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Venting Got ejected from a pub by bouncer!



Nov 2, 2019
So I am alone at a bar, sitting at the counter, drinking to cope with being an incel. Next thing I know 2 foids are sitting on my right. Obviously I'm low inhib and try to start talking to them. I get this look of disgust and then they start whispering together. Next thing I know, the foid furthest away from me tells the bartender she thinks I spiked their drinks. Next thing I know, I am being dragged out of the pub by a chad bouncer. Fuck this life.
jfl at being low inhib enough to be at a pub
let alone by yourself
let alone sitting at the bar
let alone really starting to talk to anyone else
1. What did you say to them?

2. This is why I frequent upscale hotel bars where most of the clientele are just old guys in suits.

3. lowinhibmogs me
Wtf? They hated you so much that they got ridd of you
1. What did you say to them?

Hi I'm... then my name. Might have slightly tapped her shoulder...

2. This is why I frequent upscale hotel bars where most of the clientele are just old guys in suits.

It's a cheap bar that serves good beer. Attracts all clientele.

3. lowinhibmogs me

fuck my life
sounds larpy
My entire fucking life is a larp.
LARP. Bars live from incels and betas despetately trying to get foids with buying them drinks.

Also, whats with thede faggots who drink in bars? Just get drunk at home for cheap anf alone
jfl at being low inhib enough to be at a pub
let alone by yourself
let alone sitting at the bar
let alone really starting to talk to anyone else
Never sit in one spot while hitting on foids, you have to stick and move if you're not chad.
LARP. Bars live from incels and betas despetately trying to get foids with buying them drinks.

Also, whats with thede faggots who drink in bars? Just get drunk at home for cheap anf alone
I cope by trying and failing over and over again. You know, PUA coping.
People calling you out for LARPing are basement dwellers.

Truecels who actually try and go out into the world know how harsh bouncers can be. I've been kicked out of places so many times even though I've done nothing wrong. If you're presence makes women uncomfortable, it's over.
to bad you couldnt KO him
Would’ve used a taser on the bouncer, took a picture of him and ran and everytime they looked at me and I’ll be ready to tase.
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Bars + booze = hope that you can get lucky with a foid or meet a new friend. You literally are renting a seat not just buying a drink or two or ten
Bouncer huwhite night chad s cock got destroyed by those foids after the bar closed
Bouncer huwhite night chad s cock got destroyed by those foids after the bar closed
Why wait until it closes? Just fuck in his car or the bathroom
JFL at these idiots saying it's LARP, those who truly believe in the blackpill should know that soyciety will always pander to foid complaints and they will always win
JFL at being an incel and going to bar.
Why don't you drink at home brother? Then its way cheaper and you can just chill out.
Alternatively you could go back to that bar and kick the bouncer’s ass. He's only there because he looks intimidating not because he actually knows any martial arts/fighting skills. If you learn some moves you could beat his ass and then just walk out. He wont call the cops on you because it would damage his fragile ego.
Sorry to hear about that. I hope you were able to use this as an opportunity to leave without paying off your tab.
Not surprised. What did you say to them?
Ive never been to a bar
Not surprised. What did you say to them?
Barely said anything. Had about 1 second before getting a grossed out look and they started whispering together something about how much they hate creepers, standard reaction to me, then one of the foids openly said to the bartender that she saw me spiking her friends drink (pretending to be discreet but in a way everyone including me could hear it). Bouncer stands between me and the foids and says I have to go. Obvious bullshit but if a foid says that you are getting ejected end of story. They didn't even make eye contact with me as I was being dragged out. Whole bar staring at me enjoying watching the fucking clown I am.
Barely said anything. Had about 1 second before getting a grossed out look and they started whispering together something about how much they hate creepers, standard reaction to me, then one of the foids openly said to the bartender that she saw me spiking her friends drink (pretending to be discreet but in a way everyone including me could hear it). Bouncer stands between me and the foids and says I have to go. Obvious bullshit but if a foid says that you are getting ejected end of story. They didn't even make eye contact with me as I was being dragged out. Whole bar staring at me enjoying watching the fucking clown I am.
Clown world, JFL at anyone who claims women are not equal in the west, hell they are treated like superiors due to cucks.
Would’ve used a taser on the bouncer, took a picture of him and ran and everytime they looked at me and I’ll be ready to tase.
based jfl
You need a "Loicence" to speak to foids in public places in 2019, voted by the feminst council of Britain headed by Nicola Sturgeon.

Prepare to be sent to a re-education camp where teachings of LGBTIA, gender transformation therapy and setting up a gay GRINDR profile awaits. Also you'll get a free (((psychologist))) to help you understand that sex doesn't exist, women aren't things and helping you come to terms with your homosexuality.
So I am alone at a bar, sitting at the counter, drinking to cope with being an incel. Next thing I know 2 foids are sitting on my right. Obviously I'm low inhib and try to start talking to them. I get this look of disgust and then they start whispering together. Next thing I know, the foid furthest away from me tells the bartender she thinks I spiked their drinks. Next thing I know, I am being dragged out of the pub by a chad bouncer. Fuck this life.
I've said this many times, and it baffles me why it never happens:

Bars, clubs and fucking "bouncers" need to be sued into the afterlife.
Is there some law preventing this? Why don't people do it? These establishments are so arrogant because guys treat them like they're immune from lawsuits. Sue the motherfuckers!
So I am alone at a bar, sitting at the counter, drinking to cope with being an incel. Next thing I know 2 foids are sitting on my right. Obviously I'm low inhib and try to start talking to them. I get this look of disgust and then they start whispering together. Next thing I know, the foid furthest away from me tells the bartender she thinks I spiked their drinks. Next thing I know, I am being dragged out of the pub by a chad bouncer. Fuck this life.
If this actually happened I would go ER.
1. What did you say to them?

Hi I'm... then my name. Might have slightly tapped her shoulder...

Do not tap a random person's shoulder just to make small talk with them. That's pretty weird.
So I am alone at a bar, sitting at the counter, drinking to cope with being an incel. Next thing I know 2 foids are sitting on my right. Obviously I'm low inhib and try to start talking to them. I get this look of disgust and then they start whispering together. Next thing I know, the foid furthest away from me tells the bartender she thinks I spiked their drinks. Next thing I know, I am being dragged out of the pub by a chad bouncer. Fuck this life.
Sounds like London?
I've said this many times, and it baffles me why it never happens:

Bars, clubs and fucking "bouncers" need to be sued into the afterlife.
Is there some law preventing this? Why don't people do it? These establishments are so arrogant because guys treat them like they're immune from lawsuits. Sue the motherfuckers!

Bouncers do get sued all the time for excessive force.

But bars and clubs are private property and they are allowed to ask you to leave. They should, of course, never use any more force than is minimally necessary to compel a person to vacate the premises. If you are given a few broken ribs and a fractured arm by an out-of-control roided Tyrone twice your size, you should definitely sue.
We should put some money together and open an incel bar that throws out rosties for being cunts to incels.
soyciety will always pander to foid complaints and they will always win
Only because of the faggot cucks and whiteknights, who must be dealt with soon.
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the Chad Bouncer vs the Virgin Drunkard
1. What did you say to them?

2. This is why I frequent upscale hotel bars where most of the clientele are just old guys in suits.

3. lowinhibmogs me
oxfordcel,i am not going to pay 40 pounds for a fucking drink and be in this shitty establishment filled with uptown snobs from g-d knows where.

Anyway,going to a bar as a supahman is already a bad idea and talking to foids is a even worse idea.just don't do it
oxfordcel,i am not going to pay 40 pounds for a fucking drink and be in this shitty establishment filled with uptown snobs from g-d knows where.

Anyway,going to a bar as a supahman is already a bad idea and talking to foids is a even worse idea.just don't do it

Most drinks at the places I frequent cost less than £30. £40 would be pretty extreme.

I agree with everything else you say. Why the fuck did OP think starting a conversation with foid strangers was a good idea in any way?
Why would you be silly enough to speak to women? We are a few weeks off the 2020s
Would’ve used a taser on the bouncer, took a picture of him and ran and everytime they looked at me and I’ll be ready to tase.
Just go to jail theory
You should've punished the bouncER.
Also, whats with thede faggots who drink in bars? Just get drunk at home for cheap anf alone

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