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Guide to NT Maxxing



Jan 10, 2018
1.Phone - iPhone or Samsung
2.Music - Rap, hip-hop, dance, pop
3.Clothes - high quality jeans, desert boots, sneakers (vans or converse), shirt, hoodie
4.Apps - snapchat, instagram, messenger
5.Video games - Call of Duty, CS:GO, Fifa
6.TV Series - all kinds of jewisj degeneracy bullshit like the big bang
7.Socializing - laughing at dumb shit (e.g. seeing a spider)
8.Positive thinking maxxing - it's all good bro. Don't be a hater.
9.Lifting - crossfit, bodybuilding, mma - none of that powerlifting shit
10.Sports - football, climbing, cango jumps...etc.
11.IQ - lower your IQ to 90. If you are below, don't bother upgrading.
12.Career - graphic designer, music engineer, brand manager, PR, writing, video editing, photography - none of that coding shit
13.Computer - Mac or Lenovo or Sony
14.Desktop PC - low end gaming pc (if you know what's a video card don't reveal it in front of women) - preferably console - PlayStation (xbox is not nt enough
15.Leisure activities - sports, traveling (take lots of pictures), playing with animals
16.Animals - preferable - golden retreiver, but cats can do it too (look for a garfield type of ginger cat)
17.Be pro gay, pro lesbian, pro transgender
18.Master photoshop but don't talk about your skills - just use them
19.Social behaviour - call people for their birthday, stay late at work to party; socialize max - talk to everyone with a smile
20.Watch - preferably automatic watch with arrows or G-shock
21.Never use incel talk EVER in front of people
22.Get abs but use IIFYM (if it fits your macros)
23.Don't talk about philosophy in front of people.
24.Don't talk about black pills, red pills or purple pills
25.Spend lots of time on r/funny to demote your brain cells to something that belongs on a monkey
1. Samsung Galaxy S8
2. Check
3. Levi's Jeans, Nike Bruins, Jordans
4. Snapchat Only
5. COD
6. Anime, Stranger Things
7. Need to work on this, only 4chan memes make me laugh now
8. LOL @ positive thinking
9. Gymceling for 5 years
10. Amateur Boxing
11. Low IQ - Majored in Advertising
12. No Career
13. HP computer
14. No gaming PC, Xbox only
15. Masturbation, Naptime
16. No Pets Owned, Love Dogs
17. Christian, will never happen
18. No photoshop
19. See B-day notifications on FB, still ignore
20. Wear my dads watch that he purchased in 1988
21. Only use the term LDAR
22. Abs, but have autistically healthy diet
23. Do this all the time
24. Check
25. This will be tough
1. Yep
2. No but I listen to rock and most normal favs complement my taste
3. I recently started wearing bomber jackets
4. All but snap, if I see some snaps I may sui
5. These are normalfag games anymore besides cs. I think normalfags play battle royale
6. I don’t watch tv
7. I fake laugh
8. I pretend to be super positive
9. Yeah some
10. No I just run
11. Fuck
12. In uni
13. Lenovo
14. PS4
15. Yeah, some pics but rarely of me/my face
16. Animals are pests
17. Pretend to be
18. To do what?
19. Yep
20. Fake g shock
21. Yes
22. What’s that?
23. Yep
24. Yep
25. Refuse
Will a Samsung from 2014 do.?
You should never talk about blackpills with anyone outside of this site anyways, you're literally just sabotaging yourself by talking about any pills IRL.
17.Be pro gay, pro lesbian, pro transgender

lol. do u live in San Fransisco\Portland or smth? lots of normies are right-wingers who don't give a shit about gays\stacies rights.


a lot of chads\normies go to Milo events and are against feminism and all this degeneracy

cs go is super incel game. Fifa is the most nt game tbh
1.Phone - Lmao a cheap ass Moto G
2.Music - Electronic and anime tier music
3.Clothes - Literally look homeless (sweatpants, cheap hoodie, vans though :))
4.Apps - Snapchat
5.Video games - Does osu! count
6.TV Series - Why will femoids never understand real comedy
7.Socializing - How the fuck could I even fake laughing at this kind of shit... This is impossible for me to even try.
8.Positive thinking maxxing - FUCKKKKJFFFFFSKDFHLJH
9.Lifting - Lmao
10.Sports - Lmao
11.IQ - Lmao
12.Career - Lmao "none of that coding shit" fuckkkkkk
13.Computer - Nice HP craptop
14.Desktop PC - None thankfully
15.Leisure activities - Does jerking off count?
16.Animals - Fuck
17.Be pro gay, pro lesbian, pro transgender - Honestly not a huge issue for me. I hate being open about it though. People won't shut the fuck up about it.
18.Master photoshop but don't talk about your skills - Visually challenged
19.Social behaviour - Possible
20.Watch - Lmao
21.Never use incel talk EVER in front of people - Freudian slips galore already with my normie friends.
22.Get abs but use IIFYM (if it fits your macros) - Lmao
23.Don't talk about philosophy in front of people. - Shit
24.Don't talk about black pills, red pills or purple pills - Double shit
25.Spend lots of time on r/funny to demote your brain cells to something that belongs on a monkey - How can a human being enjoy this?

Welp I'm like a .25/10 on the NT scale.
0/25, feels good man.
whats the point it wont change me being ugly curry
I'm 3/25

cats, normiepop and cs:go
NT maxxing is impossible.
1. Be attractive.
Legit. Brio who is autistic as fuck has gotten dates and has had sex and then you also have Zyros who dresses up like a transexual vamp kid while talking about playing the accordion and he has fwbs and gets laid all the time.
i have a samsung galaxy and i used to be LE in csgo, quit due to the absolute fuckers there. if i kept playing it would've probably been me in the news instead of nicolas cruz (wow that rhymes)

im about as non-NT as it gets
i have a samsung galaxy and i used to be LE in csgo, quit due to the absolute fuckers there. if i kept playing it would've probably been me in the news instead of nicolas cruz (wow that rhymes)

im about as non-NT as it gets

i only play deathmatch and legit don't give a fuck about ranks

but used to obsess over sc2 rankings - I was master there with terran and was legit going ape shit after a loss
i only play deathmatch and legit don't give a fuck about ranks

but used to obsess over sc2 rankings - I was master there with terran and was legit going ape shit after a loss

128 tick community dm or the 64 tick valve one that is absolute shit?

idk how you play it tbh, both complete cancer. play 1v1/retakes on community servers.

literally all you do in dm is spawn, die, spawn, get 1 hs or spray down then die, well that's if you're playing on the 128 tick where people are actually good.
128 tick community dm or the 64 tick valve one that is absolute shit?

idk how you play it tbh, both complete cancer. play 1v1/retakes on community servers.

literally all you do in dm is spawn, die, spawn, get 1 hs or spray down then die, well that's if you're playing on the 128 tick where people are actually good.

i just play while listenign to music and legit dont'care

this is one of the reasons i don't read anything CS GO related

i want to play it like a noob just to relax
i just play while listenign to music and legit dont'care

this is one of the reasons i don't read anything CS GO related

i want to play it like a noob just to relax

well, as long as you're having fun i guess lol.

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