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Serious Going to therapy is the essence of coping

Atavistic Autist

Atavistic Autist

Intersectional autistic supremacy
May 28, 2018
On this forum, we regularly lambast rose-tinted copes which distract from a bleak reality, and there is no better example of this than therapy.

Indeed, the very concept of coping is one that derives from the field of psychology, so it should come as no surprise that its "therapeutic treatment" modalities are centered around it.

This is especially true if you are in therapy for problems that the therapist herself/himself would admit to having no ability to cure (if they're honest), such as autism and its "comorbid disorders," which are really just natural byproducts of the autism itself and thus cannot be subject to psychological manipulations.

Namely, autists are almost certain to develop depression and anxiety due to their experiences of social exclusion and embarrassment, which are the inevitable consequences of inherent neurological deficits, so all the therapist can really do in this regard is peddle coping mechanisms to you, an attempt to adapt you to your fate and make it "ego-syntonic."

And this is all on the basis of patronization, as if you cannot learn how to deal with your condition by yourself, and must pay some pseudo-"expert" to manipulate your life and control you through suggestion, dispensing with all your privacy in the process, and have them decide whether you obtain government support such as autismbuxx or not.

The only other possibility, which is even worse, is that the therapist will attempt to "benevolently" gaslight you, eschewing rationality as a whole, and tell you that your depression and anxiety are only because of your supposedly "delusional" beliefs.

You could be entirely honest with yourself and to the therapist, understanding that the source of your troubles is your autism and how it estranges you from all of mankind, with the exception of exploiters who can sense your weakness and intend to abuse you, but the therapist will pretend as if this is nonsense in order to justify billing your insurance company weekly for ~$100 an hour, ironically proving the point that only people who the autist is not estranged from are exploiters who intend to abuse them, such as therapists.

But you need not have a disability like autism in order to understand how inane and potentially insidious therapy is. The socially alienated neurotypical who goes to therapy after steadily losing all his friends and romantic interests as he ages into his 30s can similarly see how instead of addressing the real problem, which is a soyciety where everyone is rendered a disposable commodity, therapy will simply promote the pathetic recourse of vulnerability, or spilling out all your negative emotions to the therapist or therapeutic introject until you are coped or gaslighted out of them.

After all, solving the problems that cause your negative emotions in the first place is completely out of the purview of therapy, and enter into the domain of politics (which the wider, effeminate culture, including psychology, has done no small part in corroding into nothing more than a contest of personalities wherein nothing is accomplished, rendering you truly helpless and all the more dependent upon individualized psycho-medical "help").
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Therapy is worth nothing unless the therapist (attractive woman) is willing to have sex with me. Otherwise it is clear she regards my genes as trash and everything she says is bullshit.
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I gave up and tried.
Wasted 500€ just to end with " i think my method is not suitable for you, ypu should seek another specialist"
You know its over when even scammers give up on you

On a positive note, he gave me a prescription for a psychiatrist
The psychiatrist prescribed me antidepressants and antipsychotics
Im not a fan of jewish pills, but i feel incredibly better now
You know its over when even scammers give up on you

On a positive note, he gave me a prescription for a psychiatrist
The psychiatrist prescribed me antidepressants and antipsychotics
Im not a fan of jewish pills, but i feel incredibly better now
Psychologists are trained to refer you to psychiatrists when they are outside of their capabilities to "treat" you (this entails an increasingly large number of matters are psychology has become overshadowed and humbled by harder sciences), but still, they will rarely stop arguing to the insurance companies that there is a psychological basis for your "treatment" in therapy, because this how they make money, JFL.

So even as they refer you to other specialists, they will usually continue re-scheduling appointments with you by default, until you outright cancel your "therapeutic relationship" with them.

It's good that psychiatry has helped you, but just like with psychology, medication isn't anything that you cannot learn yourself and the deference to "experts" that is expected in our culture is rather patronizing and infantilizing. I mostly self-medicate for my autism and related issues and have seen success with it.
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Therapy is worth nothing unless the therapist (attractive woman) is willing to have sex with me. Otherwise it is clear she regards my genes as trash and everything she says is bullshit.
A prostitute is an expensive therapist that you can also fuck if you want. 250 euros per hour in Finland.
Psychology is for foids and normies. You are better of paying an escort an hour cooming and then telling her your problems. She will care as much or even more than the psychologist
I gave up and tried.
Wasted 500€ just to end with " i think my method is not suitable for you, ypu should seek another specialist"
You know its over when even scammers give up on you
dude I'm dying :feelskek:
Psychology is for foids and normies. You are better of paying an escort an hour cooming and then telling her your problems. She will care as much or even more than the psychologist
It is worth noting that therapists are trained to compartmentalize you and what you say so that they aren't truly effected by you outside of the parameters of their "work."

Much like prostitutes disassociate while having sex with incels (e.g. being high on drugs), therapists are similarly ensuring that they don't establish a true connection with you.

Psychologists are trained to refer you to psychiatrists when they are outside of their capabilities to "treat" you (this entails an increasingly large number of matters are psychology has become overshadowed and humbled by harder sciences), but still, they will rarely stop arguing to the insurance companies that there is a psychological basis for your "treatment" in therapy, because this how they make money, JFL.

So even as they refer you to other specialists, they will usually continue re-scheduling appointments with you by default, until you outright cancel your "therapeutic relationship" with them.

It's good that psychiatry has helped you, but just like with psychology, medication isn't anything that you cannot learn yourself and the deference to "experts" that is expected in our culture is rather patronizing and infantilizing. I mostly self-medicate for my autism and related issues and have seen success with it.
how do you self medicate?
It is and you're right -- especially a woman therapist would never understand much less even acknowledge the truth, but in general it's all just trying to get people to:

A) shell out their hard earned money literally just to talk to someone who is PRETENDING to care about you for the check
B) They tell you useless platitudes and try to "change your perspective" (e.g. try to get you to buy into what is obviously a delusion)
C) Your life being shit and not improving is "in your hands"/your responsible for it -- even though that's often not true at all.

It's just stupid quackery that only people who are able to self delude themselves get benefit from. Well, maybe not almost if they think of some route to success you don't, but that seems unlikely.

Still, if it makes somebody feel better or they get drugs out of it that make them feel better more power to them I guess.

One of my favorite scenes for therapy is from the film "Happiness" where while the incel guy is venting about his failure and how boring he thinks he is, the therapist is literally falling asleep and thinking about his fucking grocery list. Obviously not all shrinks are that bad/it's just movie, but they don't give a shit about you, they just pretend to for the check.

99 times out of 100 they also hold extremely bluepilled gynocentric views to boot so good fucking luck getting one to actually understand where you're coming from. Women go to therapy more than men -- usually because it's their husband or their dad that's paying for it has been my observation. Men go less because we'd have to foot that crazy bill for ourselves and I'd rather spend my limited money on something that would actually bring me some modicum of happiness, not a bullshit therapist reading a script.
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It is worth noting that therapists are trained to compartmentalize you and what you say so that they aren't truly effected by you outside of the parameters of their "work."

Much like prostitutes disassociate while having sex with incels (e.g. being high on drugs), therapists are similarly ensuring that they don't establish a true connection with you.
If therapy wasn’t simply another Jew money making scam and they genuinely wanted to help people like us they’d first exhaust all of their methods first and when those methods didn’t work they’d refer us and brocel autists to other type of specialists such as life coaches, speech therapists, acting classes, anger management groups, PUA seminars etc, etc.

The idea behind this all being is that since autists are utterly lost in how to be and behave that maybe they could gradually be trained to become a low tier normie with enough effort and exposure to paid normies to show them the normie ways and at least memorize the normie mentality if nothing else as well greatly reducing their creepy/unattractive weird fucker traits.

The “Decline” incel on YouTube is a good example of mental illness making him more unappealing than he’d otherwise be without it.

He talks in a monotone and stares like a serial killer stereotype into the camera and is one of the rare examples of incel where the normies “just take a shower bro!” meme sadly appears to have some merit.

That said if the government/medical industry paid for that guy to have a life coach, acting classes, speech therapy, PUA seminars etc all in an effort to make him learn to be more normal acting I think his social appeal would increase mightily.

ZOG medical/mental health industry doesn’t want a cure though or anything resembling a cure to emerge for our community’s issues.

No money in that after all.

So as usual we all have to suffer for some kike’s greed.
Therapy is disgusting. It makes my blood boil seeing soytards praise it like it’s the second coming or something.
Never been to therapy and never will
Therapy is disgusting. It makes my blood boil seeing soytards praise it like it’s the second coming or something.
The fact that autists and subhumans are encouraged to be patronized by soys and foids with incompatible life philosophies is truly absurd.

Btw the philosophy that therapists peddle is the essence of defeatism: Eastern Mysticism, where the equivalent of "salvation" is to "surrender" :lul:
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It is worth noting that therapists are trained to compartmentalize you and what you say so that they aren't truly effected by you outside of the parameters of their "work."

Much like prostitutes disassociate while having sex with incels (e.g. being high on drugs), therapists are similarly ensuring that they don't establish a true connection with you.
This is why for me therapy has made me feel even more isolated. The only person listening to my stuff in this world is a dude who gets paid for it and sometimes forgets my name.

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