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Got the Cops Called on Me for Calling a Cunt a Cunt



Jun 2, 2023
I'll do a TL;DR at the bottom. Last paragraph, scroll down. And if you're not interested in reading all of this, just bow out.

My stats: Mayocel, 40+, 5'9, Burgerland

This story occurred a few days ago. I currently work at a supermarket. There I was, on my hands and knees, straightening up an aisle. I look up, and there's this foid I used to work with at a previous job standing right there next to me shopping. She's this fat, ugly, dykish mayobitch in her 30s.

BACKSTORY: I used to work in this department store unloading trucks a few years back. I'd come in early in the morning. This bitch also worked there in the office; she was responsible for payroll and whatnot. She'd come in AFTER me, but BEFORE the store actually opened. I had several problems with her. One morning, me and this other guy were bringing some items from the truck dock to the sales floor. Store wasn't opened yet, so the main entrance doors were locked. There was a bell for employees to ring if they wanted to come in. Me and the other guy were heading back from the sales floor to the truck when we heard the bell ring (we had to walk past the main entrance). The other guy was behind me a few steps and said, "I'll get the door."

So, I walked by first. I looked and saw her peeping in. I didn't do anything, because the other dude was going to answer the door. Evidently, she thought I was deliberately ignoring her. The very next morning, before the store opened, I went on break and unlocked the door for myself and went outside to smoke (something I'd done many times before). This bitch was already in the store, and nearby. When she saw me go outside, she promptly came up and locked the door on me. I had to ring the bell to get back in and she stood there staring at me. She eventually let me in and gave me a lecture on how, "You're not a manager, you have no right to unlock the door and go outside without permission!"

Interestingly, another co-worked told me that one morning he went out to get something from his car as she was heading in. He told her the door was unlocked, so she didn't have to ring the bell. She thanked him, indifferent to the fact that he had unlocked the door and gone outside. So, she was applying the rules willy-nilly. Didn't care when HE unlocked the door, locked me out when I unlocked it...

Another time, I went into the office where they kept tools in order to find a socket wrench to fix a collapsed clothing rail. She was in the office. We didn't talk. Shortly thereafter, she informed some other foid manager that I was "Wondering around aimlessly in the office," even though I was looking for a tool and it really wasn't any of her business.

Another time, I was in a room talking to some other foid manager about some bullshit. The door was closed, and this bitch knocked on the door, looked around, and said something to the other manager foid like, "Oh, uh, I thought you needed me for XYZ." In reality, it was, "Are you in danger being alone in the office with this ugly creep?"

PRESENT-DAY: In the grocery store, I stand up and she happens to be right there shopping. I decide to be boldly low-inhib and say to her, "Hey, you're that CUNT from the department store. You locked me out that one time. You were such a CUNT. Wow, what a CUNT you are," or something like that. I wasn't screaming, merely stating it matter-of-factly.

This cunt starts flipping out, screaming at other workers about my unacceptable behavior.

An old cashier lady in her 60s came up, all confused by the commotion. She tried to diffuse the situation, and told the CUNT that perhaps she should go into another aisle. The CUNT got livid and said, "I've been called a CUNT by him 4 or 5 times now!" I replied: "We can make it 6 or 7 if you want."

The CUNT then said to the cashier lady, "I want a manager, get me a manager!" I replied, "Yes, get a manager for this nice CUNT customer here."

She complained to the manager and left the store. The manager guy called me into the office and gave me a lecture on how it's inappropriate to call a customer a CUNT, but ultimately agreed with me about her behavior.

About an hour later, two police officers show up. I had to go into the office where they told me all about "harassment" and how the poor CUNT felt threatened. I denied calling her a cunt. They were trying to get me to admit to what I said, but I played dumb. They used the euphamism See You Next Tuesaday (C U Next Tuesday = CUNT). I feigned ignorance and said, "Tuesday, does she come here on Tuesdays? I don't know and I haven't seen her since I worked at the department store."

Anyway, this is just more evidence of how fucked up this clown world is and how ugly fucks have NO RIGHTS. Burgerland prides itself on free speech. According to these pigs, my state has very broad harassemt laws. I recorded some audio and can type up transcripts. The pigs said, "Well, she's very upset; harassement is based on how she feels."

We'll see what comes of this, but the CUNT only proved my point in calling the police. I should mention that a lot of these cashier foids are old women, semi-retired, don't seem to like the general public they have to deal with. They were actually on my side once this CUNT started getting nasty with them too. The CUNT expected them all to bend over backwards and shit pink for her. When they didn't, she got LIVID.

TL;DR: At my current job, a nasty CUNT from a former job came in shopping. When I worked with her, she was a really nasty cunt. When I saw her at my current job, I calmly called her a CUNT several times. She cried to the manager. After leaving, she called the COPS on me. The COPS came to the job and grilled me to confess to "harassment," but I didn't take the bait.
Screenshot 2023 09 22 at 162323
Based, fuck that cunt
Based, fuck that cunt

It's funny, because I wouldn't care if I was fired. I expected the CUNT to go to the manager. I didn't expect the POLICE to get involved. It's amazing and scary how free speech is meaningless. There is a principle here.
"Hey, you're that CUNT from the department store. You locked me out that one time. You were such a CUNT. Wow, what a CUNT you are,"
You're really stupid doing this at work. If you value that job at all.

You should have told the cops what you said. It wasn't harassment either way.
You're really stupid doing this at work. If you value that job at all.

You should have told the cops what you said. It wasn't harassment either way.

In principle, it's not harassment. I didn't go out of my way to talk to her, she happened to be right there. I didn't go to her house of her place of work and confront her. I didn't threaten her. So, I agree, in spirit, it's not harassment.

But with cucked laws, it's evidently a different story. If a foid "feels harassed," it's now harassment. This is very fucked-up. I don't regret my behavior at all. I am amazed the police actually entertained this bullshit. It speaks volumes about where society is now.

As far as the shitty minimum-wage job goes, I was prepared to get fired over my principles. But I sort of knew I wouldn't because the manager guy seems very hands-off and indifferent about pretty much everything, so I was emboldened. But I didn't expect police involvement.

I did say to the manager, "In all the time you've known me, have I ever struck you as the sort of person who'd behave this way on a whim? If I'm calling someone a CUNT, it's probably because she is a CUNT." He didn't disagree, seemed to want the whole issue to be done and over with. Didn't want me "harassing" customers, didn't want to fire me; his whole stance is "I don't want this headache, can we move past it? Don't do it again."
Based AF
Crazy how you cant call someone a cunt in freespeech Land
You should have told the cops what you said. It wasn't harassment either way.

Also, why would I ever want to confess anything to the cops? They're not on my side, they're not my friends. If they're talking to me and hinting at WHAT I said, then they're simply fishing for a confession for their report. In Burgerland, anything you say CAN AND WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU.

And whether or not we feel it's harassment is irrelevant. Evidently, if the state says it's harassment, then it is harassment.
Wow u can get the cops called on u for saying cunt? What a joke
Are you retarded? You only stand to lose by saying anything to the cops.
He admitted calling her a cunt to two other witnesses. So he just lied to the cops and they can quite easily prove that. That is the only crime he's committed.
Also, why would I ever want to confess anything to the cops? They're not on my side, they're not my friends. If they're talking to me and hinting at WHAT I said, then they're simply fishing for a confession for their report. In Burgerland, anything you say CAN AND WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU.
See my other response. You just lied to the cops. You said you didn't call her a cunt after telling two other people you did. Yes, say nothing to the cops, but if you do talk to them (as you did), then don't lie. That's the most stupid move imaginable.
And whether or not we feel it's harassment is irrelevant. Evidently, if the state says it's harassment, then it is harassment.
Laws are laws. Harassment is defined as repeated and unwanted behaviour.
He admitted calling her a cunt to two other witnesses. So he just lied to the cops and they can quite easily prove that. That is the only crime he's committed.
I didn't read the long post, so I didn't see where he lied. Lying is the only thing worse than talking to the cops. Just avoid saying anything. Say you don't remember, and if they press, say you need a lawyer. They are trained to get you to fuck yourself over.
He admitted calling her a cunt to two other witnesses. So he just lied to the cops and they can quite easily prove that. That is the only crime he's committed.

If that were the case, then why would they need a confession from me?? Also, those other witnesses didn't want to get involved, and the police didn't ask anyone else anything about what happened.

Even if the witnesses corroborated the CUNT's story, they'd still want to hear it from my mouth, and I wasn't going to give them that luxury.

So, please, explain to me WHY I should have told the cops anything? I'm dead serious. How would that have been to my advantage? WHY should I have done what you suggest? And where are you from? Which country?

Amazing that even on this supposed black-pilled website I'm getting absurd criticism like this. Again, how would it have been in my benefit to directly tell the police what I'd done when they're clearly there to come after me? How would that have made anything better? If they're claiming it's harassment and are coming to my workplace to begin with, how is saying, "Oh, I just called her a CUNT" going to make anything better? I'd only be openly admitting to their definition of harassment.

Seriously, I want an explanation from you of your reasoning.
I didn't read the long post, so I didn't see where he lied. Lying is the only thing worse than talking to the cops. Just avoid saying anything. Say you don't remember, and if they press, say you need a lawyer. They are trained to get you to fuck yourself over.

I feigned ignorance, but I didn't flat-out lie. I never said, "I did not call her a CUNT." But I didn't admit to it either. READ.

I wasn't under arrest. They wanted me to openly state I called her a CUNT. Clearly not to my advantage.

I feigned ignornance. I told them who I was. Said I used to work with her. Said we didn't get along and she got upset when she saw me. I didn't admit to calling her any "bad words," which is what they were looking for. They WANTED me to say I'd called her a CUNT. I don't have to say anything...

"You should have told the cops the truth." WHY??
as a kid I had this power fantasy about going ER on every single cop in the country. Nothing political obv, just thought it'd be cool. Someone should finish what St. Dorner started (in GTA V)
If that were the case, then why would they need a confession from me?? Also, those other witnesses didn't want to get involved, and the police didn't ask anyone else anything about what happened.

Even if the witnesses corroborated the CUNT's story, they'd still want to hear it from my mouth, and I wasn't going to give them that luxury.

So, please, explain to me WHY I should have told the cops anything? I'm dead serious. How would that have been to my advantage? WHY should I have done what you suggest? And where are you from? Which country?

Amazing that even on this supposed black-pilled website I'm getting absurd criticism like this. Again, how would it have been in my benefit to directly tell the police what I'd done when they're clearly there to come after me? How would that have made anything better? If they're claiming it's harassment and are coming to my workplace to begin with, how is saying, "Oh, I just called her a CUNT" going to make anything better? I'd only be openly admitting to their definition of harassment.

Seriously, I want an explanation from you of your reasoning.
I didn't tell you to tell the cops anything, I told you not to lie to the cops. If they wanted to pursue it (which they very likely won't) they could easily interview your manager again (or call him as a witness) and catch you in the lie. And then you are in trouble. Because not only have you lied to the cops (which is a crime) but they'd use that fact to not believe anything you say, it would make you an unreliable witness in court and the Judge wouldn't believe a thing you said. Which would mean whatever the woman said would be the truth, and you'd be completely fucked.
No shocker the badge fags would threaten you with harassment course any judge would throw it out and they'd look like retards its hard to call a situation where some cunt comes to your work and you call her cunt harassment as its far from going out of your way to speak to her and its a singular interaction. Also just reminds me why I completely ignore toilets and try to shut down conversation as quickly as possible I'll come up with an excuse to leave in most instances. I cannot think of a singular benefit to speaking to toilets. Though telling one off is cathartic.
She complained to the manager and left the store. The manager guy called me into the office and gave me a lecture on how it's inappropriate to call a customer a CUNT, but ultimately agreed with me about her behavior.
based manager. is he incel? :lul:
lol. they can't do anything to you. it's freedom of speech
See my other response. You just lied to the cops. You said you didn't call her a cunt after telling two other people you did. Yes, say nothing to the cops, but if you do talk to them (as you did), then don't lie. That's the most stupid move imaginable.

Laws are laws. Harassment is defined as repeated and unwanted behaviour.
not illegal to lie to cops
based manager. is he incel? :lul:
In his 50s, divorce raped, child support and alimony. Honestly, one of the most easy-going, hands-off managers I've ever had.

not illegal to lie to cops
Yes it is.

Based upon your spelling of behavior with a U, I'm assuming you're either from the British realm or English is your second language. So, it's entirely possible that you live in a country where such behavior is treated as a major crime.

I guess here in Burgerland there's still that vague concept of freedom of speech. After contacting a lawyer for a free consultation, I was informed that, in theory, if the foid feels threatened, then it could be both harassment and an arrestable offense. Since I didn't confirm saying what she alleges, they weren't in a position to arrest me flat-out.

(Maybe I'll still get arrested for LYING to the police, but I probably would have been arrested if I'd told them the complete TRUTH. So what difference does it ultimately make?)

Regardless, if there's any mythological spirit of what it means to be an American, this is all in direct opposition to that. I didn't even make any racial / religious / sexual-orientation comments (though those should ALSO be covered by free speech, too). Yet, here I am, nonchalantly calling a cunt a CUNT and facing possible arrest and/or persecution. And there are a lot of foid judges who'd probably love to punish me for existing. This is no joke.

No one finds this baffling or troublesome? I'm not talking about me personally, but the whole principle of what happened. Perhaps this is both cultural (being from Burgerland with an ideal illusion of free speech) and my age. I'm in my 40s. Perhaps for 20-somethings, you guys are indoctrinated to censor yourselves. I'm dead serious, because this seems ultra clown world to me, and my life is already pretty fucked-up. Didn't ever imagine it could go to this level. And it was all spur-of-the-moment, not some planned targeting of the foid.
I'll do a TL;DR at the bottom. Last paragraph, scroll down. And if you're not interested in reading all of this, just bow out.

My stats: Mayocel, 40+, 5'9, Burgerland

This story occurred a few days ago. I currently work at a supermarket. There I was, on my hands and knees, straightening up an aisle. I look up, and there's this foid I used to work with at a previous job standing right there next to me shopping. She's this fat, ugly, dykish mayobitch in her 30s.

BACKSTORY: I used to work in this department store unloading trucks a few years back. I'd come in early in the morning. This bitch also worked there in the office; she was responsible for payroll and whatnot. She'd come in AFTER me, but BEFORE the store actually opened. I had several problems with her. One morning, me and this other guy were bringing some items from the truck dock to the sales floor. Store wasn't opened yet, so the main entrance doors were locked. There was a bell for employees to ring if they wanted to come in. Me and the other guy were heading back from the sales floor to the truck when we heard the bell ring (we had to walk past the main entrance). The other guy was behind me a few steps and said, "I'll get the door."

So, I walked by first. I looked and saw her peeping in. I didn't do anything, because the other dude was going to answer the door. Evidently, she thought I was deliberately ignoring her. The very next morning, before the store opened, I went on break and unlocked the door for myself and went outside to smoke (something I'd done many times before). This bitch was already in the store, and nearby. When she saw me go outside, she promptly came up and locked the door on me. I had to ring the bell to get back in and she stood there staring at me. She eventually let me in and gave me a lecture on how, "You're not a manager, you have no right to unlock the door and go outside without permission!"

Interestingly, another co-worked told me that one morning he went out to get something from his car as she was heading in. He told her the door was unlocked, so she didn't have to ring the bell. She thanked him, indifferent to the fact that he had unlocked the door and gone outside. So, she was applying the rules willy-nilly. Didn't care when HE unlocked the door, locked me out when I unlocked it...

Another time, I went into the office where they kept tools in order to find a socket wrench to fix a collapsed clothing rail. She was in the office. We didn't talk. Shortly thereafter, she informed some other foid manager that I was "Wondering around aimlessly in the office," even though I was looking for a tool and it really wasn't any of her business.

Another time, I was in a room talking to some other foid manager about some bullshit. The door was closed, and this bitch knocked on the door, looked around, and said something to the other manager foid like, "Oh, uh, I thought you needed me for XYZ." In reality, it was, "Are you in danger being alone in the office with this ugly creep?"

PRESENT-DAY: In the grocery store, I stand up and she happens to be right there shopping. I decide to be boldly low-inhib and say to her, "Hey, you're that CUNT from the department store. You locked me out that one time. You were such a CUNT. Wow, what a CUNT you are," or something like that. I wasn't screaming, merely stating it matter-of-factly.

This cunt starts flipping out, screaming at other workers about my unacceptable behavior.

An old cashier lady in her 60s came up, all confused by the commotion. She tried to diffuse the situation, and told the CUNT that perhaps she should go into another aisle. The CUNT got livid and said, "I've been called a CUNT by him 4 or 5 times now!" I replied: "We can make it 6 or 7 if you want."

The CUNT then said to the cashier lady, "I want a manager, get me a manager!" I replied, "Yes, get a manager for this nice CUNT customer here."

She complained to the manager and left the store. The manager guy called me into the office and gave me a lecture on how it's inappropriate to call a customer a CUNT, but ultimately agreed with me about her behavior.

About an hour later, two police officers show up. I had to go into the office where they told me all about "harassment" and how the poor CUNT felt threatened. I denied calling her a cunt. They were trying to get me to admit to what I said, but I played dumb. They used the euphamism See You Next Tuesaday (C U Next Tuesday = CUNT). I feigned ignorance and said, "Tuesday, does she come here on Tuesdays? I don't know and I haven't seen her since I worked at the department store."

Anyway, this is just more evidence of how fucked up this clown world is and how ugly fucks have NO RIGHTS. Burgerland prides itself on free speech. According to these pigs, my state has very broad harassemt laws. I recorded some audio and can type up transcripts. The pigs said, "Well, she's very upset; harassement is based on how she feels."

We'll see what comes of this, but the CUNT only proved my point in calling the police. I should mention that a lot of these cashier foids are old women, semi-retired, don't seem to like the general public they have to deal with. They were actually on my side once this CUNT started getting nasty with them too. The CUNT expected them all to bend over backwards and shit pink for her. When they didn't, she got LIVID.

TL;DR: At my current job, a nasty CUNT from a former job came in shopping. When I worked with her, she was a really nasty cunt. When I saw her at my current job, I calmly called her a CUNT several times. She cried to the manager. After leaving, she called the COPS on me. The COPS came to the job and grilled me to confess to "harassment," but I didn't take the bait.
lmao based , what a fucking stupid CUNT , what a dumb bitch :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek::feelskek:
Based if true, Cunts are evil :feelzez:
Based if true, Cunts are evil :feelzez:
I'm tempted to upload the few audio snippets I have. Why do some of you think I'm making this shit up? If this were a LARP, it wouldn't be very entertaining.

I also think being blackpilled and seeing this CUNT right there in front of me is what let me be less-inhib. I've had revenge fantasies I'd never act upon. This was the closest to one, offered to me on a silver platter. The CUNT was right fucking there and I spoke my mind.

It was cathartic. I couldn't even get THAT in peace.
Why do some of you think I'm making this shit up?
many people lie for their own entertainment and attention. Just look at reddit. As I said, "Based if true"
Based upon your spelling of behavior with a U, I'm assuming you're either from the British realm or English is your second language. So, it's entirely possible that you live in a country where such behavior is treated as a major crime.
The cops and criminal "justice" system in Yankland are a billion times worse than in the UK. Also, most of my knowledge of the criminal justice systems comes from watching Youtube videos/documentaries from Burgerland. eg. I watched one recently (bodycam footage) where a cop asked a guy to identify himself and then threatened to arrest him if he didn't, and the guy was the alleged victim in the alleged incident.
I guess here in Burgerland there's still that vague concept of freedom of speech.
Very vague. Yankland has the biggest prison population on planet Earth and the most militarised and punitive cops/criminal justice system in the world. Here in the UK you can get arrested for saying something offensive but it's incredibly unlikely you'll go to prison. And, in the unlikely event you do, it will be for a month in a cosy, hotel-like prison. Also in Burgerland your "free speech" laws have been warped to the extent that spending money is classed as protected speech, so that corporations can buy elections and it's constitutionally protected lol.
No one finds this baffling or troublesome? I'm not talking about me personally, but the whole principle of what happened. Perhaps this is both cultural (being from Burgerland with an ideal illusion of free speech) and my age. I'm in my 40s. Perhaps for 20-somethings, you guys are indoctrinated to censor yourselves. I'm dead serious, because this seems ultra clown world to me, and my life is already pretty fucked-up. Didn't ever imagine it could go to this level. And it was all spur-of-the-moment, not some planned targeting of the foid.
Yeah of course it's fucked up. I'm just being a contrarian because it's the internet. Well done. It's funny. But also rather stupid. You should have complained about her at the previous job.
Lmao imagine being so fragile you call the cops on someone just for being insulted. I got insulted in real life in middle and high school everyday so my ego is not as fragile today

This foid getting triggered so easily is another example of female privilege. She was almost never treated like this before
The cops and criminal "justice" system in Yankland are a billion times worse than in the UK.
I'm not disagreeing. I'm saying that even normie men would find this broad definition of "harassment" strange here in Burgerland. And since the USA is continental in size, think of it like various European countries. States have varying laws. So all of our "free speech" is actually censored at the state level. This is actually a state statute saying calling a CUNT a CUNT is harassment and a threat. But the average normie living his life probably isn't even thinking that far ahead. In other countries, it may be different.

You should have complained about her at the previous job.
To whom? Management wouldn't give a shit, they'd just see me as some troublemaker going after an established office manager. Complaints would have been meaningless. I've also learned in life that management doesn't really give a shit about any individual worker's complaint. Well, at least not mine.
Lmao imagine being so fragile you call the cops on someone just for being insulted. I got insulted in real life in middle and high school everyday so my ego is not as fragile today

This foid getting triggered so easily is another example of female privilege. She was almost never treated like this before

Yes. It's like I had to live through hurricane after hurricane and no one cared. This cunt got a little wind from me and, oh no, all hell breaks loose.
Women Love Government control, women love calling Police on every single shit like its their personal army.
Women would love if they could just put someone in jail by calling police.

I hate women, they really wish for dictator
Women Love Government control, women love calling Police on every single shit like its their personal army.
Women would love if they could just put someone in jail by calling police.

I hate women, they really wish for dictator
That's why we need an incel dictatorship where women are deprived of their rights so that men are granted safety and protection from foids and normies who support them
You would think these cunts, police officers in this context, would have better things to do with their time?
You've got a drug crisis there and all they do is fuck around with some dude saying mean things, absolute wastes of oxygen.
I decide to be boldly low-inhib and say to her, "Hey, you're that CUNT from the department store.

Anyway, this is just more evidence of how fucked up this clown world is
Wow read this thread and your replies to everyone here, you are based beyond belief, this is the first post I've seen from you, I too live in burgerland and you hit the hammer on the nail here, this truly is the land of hypocrisy man, absolute clown world, following you and looking forward to your other threads, would love to hear those audios btw. hehe
She complained to the manager and left the store. The manager guy called me into the office and gave me a lecture on how it's inappropriate to call a customer a CUNT, but ultimately agreed with me about her behavior.

It's a miracle you weren't fired on the spot IMO.

Your "manager guy" sounds like an abasolute top dude.
I'll do a TL;DR at the bottom. Last paragraph, scroll down. And if you're not interested in reading all of this, just bow out.

My stats: Mayocel, 40+, 5'9, Burgerland

This story occurred a few days ago. I currently work at a supermarket. There I was, on my hands and knees, straightening up an aisle. I look up, and there's this foid I used to work with at a previous job standing right there next to me shopping. She's this fat, ugly, dykish mayobitch in her 30s.

BACKSTORY: I used to work in this department store unloading trucks a few years back. I'd come in early in the morning. This bitch also worked there in the office; she was responsible for payroll and whatnot. She'd come in AFTER me, but BEFORE the store actually opened. I had several problems with her. One morning, me and this other guy were bringing some items from the truck dock to the sales floor. Store wasn't opened yet, so the main entrance doors were locked. There was a bell for employees to ring if they wanted to come in. Me and the other guy were heading back from the sales floor to the truck when we heard the bell ring (we had to walk past the main entrance). The other guy was behind me a few steps and said, "I'll get the door."

So, I walked by first. I looked and saw her peeping in. I didn't do anything, because the other dude was going to answer the door. Evidently, she thought I was deliberately ignoring her. The very next morning, before the store opened, I went on break and unlocked the door for myself and went outside to smoke (something I'd done many times before). This bitch was already in the store, and nearby. When she saw me go outside, she promptly came up and locked the door on me. I had to ring the bell to get back in and she stood there staring at me. She eventually let me in and gave me a lecture on how, "You're not a manager, you have no right to unlock the door and go outside without permission!"

Interestingly, another co-worked told me that one morning he went out to get something from his car as she was heading in. He told her the door was unlocked, so she didn't have to ring the bell. She thanked him, indifferent to the fact that he had unlocked the door and gone outside. So, she was applying the rules willy-nilly. Didn't care when HE unlocked the door, locked me out when I unlocked it...

Another time, I went into the office where they kept tools in order to find a socket wrench to fix a collapsed clothing rail. She was in the office. We didn't talk. Shortly thereafter, she informed some other foid manager that I was "Wondering around aimlessly in the office," even though I was looking for a tool and it really wasn't any of her business.

Another time, I was in a room talking to some other foid manager about some bullshit. The door was closed, and this bitch knocked on the door, looked around, and said something to the other manager foid like, "Oh, uh, I thought you needed me for XYZ." In reality, it was, "Are you in danger being alone in the office with this ugly creep?"

PRESENT-DAY: In the grocery store, I stand up and she happens to be right there shopping. I decide to be boldly low-inhib and say to her, "Hey, you're that CUNT from the department store. You locked me out that one time. You were such a CUNT. Wow, what a CUNT you are," or something like that. I wasn't screaming, merely stating it matter-of-factly.

This cunt starts flipping out, screaming at other workers about my unacceptable behavior.

An old cashier lady in her 60s came up, all confused by the commotion. She tried to diffuse the situation, and told the CUNT that perhaps she should go into another aisle. The CUNT got livid and said, "I've been called a CUNT by him 4 or 5 times now!" I replied: "We can make it 6 or 7 if you want."

The CUNT then said to the cashier lady, "I want a manager, get me a manager!" I replied, "Yes, get a manager for this nice CUNT customer here."

She complained to the manager and left the store. The manager guy called me into the office and gave me a lecture on how it's inappropriate to call a customer a CUNT, but ultimately agreed with me about her behavior.

About an hour later, two police officers show up. I had to go into the office where they told me all about "harassment" and how the poor CUNT felt threatened. I denied calling her a cunt. They were trying to get me to admit to what I said, but I played dumb. They used the euphamism See You Next Tuesaday (C U Next Tuesday = CUNT). I feigned ignorance and said, "Tuesday, does she come here on Tuesdays? I don't know and I haven't seen her since I worked at the department store."

Anyway, this is just more evidence of how fucked up this clown world is and how ugly fucks have NO RIGHTS. Burgerland prides itself on free speech. According to these pigs, my state has very broad harassemt laws. I recorded some audio and can type up transcripts. The pigs said, "Well, she's very upset; harassement is based on how she feels."

We'll see what comes of this, but the CUNT only proved my point in calling the police. I should mention that a lot of these cashier foids are old women, semi-retired, don't seem to like the general public they have to deal with. They were actually on my side once this CUNT started getting nasty with them too. The CUNT expected them all to bend over backwards and shit pink for her. When they didn't, she got LIVID.

TL;DR: At my current job, a nasty CUNT from a former job came in shopping. When I worked with her, she was a really nasty cunt. When I saw her at my current job, I calmly called her a CUNT several times. She cried to the manager. After leaving, she called the COPS on me. The COPS came to the job and grilled me to confess to "harassment," but I didn't take the bait.
Based and cuntpilled
Based oldcel aryancel
Wisdom right here from the oldcel :yes:
Sorry this happened to you…
I'll do a TL;DR at the bottom. Last paragraph, scroll down. And if you're not interested in reading all of this, just bow out.

My stats: Mayocel, 40+, 5'9, Burgerland

This story occurred a few days ago. I currently work at a supermarket. There I was, on my hands and knees, straightening up an aisle. I look up, and there's this foid I used to work with at a previous job standing right there next to me shopping. She's this fat, ugly, dykish mayobitch in her 30s.

BACKSTORY: I used to work in this department store unloading trucks a few years back. I'd come in early in the morning. This bitch also worked there in the office; she was responsible for payroll and whatnot. She'd come in AFTER me, but BEFORE the store actually opened. I had several problems with her. One morning, me and this other guy were bringing some items from the truck dock to the sales floor. Store wasn't opened yet, so the main entrance doors were locked. There was a bell for employees to ring if they wanted to come in. Me and the other guy were heading back from the sales floor to the truck when we heard the bell ring (we had to walk past the main entrance). The other guy was behind me a few steps and said, "I'll get the door."

So, I walked by first. I looked and saw her peeping in. I didn't do anything, because the other dude was going to answer the door. Evidently, she thought I was deliberately ignoring her. The very next morning, before the store opened, I went on break and unlocked the door for myself and went outside to smoke (something I'd done many times before). This bitch was already in the store, and nearby. When she saw me go outside, she promptly came up and locked the door on me. I had to ring the bell to get back in and she stood there staring at me. She eventually let me in and gave me a lecture on how, "You're not a manager, you have no right to unlock the door and go outside without permission!"

Interestingly, another co-worked told me that one morning he went out to get something from his car as she was heading in. He told her the door was unlocked, so she didn't have to ring the bell. She thanked him, indifferent to the fact that he had unlocked the door and gone outside. So, she was applying the rules willy-nilly. Didn't care when HE unlocked the door, locked me out when I unlocked it...

Another time, I went into the office where they kept tools in order to find a socket wrench to fix a collapsed clothing rail. She was in the office. We didn't talk. Shortly thereafter, she informed some other foid manager that I was "Wondering around aimlessly in the office," even though I was looking for a tool and it really wasn't any of her business.

Another time, I was in a room talking to some other foid manager about some bullshit. The door was closed, and this bitch knocked on the door, looked around, and said something to the other manager foid like, "Oh, uh, I thought you needed me for XYZ." In reality, it was, "Are you in danger being alone in the office with this ugly creep?"

PRESENT-DAY: In the grocery store, I stand up and she happens to be right there shopping. I decide to be boldly low-inhib and say to her, "Hey, you're that CUNT from the department store. You locked me out that one time. You were such a CUNT. Wow, what a CUNT you are," or something like that. I wasn't screaming, merely stating it matter-of-factly.

This cunt starts flipping out, screaming at other workers about my unacceptable behavior.

An old cashier lady in her 60s came up, all confused by the commotion. She tried to diffuse the situation, and told the CUNT that perhaps she should go into another aisle. The CUNT got livid and said, "I've been called a CUNT by him 4 or 5 times now!" I replied: "We can make it 6 or 7 if you want."

The CUNT then said to the cashier lady, "I want a manager, get me a manager!" I replied, "Yes, get a manager for this nice CUNT customer here."

She complained to the manager and left the store. The manager guy called me into the office and gave me a lecture on how it's inappropriate to call a customer a CUNT, but ultimately agreed with me about her behavior.

About an hour later, two police officers show up. I had to go into the office where they told me all about "harassment" and how the poor CUNT felt threatened. I denied calling her a cunt. They were trying to get me to admit to what I said, but I played dumb. They used the euphamism See You Next Tuesaday (C U Next Tuesday = CUNT). I feigned ignorance and said, "Tuesday, does she come here on Tuesdays? I don't know and I haven't seen her since I worked at the department store."

Anyway, this is just more evidence of how fucked up this clown world is and how ugly fucks have NO RIGHTS. Burgerland prides itself on free speech. According to these pigs, my state has very broad harassemt laws. I recorded some audio and can type up transcripts. The pigs said, "Well, she's very upset; harassement is based on how she feels."

We'll see what comes of this, but the CUNT only proved my point in calling the police. I should mention that a lot of these cashier foids are old women, semi-retired, don't seem to like the general public they have to deal with. They were actually on my side once this CUNT started getting nasty with them too. The CUNT expected them all to bend over backwards and shit pink for her. When they didn't, she got LIVID.

TL;DR: At my current job, a nasty CUNT from a former job came in shopping. When I worked with her, she was a really nasty cunt. When I saw her at my current job, I calmly called her a CUNT several times. She cried to the manager. After leaving, she called the COPS on me. The COPS came to the job and grilled me to confess to "harassment," but I didn't take the bait.
Based brocel

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