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Blackpill Good looking people are the rulers of this lookist world



5'9 3.5/10 brain damaged cel
Apr 21, 2024
I came across two reels that to me seem to be the embodiment of what life and BP is all about. The two polar opposite lives foisted upon you based on what your looks level are. Heres the first one:

View: https://www.instagram.com/p/C_sp-q7IH--/

I mean look at this shit. The dude isnt even depressed after finding out that she didn't mean to hug him but bemused at the fact that despite the hordes of experience that he's gathered over the course of his subhuman life that his brain would still be potent enough to deceive him into thinking that he could have been worthy of a hug from a white woman. Notice his shit life situation too; he definitely seems to be living in poverty which is not to be isolated to one factor but do not buy the bluepill lie that its all about hard work. My brothre @Dneum912 dropped out of university cause he couldn't cope with his subhumanity as did @Destroyed lonely. If either of these people had been good looking these would have never been the case for they would have been subject to a positive feedback loop: their college experience wouldn't be tethered on and revolve around survival and somehow making it.

"I'm not gonna go to class today fuck that shit I fucking hate how normies laugh at me" "What the fuck is the point of working for a degree when they don't even accept and see me as a human being" "Why the fuck should i bother when no matter what i do every single person i come across is gonna see me as being beneath them" This is what loops in the trucel's mind who is in university. I am sure these concerns are what is making @RealSchizo detest the idea of going to university and making him wish he could instead NEET and ldar till death. Nobody is born with the desire to waste away. NEETdom is the recognition and the acknowledgement of effort and a survival mechanism for it shields one from the inevitable bullying a trucel would inevitably be subject to were he to venture outside. Only the just world copers would see bullying as being a rite of passage wherein a person's mental fortitude is strengthened thereby making them stronger and better people but this is a gaslighting tactic employed by normies to keep trucels from giving them what they really ought to get in GTA San Andreas.

The blackpillers know that bullying is the modern equivalent of a the tribe chief bashing a trucel's head open for they know his genes are inept and he would be but a burden insofar as the tribe's resources are concerned and that they are a liability. It is the manifestation of the disgust for bad genes. I tell you people they would truly do the same and bash our heads open if the law didn't make it so there were stringent punitive measures in place for murder even if it's the murder of a subhuman. But really bullying has the same effect upon people but just so happens to be prolonged and subtle. It impresses social osctracisation upon the trucel and makes him withdraw himself from society so that he can rot before the eventual rope.

The social dynamics governing our world have remained the exact same and whether you end up on the winning or losing side is still contingent upon the same thing ie your genes.

This kid can't be more than 13 and his desire and will to live has already been extinguished by his normie bullies. I know you niggas don't watch videos but watch that shit it's just 15 seconds and I have timestamped it. "I'm beginning to think I don't feel anything anymore" His body and brain have entered survival mode and taken cognition of his physical and genetic weakness and consequently switched to making him numb to his emotions and his surroundings to ensure his survival. Were the effects of social ostracism more pronounced as they generally tend to be he would have roped instead of being shat upon by his bluepill normie mother.

Here's the second reel:

View: https://www.instagram.com/p/C_gIma_NzbK/

Do you even see this shit? This person has received more validation and positive reinforcement in the course of these 30 seconds than this entire forum combined all our years spent on this earth. He also has the halo effect working for him in full drive. He is being touchy with these clearly underage girls who happen to have their father around them but nobody - not their dads or the people in the comments so much as bat an eye at this. Now I'm not saying he's a pedo lmao that's not my fucking point. I mean no shit he isn't but if this dude was a sub5 he'd be rotting in prison rn and everyone in the comments would be calling for his head.

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This is what happened to Mbappe. Statusmaxxed giga rich literal 2 times WC winner and look what happened when he tried helping a girl:

Hahahaha fucking shit boyos life is a joke mang. Your looks are your life. It's all fucking done for. Just take solace in knowing its not your fault and things wouldn't have been any different even if you'd tried if you really are sub5 and not tiktok normie larping for some reason I wouldn't be able to guess to save my life. I mean do you see this shit?

Looks are everything. Nothing else matters. Life is about sex and procreating and you will never have that if you don't have looks. It's over. It's giga mega over for all of us. Just ldar till the inevitable rope.

tagging users:
@The Enforcer
@Blackpill Monk


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I came across two reels that to me seem to be the embodiment of what life and BP is all about. The two polar opposite lives foisted upon you based on what your looks level are. Heres the first one:

View: https://www.instagram.com/p/C_sp-q7IH--/

I mean look at this shit. The dude isnt even depressed after finding out that she didn't mean to hug him but bemused at despite the hordes of experience that he's gathered over the course of his life of his subhumanity that his brain would still be potent enough to deceive him into thinking that he could have been worthy of a hug from a white woman. Notice his shit life situation too; he definitely seems to be living in poverty which is not to be isolated to one factor but do not buy the bluepill lie that its all about hard work. My brothre @Dneum912 dropped out of university cause he couldn't cope with his subhumanity as did @Destroyed lonely. If either of these people had been good looking these would have never been the case for they would have been subject to a positive feedback loop: their college experience wouldn't be tethered on and revolve around survival and somehow making it.

"I'm not gonna go to class today fuck that shit I fucking hate how normies laugh at me" "What the fuck is the point of working for a degree when they don't even accept and see me as a human being" "Why the fuck should i bother when no matter what i do every single person i come across is gonna see me as being beneath them" This is what loops in the trucel's mind who is in university. I am sure these concerns are what is making @RealSchizo detest the idea of going to university and making him wish he could instead NEET and ldar till death. Nobody is born with the desire to waste away. NEETdom is the recognition and the acknowledgement of effort and a survival mechanism for it shields one from the inevitable bullying a trucel would inevitably be subject to were he to venture outside. Only the just world copers would see bullying as being a rite of passage wherein a person's mental fortitude is strengthened thereby making them stronger and better people but this is a gaslighting tactic employed by normies to keep trucels from giving them what they really ought to get in GTA San Andreas.

The blackpillers know that bullying is the modern equivalent of a the tribe chief bashing a trucel's head open for they know his genes are inept and he would be but a burden insofar as the tribe's resources are concerned and that they are a liability. It is the manifestation of the disgust for bad genes. I tell you people they would truly do the same and bash our heads open if the law didn't make it so there were stringent punitive measures in place for murder even if it's the murder of a subhuman. But really bullying has the same effect upon people but just so happens to be prolonged and subtle. It impresses social osctracisation upon the trucel and makes him withdraw himself from society so that he can rot before the eventual rope.

The social dynamics governing our world have remained the exact same and whether you end up on the winning or losing side is still contingent upon the same thing ie your genes.

This kid can't be more than 13 and his desire and will to live has already been extinguished by his normie bullies. I know you niggas don't watch videos but watch that shit it's just 15 seconds and I have timestamped it. "I'm beginning to think I don't feel anything anymore" His body and brain have entered survival mode and taken cognition of his physical and genetic weakness and consequently switched to making him numb to his emotions and his surroundings to ensure his survival. Were the effects of social ostracism more pronounced as they generally tend to be he would have roped instead of being shat upon by his bluepill normie mother.

Here's the second reel:

View: https://www.instagram.com/p/C_gIma_NzbK/

Do you even see this shit? This person has received more validation and positive reinforcement in the course of these 30 seconds than this entire forum combined all our years spent on this earth. He also has the halo effect working for him in full drive. He is being touchy with these clearly underage girls who happen to have their father around them but nobody - not their dads or the people in the comments so much as bat an eye at this. Now I'm not saying he's a pedo lmao that's not my fucking point. I mean no shit he isn't but if this dude was a sub5 he'd be rotting in prison rn and everyone in the comments would be calling for his head.

This is what happened to Mbappe. Statusmaxxed giga rich literal 2 times WC winner and look what happened when he tried helping a girl:

Hahahaha fucking shit boyos life is a joke mang. Your looks are your life. It's all fucking done for. Just take solace in knowing its not your fault and things wouldn't have been any different even if you'd tried if you really are sub5 and not tiktok normie larping for some reason I wouldn't be able to guess to save my life. I mean do you see this shit?

Looks are everything. Nothing else matters. Life is about sex and procreating and you will never have that if you don't have looks. It's over. It's giga mega over for all of us. Just ldar till the inevitable rope.

tagging users:
@The Enforcer
@Blackpill Monk

Forgot me tho....
You are your looks. Anyone that says otherwise is coping hard. Sure NTpill matters a ton once yours looks already meet the threshold, but it doesn't matter if your looks aren't passable
You are your looks. Anyone that says otherwise is coping hard. Sure NTpill matters a ton once yours looks already meet the threshold, but it doesn't matter if your looks aren't passable
Rehabroom: You are your looks.
Appearance is life
This kid can't be more than 13 and his desire and will to live has already been extinguished by his normie bullies. I know you niggas don't watch videos but watch that shit it's just 15 seconds and I have timestamped it. "I'm beginning to think I don't feel anything anymore" His body and brain have entered survival mode and taken cognition of his physical and genetic weakness and consequently switched to making him numb to his emotions and his surroundings to ensure his survival. Were the effects of social ostracism more pronounced as they generally tend to be he would have roped instead of being shat upon by his bluepill normie mother.
glassespill hit him. why she asked him questions like this?
Looks are everything.
This kid can't be more than 13 and his desire and will to live has already been extinguished by his normie bullies. I know you niggas don't watch videos but watch that shit it's just 15 seconds and I have timestamped it
the fatty and other beat him up without a single reasons. thats a truecel, they will hunt him until he kill himself. he can't do shit, he would maybe win against one but the whole class fights him its over...
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The chad literally kissed that girl's head, she can't be older than 12. Just imagine normies reactions if a sub 8 did that, let alone a truecel
The chad literally kissed that girl's head, she can't be older than 12. Just imagine normies reactions if a sub 8 did that, let alone a truecel
If you notice his hands he also has them on their chests more than once
Normies will turn a blind eye to everything you put forth because of their inability to put themselves in other's shoes. It's futile to set any expectations of a semblance of happiness in this purgatory of a world
Normies will turn a blind eye to everything you put forth because of their inability to put themselves in other's shoes
The cognitive dissonance is real
The chad literally kissed that girl's head, she can't be older than 12. Just imagine normies reactions if a sub 8 did that, let alone a truecel
A curry on the flipside would've commited a felony by staring at her for three seconds from a three mile distance
This kid can't be more than 13 and his desire and will to live has already been extinguished by his normie bullies. I know you niggas don't watch videos but watch that shit it's just 15 seconds and I have timestamped it. "I'm beginning to think I don't feel anything anymore" His body and brain have entered survival mode and taken cognition of his physical and genetic weakness and consequently switched to making him numb to his emotions and his surroundings to ensure his survival. Were the effects of social ostracism more pronounced as they generally tend to be he would have roped instead of being shat upon by his bluepill normie mother.
his whore mother and the others are disgusting. he reminds me of myself in his age.
If you notice his hands he also has them on their chests more than once
I saw that too. The rules don't apply to chads unless they commit a serious crime and even then, foids will worship them and send them letters with their nudes to him while he's in prison
A curry on the flipside would've commited a felony by staring at her for three seconds from a three mile distance
Dude a shitskin currycel I know got hit with SA allegations cause he abbreviated a girl's name into something cutesy and called her that.
This kid can't be more than 13 and his desire and will to live has already been extinguished by his normie bullies. I know you niggas don't watch videos but watch that shit it's just 15 seconds and I have timestamped it. "I'm beginning to think I don't feel anything anymore" His body and brain have entered survival mode and taken cognition of his physical and genetic weakness and consequently switched to making him numb to his emotions and his surroundings to ensure his survival. Were the effects of social ostracism more pronounced as they generally tend to be he would have roped instead of being shat upon by his bluepill normie mother.
View attachment 1267880

View attachment 1267884

This is what happened to Mbappe. Statusmaxxed giga rich literal 2 times WC winner and look what happened when he tried helping a girl:

This kid can't be more than 13 and his desire and will to live has already been extinguished by his normie bullies. I know you niggas don't watch videos but watch that shit it's just 15 seconds and I have timestamped it. "I'm beginning to think I don't feel anything anymore" His body and brain have entered survival mode and taken cognition of his physical and genetic weakness and consequently switched to making him numb to his emotions and his surroundings to ensure his survival. Were the effects of social ostracism more pronounced as they generally tend to be he would have roped instead of being shat upon by his bluepill normie mother.

I came across two reels that to me seem to be the embodiment of what life and BP is all about. The two polar opposite lives foisted upon you based on what your looks level are. Heres the first one:

View: https://www.instagram.com/p/C_sp-q7IH--/

I mean look at this shit. The dude isnt even depressed after finding out that she didn't mean to hug him but bemused at the fact that despite the hordes of experience that he's gathered over the course of his subhuman life that his brain would still be potent enough to deceive him into thinking that he could have been worthy of a hug from a white woman. Notice his shit life situation too; he definitely seems to be living in poverty which is not to be isolated to one factor but do not buy the bluepill lie that its all about hard work. My brothre @Dneum912 dropped out of university cause he couldn't cope with his subhumanity as did @Destroyed lonely. If either of these people had been good looking these would have never been the case for they would have been subject to a positive feedback loop: their college experience wouldn't be tethered on and revolve around survival and somehow making it.

"I'm not gonna go to class today fuck that shit I fucking hate how normies laugh at me" "What the fuck is the point of working for a degree when they don't even accept and see me as a human being" "Why the fuck should i bother when no matter what i do every single person i come across is gonna see me as being beneath them" This is what loops in the trucel's mind who is in university. I am sure these concerns are what is making @RealSchizo detest the idea of going to university and making him wish he could instead NEET and ldar till death. Nobody is born with the desire to waste away. NEETdom is the recognition and the acknowledgement of effort and a survival mechanism for it shields one from the inevitable bullying a trucel would inevitably be subject to were he to venture outside. Only the just world copers would see bullying as being a rite of passage wherein a person's mental fortitude is strengthened thereby making them stronger and better people but this is a gaslighting tactic employed by normies to keep trucels from giving them what they really ought to get in GTA San Andreas.

The blackpillers know that bullying is the modern equivalent of a the tribe chief bashing a trucel's head open for they know his genes are inept and he would be but a burden insofar as the tribe's resources are concerned and that they are a liability. It is the manifestation of the disgust for bad genes. I tell you people they would truly do the same and bash our heads open if the law didn't make it so there were stringent punitive measures in place for murder even if it's the murder of a subhuman. But really bullying has the same effect upon people but just so happens to be prolonged and subtle. It impresses social osctracisation upon the trucel and makes him withdraw himself from society so that he can rot before the eventual rope.

The social dynamics governing our world have remained the exact same and whether you end up on the winning or losing side is still contingent upon the same thing ie your genes.

This kid can't be more than 13 and his desire and will to live has already been extinguished by his normie bullies. I know you niggas don't watch videos but watch that shit it's just 15 seconds and I have timestamped it. "I'm beginning to think I don't feel anything anymore" His body and brain have entered survival mode and taken cognition of his physical and genetic weakness and consequently switched to making him numb to his emotions and his surroundings to ensure his survival. Were the effects of social ostracism more pronounced as they generally tend to be he would have roped instead of being shat upon by his bluepill normie mother.

Here's the second reel:

View: https://www.instagram.com/p/C_gIma_NzbK/

Do you even see this shit? This person has received more validation and positive reinforcement in the course of these 30 seconds than this entire forum combined all our years spent on this earth. He also has the halo effect working for him in full drive. He is being touchy with these clearly underage girls who happen to have their father around them but nobody - not their dads or the people in the comments so much as bat an eye at this. Now I'm not saying he's a pedo lmao that's not my fucking point. I mean no shit he isn't but if this dude was a sub5 he'd be rotting in prison rn and everyone in the comments would be calling for his head.

View attachment 1267879

View attachment 1267880

View attachment 1267884

This is what happened to Mbappe. Statusmaxxed giga rich literal 2 times WC winner and look what happened when he tried helping a girl:

Hahahaha fucking shit boyos life is a joke mang. Your looks are your life. It's all fucking done for. Just take solace in knowing its not your fault and things wouldn't have been any different even if you'd tried if you really are sub5 and not tiktok normie larping for some reason I wouldn't be able to guess to save my life. I mean do you see this shit?

Looks are everything. Nothing else matters. Life is about sex and procreating and you will never have that if you don't have looks. It's over. It's giga mega over for all of us. Just ldar till the inevitable rope.

tagging users:
@The Enforcer
@Blackpill Monk

his whore mother and the others are disgusting. he reminds me of myself in his age.
"Does it make you feel good when they punch you" what kind of fucking question is that? Even our moms love to see us talk about our suffering.
I saw that too. The rules don't apply to chads unless they commit a serious crime and even then, foids will worship them and send them letters with their nudes to him while he's in prison
And the moment they are out they get a modelling gig and a billionaire's daughter that they then go on to cheat on. You literally can't lose in life if you're truly good looking.
"Does it make you feel good when they punch you" what kind of fucking question is that? Even our moms love to see us talk about our suffering.
reminds me of my whore...what should this be for a question? did she get wet when she asked him this?
"Does it make you feel good when they punch you" what kind of fucking question is that? Even our moms love to see us talk about our suffering.
Mothers can't truly love their male children if they're trucel tier. It's a pill not many people talk about but it's true.
reminds me of my whore...what should this be for a question? did she get wet when she asked him this?
It stems from the tendency to not want to admit that it's her genes that has put him in this situation. She can't fathom that she's responsible for this and doesn't wanna admit it so she puts the onus on the kid when he's clearly so far behind his peers in looks and NTness and strength.
Dude a shitskin currycel I know got hit with SA allegations cause he abbreviated a girl's name into something cutesy and called her that
HOLY SHIT, I can't stress enough how much this terrifies me. Us Fitzpatrick 4+ cels living in curryland should desist from social interactions unless necessary
It stems from the tendency to not want to admit that it's her genes that has put him in this situation. She can't fathom that she's responsible for this and doesn't wanna admit it so she puts the onus on the kid when he's clearly so far behind his peers in looks and NTness and strength.
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HOLY SHIT, I can't stress enough how much this terrifies me. Us Fitzpatrick 4+ cels living in curryland should desist from social interactions unless necessary
don't worry, its a white problem.
HOLY SHIT, I can't stress enough how much this terrifies me. Us Fitzpatrick 4+ cels living in curryland should desist from social interactions unless necessary
Dude is short but not bad looking facially. He's a southie and the girl was actually a friend of his. Girl herself was a southie and shitskin but still did that shit. I'm sure she'd let a HTN fair skin dude call her a piece of shit whore to her face if it meant he'd commit to her.
"What the fuck is the point of working for a degree when they don't even accept and see me as a human being" "Why the fuck should i bother when no matter what i do every single person i come across is gonna see me as being beneath them" This is what loops in the trucel's mind who is in university
exactly what I thought even before entering uni but the difference with high school is that as I was an adult I could decide not to go.
it can be extended to any area of life. There is no point living a life such ours so having motivation to do anything in such conditions is impossible. If you are motivated to do sport or idk you are most probably not a truecel.
exactly what I thought even before entering uni but the difference with high school is that as I was an adult I could decide not to go.
it can be extended to any area of life. There is no point living a life such ours so having motivation to do anything in such conditions is impossible. If you are motivated to do sport or idk you are most probably not a truecel.
Being ugly literally kills your drive to do anything but rot. Have you seen those vids in Nat Geo where some male animal when he's not able to secure a mate gives up and just rots? Refuses to eat or hunt a prey? It's the same fucking shit.
This kid can't be more than 13 and his desire and will to live has already been extinguished by his normie bullies. I know you niggas don't watch videos but watch that shit it's just 15 seconds and I have timestamped it. "I'm beginning to think I don't feel anything anymore" His body and brain have entered survival mode and taken cognition of his physical and genetic weakness and consequently switched to making him numb to his emotions and his surroundings to ensure his survival. Were the effects of social ostracism more pronounced as they generally tend to be he would have roped instead of being shat upon by his bluepill normie mother.
best example that bullying is just by looks. He just sit there, don't even talk and everyone try to hunt him, he have no chill.
when he is at home his mom will ask him again "TEHE AND LOSER? THEY BEAT YOU UP AGAIN TEHE :foidSoy: LOSER"
I came across two reels that to me seem to be the embodiment of what life and BP is all about. The two polar opposite lives foisted upon you based on what your looks level are. Heres the first one:

View: https://www.instagram.com/p/C_sp-q7IH--/

I mean look at this shit. The dude isnt even depressed after finding out that she didn't mean to hug him but bemused at the fact that despite the hordes of experience that he's gathered over the course of his subhuman life that his brain would still be potent enough to deceive him into thinking that he could have been worthy of a hug from a white woman. Notice his shit life situation too; he definitely seems to be living in poverty which is not to be isolated to one factor but do not buy the bluepill lie that its all about hard work. My brothre @Dneum912 dropped out of university cause he couldn't cope with his subhumanity as did @Destroyed lonely. If either of these people had been good looking these would have never been the case for they would have been subject to a positive feedback loop: their college experience wouldn't be tethered on and revolve around survival and somehow making it.

"I'm not gonna go to class today fuck that shit I fucking hate how normies laugh at me" "What the fuck is the point of working for a degree when they don't even accept and see me as a human being" "Why the fuck should i bother when no matter what i do every single person i come across is gonna see me as being beneath them" This is what loops in the trucel's mind who is in university. I am sure these concerns are what is making @RealSchizo detest the idea of going to university and making him wish he could instead NEET and ldar till death. Nobody is born with the desire to waste away. NEETdom is the recognition and the acknowledgement of effort and a survival mechanism for it shields one from the inevitable bullying a trucel would inevitably be subject to were he to venture outside. Only the just world copers would see bullying as being a rite of passage wherein a person's mental fortitude is strengthened thereby making them stronger and better people but this is a gaslighting tactic employed by normies to keep trucels from giving them what they really ought to get in GTA San Andreas.

The blackpillers know that bullying is the modern equivalent of a the tribe chief bashing a trucel's head open for they know his genes are inept and he would be but a burden insofar as the tribe's resources are concerned and that they are a liability. It is the manifestation of the disgust for bad genes. I tell you people they would truly do the same and bash our heads open if the law didn't make it so there were stringent punitive measures in place for murder even if it's the murder of a subhuman. But really bullying has the same effect upon people but just so happens to be prolonged and subtle. It impresses social osctracisation upon the trucel and makes him withdraw himself from society so that he can rot before the eventual rope.

The social dynamics governing our world have remained the exact same and whether you end up on the winning or losing side is still contingent upon the same thing ie your genes.

This kid can't be more than 13 and his desire and will to live has already been extinguished by his normie bullies. I know you niggas don't watch videos but watch that shit it's just 15 seconds and I have timestamped it. "I'm beginning to think I don't feel anything anymore" His body and brain have entered survival mode and taken cognition of his physical and genetic weakness and consequently switched to making him numb to his emotions and his surroundings to ensure his survival. Were the effects of social ostracism more pronounced as they generally tend to be he would have roped instead of being shat upon by his bluepill normie mother.

Here's the second reel:

View: https://www.instagram.com/p/C_gIma_NzbK/

Do you even see this shit? This person has received more validation and positive reinforcement in the course of these 30 seconds than this entire forum combined all our years spent on this earth. He also has the halo effect working for him in full drive. He is being touchy with these clearly underage girls who happen to have their father around them but nobody - not their dads or the people in the comments so much as bat an eye at this. Now I'm not saying he's a pedo lmao that's not my fucking point. I mean no shit he isn't but if this dude was a sub5 he'd be rotting in prison rn and everyone in the comments would be calling for his head.

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This is what happened to Mbappe. Statusmaxxed giga rich literal 2 times WC winner and look what happened when he tried helping a girl:

Hahahaha fucking shit boyos life is a joke mang. Your looks are your life. It's all fucking done for. Just take solace in knowing its not your fault and things wouldn't have been any different even if you'd tried if you really are sub5 and not tiktok normie larping for some reason I wouldn't be able to guess to save my life. I mean do you see this shit?

Looks are everything. Nothing else matters. Life is about sex and procreating and you will never have that if you don't have looks. It's over. It's giga mega over for all of us. Just ldar till the inevitable rope.

tagging users:
@The Enforcer
@Blackpill Monk

water wet thread but well explained and well made.
Unrelated but that model ain't even allat, there are legit users here who are genetically on the same level as him, fashion, status and having the right personality type goes a long way as long as you're not sub5/brown
Being ugly literally kills your drive to do anything but rot. Have you seen those vids in Nat Geo where some male animal when he's not able to secure a mate gives up and just rots? Refuses to eat or hunt a prey? It's the same fucking shit.
no but if u have the link Im curious to see it
water wet thread
no but if u have the link Im curious to see it
Don't have the link but it is something that happens in nature. When an animal is convinced that its genes are so inept that it will never attract a mate it gives up and just lays down and rot. The naturepill is brutal and its the same shit which happens to us
How are you?
I guess I'm numb (which is relatively great for me), otherwise I'm down but feel resignation

I cope with movies and (unhealthy) food but that in turn makes me feel a bit shit too.

Thank you for asking, hbu?
I guess I'm numb (which is relatively great for me), otherwise I'm down but feel resignation

I cope with movies and (unhealthy) food but that in turn makes me feel a bit shit too.

Thank you for asking, hbu?
I don't even know. Numb yeah but I don't know. Not great tbh.

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