into a being that basically flicked a domino and can't stop the chain reaction no matter what, kinda seems weird to call a being like that "God" after years and years of Christians overhyping him with the "all powerful" title
So God isn't all powerful then?, because you just nerfed God into a being that basically flicked a domino and can't stop the chain reaction no matter what, kinda seems weird to call a being like that "God" after years and years of Christians overhyping him with the "all powerful" title
You seem to assume that these rules precede god when these rules are god.God wasn't thrown into this situation.

14 God said to Moses, “I am who I am.[a] This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you.’”

God is simple.God is simply god.
You seem to assume that these rules precede god when these rules are god.God wasn't thrown into this situation.

14 God said to Moses, “I am who I am.[a] This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you.’”

God is simple.God is simply god.

Its amazing how you can respond to a post and never actually address anything I actually say

Also, I called it:
This is why scares me about religous people, its like talking to an npc, pretty sure you are going to quote some scripture next, you guys don't use your brain cells at all
Its amazing how you can respond to a post and never actually address anything I actually say
you seem to think that god is a slave to rules.I simply tried to rectify that
Religion is cucked.
Celibates venerating married saints is pathetic.
I have served my tour of virginity duty above and beyond the historical norm, so where is my trad wife?
you seem to think that god is a slave to rules.I simply tried to rectify that

You can't read to save your life, my entire argument is that GOD CAN CHANGE THE RULES WHEN HE WANTS WHICH MAKES THE RULES (ABOUT SIN) IRRELEVANT, but the cognitive bias of being religious is preventing you from understanding simple arguments

Everything that is a sin, God can just decide its not a sin, and like that nobody gets tortured for eternity for stuff he just decided on a whim on his current creation project (we aren't even sure if were the first iteration of "life" god created, we could very well just be his current source of entertainment)
You can't read to save your life, my entire argument is that GOD CAN CHANGE THE RULES WHEN HE WANTS WHICH MAKES THE RULES (ABOUT SIN) IRRELEVANT, but the cognitive bias of being religious is preventing you from understanding simple arguments

Everything that is a sin, God can just decide its not a sin, and like that nobody gets tortured for eternity for stuff he just decided on a whim on his current creation project (we aren't even sure if were the first iteration of "life" god created, we could very well just be his current source of entertainment)

'God cannot change for all that exists is him.And everything proceeds from him.He has nothing else he can *add* to his being.'

you are arguing about a god that christianity believes to be changeless.Yet,you seem to continue to argue that god can change "rules" whenever he wants.So far i haven't tried to do philosophy and i have simply tried to show you why if god is x why x things cannot be applied(subjectiveness being one of them).I already sent you a bunch of books that present arguments and argues to why the god of christianity is the true one.I can present to you a million arguments about god,why objective morality exists etc etc,but i would be simply wasting my time.You can read books(look at the chart i gave you),who have all put it in a very neat manner.Everything i have said so far,has gone through one ear and has bursted out of the other.I don't blame you,since your metaphysical assumption are yet to be challenged.I have tried to show you why your conception of the christian god is faulty(read the church dogmas),but i repeat i am not going to waste my time breaking your simple metaphysical assumptions.Read your common apologetic book like the last superstition.
you seem to think that god is a slave to rules.I simply tried to rectify that
God cannot change for all that exists is him.And everything proceeds from him.He has nothing else he can *add* to his being.'

High Confusion

And on that note, I end this pointless back and forth lol
bro this guy is legit too stupid to educate, just leave this low IQ idiot to rot and cope.

I have a friend who is also religious and he's just as dense, I just stopped trying to convince him of everything and right now his life is trash and he's out of a job, but no "God is on his side", while some random white Chad fucker on this planet was born into a rich christian family ontop of having good genetics, and he'll just cruise through life on his looks, status, wealth and intelligence (will likely go to an Ivy League college)

These guys just have to cope, they don't want to accept this harsh reality, there just has to be a silver lining

The moment you back them into a corner with arguments he just starts quoting scripture, these people are the most dense fools on the planet, its not even a matter of "God doesn't exist" which I never argue, its a matter of logic, they can't even be logical, and that's because religion is inherently about appealing to ones emotions, you can't be both religious and logical, they are always at odds with eachother
They just have new religions, consumerism, social media, veganism, gender cult... Ppl will always want to be part of something bigger than themselves.
Women believe in jumping from one chad to another
I have a friend who is also religious and he's just as dense, I just stopped trying to convince him of everything and right now his life is trash and he's out of a job, but no "God is on his side", while some random white Chad fucker on this planet was born into a rich christian family ontop of having good genetics, and he'll just cruise through life on his looks, status, wealth and intelligence (will likely go to an Ivy League college)

These guys just have to cope, they don't want to accept this harsh reality, there just has to be a silver lining

The moment you back them into a corner with arguments he just starts quoting scripture, these people are the most dense fools on the planet, its not even a matter of "God doesn't exist" which I never argue, its a matter of logic, they can't even be logical, and that's because religion is inherently about appealing to ones emotions, you can't be both religious and logical, they are always at odds with eachother

Back when i was a bluepilled kid, i was religious due to brainwashing and indoctrination by family, relatives, community etc. But as i started to grow up, i realised that a human beings' likelihood of attaining nirvana is heavily dependant on factors out of their control.

The flip of a coin, the draw of a card, the roll of a dice etc. determines whether you're born in a rich or poor family;whether you're born in a first or third world country; whether you're born white, black, asian, curry etc.; whether you're born good-looking or ugly.

There are people in the world dying from starvation, disease, war etc. while there are fuckers living in mansions/palaces, owning private jets, having a collection of 100 sportscars, employing various personnel(cooks, chefs, maids, chauffeurs, bodyguards etc.)

When i saw the huge disparity in happiness, i realised that either god doesnt exist, or if he exists he must be very cruel and sadistic to allow some people to live a life of suffering while enabling others to live in comfort and luxury.
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"You seem to assume that these rules precede god when these rules are god.God wasn't thrown into this situation."

it's quite sad that you took this discussion into a circus.I already said that god is not rules or that these rules control god in the usual sense of the word.No mere rule can sustain itself,for rules do not will themselves.they do no possess a will.Or are you now going to argue that law books talk and have conversations or that they possess sight and appetites?To a christian,god is everything not in the sense that i am god or something of the sort,but that god has everything that possesses an actual ontological status.God could change "rules",but any change that would occur would be from best to worst,so that would be just stupidity.God is bound to himself just like you are bound to being you.You seem to imagine that god can only be god if he can both be actually strong and actually weak.Your entire argument is being based on a nonsensical premise.You might as well go on to say that you are alive and not alive,that you are and you are not.You both want things to be and not to be.After all everything is a just a matter of perspective,right?Of course,it doesn't matter what i say for you do not even have a right conception of god and you are trying your best to keep far away from understanding it.Something that you don't even consider to exist!I was once just like you,so i understand that vitriolic hate,but you should choose wisely for we as incels are bottom trash and you might be spitting into the hands of the only person who could save you and the only person who would even consider saving you.It's rather amazing that you consider religious people retarded when various philosophers,artists,scientists believed in god and in christianity.durr it's cope bro.Maybe you could get away with this cope response 5000 years ago but not today.You right now could be reading about the various arguments for god's existence or even watching a simple video such as this ' of course,it's better to dunk on them *stupid religious copers* because i have more knowledge then aristotle,lebniz,thomas aquinas,descartes,boethius,all the neo platonists,newton,robert boyle,pascal,michelangelo and a million other people.If you can refute aquinas arguments for the existence of god you will be herald the next great philosopher,and i will personally become your slave.When you refute him,send me a dm.

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