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SuicideFuel Got immediately blocked on all of her social media after sending her a pic of me smiling upon her request

She wrote that she understands why I'm not smiling and blocked me right away on on whatsapp, line, okc and Instagram.
If that ain't the most depressing shit I've read all day:feelsbadman:
I sent her a pic of me smiling a modest smile with a few teeth showing. She wrote that she understands why I'm not smiling and blocked me right away on on whatsapp, line, okc and Instagram
However I'm 6/10 max...
You look better than me but don't kid yourself. Your face is not masculine, it looks slightly effeminate even. You're a 4/10 or 5/10. You're not ugly but you shouldn't go expecting to pick up some "beautiful" whore Stacy.
I've seen people much better looking than yourself and they have issues with getting women, too.
Women are property. And anyone who tries to get in your way/white knights is property too.
You look better than me but don't kid yourself. Your face is not masculine, it looks slightly effeminate even. You're a 4/10 or 5/10. You're not ugly but you shouldn't go expecting to pick up some "beautiful" whore Stacy.
I've seen people much better looking than yourself and they have issues with getting women, too.

Yikes. I'm afraid of what I'd be rated by you. He mogs me to oblivion
Your good looking enough to be a Beta Provider. Most of us can't even get that. Be thankful.
You look better than me but don't kid yourself. Your face is not masculine, it looks slightly effeminate even. You're a 4/10 or 5/10. You're not ugly but you shouldn't go expecting to pick up some "beautiful" whore Stacy.
I've seen people much better looking than yourself and they have issues with getting women, too.
Which male models (or any famous guys for that matter) would you consider have masculine faces? Just for reference tbh

As for OP, I rate him at around 6/10 too ngl
The entitlement foids have is absurd.
Which male models (or any famous guys for that matter) would you consider have masculine faces? Just for reference tbh

As for OP, I rate him at around 6/10 too ngl
See this is what you nobheads don't have the IQ to figure out. You see, it's ESTROGEN which creates a beautiful face, not testosterone. Masculine men have issues (albeit not as big as ours) finding women.
Women want androgynous, bisexual-looking men. In fact, women rate homosexual men as the most beautiful and often say they wish they were heterosexual.

Models tend to be homosexual and bisexual and look exactly that because their face is feminized. So of course it's difficult to find a masculine looking model.

As for masculine looking people, obviously I'd point at Mike Tyson. Look up the studies on facial characteristics and testosterone. Testosterone grows the midface which gives the appearance of a short nose, relatively. Testosterone also elongates the jaw (square jaw is feminine, idiots don't comprehend that), slopes the forehead, grows the brow ridge, yadda-yadda-yadda...

EDIT: for clarification. If I said he looks slightly effeminate and beauty is literally looking like that, what's the issue. Well, your face can be feminine because of lacking testosterone or because of too much estrogen. Lacking testosterone really won't do anything for beauty.
See this is what you nobheads don't have the IQ to figure out. You see, it's ESTROGEN which creates a beautiful face, not testosterone. Masculine men have issues (albeit not as big as ours) finding women.
Women want androgynous, bisexual-looking men. In fact, women rate homosexual men as the most beautiful and often say they wish they were heterosexual.

Models tend to be homosexual and bisexual and look exactly that because their face is feminized. So of course it's difficult to find a masculine looking model.

As for masculine looking people, obviously I'd point at Mike Tyson. Look up the studies on facial characteristics and testosterone. Testosterone grows the midface which gives the appearance of a short nose, relatively. Testosterone also elongates the jaw (square jaw is feminine, idiots don't comprehend that), slopes the forehead, grows the brow ridge, yadda-yadda-yadda...

EDIT: for clarification. If I said he looks slightly effeminate and beauty is literally looking like that, what's the issue. Well, your face can be feminine because of lacking testosterone or because of too much estrogen. Lacking testosterone really won't do anything for beauty.
Generally high IQ post, but you said to OP that he doesn’t have a masculine face, and because of that (or not just because of that?) he is maybe not more than 4/10
I was being sarcastic
Doesn't matter. You make yourself look like a fucking simpleton, if you put yourself below her. Also why did you accept all of her requests like a cuck? You shouldn't have sent your smiling pic. I'd say stuff like "You have to make me smile on a date if you want to see it" instead. You acted like a complete beta/nice guy.
Thats a 4/10. And also a lot of it's followers are bought. You pay like 20$ for 5k followers. A lot of foids do this to inpress chad.
Thats a 4/10. And also a lot of it's followers are bought. You pay like 20$ for 5k followers. A lot of foids do this to inpress chad.

what Chad gives a flying fuck about Instagram followers?
You are actually good looking wtf and you are tall. Go anywhere in the world lol.
Generally high IQ post, but you said to OP that he doesn’t have a masculine face, and because of that (or not just because of that?) he is maybe not more than 4/10
I guess my post is all over the place. I meant OP looks a bit nerdish. Like he's deficient in male hormones. Or maybe I'm exaggerating? Still as I said, looks better than me.
Foids deserve everything that incels do with chadfish accounts, in fact as proven here they deserve worse
fuck if you're really 6/7 it's truely over. I had hopes for a potential jawsurgery. :feelsrope:

Wouldn't mind about the pics as well.
Terrible, never say this shit it goes right to their head. It's not endearing it just comes off as cuckish
When I'm sub 7, everything I say or do would seem cuckish, unless it's brutal battery and rape.
she looks slavic af. She is kinda cute,i would give her also a 5-6. Is she your looksmatch?Pm me your pic if you dont mind,thx
Bitch just called me and called me a faggot because I managed to write her she's a fat cow on telegram.
She said: "*** You fucking dick. Go suck it because you're a faggot."
I was delighted to hear that I got to her and told her: "Your friend is a fat ugly cunt who buys IG followers and gets only only 50 likes per post with 6K followers." She said: "You say I buy IG followers. Is that right? LOL" and hung up.

I texted this new number that I'm worried about her health and that she need a diet because she's only 19 years old and already fat, got discharged from the army she's not good enough to serve in the army and that, and that she's unemployed and she has to buy 100$ worth of followers in order to feel good about herself.

Bitch just called me and called me a faggot because I managed to write her she's a fat cow on telegram.
She said: "*** You fucking dick. Go suck it because you're a faggot."
I was delighted to hear that I got to her and told her: "Your friend is a fat ugly cunt who buys IG followers and gets only only 50 likes per post with 6K followers." She said: "You say I buy IG followers. Is that right? LOL" and hung up.

I texted this new number that I'm worried about her health and that she need a diet because she's only 19 years old and already fat, got discharged from the army she's not good enough to serve in the army and that, and that she's unemployed and she has to buy 100$ worth of followers in order to feel good about herself.

Congratulations you just went full autismo.
Wait a minute, why would a Jew mix with a gentile? Unless both of you are Jews? Get gassed, kikes.
Dont use Instagram
Bitch just called me and called me a faggot because I managed to write her she's a fat cow on telegram.
She said: "*** You fucking dick. Go suck it because you're a faggot."
I was delighted to hear that I got to her and told her: "Your friend is a fat ugly cunt who buys IG followers and gets only only 50 likes per post with 6K followers." She said: "You say I buy IG followers. Is that right? LOL" and hung up.

I texted this new number that I'm worried about her health and that she need a diet because she's only 19 years old and already fat, got discharged from the army she's not good enough to serve in the army and that, and that she's unemployed and she has to buy 100$ worth of followers in order to feel good about herself.


Sounds like something I would do when angry. Hopefully you dented her confidence like she did to you.

Shes a 6/6.5 to me and also has one of those "attainable/realistic" looks which ironically makes stuck up cunts like her unattainable in this era because she likely has guys approaching her "easy target" arse who are no doubt confident themselves due to getting interest from women all the time and hence starts the vicious circle that we are left out of. So likely she thinks she is an 8 or 9.

I'm interested in pics of you as I myself am currently considering several surgeries. Can you pm me too please?
PM me nigga, lets see if you mog that foid or not
You look better than me but don't kid yourself. Your face is not masculine, it looks slightly effeminate even. You're a 4/10 or 5/10. You're not ugly but you shouldn't go expecting to pick up some "beautiful" whore Stacy.
I've seen people much better looking than yourself and they have issues with getting women, too.

Depending on his personality he would be a near semi-chad IRL. Online his chances are pretty low but that's still better than what majority of incel members have.

Also you guys are cucked beyond belief if you think she's 6/10.
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She is not a 5/10, no female can be under a 5/10, a deformed female is a 5/10, she is a 10/10 as she gets validated like a 10/10.
She is not a 5/10, no female can be under a 5/10, a deformed female is a 5/10, she is a 10/10 as she gets validated like a 10/10.

Brutally denied by than sub5 foid welcome to the blackpill you ex bluepill cuck
She is not a 5/10, no female can be under a 5/10, a deformed female is a 5/10, she is a 10/10 as she gets validated like a 10/10.

a 5/10 foid is an average foid because 10/10 Stacy will mog her like she doesn't fucking exist.

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